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  2. Bettenworth D, Baker ME, Fletcher JG, Jairath V, Lu C, Bemelman W, d'Haens G, d'Hoore A, Dignass A, Dotan I, Feakins R, Fleshner P, Ha C, Henderson G, Lyu R, Panes J, Rogler G, Mao R, Rimola J, Sandborn WJ, Ng SC, Siegmund B, Silverberg M, Taylor SA, Verstockt B, Gordon IO, Bruining DH, Feagan BG, Rieder F, Stenosis Therapy Anti-Fibrotic Research (STAR) Consortium. A global consensus on the definitions, diagnosis and management of fibrostenosing small bowel Crohn's disease in clinical practice. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2024 Jun 3 Epub 2024 June 03
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  3. Khrom M, Long M, Dube S, Robbins L, Botwin GJ, Yang S, Mengesha E, Li D, Naito T, Bonthala NN, Ha C, Melmed G, Rabizadeh S, Syal G, Vasiliauskas E, Ziring D, Brant SR, Cho J, Duerr RH, Rioux J, Schumm P, Silverberg M, Ananthakrishnan AN, Faubion WA, Jabri B, Lira SA, Newberry RD, Sandler RS, Xavier RJ, Kugathasan S, Hercules D, Targan SR, Sartor RB, Haritunians T, McGovern DPB. Comprehensive Association Analyses of Extraintestinal Manifestations in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Gastroenterology. 2024 Mar 13 [Epub ahead of print]
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  5. Akhlaghpour M, Haritunians T, More SK, Thomas LS, Stamps DT, Dube S, Li D, Yang S, Landers CJ, Mengesha E, Hamade H, Murali R, Potdar AA, Wolf AJ, Botwin GJ, Khrom M, Ananthakrishnan AN, Faubion WA, Jabri B, Lira SA, Newberry RD, Sandler RS, Sartor RB, Xavier RJ, Brant SR, Cho JH, Duerr RH, Lazarev MG, Rioux JD, Schumm LP, Silverberg MS, Zaghiyan K, Fleshner P, Melmed GY, Vasiliauskas EA, Ha C, Rabizadeh S, Syal G, Bonthala NN, Ziring DA, Targan SR, Long MD, McGovern DPB, Michelsen KS, International IBD Genetics Consortium. Genetic coding variant in complement factor B (CFB) is associated with increased risk for perianal Crohn's disease and leads to impaired CFB cleavage and phagocytosis. Gut. 2023 Nov; 72 (11):2068-2080 Epub 2023 Apr 20
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  6. Chiorean M, Ha C, Hur P, Sharma PP, Gruben D, Khan NH. Experience with Tofacitinib in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis: Data from a United States Claims Database. Dig Dis Sci. 2023 Oct; 68 (10):3985-3993 Epub 2023 Aug 28
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  7. Singh S, Kim J, Luo J, Paul P, Rudrapatna V, Park S, Zheng K, Syal G, Ha C, Fleshner P, McGovern D, Sauk JS, Limketkai B, Dulai PS, Boland BS, Eisenstein S, Ramamoorthy S, Melmed G, Mahadevan U, Sandborn WJ, Ohno-Machado L. Comparative Safety and Effectiveness of Biologic Therapy for Crohn's Disease: A CA-IBD Cohort Study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2023 Aug; 21 (9):2359-2369.e5 Epub 2022 Nov 05
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  8. Chase RC, Tamim H, Sheikh WGE, Clift K, Bruining D, Ha C, Farraye FA, Hashash JG. Association of serum IgG4 and disease outcomes in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Ann Gastroenterol. 2023 Jul-Aug; 36 (4):423-429 Epub 2023 May 29
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  9. Nguyen NH, Luo J, Paul P, Kim J, Syal G, Ha C, Rudrapatna V, Park S, Parekh N, Zheng K, Sauk JS, Limketkai B, Fleshner P, Eisenstein S, Ramamoorthy S, Melmed G, Dulai PS, Boland BS, Mahadevan U, Sandborn WJ, Ohno-Machado L, McGovern D, Singh S. Effectiveness and Safety of Biologic Therapy in Hispanic Vs Non-Hispanic Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A CA-IBD Cohort Study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2023 Jan; 21 (1):173-181.e5 Epub 2022 May 27
