
  1. Misra P, Tischer A, Lampe L, Pierluissi-Ruiz V, Dick CJ, Bragantini B, Kormshchikov N, Auton M, Ramirez-Alvarado M. Biophysical characterization of human-cell-expressed, full-length kappaI O18/O8, AL-09, lambda6a, and Wil immunoglobulin light chains. Biochim Biophys Acta Proteins Proteom. 2024 May 1; 1872 (3):140993 Epub 2023 Dec 31
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  2. MacArthur TA, Goswami J, Navarro SM, Spears GM, Bailey KR, Thompson R, Dong JF, Kozar RA, Auton MT, Knight J, Park MS. A murine multiple-injury model for the study of thromboinflammation. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Feb 1; 96 (2):203-208 Epub 2023 Nov 07
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  3. Auton M, Tischer A. Wedging the door open on platelet-type von Willebrand disease. Br J Haematol 2023 Nov; 203 (4):501-503 Epub 2023 Sept 04
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  4. Tischer A, Moon-Tasson L, Auton M. Removal of the vicinal disulfide enhances the platelet-capturing function of von Willebrand factor. Blood. 2023 Mar 23; 141 (12):1469-1473
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  5. Auton M. ThANNCs for kinetically optimizing ITC. Biophys J. 2022 Jun 21; 121 (12):2219-2220 Epub 2022 May 25
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  6. Bury L, Falcinelli E, Kuchi Bhotla H, Mezzasoma AM, Guglielmini G, Tischer A, Moon-Tasson L, Auton M, Gresele P. A p.Arg127Gln variant in GPIbalpha LRR5 allosterically enhances affinity for VWF: a novel form of platelet-type VWD. Blood Adv. 2022 Apr 12; 6 (7):2236-2246
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  7. Huck V, Chen PC, Xu ER, Tischer A, Klemm U, Aponte-Santamaria C, Mess C, Obser T, Kutzki F, Konig G, Denis CV, Grater F, Wilmanns M, Auton M, Schneider SW, Schneppenheim R, Hennig J, Brehm MA. Gain-of-Function Variant p.Pro2555Arg of von Willebrand Factor Increases Aggregate Size through Altering Stem Dynamics. Thromb Haemost. 2022 Feb; 122 (2):226-239 Epub 2021 Apr 14
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  8. Goswami J, MacArthur TA, Sridharan M, Tange J, Kirmse AJ, Lundell KA, Chen D, Auton MT, Chon TY, Hurt RT, Salonen BR, Ganesh R, Erben YM, Marquez CP, Dong JF, Kozar RA, Heller SF, Loomis EA, Johnstone AL, Bailey KR, Spears GM, Park MS. Biomarkers of thromboinflammation correlate to COVID-19 infection and admission status in emergency department patients. Thromb Update. 2021 Dec; 5:100090 Epub 2021 Nov 19
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  9. Goswami J, MacArthur T, Bailey K, Spears G, Kozar RA, Auton M, Dong JF, Key NS, Heller S, Loomis E, Hall NW, Johnstone AL, Park MS. Neutrophil Extracellular Trap Formation and Syndecan-1 Shedding Are Increased After Trauma. Shock. 2021 Sep 1; 56 (3):433-439
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  10. MacArthur TA, Spears GM, Kozar RA, Dong JF, Auton M, Jenkins DH, Bailey KR, Ashrani AA, Ferrara MJ, Immermann JM, Halling TM, Park MS. Thrombin Generation Kinetics are Predictive of Rapid Transfusion in Trauma Patients Meeting Critical Administration Threshold. Shock. 2021 Mar 1; 55 (3):321-325
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  11. Munoz-Alia MA, Nace RA, Tischer A, Zhang L, Bah ES, Auton M, Russell SJ. MeV-Stealth: A CD46-specific oncolytic measles virus resistant to neutralization by measles-immune human serum. PLoS Pathog. 2021 Feb; 17 (2):e1009283 Epub 2021 Feb 03
