
  1. Fearington FW, Awadallah AS, Hamilton GS 3rd, Olson MD, Dey JK. Long-Term Outcomes of Septoplasty With or Without Turbinoplasty: A Systematic Review. Laryngoscope. 2024 Jun; 134 (6):2525-2537 Epub 2023 Nov 22
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  2. Carlson ML, Marinelli JP, Dey JK. Assessing Facial Nerve Function After Salvage Microsurgery for Vestibular Schwannoma-Reply. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2024 May 23 [Epub ahead of print]
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  3. Fearington FW, Pumford AD, Awadallah AS, Dey JK. Searching for Signs of Plastic Surgery on the Face: Tracking the Eyes of Where Observers Look. Facial Plast Surg Aesthet Med. 2024 Mar 26 [Epub ahead of print]
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  4. Armstrong MF, Orbelo DM, Wallerius KP, Lebechi CA, Lohse CM, Dey JK, Bayan SL. Visual Gaze Patterns in the Analysis of Glottic Lesions: Does Experience Increase Diagnostic Accuracy? Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2024 Jan; 133 (1):22-29 Epub 2023 June 26
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  5. Carlson ML, Lohse CM, Agazzi S, Babu SC, Barker FG, Barnett S, Bi WL, Biggs N, Boahene KD, Breen JT, Brown KD, Caye-Thomasen P, Cosetti MK, Deep NL, Dey JK, Dornhoffer JR, Forner D, Gurgel RK, Hansen MR, Hunter JB, Kalamarides M, Kim IA, King AT, Kircher ML, Lassaletta L, Link MJ, Lloyd SKW, Lund-Johansen M, Marinelli JP, Matthies C, Mehta V, Moore EJ, Nassiri AM, Neff BA, Nelson RF, Olson JJ, Patel NS, Celda MP, Plitt AR, Price DL, Thomas Roland J Jr, Sweeney AD, Tasche KK, Tatagiba M, Tveiten O, Van Gompel JJ, Vrabec JT, Wanna GB, Weisskopf PA. Rationale for the Development of a Novel Clinical Grading Scale for Postoperative Facial Nerve Function: Results of a Multidisciplinary International Working Group. Otol Neurotol. 2023 Dec 1; 44 (10):e747-e754 Epub 2023 Oct 25
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  6. Dey JK, Boahene KDO. Minimal Access Percutaneous Depressor Anguli Oris Myectomy and Terminal Neurolysis for Facial Paralysis Patients with Aberrant Reinnervation Syndrome. Facial Plast Surg Aesthet Med. 2023 Jul-Aug; 25 (4):365-366 Epub 2023 Apr 27
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  7. Wallerius KP, Bayan SL, Armstrong MF, Lebechi CA, Dey JK, Orbelo DM. Visual Interpretation of Vocal Fold Paralysis in Flexible Laryngoscopy Using Eye Tracking Technology. J Voice. 2023 Mar 31 [Epub ahead of print]
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  8. Ryan JF, Ishii LE, Dey JK, Boahene KDO, Byrne PJ, Ishii M. Visual Attention to Facial Defects Predicts Willingness to Pay for Reconstructive Surgery. Facial Plast Surg Aesthet Med. 2022 Apr 11 [Epub ahead of print]
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  9. Dey JK, Recker CA, Olson MD, Bowen AJ, Hamilton GS 3rd. Predicting Nasal Soft Tissue Envelope Thickness for Rhinoplasty: A Model Based on Visual Examination of the Nose. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2021 Jan; 130 (1):60-66 Epub 2020 July 04
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  10. Anderies BJ, Dey JK, Gruszczynski NR, Price DL, Moore EJ, Janus JR. Dermal Fat Grafting to Reconstruct the Parotidectomy Defect Normalizes Facial Attention. Laryngoscope. 2021 Jan; 131 (1):E124-E131 Epub 2020 July 13
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  11. Gruszczynski NR, Anderies BJ, Dey JK, Price DL, Moore EJ, Janus JR. Analysis of Abdominal Dermal-Fat Grafting to Repair Parotidectomy Defects: An 18-Year Cohort Study. Laryngoscope. 2020 Sep; 130 (9):2144-2147 Epub 2020 Jan 07
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  12. Asaad M, Dey JK, Al-Mouakeh A, Manjouna MB, Nashed MA, Rajesh A, Boonipat T, Bite U. Eye-Tracking Technology in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: A Systematic Review. Aesthet Surg J. 2020 Aug 14; 40 (9):1022-1034
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  13. Alice E. Huang, Garret W. Choby, Jacob Dey, Matthew L. Carlson, Jamie J. Van Gompel, Janalee K. Stokken. Use of Endoscopic Technique in Resection of Trigeminal Schwannoma J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 2020.
