
  1. Cui J, Mivalt F, Sladky V, Kim J, Richner TJ, Lundstrom BN, Van Gompel JJ, Wang HL, Miller KJ, Gregg N, Wu LJ, Denison T, Winter B, Brinkmann BH, Kremen V, Worrell GA. Acute to long-term characteristics of impedance recordings during neurostimulation in humans. J Neural Eng. 2024 Apr 3; 21 (2) Epub 2024 Apr 03
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  2. Balzekas I, Trzasko J, Yu G, Richner TJ, Mivalt F, Sladky V, Gregg NM, Van Gompel J, Miller K, Croarkin PE, Kremen V, Worrell GA. Method for cycle detection in sparse, irregularly sampled, long-term neuro-behavioral timeseries: Basis pursuit denoising with polynomial detrending of long-term, inter-ictal epileptiform activity. PLoS Comput Biol. 2024 Apr; 20 (4):e1011152 Epub 2024 Apr 25
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  3. Haruwaka K, Ying Y, Liang Y, Umpierre AD, Yi MH, Kremen V, Chen T, Xie T, Qi F, Zhao S, Zheng J, Liu YU, Dong H, Worrell GA, Wu LJ. Microglia enhance post-anesthesia neuronal activity by shielding inhibitory synapses. Nat Neurosci. 2024 Mar; 27 (3):449-461 Epub 2024 Jan 04
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  4. Degenhardt B, van Dun PLS, Jacobson E, Fritz S, Mettler P, Kettner N, Franklin G, Hensel K, Lesondak D, Consorti G, Frank L, Reed WR, MacDonald C, Kremen V, Martin C, Landels B, Standley P. Profession-based manual therapy nomenclature: exploring history, limitations, and opportunities. J Man Manip Ther. 2024 Feb; 32 (1):96-110 Epub 2024 Jan 16
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  5. Mivalt F, Kremen V, Sladky V, Cui J, Gregg NM, Balzekas I, Marks V, St Louis EK, Croarkin P, Lundstrom BN, Nelson N, Kim J, Hermes D, Messina S, Worrell S, Richner T, Brinkmann BH, Denison T, Miller KJ, Van Gompel J, Stead M, Worrell GA. Impedance Rhythms in Human Limbic System. J Neurosci. 2023 Sep 27; 43 (39):6653-6666 Epub 2023 Aug 24
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  6. Mivalt F, Sladky V, Worrell S, Gregg NM, Balzekas I, Kim I, Chang SY, Montonye DR, Duque-Lopez A, Krakorova M, Pridalova T, Lepkova K, Brinkmann BH, Miller KJ, Van Gompel JJ, Denison T, Kaufmann TJ, Messina SA, St Louis EK, Kremen V, Worrell GA. Automated sleep classification with chronic neural implants in freely behaving canines. J Neural Eng. 2023 Aug 10; 20 (4)
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  7. Pijackova K, Nejedly P, Kremen V, Plesinger F, Mivalt F, Lepkova K, Pail M, Jurak P, Worrell G, Brazdil M, Klimes P. Genetic algorithm designed for optimization of neural network architectures for intracranial EEG recordings analysis. J Neural Eng. 2023 Jun 16; 20 (3) Epub 2023 June 16
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  8. Saboo KV, Cao Y, Kremen V, Sladky V, Gregg NM, Arnold PM, Karoly PJ, Freestone DR, Cook MJ, Worrell GA, Iyer RK. Individualized seizure cluster prediction using machine learning and chronic ambulatory intracranial EEG. IEEE Trans Nanobioscience. 2023 May 10; PP [Epub ahead of print]
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  9. Nejedly P, Kremen V, Lepkova K, Mivalt F, Sladky V, Pridalova T, Plesinger F, Jurak P, Pail M, Brazdil M, Klimes P, Worrell G. Utilization of temporal autoencoder for semi-supervised intracranial EEG clustering and classification. Sci Rep. 2023 Jan 13; 13 (1):744
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  10. Juan E, Gorska U, Kozma C, Papantonatos C, Bugnon T, Denis C, Kremen V, Worrell G, Struck AF, Bateman LM, Merricks EM, Blumenfeld H, Tononi G, Schevon C, Boly M. Distinct signatures of loss of consciousness in focal impaired awareness versus tonic-clonic seizures. Brain. 2023 Jan 5; 146 (1):109-123