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  12. MacArthur TA, Goswami J, Moon Tasson L, Tischer A, Bailey KR, Spears GM, Dong JF, Auton M, Kozar R, Park MS. Quantification of von Willebrand factor and ADAMTS-13 after traumatic injury: a pilot study. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2021; 6 (1):e000703 Epub 2021 Apr 05
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  13. Valladolid C, Martinez-Vargas M, Sekhar N, Lam F, Brown C, Palzkill T, Tischer A, Auton M, Vijayan KV, Rumbaut RE, Nguyen TC, Cruz MA. Modulating the rate of fibrin formation and clot structure attenuates microvascular thrombosis in systemic inflammation. Blood Adv. 2020 Apr 14; 4 (7):1340-1349
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  14. Tischer A, Brehm MA, Machha VR, Moon-Tasson L, Benson LM, Nelton KJ, Leger RR, Obser T, Martinez-Vargas M, Whitten ST, Chen D, Pruthi RK, Bergen HR 3rd, Cruz MA, Schneppenheim R, Auton M. Evidence for the Misfolding of the A1 Domain within Multimeric von Willebrand Factor in Type 2 von Willebrand Disease. J Mol Biol. 2020 Jan 17; 432 (2):305-323 Epub 2019 Oct 17
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  15. Tischer A, Machha VR, Moon-Tasson L, Benson LM, Auton M. Glycosylation sterically inhibits platelet adhesion to von Willebrand factor without altering intrinsic conformational dynamics. J Thromb Haemost. 2020 Jan; 18 (1):79-90 Epub 2019 Sept 03
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  16. Tischer A, Machha VR, Moon-Tasson L, Auton M. Platelet-type von Willebrand disease: Local disorder of the platelet GPIbalpha beta-switch drives high-affinity binding to von Willebrand factor. J Thromb Haemost. 2019 Dec; 17 (12):2022-2034 Epub 2019 Sept 19
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  17. Tischer A, Brown MJ, Schleif RF, Auton M. Arabinose Alters Both Local and Distal H-D Exchange Rates in the Escherichia coli AraC Transcriptional Regulator. Biochemistry. 2019 Jul 2; 58 (26):2875-2882 Epub 2019 June 19
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  18. Schneppenheim R, Hellermann N, Brehm MA, Klemm U, Obser T, Huck V, Schneider SW, Denis CV, Tischer A, Auton M, Marz W, Xu ER, Wilmanns M, Zotz RB. The von Willebrand factor Tyr2561 allele is a gain-of-function variant and a risk factor for early myocardial infarction. Blood. 2019 Jan 24; 133 (4):356-365 Epub 2018 Oct 26
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  19. Tischer A, Machha VR, Rosgen J, Auton M. "Cooperative collapse" of the denatured state revealed through Clausius-Clapeyron analysis of protein denaturation phase diagrams. Biopolymers. 2018 Aug; 109 (8):e23106 Epub 2018 Feb 19
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  20. O'Neil PT, Machen AJ, Deatherage BC, Trecazzi C, Tischer A, Machha VR, Auton MT, Baldwin MR, White TA, Fisher MT. The Chaperonin GroEL: A Versatile Tool for Applied Biotechnology Platforms. Front Mol Biosci. 2018; 5:46 Epub 2018 May 15
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  21. Tischer A, Machha VR, Frontroth JP, Brehm MA, Obser T, Schneppenheim R, Mayne L, Walter Englander S, Auton M. Enhanced Local Disorder in a Clinically Elusive von Willebrand Factor Provokes High-Affinity Platelet Clumping. J Mol Biol. 2017 Jul 7; 429 (14):2161-2177 Epub 2017 May 19
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  22. Blackburn PR, Tischer A, Zimmermann MT, Kemppainen JL, Sastry S, Knight Johnson AE, Cousin MA, Boczek NJ, Oliver G, Misra VK, Gavrilova RH, Lomberk G, Auton M, Urrutia R, Klee EW. A Novel Kleefstra Syndrome-associated Variant That Affects the Conserved TPLX Motif within the Ankyrin Repeat of EHMT1 Leads to Abnormal Protein Folding. J Biol Chem. 2017 Mar 03; 292(9):3866-3876. Epub 2017 Jan 05.