  14. Dey JK, Ishii LE, Boahene KDO, Byrne PJ, Ishii M. Measuring Outcomes of Mohs Defect Reconstruction Using Eye-Tracking Technology. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2019 Dec 1; 21 (6):518-525
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  15. Dey JK, Recker CA, Olson MD, Bowen AJ, Panda A, Kostandy PM, Lane JI, Hamilton GS 3rd. Assessing Nasal Soft-Tissue Envelope Thickness for Rhinoplasty: Normative Data and a Predictive Algorithm. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2019 Dec 1; 21 (6):511-517
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  16. Dey JK, Carlson ML. Jugular Paraganglioma Presenting With Collet-Sicard Syndrome. Mayo Clin Proc. 2019 Sep; 94 (9):1832-1833
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  17. Benson JC, Krecke K, Geske JR, Dey J, Carlson ML, Van Gompel J, Lane JI. Prevalence of Spontaneous Asymptomatic Facial Nerve Canal Meningoceles: A Retrospective Review. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2019 Aug; 40 (8):1402-1405 Epub 2019 July 11
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  18. Dey JK, Van Gompel JJ, Lane JI, Carlson ML. Fallopian Canal Meningocele with Spontaneous Cerebrospinal Fluid Otorrhea: Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature. World Neurosurg. 2019 Feb; 122:e285-e290 Epub 2018 Oct 13
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  19. Su P, Ishii LE, Nellis J, Dey J, Bater KL, Byrne PJ, Boahene KDO, Ishii M. Societal Identification of Facial Paralysis and Paralysis Location. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2018 Jul 1; 20 (4):272-276
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  20. Dey JK, Ishii LE, Nellis JC, Boahene KDO, Byrne PJ, Ishii M. Comparing Patient, Casual Observer, and Expert Perception of Permanent Unilateral Facial Paralysis. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2017 Dec 1; 19 (6):476-483
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  21. Nellis JC, Ishii M, Byrne PJ, Boahene KDO, Dey JK, Ishii LE. Association Among Facial Paralysis, Depression, and Quality of Life in Facial Plastic Surgery Patients. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2017 May 1; 19 (3):190-196
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  22. Nellis JC, Sharon JD, Pross SE, Ishii LE, Ishii M, Dey JK, Francis HW. Multifactor Influences of Shared Decision-Making in Acoustic Neuroma Treatment. Otol Neurotol. 2017 Mar; 38 (3):392-399
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  23. Su P, Ishii LE, Joseph A, Nellis J, Dey J, Bater K, Byrne PJ, Boahene KD, Ishii M. Societal Value of Surgery for Facial Reanimation. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2017 Mar 1; 19 (2):139-146
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  24. Phillis M, Ishii M, Dey J, Goines J, Byrne PJ, Boahene KD, Ishii LE. Measurement of the Quality of Facial Lesion Reconstruction With Observer-Graded Affect Display. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2016 Dec 1; 18 (6):467-473
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  25. Goines JB, Ishii LE, Dey JK, Phillis M, Byrne PJ, Boahene KD, Ishii M. Association of Facial Paralysis-Related Disability With Patient- and Observer-Perceived Quality of Life. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2016 Sep 1; 18 (5):363-9
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  26. Dey JK, Ishii LE, Joseph AW, Goines J, Byrne PJ, Boahene KD, Ishii M. The Cost of Facial Deformity: A Health Utility and Valuation Study. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2016 Jul 1; 18 (4):241-9
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  27. Ishii L, Dey J, Boahene KD, Byrne PJ, Ishii M. The social distraction of facial paralysis: Objective measurement of social attention using eye-tracking. Laryngoscope. 2016 Feb; 126 (2):334-9 Epub 2015 Nov 26
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  28. Dey JK, Ishii M, Boahene KD, Byrne P, Ishii LE. Impact of facial defect reconstruction on attractiveness and negative facial perception. Laryngoscope. 2015 Jun; 125 (6):1316-21 Epub 2015 Feb 03
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  29. Dey JK, Ishii M, Phillis M, Byrne PJ, Boahene KD, Ishii LE. Body dysmorphic disorder in a facial plastic and reconstructive surgery clinic: measuring prevalence, assessing comorbidities, and validating a feasible screening instrument. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2015 Mar-Apr; 17 (2):137-43
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  30. Dey JK, Ishii LE, Byrne PJ, Boahene KD, Ishii M. The social penalty of facial lesions: new evidence supporting high-quality reconstruction. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2015 Mar-Apr; 17 (2):90-6
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  31. Dey JK, Ishii LE, Byrne PJ, Boahene KD, Ishii M. Seeing is believing: objectively evaluating the impact of facial reanimation surgery on social perception. Laryngoscope. 2014 Nov; 124 (11):2489-97 Epub 2014 June 26
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  32. Dey JK, Ishii M, Boahene KD, Byrne PJ, Ishii LE. Facial reanimation surgery restores affect display. Otol Neurotol. 2014 Jan; 35 (1):182-7
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  33. Dey JK, Ishii M, Boahene KD, Byrne PJ, Ishii LE. Changing perception: facial reanimation surgery improves attractiveness and decreases negative facial perception. Laryngoscope. 2014 Jan; 124 (1):84-90 Epub 2013 June 26
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  34. Godoy A, Ishii M, Dey J, Boahene KD, Byrne PJ, Ishii LE. Facial lesions negatively impact affect display. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013 Sep; 149 (3):377-83 Epub 2013 May 29
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