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  • Utilization of Ticagrelor in the Upstream Setting for Non-ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (UPSTREAM): An ED-Based Clinical Registry (UPSTREAM) Jacksonville, Fla.

    The purpose of this study is to establish a registry that will address the data gap regarding the course of NSTEMI (Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction) between ED (Emergency Department) arrival and diagnostic angiography in detail, by characterizing and following the ED and peri-ED use of advanced OAP (Oral Anti-Platelet) agents. In addition to exploring ED treatment patterns and success of both ischemic and bleeding risk stratification prior to definition of the coronary anatomy, data generated via the UPSTREAM registry will allow plausible attribution of ischemic and bleeding outcomes to pre-catheterization antiplatelet therapy in the management of NSTEMI. This registry further seeks to demonstrate that contemporary use of upstream ticagrelor is associated with an economically-sound utilization of hospital resources, and smooth transition of care into the outpatient, secondary prevention setting for the first 30 days after hospitalization. Finally, it will allow characterization of patient selection factors and processes for ticagrelor vs alternative OAP agents, carrying out that descriptive comparison through discharge. Patients transferred in to an UPSTREAM hospital are eligible for inclusion, but the timing for OAP agent administration and diagnostic catheterization begin with ED care at the first hospital.
