Epigenetic Analysis of Human Cystic Disease

Epigenetics refers to heritable changes in gene expression or phenotype, or both, without mutations in DNA sequences. Epigenetic mechanisms include DNA and histone modifications, which are critical to regulate gene expression and disease progression in people with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD).

The Genetics, Epigenetics and Metabolomics Core offers epigenetic services that include:

  • DNA methylation assay (methylation specific PCR, bisulfite sequencing, bisulfite pyrosequencing and genome-wide methylation analysis).
  • Epigenetic and transcriptional factor binding and gene expression analysis, including chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), ChIP-sequencing (ChIP-seq) and single cell sequencing.
  • Epigenetic mouse models, such as the conditional and conventional knockout mice of DNMT1-Pkhd1-Cre, Sirt1-Ksp-Cre, Smyd2-Ksp-Cre, Smyd3-Ksp-Cre and HDAC5, and mouse tissues with single and double knockout of epigenetic factors and PKD1 gene in kidneys.
  • Identification of epigenetic biomarkers in human ADPKD.


Email us PKDCenter@mayo.edu for more information about using epigenetic analysis in animal and human samples.