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  2. Jambhulkar S, Ravichandran D, Zhu Y, Thippanna V, Ramanathan A, Patil D, Fonseca N, Thummalapalli SV, Sundaravadivelan B, Sun A, Xu W, Yang S, Kannan AM, Golan Y, Lancaster J, Chen L, Joyee EB, Song K. Nanoparticle Assembly: From Self-Organization to Controlled Micropatterning for Enhanced Functionalities. Small. 2024 Feb; 20 (6):e2306394 Epub 2023 Sept 29
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  3. Lancaster JN. Aging of lymphoid stromal architecture impacts immune responses. Semin Immunol. 2023 Nov; 70:101817 Epub 2023 Aug 10
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  4. Zhu Y, Kwok T, Haug J, Guo S, Chen X, Xu W, Ravichandran D, Tchoukalova Y, Cornella J, Yi J, Shefi O, Vernon B, Lott D, Lancaster J, Song K. 3D Printable Hydrogel with Tunable Degradability and Mechanical Properties as a Tissue Scaffold for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Treatment. Advanced Materials Technologies. 2023; 8(10):2201421. Epub 2023 Feb 28.
  5. Kwok T, Medovich SC, Silva-Junior IA, Brown EM, Haug JC, Barrios MR, Morris KA, Lancaster JN. Age-Associated Changes to Lymph Node Fibroblastic Reticular Cells. Front Aging. 2022; 3:838943 Epub 2022 Jan 25
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  6. Srinivasan J, Lancaster JN, Singarapu N, Hale LP, Ehrlich LIR, Richie ER. Age-Related Changes in Thymic Central Tolerance. Front Immunol. 2021; 12:676236 Epub 2021 Apr 22
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  7. Lancaster JN, Thyagarajan HM, Srinivasan J, Li Y, Hu Z, Ehrlich LIR. Live-cell imaging reveals the relative contributions of antigen-presenting cell subsets to thymic central tolerance. Nat Commun. 2019 May 17; 10 (1):2220
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  8. Singarapu N, Ma K, Reeh KAG, Shen J, Lancaster JN, Yi S, Xie H, Orkin SH, Manley NR, Ehrlich LIR, Jiang N, Richie ER. Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 is essential for development and maintenance of a functional TEC compartment. Sci Rep. 2018 Sep 25; 8 (1):14335 Epub 2018 Sept 25
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  9. Lancaster JN, Li Y, Ehrlich LIR. Chemokine-Mediated Choreography of Thymocyte Development and Selection. Trends Immunol. 2018 Feb; 39 (2):86-98 Epub 2017 Nov 20
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  10. Thyagarajan HM, Lancaster JN, Lira SA, Ehrlich LIR. CCR8 is expressed by post-positive selection CD4-lineage thymocytes but is dispensable for central tolerance induction. PLoS One. 2018; 13 (7):e0200765 Epub 2018 July 19
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  11. Hu Z, Lancaster JN, Ehrlich LIR, Muller P. Detecting T Cell Activation Using a Varying Dimension Bayesian Model. J Appl Stat. 2018; 45 (4):697-713 Epub 2017 Feb 16
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  12. Ki S, Thyagarajan HM, Hu Z, Lancaster JN, Ehrlich LIR. EBI2 contributes to the induction of thymic central tolerance in mice by promoting rapid motility of medullary thymocytes. Eur J Immunol. 2017 Nov; 47 (11):1906-1917 Epub 2017 Aug 09
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  13. Lancaster JN, Ehrlich LI. Analysis of Thymocyte Migration, Cellular Interactions, and Activation by Multiphoton Fluorescence Microscopy of Live Thymic Slices. Methods Mol Biol. 2017; 1591:9-25
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  14. Triplett TA, Cardenas KT, Lancaster JN, Hu Z, Selden HJ, Jasso GJ, Balasubramanyam S, Chan K, Li L, Chen X, Marcogliese AN, Dave UP, Love PE, Ehrlich LI. Endogenous dendritic cells from the tumor microenvironment support T-ALL growth via IGF1R activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Feb 23; 113 (8):E1016-25 Epub 2016 Feb 09
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  15. Hu Z, Lancaster JN, Sasiponganan C, Ehrlich LI. CCR4 promotes medullary entry and thymocyte-dendritic cell interactions required for central tolerance. J Exp Med. 2015 Oct 19; 212 (11):1947-65 Epub 2015 Sept 28
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  16. Hu Z, Lancaster JN, Ehrlich LI. The Contribution of Chemokines and Migration to the Induction of Central Tolerance in the Thymus. Front Immunol. 2015; 6:398 Epub 2015 Aug 07
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