
  1. Jachim SK, Bowles BS, Panicker AJ, Yousaf I, Brown AD, Zoroufy AJ, Boehmer KR, Stonnington CM, Vadeboncoeur TF, Lujan JL, Ehlers SL, Schulze AJ. A single-center assessment of mental health and well-being in a biomedical sciences graduate program. Nat Biotechnol. 2023 May; 41 (5):728-733
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  2. Penza V, Maroun JW, Nace RA, Schulze AJ, Russell SJ. Polycytidine tract deletion from microRNA-detargeted oncolytic Mengovirus optimizes the therapeutic index in a murine multiple myeloma model. Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2023 Mar 16; 28:15-30 Epub 2022 Dec 02
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  3. Antanasijevic A, Schulze AJ, Reddy VS, Ward AB. High-resolution structural analysis of enterovirus-reactive polyclonal antibodies in complex with whole virions. PNAS Nexus. 2022 Nov; 1 (5):pgac253 Epub 2022 Nov 04
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  4. Suryawanshi YR, Nace RA, Russell SJ, Schulze AJ. MicroRNA-detargeting proves more effective than leader gene deletion for improving safety of oncolytic Mengovirus in a nude mouse model. Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2021 Dec 17; 23:1-13 Epub 2021 Aug 25
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  5. Penza V, Russell SJ, Schulze AJ. The long-lasting enigma of polycytidine (polyC) tract. PLoS Pathog. 2021 Aug; 17 (8):e1009739 Epub 2021 Aug 04
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  6. Suryawanshi YR, Schulze AJ. Oncolytic Viruses for Malignant Glioma: On the Verge of Success? Viruses. 2021 Jul 02; 13(7).
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  7. Maroun JW, Penza V, Weiskittel TM, Schulze AJ, Russell SJ. Collateral Lethal Effects of Complementary Oncolytic Viruses. Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2020 Sep 25; 18:236-246 Epub 2020 June 24
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  8. Elsedawy NB, Nace RA, Russell SJ, Schulze AJ. Oncolytic Activity of Targeted Picornaviruses Formulated as Synthetic Infectious RNA. Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2020 Jun 26; 17:484-495 Epub 2020 May 19
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  9. Schulze AJ. Insert Stability and In Vivo Testing of MicroRNA-Detargeted Oncolytic Picornaviruses. Methods Mol Biol. 2020; 2058:77-94
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  10. Maroun J, Munoz-Alia M, Ammayappan A, Schulze A, Peng KW, Russell S. Designing and building oncolytic viruses. Future Virol. 2017 Apr; 12 (4):193-213 Epub 2017 Mar 31
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  11. Ruiz AJ, Russell SJ. MicroRNA-based Regulation of Picornavirus Tropism. J Vis Exp. 2017 Feb 6; (120) Epub 2017 Feb 06
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  12. Ruiz AJ, Hadac EM, Nace RA, Russell SJ. MicroRNA-Detargeted Mengovirus for Oncolytic Virotherapy. J Virol. 2016 Apr; 90 (8):4078-4092 Epub 2016 Mar 28
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  13. Shen W, Patnaik MM, Ruiz A, Russell SJ, Peng KW. Immunovirotherapy with vesicular stomatitis virus and PD-L1 blockade enhances therapeutic outcome in murine acute myeloid leukemia. Blood. 2016 Mar 17; 127 (11):1449-58 Epub 2015 Dec 28
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  14. Ruiz AJ, Russell SJ. MicroRNAs and oncolytic viruses. Curr Opin Virol. 2015 Aug; 13:40-8 Epub 2015 Apr 13
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  15. Ruiz A, Schmitt K, Culley N, Stephens EB. Simian-Human immunodeficiency viruses expressing chimeric subtype B/C Vpu proteins demonstrate the importance of the amino terminal and transmembrane domains in the rate of CD4(+) T cell loss in macaques. Virology. 2013 Jan 20; 435 (2):395-405 Epub 2012 Dec 05
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  16. Ruiz A, Russell SJ. A new paradigm in viral resistance. Cell Res. 2012 Nov; 22 (11):1515-7 Epub 2012 Oct 02