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  11. Cao Y, Saboo KV, Kremen V, Sladky V, Gregg NM, Arnold PM, Pappu S, Karoly PJ, Freestone DR, Cook MJ, Worrell GA, Iyer RK. A transfer learning-based model for individualized clustered seizure prediction using intracranial EEG. International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, NER. 2023; 2023-April
  12. Topcu C, Marks VS, Saboo KV, Lech M, Nejedly P, Kremen V, Worrell GA, Kucewicz MT. Hotspot of human verbal memory encoding in the left anterior prefrontal cortex. EBioMedicine. 2022 Aug; 82:104135 Epub 2022 July 01
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  13. Fleming JE, Kremen V, Gilron R, Gregg NM, Zamora M, Dijk DJ, Starr PA, Worrell GA, Little S, Denison TJ. Embedding digital chronotherapy into bioelectronic medicines. iScience. 2022 Apr 15; 25 (4):104028 Epub 2022 Mar 04
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  14. Mivalt F, Kremen V, Sladky V, Balzekas I, Nejedly P, Gregg NM, Lundstrom BN, Lepkova K, Pridalova T, Brinkmann BH, Jurak P, Van Gompel JJ, Miller K, Denison T, St Louis EK, Worrell GA. Electrical brain stimulation and continuous behavioral state tracking in ambulatory humans. J Neural Eng. 2022 Feb 8; 19 (1) Epub 2022 Feb 08
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  15. Vuu I, Patterson EE, Wu CY, Zolkowska D, Leppik IE, Rogawski MA, Worrell GA, Kremen V, Cloyd JC, Coles LD. Intravenous and Intramuscular Allopregnanolone for Early Treatment of Status Epilepticus: Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Safety in Dogs. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2022 Feb; 380 (2):104-113 Epub 2021 Dec 03
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  16. Marks VS, Richner TJ, Gregg NM, Sladky V, Dolezal J, Kremen V, Worrell GA, Kucewicz MT. Deep brain stimulation of anterior nuclei of the thalamus and hippocampal seizure rate modulate verbal memory performance. IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology. 2022; 2022-May:114-7.
  17. Sladky V, Nejedly P, Mivalt F, Brinkmann BH, Kim I, St Louis EK, Gregg NM, Lundstrom BN, Crowe CM, Attia TP, Crepeau D, Balzekas I, Marks VS, Wheeler LP, Cimbalnik J, Cook M, Janca R, Sturges BK, Leyde K, Miller KJ, Van Gompel JJ, Denison T, Worrell GA, Kremen V. Distributed brain co-processor for tracking spikes, seizures and behaviour during electrical brain stimulation. Brain Commun. 2022; 4 (3):fcac115 Epub 2022 May 06
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  18. Lepkova K, Nejedly P, Sladky V, Mivalt F, Krsek P, Kudr M, Ebel M, Marusic P, Krysl D, Kalina A, Janca R, Kremen V, Worrell GA. Electrophysiological biomarkers of epileptic tissue in human brain epilepsy. 2022 10th E-Health and Bioengineering Conference, EHB 2022. 2022; 1-4
  19. Gregg NM, Sladky V, Nejedly P, Mivalt F, Kim I, Balzekas I, Sturges BK, Crowe C, Patterson EE, Van Gompel JJ, Lundstrom BN, Leyde K, Denison TJ, Brinkmann BH, Kremen V, Worrell GA. Thalamic deep brain stimulation modulates cycles of seizure risk in epilepsy. Sci Rep. 2021 Dec 20; 11 (1):24250
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  20. Marks VS, Saboo KV, Topcu C, Lech M, Thayib TP, Nejedly P, Kremen V, Worrell GA, Kucewicz MT. Independent dynamics of low, intermediate, and high frequency spectral intracranial EEG activities during human memory formation. Neuroimage. 2021 Dec 15; 245:118637 Epub 2021 Oct 10