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  10. Gu P, Luo J, Kim J, Paul P, Limketkai B, Sauk JS, Park S, Parekh N, Zheng K, Rudrapatna V, Syal G, Ha C, McGovern DP, Melmed GY, Fleshner P, Eisenstein S, Ramamoorthy S, Dulai PS, Boland BS, Grunvald E, Mahadevan U, Ohno-Machado L, Sandborn WJ, Singh S. Effect of Obesity on Risk of Hospitalization, Surgery, and Serious Infection in Biologic-Treated Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A CA-IBD Cohort Study. Am J Gastroenterol. 2022 Oct 1; 117 (10):1639-1647 Epub 2022 June 07
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  11. Almario CV, van Deen WK, Chen M, Gale R, Sidorkiewicz S, Choi SY, Bonthala N, Ha C, Syal G, Dupuy T, Liu X, Melmed GY, Spiegel BMR. Interactive Inflammatory Bowel Disease Biologics Decision Aid Does Not Improve Patient Outcomes Over Static Education: Results From a Randomized Trial. Am J Gastroenterol. 2022 Sep 1; 117 (9):1508-1518 Epub 2022 June 10
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  12. Falloon K, Cohen B, Ananthakrishnan AN, Barnes EL, Bhattacharya A, Colombel JF, Cross RK, Driscoll MS, Fernandez AP, Ha C, Herfarth H, Horst S, Hou J, Husni ME, Kroshinsky D, Kuhn KA, Lowder CY, Martin G, Parikh D, Sayed CJ, Schocket L, Siaton BC, Vedak P, Weisman MH, Rieder F. A United States expert consensus to standardise definitions, follow-up, and treatment targets for extra-intestinal manifestations in inflammatory bowel disease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2022 May; 55 (9):1179-1191 Epub 2022 Mar 11
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  13. Kushner T, Fairchild A, Johnson FR, Sands BE, Mahadevan U, Subramanian S, Ananthakrishnan A, Ha C, Bewtra M. Women's Willingness to Accept Risks of Medication for Inflammatory Bowel Disease During Pregnancy. Patient. 2022 May; 15 (3):353-365 Epub 2021 Nov 09
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  14. Dasharathy SS, Long MD, Lackner JM, Ben-Ami Shor D, Yang L, Bar N, Ha C, Weiss GA. Psychological Factors Associated With Adherence to Oral Treatment in Ulcerative Colitis. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2022 Mar 24 [Epub ahead of print]
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  15. Pozdnyakova V, Botwin GJ, Sobhani K, Prostko J, Braun J, Mcgovern DPB, Melmed GY, Appel K, Banty A, Feldman E, Ha C, Kumar R, Lee S, Rabizadeh S, Stein T, Syal G, Targan S, Vasiliauskas E, Ziring D, Debbas P, Hampton M, Mengesha E, Stewart JL, Frias EC, Cheng S, Ebinger J, Figueiredo JC, Boland B, Charabaty A, Chiorean M, Cohen E, Flynn A, Valentine J, Fudman D, Horizon A, Hou J, Hwang C, Lazarev M, Lum D, Fausel R, Reddy S, Mattar M, Metwally M, Ostrov A, Parekh N, Raffals L, Sheibani S, Siegel C, Wolf D, Younes Z. Decreased Antibody Responses to Ad26.COV2.S Relative to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccines in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Gastroenterology. 2021 Dec; 161 (6):2041-2043.e1 Epub 2021 Aug 12
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  16. Fenster M, Alayo QA, Khatiwada A, Wang W, Dimopoulos C, Gutierrez A, Ciorba MA, Christophi GP, Hirten RP, Ha C, Beniwal-Patel P, Cohen BL, Syal G, Yarur A, Patel A, Colombel JF, Pekow J, Ungaro RC, Rubin DT, Deepak P. Real-World Effectiveness and Safety of Tofacitinib in Crohn's Disease and IBD-U: A Multicenter Study From the TROPIC Consortium. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Oct; 19 (10):2207-2209.e3 Epub 2020 Oct 14
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  17. Parrish AB, Lopez NE, Truong A, Zaghiyan K, Melmed GY, McGovern DPB, Ha C, Syal G, Bonthala N, Jain A, Landers CJ, Targan SR, Fleshner P. Preoperative Serum Vedolizumab Levels Do Not Impact Postoperative Outcomes in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Dis Colon Rectum. 2021 Oct 1; 64 (10):1259-1266