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  17. Skasko M, Wang Y, Tian Y, Tokarev A, Munguia J, Ruiz A, Stephens EB, Opella SJ, Guatelli J. HIV-1 Vpu protein antagonizes innate restriction factor BST-2 via lipid-embedded helix-helix interactions. J Biol Chem. 2012 Jan 02; 287 (1):58-67 Epub 2011 Nov 09
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  18. Schmitt K, Guo K, Algaier M, Ruiz A, Cheng F, Qiu J, Wissing S, Santiago ML, Stephens EB. Differential virus restriction patterns of rhesus macaque and human APOBEC3A: implications for lentivirus evolution. Virology. 2011 Oct 10; 419 (1):24-42 Epub 2011 Aug 25
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  19. Ruiz A, Hill MS, Schmitt K, Stephens EB. Membrane raft association of the Vpu protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 correlates with enhanced virus release. Virology. 2010 Dec 05; 408 (1):89-102 Epub 2010 Sept 28
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  20. Ruiz A, Lau D, Mitchell RS, Hill MS, Schmitt K, Guatelli JC, Stephens EB. BST-2 mediated restriction of simian-human immunodeficiency virus. Virology. 2010 Oct 25; 406 (2):312-21 Epub 2010 Aug 13
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  21. Schmitt K, Hill MS, Liu Z, Ruiz A, Culley N, Pinson DM, Stephens EB. Comparison of the replication and persistence of simian-human immunodeficiency viruses expressing Vif proteins with mutation of the SLQYLA or HCCH domains in macaques. Virology. 2010 Sep 01; 404 (2):187-203
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  22. Ruiz A, Guatelli JC, Stephens EB. The Vpu protein: new concepts in virus release and CD4 down-modulation. Curr HIV Res. 2010 Apr; 8 (3):240-52
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  23. Hill MS, Ruiz A, Schmitt K, Stephens EB. Identification of amino acids within the second alpha helical domain of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vpu that are critical for preventing CD4 cell surface expression. Virology. 2010 Feb 05; 397 (1):104-12 Epub 2009 Nov 27
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  24. Mitchell RS, Katsura C, Skasko MA, Fitzpatrick K, Lau D, Ruiz A, Stephens EB, Margottin-Goguet F, Benarous R, Guatelli JC. Vpu antagonizes BST-2-mediated restriction of HIV-1 release via beta-TrCP and endo-lysosomal trafficking. PLoS Pathog. 2009 May; 5 (5):e1000450 Epub 2009 May 29
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  25. Schmitt K, Hill MS, Ruiz A, Culley N, Pinson DM, Wong SW, Stephens EB. Mutations in the highly conserved SLQYLA motif of Vif in a simian-human immunodeficiency virus result in a less pathogenic virus and are associated with G-to-A mutations in the viral genome. Virology. 2009 Jan 20; 383 (2):362-72 Epub 2008 Nov 21
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  26. Ruiz A, Hill MS, Schmitt K, Guatelli J, Stephens EB. Requirements of the membrane proximal tyrosine and dileucine-based sorting signals for efficient transport of the subtype C Vpu protein to the plasma membrane and in virus release. Virology. 2008 Aug 15; 378 (1):58-68 Epub 2008 June 24
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  27. Hill MS, Ruiz A, Pacyniak E, Pinson DM, Culley N, Yen B, Wong SW, Stephens EB. Modulation of the severe CD4+ T-cell loss caused by a pathogenic simian-human immunodeficiency virus by replacement of the subtype B vpu with the vpu from a subtype C HIV-1 clinical isolate. Virology. 2008 Feb 05; 371 (1):86-97 Epub 2007 Oct 24
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  28. Brindley MA, Hughes L, Ruiz A, McCray PB Jr, Sanchez A, Sanders DA, Maury W. Ebola virus glycoprotein 1: identification of residues important for binding and postbinding events. J Virol. 2007 Jul; 81 (14):7702-9 Epub 2007 May 02
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  29. Hill MS, Ruiz A, Gomez LM, Miller JM, Berman NE, Stephens EB. APOBEC3G expression is restricted to epithelial cells of the proximal convoluted tubules and is not expressed in the glomeruli of macaques. J Histochem Cytochem. 2007 Jan; 55 (1):63-70 Epub 2006 Sept 18
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