A Study to Evaluate the Effects of Two Doses of MBX-8025 in Subjects with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis


Información sobre este estudio

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of two doses of MBX-8025 in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis and an inadequate response to ursodeoxycholic acid

Elegibilidad para la participación

Los requisitos de elegibilidad de los participantes incluyen la edad, el sexo, el tipo y el estadio de la enfermedad, y los problemas de salud o tratamientos previos. Las pautas difieren de un estudio a otro e identifican quiénes pueden o no pueden participar. No hay garantía de que cada persona elegible que desee participar en un ensayo se inscribirá. Comunícate con el equipo del estudio para analizar la elegibilidad del estudio y la posible participación.

Inclusion Criteria

  • Must have given written informed consent (signed and dated) and any authorizations required by local law
  • 18 to 75 years old (inclusive)
  • Male or female 
  • Has a diagnosis of primary biliary cirrhosis, by at least two of the following criteria
    • History of AP above upper limits of normal for at least six months
    • Positive Anti-Mitochondrial Antibodies (AMA) titers (>1/40 on immunofluorescence or M2 positive by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or positive PBC-specific antinuclear antibodies
    • Documented liver biopsy result consistent with PBC
  • On a stable and recommended dose of ursodeoxycholic acid for the past twelve months
  • AP ≥ 1.67 × ULN
  • Females of reproductive potential must use at least one barrier contraceptive and a second effective birth control method during the study and for at least two weeks after the last dose
  • Male subjects must use appropriate contraception (e.g., condoms) so their female partners of reproductive potential do not become pregnant during the study and for at least two weeks after the last dose

Exclusion Criteria

  • A medical condition, other than PBC, that in the investigator's opinion would preclude full participation in the study or confound its results (e.g., cancer on active treatment)
  • AST or ALT > 3 × ULN
  • Total bilirubin > 2 × ULN
  • Auto-immune hepatitis
  • Primary sclerosing cholangitis
  • Known history of alpha-1-Antitrypsin deficiency
  • Known history of chronic viral hepatitis
  • Creatine kinase above ULN
  • Serum creatinine above ULN
  • For females, pregnancy or breast-feeding
  • Use of colchicine, methotrexate, azathioprine, or systemic steroids in the two months preceding screening
  • Current use of fibrates, including fenofibrates, or simvastatin
  • Use of an experimental treatment for PBC
  • Use of experimental or unapproved immunosuppressant
  • Any other condition(s) that would compromise the safety of the subject or compromise the quality of the clinical study, as judged by the Investigator

Sedes participantes de Mayo Clinic

Los estatus de los estudios cambian con frecuencia. Comunícate con el equipo del estudio para obtener la información más actualizada acerca de la posibilidad de participar.

Sede de Mayo Clinic Estatus

Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz.

Investigador principal de Mayo Clinic

Elizabeth Carey, M.D.

Cerrado para la inscripción

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