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  21. Saboo KV, Balzekas I, Kremen V, Varatharajah Y, Kucewicz M, Iyer RK, Worrell GA. Leveraging electrophysiologic correlates of word encoding to map seizure onset zone in focal epilepsy: Task-dependent changes in epileptiform activity, spectral features, and functional connectivity. Epilepsia. 2021 Nov; 62 (11):2627-2639 Epub 2021 Sept 18
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  22. Gregg NM, Marks VS, Sladky V, Lundstrom BN, Klassen B, Messina SA, Brinkmann BH, Miller KJ, Van Gompel JJ, Kremen V, Worrell GA. Anterior nucleus of the thalamus seizure detection in ambulatory humans. Epilepsia. 2021 Oct; 62 (10):e158-e164 Epub 2021 Aug 21
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  23. Gilron R, Little S, Perrone R, Wilt R, de Hemptinne C, Yaroshinsky MS, Racine CA, Wang SS, Ostrem JL, Larson PS, Wang DD, Galifianakis NB, Bledsoe IO, San Luciano M, Dawes HE, Worrell GA, Kremen V, Borton DA, Denison T, Starr PA. Long-term wireless streaming of neural recordings for circuit discovery and adaptive stimulation in individuals with Parkinson's disease. Nat Biotechnol. 2021 Sep; 39 (9):1078-1085 Epub 2021 May 03
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  24. Dell KL, Payne DE, Kremen V, Maturana MI, Gerla V, Nejedly P, Worrell GA, Lenka L, Mivalt F, Boston RC, Brinkmann BH, D'Souza W, Burkitt AN, Grayden DB, Kuhlmann L, Freestone DR, Cook MJ. Seizure likelihood varies with day-to-day variations in sleep duration in patients with refractory focal epilepsy: A longitudinal electroencephalography investigation. EClinicalMedicine. 2021 Jul; 37:100934 Epub 2021 June 05
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  25. Lech M, Berry BM, Topcu C, Kremen V, Nejedly P, Lega B, Gross RE, Sperling MR, Jobst BC, Sheth SA, Zaghloul KA, Davis KA, Worrell GA, Kucewicz MT. Direct electrical stimulation of the human brain has inverse effects on the theta and gamma neural activities. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2021 May 20; PP [Epub ahead of print]
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  26. Payne DE, Dell KL, Karoly PJ, Kremen V, Gerla V, Kuhlmann L, Worrell GA, Cook MJ, Grayden DB, Freestone DR. Identifying seizure risk factors: A comparison of sleep, weather, and temporal features using a Bayesian forecast. Epilepsia. 2021 Feb; 62 (2):371-382 Epub 2020 Dec 30
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  27. Balzekas I, Sladky V, Nejedly P, Brinkmann BH, Crepeau D, Mivalt F, Gregg NM, Pal Attia T, Marks VS, Wheeler L, Riccelli TE, Staab JP, Lundstrom BN, Miller KJ, Van Gompel J, Kremen V, Croarkin PE, Worrell GA. Invasive Electrophysiology for Circuit Discovery and Study of Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders in Patients With Epilepsy: Challenges, Opportunities, and Novel Technologies. Front Hum Neurosci. 2021; 15:702605 Epub 2021 July 26
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  28. Pal Attia T, Crepeau D, Kremen V, Nasseri M, Guragain H, Steele SW, Sladky V, Nejedly P, Mivalt F, Herron JA, Stead M, Denison T, Worrell GA, Brinkmann BH. Epilepsy Personal Assistant Device-A Mobile Platform for Brain State, Dense Behavioral and Physiology Tracking and Controlling Adaptive Stimulation. Front Neurol. 2021; 12:704170 Epub 2021 July 29
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  29. Varatharajah Y, Berry B, Joseph B, Balzekas I, Pal Attia T, Kremen V, Brinkmann B, Iyer R, Worrell G. Characterizing the electrophysiological abnormalities in visually reviewed normal EEGs of drug-resistant focal epilepsy patients. Brain Commun. 2021; 3 (2):fcab102 Epub 2021 May 14
