Developmental Research Program

The Developmental Research Program within the Mayo Clinic Ovarian Cancer SPORE supports innovative, scientifically sound research projects from which findings can be translated into clinically relevant interventions that will reduce the burden of ovarian cancer.

The Developmental Research Program:

  • Fosters innovative laboratory, population and clinical study proposals that have strong translational potential.
  • Encourages and supports interdisciplinary collaboration in translational research in ovarian cancer at Mayo Clinic and collaborating institutions.
  • Generates new hypotheses that can be tested in larger scale research projects or in clinical trials of ovarian cancer.

The Developmental Research Program uses a defined process to call for applications and review submissions with the expertise of the Ovarian Cancer SPORE's Internal Scientific Advisory Committee and other experienced investigators as needed.

Pilot projects supported through this program are expected to generate new hypotheses that can be addressed in existing SPORE-sponsored projects or through peer-reviewed external grant support.