
  1. Lai B, Oesterle T, Kelpin S, Morrison E, Elegbede A, Warner N. Chronic pain and opioid use disorder workshop for medical students: a biopsychosocial and multidisciplinary approach. Pain Med. 2024 Apr 3; 25 (4):306-309
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  2. Bostrom K, Borosund E, Eide H, Varsi C, Kristjansdottir OB, Schreurs KMG, Waxenberg LB, Weiss KE, Morrison EJ, Stavenes Stole H, Cvancarova Smastuen M, Stubhaug A, Solberg Nes L. Short-Term Findings From Testing EPIO, a Digital Self-Management Program for People Living With Chronic Pain: Randomized Controlled Trial. J Med Internet Res. 2023 Aug 25; 25:e47284
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  3. Morrison EJ, Tsai-Owens MS, Luedtke CA, Eickhoff AL, Evans MM, Oetjen LA, Johannsen AL, Schiebel CJ, Boyum KK, Reynolds AL, Dresher ER, Ellingson AM, Harrison TE, Rohe DE, Gilliam WP, Loukianova LL, Harbeck-Weber C. Young Adult Pain Rehabilitation: Interdisciplinary Development and Preliminary Outcomes of a Novel Treatment Program. Pain Med. 2023 Jun 1; 24 (6):593-601
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  4. Craner JR, Schumann ME, Barr A, Morrison EJ, Lake ES, Sutor B, Flegge LG, Gilliam WP. Mediators of change in depressed mood following pain rehabilitation among participants with mild, moderate, or severe depressive symptoms. J Affect Disord. 2022 Jun 15; 307:286-293 Epub 2022 Mar 26
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  5. Bostrom K, Varsi C, Eide H, Borosund E, Kristjansdottir OB, Schreurs KMG, Waxenberg LB, Weiss KE, Morrison EJ, Nordang EF, Stubhaug A, Nes LS. Engaging with EPIO, a digital pain self-management program: a qualitative study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2022 Apr 29; 22 (1):577
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  6. Schumann ME, Coombes BJ, Gascho KE, Geske JR, McDermott MC, Morrison EJ, Reynolds AL, Bernau JL, Gilliam WP. Pain Catastrophizing and Pain Self-Efficacy Mediate Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Program Outcomes at Posttreatment and Follow-Up. Pain Med. 2022 Apr 8; 23 (4):697-706
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  7. Enders FT, Golembiewski EH, Orellana MA, DSouza KN, Addani MA, Morrison EJ, Benson JT, Silvano CJ, Pacheco-Spann LM, Balls-Berry JE. Changing the face of academic medicine: an equity action plan for institutions. J Clin Transl Sci. 2022; 6 (1):e78 Epub 2022 May 20
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  8. Schumann M, Craner J, Kacel E, Morrison E, Gascho K, Gebhard J, Gilliam W. The Helplessness Dimension of Pain Catastrophizing Mediates the Relation between PTSD Symptoms and Pain Rehabilitation Measures. Pain Res Manag. 2022; 2022:2112698 Epub 2022 Nov 30
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  9. Varsi C, Ledel Solem IK, Eide H, Borosund E, Kristjansdottir OB, Heldal K, Waxenberg LB, Weiss KE, Schreurs KMG, Morrison EJ, Stubhaug A, Solberg Nes L. Health care providers' experiences of pain management and attitudes towards digitally supported self-management interventions for chronic pain: a qualitative study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021 Mar 25; 21 (1):275
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  10. Gilliam WP, Schumann ME, Cunningham JL, Evans MM, Luedtke CA, Morrison EJ, Sperry JA, Vowles KE. Pain catastrophizing as a treatment process variable in cognitive behavioural therapy for adults with chronic pain. Eur J Pain. 2021 Feb; 25 (2):339-347 Epub 2020 Nov 27
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  11. Gilliam WP, Schumann ME, Craner JR, Cunningham JL, Morrison EJ, Seibel S, Sawchuk C, Sperry JA. Examining the effectiveness of pain rehabilitation on chronic pain and post-traumatic symptoms. J Behav Med. 2020 Dec; 43 (6):956-967 Epub 2020 May 25
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  12. Bostrom K, Borosund E, Varsi C, Eide H, Flakk Nordang E, Schreurs KM, Waxenberg LB, Weiss KE, Morrison EJ, Cvancarova Smastuen M, Stubhaug A, Solberg Nes L. Digital Self-Management in Support of Patients Living With Chronic Pain: Feasibility Pilot Study. JMIR Form Res. 2020 Oct 23; 4 (10):e23893