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  30. Toth R, Zamora M, Ottaway J, Gillbe T, Martin S, Benjaber M, Lamb G, Noone T, Taylor B, Deli A, Kremen V, Worrell G, Constandinou TG, Gillbe I, De Wachter S, Knowles C, Sharott A, Valentin A, Green AL, Denison T. DyNeuMo Mk-2: An Investigational Circadian-Locked Neuromodulator with Responsive Stimulation for Applied Chronobiology. Conf Proc IEEE Int Conf Syst Man Cybern. 2020 Oct; 2020:3433-3440 Epub 2020 Dec 14
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  31. Varatharajah Y, Berry B, Joseph B, Balzekas I, Kremen V, Brinkmann B, Worrell G, Iyer R. Electrophysiological Correlates of Brain Health Help Diagnose Epilepsy and Lateralize Seizure Focus. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2020 Jul; 2020:3460-3464
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  32. Nejedly P, Kremen V, Sladky V, Cimbalnik J, Klimes P, Plesinger F, Mivalt F, Travnicek V, Viscor I, Pail M, Halamek J, Brinkmann BH, Brazdil M, Jurak P, Worrell G. Multicenter intracranial EEG dataset for classification of graphoelements and artifactual signals. Sci Data. 2020 Jun 16; 7 (1):179 Epub 2020 June 16
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  33. Nasseri M, Kremen V, Nejedly P, Kim I, Chang SY, Joon Jo H, Guragain H, Nelson N, Patterson E, Sturges BK, Crowe CM, Denison T, Brinkmann BH, Worrell GA. Semi-supervised Training Data Selection Improves Seizure Forecasting in Canines with Epilepsy. Biomed Signal Process Control. 2020 Mar; 57 Epub 2019 Nov 14
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  34. Gregg NM, Nasseri M, Kremen V, Patterson EE, Sturges BK, Denison TJ, Brinkmann BH, Worrell GA. Circadian and multiday seizure periodicities, and seizure clusters in canine epilepsy. Brain Commun. 2020; 2 (1):fcaa008 Epub 2020 Feb 06
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  35. Wang YC, Kremen V, Brinkmann BH, Middlebrooks EH, Lundstrom BN, Grewal SS, Guragain H, Wu MH, Van Gompel JJ, Klassen BT, Stead M, Worrell GA. Probing circuit of Papez with stimulation of anterior nucleus of the thalamus and hippocampal evoked potentials. Epilepsy Res. 2020 Jan; 159:106248 Epub 2019 Nov 29
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  36. Saboo KV, Varatharajah Y, Berry BM, Kremen V, Sperling MR, Davis KA, Jobst BC, Gross RE, Lega B, Sheth SA, Worrell GA, Iyer RK, Kucewicz MT. Unsupervised machine-learning classification of electrophysiologically active electrodes during human cognitive task performance. Sci Rep. 2019 Nov 22; 9 (1):17390
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  37. Kucewicz MT, Dolezal J, Kremen V, Berry BM, Miller LR, Magee AL, Fabian V, Worrell GA. Author Correction: Pupil size reflects successful encoding and recall of memory in humans. Sci Rep. 2019 Nov 6; 9 (1):16404 Epub 2019 Nov 06
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  38. Fabian V, Matera L, Bayerova K, Havlik J, Kremen V, Pudil J, Sajgalik P, Zemanek D. Noninvasive Assessment of Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity by the Brachial Occlusion-Cuff Technique: Comparative Study. Sensors (Basel). 2019 Aug 8; 19 (16) Epub 2019 Aug 08
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  39. Nejedly P, Kremen V, Sladky V, Cimbalnik J, Klimes P, Plesinger F, Viscor I, Pail M, Halamek J, Brinkmann BH, Brazdil M, Jurak P, Worrell G. Exploiting Graphoelements and Convolutional Neural Networks with Long Short Term Memory for Classification of the Human Electroencephalogram. Sci Rep. 2019 Aug 6; 9 (1):11383 Epub 2019 Aug 06
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  40. Nejedly P, Kremen V, Sladky V, Nasseri M, Guragain H, Klimes P, Cimbalnik J, Varatharajah Y, Brinkmann BH, Worrell GA. Deep-learning for seizure forecasting in canines with epilepsy. J Neural Eng. 2019 Jun; 16 (3):036031 Epub 2019 Apr 08
