
  1. Xiao Y, Enayati M, Schaeferle GM, Lanpher BC, Klee EW, Ngufor C. Enhancing Patient Care in Rare Genetic Diseases: An HPO-based Phenotyping Pipeline 2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). 2023; 2754-2760.
  2. Zanjirani Farahani N, Noble J, McGarvey R, Enayati M. An Advanced Intermodal Service Network Model for A Practical Transition to Synchromodal Transport in the US Freight System: A Case Study Multimodal Transportation. 2023.
  3. Damani, Kapoor, Sivsubramaniam, Zanjirani, Enayati, Geske, Ackerman, Bos, Poigai, Arruda-Olson. Biventricular Involvement in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Preliminary Analysis of Cardiac MRIs with Visual Right Ventricular Hypertrophy IEEE ICHI Conference. 2022.
  4. Chen D, Bhopalwala H, Dewaswala N, Arunachalam SP, Enayati M, Farahani NZ, Pasupathy K, Lokineni S, Bos JM, Noseworthy PA, Arsanjani R, Erickson BJ, Geske JB, Ackerman MJ, Araoz PA, Arruda-Olson AM. Deep Neural Network for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Image Segmentation. J Imaging. 2022 May 23; 8 (5)
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  5. Mishra AK, Skubic M, Despins LA, Popescu M, Keller J, Rantz M, Abbott C, Enayati M, Shalini S, Miller S. Explainable Fall Risk Prediction in Older Adults Using Gait and Geriatric Assessments. Front Digit Health. 2022; 4:869812 Epub 2022 May 06
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  6. Enayati M, Farahani NZ, Chaudhry AP, Kapoor A, Arunachalam S, Walker LE, Nestler D, Pasupathy KS. Incorporating RTLS-Based Spatiotemporal Information in Studying Physical Activities of Clinical Staff(). Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2021 Nov; 2021:2386-2391
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  7. Kapoor A, Enayati M, Chaudhry A, Zanjirani N, Poigai S, Nestler DM, Pasupathy KS. Estimating Physical Work-Load on ED Clinicians and Staff Using Real-Time Location Systems IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification. 2021; 5(3):331-334.
  8. Enayati M, Sir M, Zhang X, Parker SJ, Duffy E, Singh H, Mahajan P, Pasupathy KS. Monitoring Diagnostic Safety Risks in Emergency Departments: Protocol for a Machine Learning Study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2021 Jun 14; 10 (6):e24642 Epub 2021 June 14
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  9. Enayati M, Zanjirani N, Scott C, Bos J, Yao X, Ngufor C, Arruda-Olson A. Deep Unsupervised Clustering of Sparse Echo Data to Identify Patients for Implantation of Cardioverter-Defibrillator 2021 Design of Medical Devices Conference.. 2021.
  10. Zanjirani Farahani N, Enayati MSundaram DSB , Damani DN, Kaggal VC, Zacher AL, Geske JB, Kane G, Arunachalam SP, Pasupathy KS, Arruda-Olson A. Application of Machine Learning For Detection of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Patients From Echocardiogram Measurements Proceedings of the Design of Medical Devices Conference. 2021.
  11. Sundaram DSB, Arunachalam SP, Damani DN, Farahani NZ, Enayati M, Pasupathy KS, Arruda-Olson AM. NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING BASED MACHINE LEARNING MODEL USING CARDIAC MRI REPORTS TO IDENTIFY HYPERTROPHIC CARDIOMYOPATHY PATIENTS. Proc Des Med Devices Conf. 2021 Apr; 2021 Epub 2021 May 11
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  12. Zanjirani N, Sundaram, Enayati M, Arunachalam SP, Pasupathy KS, Arruda-Olson A. Explanatory Analysis of a Machine Learning Model to Identify Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Patients from EHR Using Diagnostic Codes Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). 2020.
  13. Farahani NZ, Arunachalam SP, Sundaram DSB, Pasupathy K, Enayati M, Arruda-Olson AM. Explanatory Analysis of a Machine Learning Model to Identify Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Patients from EHR Using Diagnostic Codes. Proceedings (IEEE Int Conf Bioinformatics Biomed). 2020 Dec; 2020:1932-1937 Epub 2021 Jan 13
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  14. Ullal A, Su BY, Enayati M, Skubic M, Despins L, Popescu M, Keller J. Non-invasive monitoring of vital signs for older adults using recliner chairs Journal of Health and Technology. 2020.