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  18. Rabinowitz LG, Grinspan LT, Zylberberg HM, Dixon R, David YN, Aroniadis OC, Chiang A, Christie J, Fayad NF, Ha C, Harris LA, Ko CW, Kolb J, Kwah J, Lee L, Lieberman D, Raffals LE, Rex DK, Shah SC, Siddiqui UD, Smith MS, Wallace M, Williams R, Woods K, Crowe SE, Kumta NA, Kim MK, Greenwald DA. Survey Finds Gender Disparities Impact Both Women Mentors and Mentees in Gastroenterology. Am J Gastroenterol. 2021 Sep 1; 116 (9):1876-1884
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  19. Truong A, Zaghiyan KN, Mirocha J, Melmed GY, McGovern DPB, Syal G, Ha CY, Targan SR, Fleshner PR. Antitumour necrosis factor therapy is associated with de novo Crohn's disease after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. Colorectal Dis. 2021 Sep; 23 (9):2416-2424 Epub 2021 July 16
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  21. Syal G, Shemtov R, Bonthala N, Vasiliauskas EA, Feldman EJ, Zaghiyan K, Ha CY, McGovern DPB, Targan SR, Melmed GY, Fleshner PR. Pre-pouch Ileitis is Associated with Development of Crohn's Disease-like Complications and Pouch Failure. J Crohns Colitis. 2021 Jun 22; 15 (6):960-968
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  22. Sands BE, Colombel JF, Ha C, Farnier M, Armuzzi A, Quirk D, Friedman GS, Kwok K, Salese L, Su C, Taub PR. Lipid Profiles in Patients With Ulcerative Colitis Receiving Tofacitinib-Implications for Cardiovascular Risk and Patient Management. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2021 May 17; 27 (6):797-808
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  23. Syal G, Robbins L, Kashani A, Bonthala N, Feldman E, Fleshner P, Vasiliauskas E, McGovern D, Ha C, Targan S, Melmed GY. Hypoalbuminemia and Bandemia Predict Failure of Infliximab Rescue Therapy in Acute Severe Ulcerative Colitis. Dig Dis Sci. 2021 Jan; 66 (1):199-205 Epub 2020 Mar 13
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  25. Cohen BL, Gallinger ZR, Ha C, Holubar SD, Hou JK, Kinnucan J, Mahadevan U, Moss AC, Raffals LE, Regueiro M, Szigethy E, Wolf D, Dubinsky MC, Patel A, Shah BJ, Ehrlich OG, Hanauer SB. Development of Entrustable Professional Activities for Advanced Inflammatory Bowel Disease Fellowship Training in the United States. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2020 Aug 20; 26 (9):1291-1305
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  26. Bajaj JS, Brenner DM, Cai Q, Cash BD, Crowell M, DiBaise J, Gallegos-Orozco JF, Gardner TB, Gyawali CP, Ha C, Holtmann G, Jamil LH, Kaplan GG, Karsan HA, Kinoshita Y, Lebwohl B, Leontiadis GI, Lichtenstein GR, Longstreth GF, Muthusamy VR, Oxentenko AS, Pimentel M, Pisegna JR, Rubenstein JH, Russo MW, Saini SD, Samadder NJ, Shaukat A, Simren M, Stevens T, Valdovinos M, Vargas H, Spiegel B, Lacy BE. Major Trends in Gastroenterology and Hepatology Between 2010 and 2019: An Overview of Advances From the Past Decade Selected by the Editorial Board of The American Journal of Gastroenterology. Am J Gastroenterol. 2020 Jul; 115 (7):1007-1018
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  34. Van Deen WK, van der Meulen-de Jong AE, Parekh NK, Kane E, Zand A, DiNicola CA, Hall L, Inserra EK, Choi JM, Ha CY, Esrailian E, van Oijen MG, Hommes DW. Development and Validation of an Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Monitoring Index for Use With Mobile Health Technologies. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016 Dec; 14 (12):1742-1750.e7 Epub 2015 Nov 18
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