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  23. Machha VR, Tischer A, Moon-Tasson L, Auton M. The Von Willebrand Factor A1-Collagen III Interaction Is Independent of Conformation and Type 2 Von Willebrand Disease Phenotype. J Mol Biol. 2017 Jan 6; 429 (1):32-47 Epub 2016 Nov 24
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  24. Rosgen J, Auton M. Comment on "Osmolyte Effects on Monoclonal Antibody Stability and Concentration-Dependent Protein Interactions with Water and Common Osmolytes". J Phys Chem B 2016 Nov 3; 120 (43):11331-11332 Epub 2016 Oct 19
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  25. Lea WA, O'Neil PT, Machen AJ, Naik S, Chaudhri T, McGinn-Straub W, Tischer A, Auton MT, Burns JR, Baldwin MR, Khar KR, Karanicolas J, Fisher MT. Chaperonin-Based Biolayer Interferometry To Assess the Kinetic Stability of Metastable, Aggregation-Prone Proteins. Biochemistry. 2016 Sep 6; 55 (35):4885-908 Epub 2016 Aug 19
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  26. Campbell JC, Tischer A, Machha V, Moon-Tasson L, Sankaran B, Kim C, Auton M. Data on the purification and crystallization of the loss-of-function von Willebrand disease variant (p.Gly1324Ser) of the von Willebrand factor A1 domain. Data Brief. 2016 Jun; 7:1700-1706 Epub 2016 May 10
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  27. Auton M. Untangling a Structurally Resolved Protein Folding Intermediate. Biophys J 2016 Mar 29; 110 (6):1205-6
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  28. Tischer A, Campbell JC, Machha VR, Moon-Tasson L, Benson LM, Sankaran B, Kim C, Auton M. Mutational Constraints on Local Unfolding Inhibit the Rheological Adaptation of von Willebrand Factor. J Biol Chem. 2016 Feb 19; 291 (8):3848-59 Epub 2015 Dec 16
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  29. Blancas-Mejia LM, Horn TJ, Marin-Argany M, Auton M, Tischer A, Ramirez-Alvarado M. Thermodynamic and fibril formation studies of full length immunoglobulin light chain AL-09 and its germline protein using scan rate dependent thermal unfolding. Biophys Chem. 2015 Dec; 207:13-20 Epub 2015 Aug 04
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  30. Zimmermann MT, Tischer A, Whitten ST, Auton M. Structural origins of misfolding propensity in the platelet adhesive von Willebrand factor A1 domain. Biophys J. 2015 Jul 21; 109 (2):398-406
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  31. Perez RB, Tischer A, Auton M, Whitten ST. Alanine and proline content modulate global sensitivity to discrete perturbations in disordered proteins. Proteins-structure Function And Bioinformatics. 2014 Dec; 82(12):3373-84.
  32. Tischer A, Lilie H, Auton M, Lange C. Oxidative refolding of rPA in l-ArgHCl and in ionic liquids: A correlation between hydrophobicity, salt effects, and refolding yield. Biopolymers. 2014 Nov; 101: (11)1129-40.
