
  1. Brown MR, Sen SK, Mazzone A, Her TK, Xiong Y, Lee JH, Javeed N, Colwell CS, Rakshit K, LeBrasseur NK, Gaspar-Maia A, Ordog T, Matveyenko AV. Time-restricted feeding prevents deleterious metabolic effects of circadian disruption through epigenetic control of beta cell function. Sci Adv. 2021 Dec 17; 7 (51):eabg6856 Epub 2021 Dec 15
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  2. Brown MR, Holmes H, Rakshit K, Javeed N, Her TK, Stiller AA, Sen S, Shull GE, Prakash YS, Romero MF, Matveyenko AV. Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter NBCe1 regulates pancreatic beta cell function in type 2 diabetes. J Clin Invest. 2021 Sep 1; 131 (17)
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  3. Javeed N, Her TK, Brown MR, Vanderboom P, Rakshit K, Egan AM, Vella A, Lanza I, Matveyenko AV. Pro-inflammatory beta cell small extracellular vesicles induce beta cell failure through activation of the CXCL10/CXCR3 axis in diabetes. Cell Rep. 2021 Aug 24; 36 (8):109613
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  4. Javeed N, Brown MR, Rakshit K, Her T, Sen SK, Matveyenko AV. Proinflammatory Cytokine Interleukin 1beta Disrupts beta-cell Circadian Clock Function and Regulation of Insulin Secretion. Endocrinology. 2021 Jan 1; 162 (1)
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  5. Brown MR, Holmes H, Rakshit K, Javeed N, Her TK, Stiller AA, Sen S, Shull GE, Prakash YS, Romero MF, Matveyenko AV. Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter NBCe1 regulates pancreatic beta cell function in type 2 diabetes Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2021; 131 (17):e142365
  6. Xu J, Jia YF, Tapadar S, Weaver JD, Raji IO, Pithadia DJ, Javeed N, Garcia AJ, Choi DS, Matveyenko AV, Oyelere AK, Shin CH. Publisher Correction: Inhibition of TBK1/IKKepsilon Promotes Regeneration of Pancreatic beta-cells. Sci Rep. 2019 Dec 3; 9 (1):18570 Epub 2019 Dec 03
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  7. Sah RP, Sharma A, Nagpal S, Patlolla SH, Sharma A, Kandlakunta H, Anani V, Angom RS, Kamboj AK, Ahmed N, Mohapatra S, Vivekanandhan S, Philbrick KA, Weston A, Takahashi N, Kirkland J, Javeed N, Matveyenko A, Levy MJ, Mukhopadhyay D, Chari ST. Phases of Metabolic and Soft Tissue Changes in Months Preceding a Diagnosis of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Gastroenterology. 2019 May; 156(6):1742-1752. Epub 2019 Jan 22.
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  8. Javeed N. Shedding Perspective on Extracellular Vesicle Biology in Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Syndromes. Endocrinology. 2019 Feb 1; 160 (2):399-408
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  9. Xu J, Jia YF, Tapadar S, Weaver JD, Raji IO, Pithadia DJ, Javeed N, Garcia AJ, Choi DS, Matveyenko AV, Oyelere AK, Shin CH. Inhibition of TBK1/IKKepsilon Promotes Regeneration of Pancreatic beta-cells. Sci Rep. 2018 Oct 22; 8 (1):15587
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  10. Javeed N, Matveyenko AV. Circadian Etiology of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Physiology (Bethesda). 2018 Mar 1; 33 (2):138-150
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  11. Javeed N, Mukhopadhyay D. Exosomes and their role in the micro-/macro-environment: a comprehensive review. J Biomed Res. 2017 Sep 26; 31 (5):386-394
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  12. Javeed N, Matveyenko AV. beta cell self-renewal: Cyclin D2 to the rescue. Cell Cycle 2017 Jul 18; 16 (14):1326-1327 Epub 2017 June 08
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  13. Javeed N, Gustafson MP, Dutta SK, Lin Y, Bamlet WR, Oberg AL, Petersen GM, Chari ST, Dietz AB, Mukhopadhyay D. Immunosuppressive CD14(+)HLA-DR(lo/neg) monocytes are elevated in pancreatic cancer and "primed" by tumor-derived exosomes. Oncoimmunology. 2017; 6 (1):e1252013 Epub 2016 Nov 02
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  14. Sagar G, Sah RP, Javeed N, Dutta SK, Smyrk TC, Lau JS, Giorgadze N, Tchkonia T, Kirkland JL, Chari ST, Mukhopadhyay D. Pathogenesis of pancreatic cancer exosome-induced lipolysis in adipose tissue. Gut. 2016 Jul; 65 (7):1165-74 Epub 2015 Apr 28
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  15. Javeed N, Tardi NJ, Maher M, Singari S, Edwards KA. Controlled expression of Drosophila homeobox loci using the Hostile takeover system Dev Dyn.2015;244:(6)808-825.
  16. Javeed N, Sagar G, Dutta SK, Smyrk TC, Lau JS, Bhattacharya S, Truty M, Petersen GM, Kaufman RJ, Chari ST, Mukhopadhyay D. Pancreatic Cancer-Derived Exosomes Cause Paraneoplastic beta-cell Dysfunction. Clin Cancer Res. 2015 Apr 1; 21 (7):1722-33 Epub 2014 Oct 29
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  17. Hoeppner LH, Wang Y, Sharma A, Javeed N, Van Keulen VP, Wang E, Yang P, Roden AC, Peikert T, Molina JR, Mukhopadhyay D. Dopamine D2 receptor agonists inhibit lung cancer progression by reducing angiogenesis and tumor infiltrating myeloid derived suppressor cells. Mol Oncol. 2015 Jan; 9 (1):270-81 Epub 2014 Aug 30
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  18. Singari S, Javeed N, Tardi NJ, Marada S, Carlson JC, Kirk S, Thorn JM, Edwards KA. Inducible protein traps with dominant phenotypes for functional analysis of the Drosophila genome Genetics.2013;196:(1)91-105.
  19. Aggarwal G, Ramachandran V, Javeed N, Arumugam T, Dutta S, Klee GG, Klee EW, Smyrk TC, Bamlet W, Han JJ, Rumie Vittar NB, de Andrade M, Mukhopadhyay D, Petersen GM, Fernandez-Zapico ME, Logsdon CD, Chari ST. Adrenomedullin is up-regulated in patients with pancreatic cancer and causes insulin resistance in beta cells and mice. Gastroenterology. 2012 Dec; 143 (6):1510-1517.e1 Epub 2012 Sept 06
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