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Clinical Studies


  • 3WAVeS: Three-Axis Wearable Adaptive Vestibular Stimulator Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz.

    Thep purpose of this study is to determine if 3WAVeS technology combining galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) and Virtual Reality (VR) will increase VR-based simulation realism and presence and mitigate the motion sickness often associated with VR simulation by re-coupling the vestibular and ocular inputs to the VR user. Additionally, due to GVS technology’s ability to accurately provide continuous inputs to the vestibular system, 3WAVeS can intentionally simulate high-fidelity effects of spatial disorientation for training purposes.

Closed for Enrollment

  • Non-pharmaceutical Motion Sickness Mitigation (NASA) Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz.

    The purpose of this study is evaluate the effect of timing and magnitude on the administration of our nonpharmaceutical treatment to motion sickness, and to evaluate the effect of GVR amplitude on functional fitness task performance.

  • Vestibular Intervention via Portable Electrical Stimulator (VIPES) (VIPES) Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz.

    The purpose of this study is to develop a vestibular interventional approach using stochastic vestibular stimulation (SVS) through a small, lightweight device, and a comfortable electrode set on the back of the head that stimulates the vestibular system and produces immediate improvements in balance, gait, and overall vestibular function for patients will balance disorder.
