Career Enhancement Program

A crucial component of the Mayo Clinic Ovarian Cancer SPORE is increasing the quality and depth of the translational investigator base in ovarian cancer research.

The SPORE's Career Enhancement Program identifies and mentors new and upcoming investigators in ovarian cancer who demonstrate clear potential to become independent translational researchers. The program also supports established scientists who want to redirect their work to ovarian cancer.

Emphasis is placed on attracting highly qualified individuals from groups who are often underrepresented in medicine, including people of color and women.

Career Enhancement Program awardees are chosen based on past accomplishments after a rigorous review of the most talented and promising candidates.

Awardees are provided intense mentoring and integrated into ongoing Ovarian Cancer SPORE activities. In addition to having a primary mentor, awardees also have complementary mentors in clinical, basic or population sciences to help ensure successful development of a translational research career. The Career Enhancement Program maintains close oversight of the mentoring activities and progress of awardees.