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  41. Milerska I, Kremen V, Gerla V, St Louis EK, Lhotska L. Semi-automated Detection of Polysomnographic REM Sleep without Atonia (RSWA) in REM Sleep Behavioral Disorder. Biomed Signal Process Control. 2019 May; 51:243-252 Epub 2019 Mar 07
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  42. Baldassano S, Zhao X, Brinkmann B, Kremen V, Bernabei J, Cook M, Denison T, Worrell G, Litt B. Cloud computing for seizure detection in implanted neural devices. J Neural Eng. 2019 Apr; 16 (2):026016 Epub 2018 Dec 18
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  43. Kremen V, Brinkmann BH, Van Gompel JJ, Stead M, Stead SMM, St Louis EK, Worrell GA. Automated unsupervised behavioral state classification using intracranial electrophysiology. J Neural Eng. 2019 Apr; 16 (2):026004 Epub 2018 Oct 02
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  44. Nejedly P, Cimbalnik J, Klimes P, Plesinger F, Halamek J, Kremen V, Viscor I, Brinkmann BH, Pail M, Brazdil M, Worrell G, Jurak P. Intracerebral EEG Artifact Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks. Neuroinformatics. 2019 Apr; 17 (2):225-234
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  45. Gunduz A, Opri E, Gilron R, Kremen V, Worrell G, Starr P, Leyde K, Denison T. Adding wisdom to 'smart' bioelectronic systems: a design framework for physiologic control including practical examples. Bioelectron Med (Lond). 2019 Mar; 2 (1):29-41 Epub 2019 May 30
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  46. Sajgalik P, Kremen V, Fabian V, Maltais S, Stulak JM, Kushwaha SS, Joyce LD, Schirger JA, Johnson BD. Noninvasive Blood Pressure Monitor Designed for Patients With Heart Failure Supported with Continuous-Flow Left Ventricular Assist Devices. ASAIO J. 2019 Feb; 65 (2):127-133
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  47. Kucewicz MT, Saboo K, Berry BM, Kremen V, Miller LR, Khadjevand F, Inman CS, Wanda P, Sperling MR, Gorniak R, Davis KA, Jobst BC, Lega B, Sheth SA, Rizzuto DS, Iyer RK, Kahana MJ, Worrell GA. Human Verbal Memory Encoding Is Hierarchically Distributed in a Continuous Processing Stream. eNeuro. 2019 Jan-Feb; 6 (1) Epub 2019 Mar 04
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  48. Stanslaski S, Herron J, Chouinard T, Bourget D, Isaacson B, Kremen V, Opri E, Drew W, Brinkmann BH, Gunduz A, Adamski T, Worrell GA, Denison T. A Chronically Implantable Neural Coprocessor for Investigating the Treatment of Neurological Disorders. IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst. 2018 Dec; 12 (6):1230-1245 Epub 2018 Nov 07
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  49. Weiss SA, Berry B, Chervoneva I, Waldman Z, Guba J, Bower M, Kucewicz M, Brinkmann B, Kremen V, Khadjevand F, Varatharajah Y, Guragain H, Sharan A, Wu C, Staba R, Engel J Jr, Sperling M, Worrell G. Visually validated semi-automatic high-frequency oscillation detection aides the delineation of epileptogenic regions during intra-operative electrocorticography. Clin Neurophysiol. 2018 Oct; 129 (10):2089-2098 Epub 2018 July 20
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  50. Cimbalnik J, Brinkmann B, Kremen V, Jurak P, Berry B, Gompel JV, Stead M, Worrell G. Physiological and pathological high frequency oscillations in focal epilepsy. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2018 Sep; 5 (9):1062-1076 Epub 2018 Aug 09