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  33. Tischer A, Madde P, Moon-Tasson L, Auton M. Misfolding of vWF to pathologically disordered conformations impacts the severity of von Willebrand disease. Biophys J. 2014 Sep 2; 107 (5):1185-1195
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  34. Tischer A, Madde P, Blancas-Mejia LM, Auton M. A molten globule intermediate of the von Willebrand factor A1 domain firmly tethers platelets under shear flow. Proteins. 2014 May; 82 (5):867-78 Epub 2013 Nov 22
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  35. Tischer A, Pultke H, Topf A, Auton M, Lange C, Lilie H. The effects of N-ethyl-N'-methyl imidazolium chloride on the solubility, stability and aggregation of tc-rPA. FEBS J. 2014 Apr; 281 (7):1738-49 Epub 2014 Feb 19
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  36. Blancas-Mejia LM, Tischer A, Thompson JR, Tai J, Wang L, Auton M, Ramirez-Alvarado M. Kinetic control in protein folding for light chain amyloidosis and the differential effects of somatic mutations. J Mol Biol. 2014 Jan 23; 426 (2):347-61 Epub 2013 Oct 22
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  37. Tischer A, Auton M. Urea-temperature phase diagrams capture the thermodynamics of denatured state expansion that accompany protein unfolding. Protein Sci. 2013 Sep; 22 (9):1147-60 Epub 2013 July 25
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  38. Tischer A, Cruz MA, Auton M. The linker between the D3 and A1 domains of vWF suppresses A1-GPIbalpha catch bonds by site-specific binding to the A1 domain. Protein Sci. 2013 Aug; 22 (8):1049-59
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  39. Auton M, Bassett GR, Gillard BK, Pownall HJ. Free cholesterol determines reassembled high-density lipoprotein phospholipid phase structure and stability. Biochemistry. 2013 Jun 25; 52(25):4324-30. Epub 2013 Jun 14.
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  40. Auton M, Sowa KE, Behymer M, Cruz MA. N-terminal flanking region of A1 domain in von Willebrand factor stabilizes structure of A1A2A3 complex and modulates platelet activation under shear stress. J Biol Chem. 2012 Apr 27; 287(18):14579-85. Epub 2012 Mar 19.
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  41. Auton M, Rosgen J, Sinev M, Holthauzen LM, Bolen DW. Osmolyte effects on protein stability and solubility: a balancing act between backbone and side-chains. Biophys Chem. 2011 Nov; 159(1):90-9. Epub 2011 May 19.
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  42. Holthauzen LM, Auton M, Sinev M, Rosgen J. Protein stability in the presence of cosolutes. Methods Enzymol. 2011; 492:61-125.
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  43. Auton M, Zhu C, Cruz MA. The mechanism of VWF-mediated platelet GPIbalpha binding. Biophys J. 2010 Aug 9; 99(4):1192-201.
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  44. Auton M, Sowa KE, Smith SM, Sedlak E, Vijayan KV, Cruz MA. Destabilization of the A1 domain in von Willebrand factor dissociates the A1A2A3 tri-domain and provokes spontaneous binding to glycoprotein Ibalpha and platelet activation under shear stress. J Biol Chem. 2010 Jul 23; 285(30):22831-9. Epub 2010 May 24.
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  45. Auton M, Sedlak E, Marek J, Wu T, Zhu C, Cruz MA. Changes in thermodynamic stability of von Willebrand factor differentially affect the force-dependent binding to platelet GPIbalpha. Biophys J. 2009 Jul 22; 97(2):618-27.
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  46. Auton M, Bolen DW, Rosgen J. Structural thermodynamics of protein preferential solvation: osmolyte solvation of proteins, aminoacids, and peptides. Proteins. 2008 Dec; 73(4):802-13.
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  47. Auton M, Holthauzen LM, Bolen DW. Anatomy of energetic changes accompanying urea-induced protein denaturation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Sep 25; 104(39):15317-22. Epub 2007 Sep 18.
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  48. Auton M, Cruz MA, Moake J. Conformational stability and domain unfolding of the Von Willebrand factor A domains. J Mol Biol. 2007 Feb 23; 366(3):986-1000. Epub 2006 Oct 25.
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  49. Auton M, Bolen DW. Application of the transfer model to understand how naturally occurring osmolytes affect protein stability. Methods Enzymol. 2007; 428:397-418.
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  50. Auton M, Ferreon AC, Bolen DW. Metrics that differentiate the origins of osmolyte effects on protein stability: a test of the surface tension proposal. J Mol Biol. 2006 Sep 1; 361(5):983-92. Epub 2006 Aug 04.
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  51. Auton M, Bolen DW. Predicting the energetics of osmolyte-induced protein folding/unfolding. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Oct 18; 102(42):15065-8. Epub 2005 Oct 07.
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  52. Auton M, Bolen DW. Additive transfer free energies of the peptide backbone unit that are independent of the model compound and the choice of concentration scale. Biochemistry. 2004 Feb 10; 43(5):1329-42.
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