
  1. Fredrikson JP, Domanico LF, Pratt SL, Loveday EK, Taylor MP, Chang CB. Single-cell herpes simplex virus type 1 infection of neurons using drop-based microfluidics reveals heterogeneous replication kinetics. Sci Adv. 2024 Mar; 10 (9):eadk9185 Epub 2024 Feb 28
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  2. Fredrikson JP, Brahmachary PP, June RK, Cox LM, Chang CB. Pericellular Matrix Formation and Atomic Force Microscopy of Single Primary Human Chondrocytes Cultured in Alginate Microgels. Adv Biol (Weinh). 2024 Jan; 8 (1):e2300268 Epub 2023 Sept 08
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  3. Hashimi M, Sebrell TA, Hedges JF, Snyder D, Lyon KN, Byrum SD, Mackintosh SG, Crowley D, Cherne MD, Skwarchuk D, Robison A, Sidar B, Kunze A, Loveday EK, Taylor MP, Chang CB, Wilking JN, Walk ST, Schountz T, Jutila MA, Bimczok D. Antiviral responses in a Jamaican fruit bat intestinal organoid model of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Nat Commun. 2023 Oct 28; 14 (1):6882
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  4. Zath GK, Sperling RA, Hoffman CW, Bikos DA, Abbasi R, Abate AR, Weitz DA, Chang CB. Rapid parallel generation of a fluorescently barcoded drop library from a microtiter plate using the plate-interfacing parallel encapsulation (PIPE) chip. Lab Chip. 2022 Nov 22; 22 (23):4735-4745
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  5. Loveday EK, Sanchez HS, Thomas MM, Chang CB. Single-Cell Infection of Influenza A Virus Using Drop-Based Microfluidics. Microbiol Spectr. 2022 Oct 26; 10 (5):e0099322 Epub 2022 Sept 20
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  6. Mahdieh Z, Cherne MD, Fredrikson JP, Sidar B, Sanchez HS, Chang CB, Bimezok Bimczok D, Wilking JN. Granular Matrigel: restructuring a trusted extracellular matrix material for improved permeability. Biomed. Mater.. 2022; 17:045020.
  7. Fredrikson JP, Brahmachary P, Archambault Z, Erdogan E, Wilking JN, June RK, Chang CB. Metabolomic profiling and mechanotransduction of single chondrocytes encapsulated in alginate microgels Cells. 2022; 11(5):900.
  8. Cherne MD, Sidar B, Sebrell TA, Sanchez HS, Heaton K, Roe MM, Gentry AB, Chang CB, Walk S, Jutila M, Wilking JN, Bimczok D. A synthetic hydrogel, VitroGel® ORGANOID-3, improves immune cell-epithelial interactions in a tissue chip co-culture model of human gastric organoids and dendritic cellsc Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2021; 12:707891.
  9. LeFevre TB, Bikos DA, Chang CB, Wilking JN. Measuring colloid-surface interaction forces in parallel using fluorescence centrifuge force microscopy Soft Matter. 2021; 17:6326-6336.
  10. Loveday EK, Hain KS, Kochetkova I, Hedges JF, Robison A, Snyder DT, Brumfield SK, Young MJ, Jutila MA, Chang CB, Taylor MP. Effect of inactivation methods on SARS-CoV-2 virion protein and structure Viruses. 2021; 13:562.
  11. Loveday EK, Zath GK, Bikos D, Jay ZJ, Chang CB. Screening of additive formulations enables off-chip drop qRT-PCR (OCD-qPCR) quantification of single influenza A virus genomes Analytical Chemistry. 2021; 93(10):4365-4373.
  12. Zambare N, Naser N, Gerlach R, Chang CB. Mineralogy of microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitates formed using single cell drop-based microfluidics Scientific Reports. 2020; 10(1):1-11.
  13. Pratt SL, Zath GK, Akiyama T, Williamson KS, Franklin MJ, Chang CB. DropSOAC: Stabilizing microfluidic drops for time-lapse quantification of single-cell bacterial physiology Frontiers of Microbiology. 2019; 10:2112.
  14. Rotem A, Serohijos AWR, Chang CB, Wolfe JT, Fischer AE, Mehoke TS, Zhang H, Tao Y, Ung WL, Choi JM, Rodrigues JV, Kolawole AO, Koehler SA, Wu SK, Thielen PM, Cui N, Demirev PA, Giacobbi NS, Julian TR, Schwab K, Lin JS, Smith TJ, Pipas JM, Wobus CE, Feldman AB, Weitz DA, Shakhnovich EI. Evolution on the biophysical fitness landscape of an RNA virus Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2018; 35(10):2390-2400.
  15. Akiyama T, Williamson KS, Schaefer R, Pratt S, Chang CB, Franklin MJ. Rescuscitation of pseudomonas aeruginosa from dormancy requires hibernation promoting factor (PA4463) for ribosome preservation Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2017; 114:3204-3209.
  16. Franklin MJ, Chang CB, Akiyama T, Bothner B. New technologies for studying biofilms Mirobiology Spectrum. 2015; 3(4):1-23.
  17. Chang CB, Wilking JN, Kim SH, Shum HC, Weitz DA. Monodisperse emulsion drop microenvironments for bacterial biofilm growth Small. 2015; 11:3954-3961.
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