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  51. Varatharajah Y, Berry B, Cimbalnik J, Kremen V, Van Gompel J, Stead SMM, Brinkmann B, Iyer R, Worrell G. Integrating artificial intelligence with real-time intracranial EEG monitoring to automate interictal identification of seizure onset zones in focal epilepsy. J Neural Eng. 2018 Aug; 15 (4):046035 Epub 2018 June 01
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  52. Kucewicz MT, Berry BM, Miller LR, Khadjevand F, Ezzyat Y, Stein JM, Kremen V, Brinkmann BH, Wanda P, Sperling MR, Gorniak R, Davis KA, Jobst BC, Gross RE, Lega B, Van Gompel J, Stead SM, Rizzuto DS, Kahana MJ, Worrell GA. Evidence for verbal memory enhancement with electrical brain stimulation in the lateral temporal cortex. Brain. 2018 Apr 1; 141 (4):971-978
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  53. Kucewicz MT, Dolezal J, Kremen V, Berry BM, Miller LR, Magee AL, Fabian V, Worrell GA. Pupil size reflects successful encoding and recall of memory in humans. Sci Rep. 2018 Mar 21; 8 (1):4949
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  54. Guragain H, Cimbalnik J, Stead M, Groppe DM, Berry BM, Kremen V, Kenney-Jung D, Britton J, Worrell GA, Brinkmann BH. Spatial variation in high-frequency oscillation rates and amplitudes in intracranial EEG. Neurology. 2018 Feb 20; 90 (8):e639-e646 Epub 2018 Jan 24
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  55. Kremen V, Brinkmann BH, Kim I, Guragain H, Nasseri M, Magee AL, Pal Attia T, Nejedly P, Sladky V, Nelson N, Chang SY, Herron JA, Adamski T, Baldassano S, Cimbalnik J, Vasoli V, Fehrmann E, Chouinard T, Patterson EE, Litt B, Stead M, Van Gompel J, Sturges BK, Jo HJ, Crowe CM, Denison T, Worrell GA. Integrating Brain Implants With Local and Distributed Computing Devices: A Next Generation Epilepsy Management System. IEEE J Transl Eng Health Med. 2018; 6:2500112 Epub 2018 Sept 26
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  56. Kremen V, Brinkmann BH, Kim I, Guragain H, Nasseri M, Magee AL, Pal Attia T, Nejedly P, Sladky V, Nelson N, Chang SY, Herron JA, Adamski T, Baldassano S, Cimbalnik J, Vasoli V, Fehrmann E, Chouinard T, Patterson EE, Litt B, Stead M, Van Gompel J, Sturges BK, Jo HJ, Crowe CM, Denison T, Worrell GA. Integrating brain implants with local and distributed computing devices: A next generation epilepsy management system IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine. 2018; 6:8458201
  57. Kremen V, Brinkmann BH, Kim I, Chang SY, Van Gompel J, Herron JA, Baldassano S, Patterson EE, Litt B, Denison T, Worrell GA. Live demonstration: Continuous active probing and modulation of neural networks with a wireless implantable system 2017 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, BioCAS 2017 - Proceedings. 2018; 2018-January:1
  58. Kucewicz MT, Berry BM, Kremen V, Miller LR, Khadjevand F, Ezzyat Y, Stein JM, Wanda P, Sperling MR, Gorniak R, Davis KA, Jobst BC, Gross RE, Lega B, Stead SM, Rizzuto DS, Kahana MJ, Worrell GA. Electrical Stimulation Modulates High gamma Activity and Human Memory Performance. eNeuro. 2018 Jan-Feb; 5 (1) Epub 2018 Feb 02
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  59. Stanslaski S, Herron J, Fehrmann E, Corey R, Orser H, Opri E, Kremen V, Brinkmann B, Gunduz A, Foote K, Worrell G, Denison T. Creating neural 'co-processors' to explore treatments for neurological disorders Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference. 2018; 61:460-2
  60. Sugrue A, Noseworthy PA, Kremen V, Bos JM, Qiang B, Rohatgi RK, Sapir Y, Attia ZI, Brady P, Caraballo PJ, Asirvatham SJ, Friedman PA, Ackerman MJ. Automated T-wave analysis can differentiate acquired QT prolongation from congenital long QT syndrome. Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol. 2017 Nov; 22 (6) Epub 2017 Apr 21