  15. Enayati M, Zanjirani, Skubic M. Machine Learning Approach for Motion Artifact Detection in Ballistocardiogram Signals EAI PervasiveHealth 2020. 2020.
  16. Guidoboni G, Sala L, Enayati M, Sacco R, Szopos M, Keller JM, Popescu M, Despins L, Huxley VH, Skubic M. Corrections to "Cardiovascular Function and Ballistocardiogram: A Relationship Interpreted via Mathematical Modeling" [Oct 19 2906-2917]. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2020 Oct; 67 (10):3001
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  17. Enayati M, Zanjirani Farahani N, Nestler D, Heaton H, Pasupathy K. Can Real-Time Location System Replace Current Standard for Capture of Length of Stay? 2020 Design of Medical Devices Conference. 2020.
  18. Despins LA, Guidoboni G, Skubic M, Sala L, Enayati M, Popescu M, Deroche CB. Using Sensor Signals in the Early Detection of Heart Failure: A Case Study. J Gerontol Nurs. 2020 Jul 1; 46 (7):41-46
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  19. Enayati M, Heaton H, Wang R, Marisamy G, Farahani NZ, Hellmich T, Pasupathy K, Kim B, Nestler D. Trauma Activation Responsiveness: An RFID-enabled trauma flowsheet. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2020 Jul; 2020:5718-5721.
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  20. Enayati M, Skubic M. Respiratory Arrest Monitoring; A Non-Invasive Approach for Early Detection of Breathing Complexities in Psychiatric Patients Proceedings of the 2020 Design of Medical Devices Conference DMD 2020. 2020.
  21. Enayati Moein, Zanjirani Farahani Nasibeh, Arunachalam SP, Heaton H, Nestler David, Pasupathy K. Emergency Department Provider Utilization. A New Measure For Quality of Care Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation. 2020.
  22. Enayati M, Farahani NZ, Arunachalam SP, Nestler D, Heaton H, Pasupathy K. Care-Provider Utilization in Emergency Departments; is it a good indicator of safety? 57th annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium, Laramie, WY, 2020.. 2020.
  23. Guidoboni G, Sala L, Enayati M, Sacco R, Szopos M, Keller JM, Popescu M, Despins L, Huxley VH, Skubic M. Cardiovascular Function and Ballistocardiogram: A Relationship Interpreted via Mathematical Modeling. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2019 Oct; 66 (10):2906-2917 Epub 2019 Feb 06
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  24. Enayati M, Skubic M, Farahani N. Motion Artifact Detection in Ballistocardiograms using Machine Learning Techniques IEEE Int. Conf. on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI’19), Chicago, May 2019. 2019.
  25. Yi R, Enayati M, Keller JM, Popescu M, Skubic M. Non-Invasive In-Home Sleep Stage Classification Using A Ballistocardiography Bed Sensor IEEE Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI). 2019.
  26. Enayati M, Skubic M, Zanjirani N. Ballistocardiographic estimation of cardiac ejection curve for heartbeat detection the IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2019.
  27. Su BY, Enayati M, Ho KC, Skubic M, Despins L, Keller J, Popescu M, Guidoboni G, Rantz M. Monitoring the Relative Blood Pressure Using a Hydraulic Bed Sensor System. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2019 Mar; 66 (3):740-748 Epub 2018 July 13
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  28. Enayati M, Skubic M, Keller JM, Popescu M, Farahani NZ. Sleep Posture Classification Using Bed Sensor Data and Neural Networks. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2018 Jul; 2018:461-465.
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  29. Zanjirani N, Enayati M. A decision support tool for energy efficient synchromodal supply chains Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018.
  30. Lydon K, Su BY, Rosales L, Enayati M, Ho KC, Rantz M, Skubic M. Robust heartbeat detection from in-home ballistocardiogram signals of older adults using a bed sensor. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2015; 2015:7175-9
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  31. Banerjee T, Enayati M, Keller JM, Skubic M, Popescu M, Rantz M. Monitoring patients in hospital beds using unobtrusive depth sensors. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2014; 2014:5904-7
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  32. Enayati M, Banerjee T, Popescu M, Skubic M, Rantz M. A novel web-based depth video rewind approach toward fall preventive interventions in hospitals. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2014; 2014:4511-4
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