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  13. Ledel Solem IK, Varsi C, Eide H, Kristjansdottir OB, Borosund E, Schreurs KMG, Waxenberg LB, Weiss KE, Morrison EJ, Haaland-Overby M, Bevan K, Zangi HA, Stubhaug A, Solberg Nes L. A User-Centered Approach to an Evidence-Based Electronic Health Pain Management Intervention for People With Chronic Pain: Design and Development of EPIO. J Med Internet Res. 2020 Jan 21; 22 (1):e15889
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  14. Brewer LC, Morrison EJ, Balls-Berry JE, Dean P, Lackore K, Jenkins S, Cohen C, Johnson J, Ellis F, Mangum DC, Hayes SN, Patten C. Preventing cardiovascular disease: Participant perspectives of the FAITH! Program. J Health Psychol. 2019 Oct; 24 (12):1710-1723 Epub 2017 Feb 01
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  15. Westbrook TD, Morrison EJ, Maddocks KJ, Awan FT, Jones JA, Woyach JA, Johnson AJ, Byrd JC, Andersen BL. Illness Perceptions in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Testing Leventhal's Self-regulatory Model. Ann Behav Med. 2019 Aug 16; 53 (9):839-848
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  16. Ledel Solem IK, Varsi C, Eide H, Kristjansdottir OB, Mirkovic J, Borosund E, Haaland-Overby M, Heldal K, Schreurs KM, Waxenberg LB, Weiss KE, Morrison EJ, Solberg Nes L. Patients' Needs and Requirements for eHealth Pain Management Interventions: Qualitative Study. J Med Internet Res. 2019 Apr 1; 21 (4):e13205 Epub 2019 Apr 01
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  17. Gilliam WP, Craner JR, Cunningham JL, Evans MM, Luedtke CA, Morrison EJ, Sperry JA, Loukianova LL. Longitudinal Treatment Outcomes for an Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Program: Comparisons of Subjective and Objective Outcomes on the Basis of Opioid Use Status. J Pain. 2018 Jun; 19 (6):678-689 Epub 2018 Mar 02
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  18. Morrison EJ, Novotny PJ, Sloan JA, Yang P, Patten CA, Ruddy KJ, Clark MM. Emotional Problems, Quality of Life, and Symptom Burden in Patients With Lung Cancer. Clin Lung Cancer. 2017 Sep; 18 (5):497-503 Epub 2017 Mar 02
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  19. Craner JR, Sperry JA, Koball AM, Morrison EJ, Gilliam WP. Unique Contributions of Acceptance and Catastrophizing on Chronic Pain Adaptation. Int J Behav Med. 2017 Aug; 24 (4):542-551
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  20. Morrison EJ, Clark MM, Wieland ML, Weis JA, Hanza MMK, Meiers SJ, Patten CA, Sloan JA, Novotny PJ, Sim LA, Nigon JA, Sia IG. Relationship Between Negative Mood and Health Behaviors in an Immigrant and Refugee Population. J Immigr Minor Health. 2017 Jun; 19 (3):655-664
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  21. Gilliam WP, Craner JR, Morrison EJ, Sperry JA. The Mediating Effects of the Different Dimensions of Pain Catastrophizing on Outcomes in an Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Program. Clin J Pain. 2017 May; 33 (5):443-451
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  22. Morrison EJ, Flynn JM, Jones J, Byrd JC, Andersen BL. Individual differences in physical symptom burden and psychological responses in individuals with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Ann Hematol. 2016 Dec; 95 (12):1989-1997 Epub 2016 Aug 19
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  23. Morrison EJ, Ehlers SL, Bronars CA, Patten CA, Brockman TA, Cerhan JR, Hogan WJ, Hashmi SK, Gastineau DA. Employment Status as an Indicator of Recovery and Function One Year after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2016 Sep; 22 (9):1690-1695 Epub 2016 May 21
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  24. Craner JR, Skipper RR, Gilliam WP, Morrison EJ, Sperry JA. Patients' perceptions of a chronic pain rehabilitation program: changing the conversation. Curr Med Res Opin. 2016 May; 32 (5):879-83 Epub 2016 Feb 26
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  25. Rosen N, Knauper B, Di Dio P, Morrison E, Tabing R, Feldstain A, Amsel R, Mayrand MH, Franco EL, Rosberger Z. The impact of an intolerance of uncertainty on anxiety after receiving an informational intervention about HPV: A randomized controlled study. Psychology & Health. 2010; 25(6):651-68.
  26. Abela JRZ, Morrison E, Starrs C. Excessive reassurance seeking, self- esteem, and depressive symptoms in children of affectively-ill parents: An experience sampling analysis Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 2007; 27(7):849-69.