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  61. Sugrue A, Rohatgi RK, Noseworthy PA, Kremen V, Bos JM, Qiang B, Sapir Y, Attia ZI, Scott CG, Brady P, Asirvatham SJ, Friedman PA, Ackerman MJ. Architectural T-Wave Analysis and Identification of On-Therapy Breakthrough Arrhythmic Risk in Type 1 and Type 2 Long-QT Syndrome. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2017 Nov; 10 (11)
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  62. Kucewicz MT, Berry BM, Kremen V, Brinkmann BH, Sperling MR, Jobst BC, Gross RE, Lega B, Sheth SA, Stein JM, Das SR, Gorniak R, Stead SM, Rizzuto DS, Kahana MJ, Worrell GA. Dissecting gamma frequency activity during human memory processing. Brain. 2017 May 1; 140 (5):1337-1350
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  63. Kremen V, Duque JJ, Brinkmann BH, Berry BM, Kucewicz MT, Khadjevand F, Van Gompel J, Stead S, Stead M, St Louis EK, Worrell GA. Behavioral state classification in epileptic brain using intracranial electrophysiology. J Neural Eng. 2017 Apr; 14 (2):026001 Epub 2017 Jan 04
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  64. Gerla V, Kremen V, Covassin N, Lhotska L, Saifutdinova EA, Bukartyk J, Marik V, Somers VK. Automatic identification of artifacts and unwanted physiologic signals in EEG and EOG during wakefulness Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 2017; 31:381-90.
  65. Sugrue A, Killu AM, DeSimone CV, Chahal AA, Vogt JC, Kremen V, Hai J, Hodge DO, Acker NG, Geske JB, Ackerman MJ, Ommen SR, Lin G, Noseworthy PA, Brady PA. Utility of T-wave amplitude as a non-invasive risk marker of sudden cardiac death in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Open Heart. 2017; 4(1):e000561. Epub 2017 Feb 23.
  66. Sajgalik P, Kremen V, Carlson AR, Fabian V, Kim CH, Wheatley C, Gerla V, Schirger JA, Olson TP, Johnson BD. Noninvasive assessment of cardiac output by brachial occlusion-cuff technique: comparison with the open-circuit acetylene washin method. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2016 Dec 1; 121 (6):1319-1325 Epub 2016 Oct 20
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  67. Fabian V, Havlik J, Dvorak J, Kremen V, Sajgalik P, Bellamy V, Schirger JA, Sovka P, Johnson BD. Differences in mean arterial pressure of young and elderly people measured by oscilometry during inflation and deflation of the arm cuff Biomedical Engineering-Biomedizinische Technik. 2016 Dec; 61: (6)611-21.
  68. Sugrue A, Noseworthy PA, Kremen V, Bos JM, Qiang B, Rohatgi RK, Sapir Y, Attia ZI, Brady P, Asirvatham SJ, Friedman PA, Ackerman MJ. Identification of Concealed and Manifest Long QT Syndrome Using a Novel T Wave Analysis Program. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2016 Jul; 9 (7)
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  69. Sara JD, Sugrue A, Kremen V, Qiang B, Sapir Y, Attia ZI, Ackerman MJ, Friedman PA, Lerman A, Noseworthy PA. Electrocardiographic predictors of coronary microvascular dysfunction in patients with non-obstructive coronary artery disease: Utility of a novel T wave analysis program. Int J Cardiol. 2016 Jan 15; 203:601-6 Epub 2015 Nov 01
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  70. Sugrue A, Kremen V, Qiang B, Sheldon SH, DeSimone CV, Sapir Y, Striemer BL, Brady P, Asirvatham SJ, Ackerman MJ, Friedman P, Noseworthy PA. Electrocardiographic Predictors of Torsadogenic Risk During Dofetilide or Sotalol Initiation: Utility of a Novel T Wave Analysis Program. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2015; 29 (5):433-41
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