Application Process

1. Identify a mentor

Identifying a primary mentor is one of the most important steps in applying to the KL2 Mentored Career Development Program.

With input from your primary mentor, you will identify appropriate co-mentors in other disciplines who will bring additional expertise to your research proposal and career.

2. Submit a letter of intent to apply

A letter of intent is not required but is recommended. Letters of intent are due Sept. 15. Address your letter to the CCaTS KL2 Program and include:

  • A brief paragraph describing what you hope to achieve by participating in the program.
  • A brief paragraph describing the research you would like to conduct as part of the program.
  • The name and specialty of your primary mentor.

Submit your letter of intent electronically to the CCaTS Education Programs inbox.

3. Submit the application and required documentation

Include the KL2 Mentored Career Development Program Application (PDF) and supporting materials outlined on the first page of the form with your application packet. The application deadline is Oct. 1.

Submit your application packet to the CCaTS Education Programs inbox.

4. Application review and program acceptance

Review is a two-stage process. Applications are first reviewed by CCaTS Scientific Review Committee members using a review process. Candidates selected to move on to the second stage of review receive invitations in December to present their proposals and career development plans to the CCaTS Scientific Review Committee in January.

After the presentations, candidates are scored and ranked. Up to three candidates are chosen for the program each year. Final review and award notification occurs in the spring, with funding beginning on July 1.


The CCaTS Education Contacts page contains a listing of team members who can assist you with questions.