
  1. Das I, Mathur AK, Aqel B, Harnois D, Mao S, Taner CB, Croome KP. " To sleep-perchance to dream ": Daytime surgery start times for liver transplantation with ex situ normothermic machine perfusion. Liver Transpl 2024 Jul 1; 30 (7):763-767 Epub 2024 Feb 09
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  2. Overfield CJ, Padula CA, Paz-Fumagalli R, Montazeri SA, De la Garza-Ramos C, Elboraey MA, Croome KP, Lewis JT, Mao SA, Harnois DM, Frey G, McKinney JM, Ritchie C, Devcic Z, Lewis AR, Toskich BB. Histologic Findings of Sinusoidal Dilatation and Congestion in Liver Grafts Do Not Correlate with Hepatic Venous Anastomotic Gradients. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2024 Jun 6 Epub 2024 June 06
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  3. Attieh RM, Ibrahim RM, Ghali P, Keaveny A, Croome K, Hodge D, White L, Wadei HM. Improved outcomes of kidney after liver transplantation after the implementation of the safety net policy. Liver Transpl. 2024 Jun 1; 30 (6):582-594 Epub 2023 Nov 29
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  4. Batten JN, Nurok M, Cotler MP, Adams BL, Hasz R, Croome KP, Hoffman J, Wall A. Moving Forward With Normothermic Regional Perfusion Amidst Ethical Controversy. Am J Bioeth. 2024 Jun; 24 (6):41-43 Epub 2024 June 03
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  5. Croome KP. "Age ain't nothing but a number": Advanced perfusion is the key to increasing usability of older DCD donor livers. Liver Transpl. 2024 May 21 [Epub ahead of print]
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  6. Taner CB, Croome KP. What is the true cost of DCD liver transplant from a value-based perspective? Liver Transpl. 2024 Apr 22 [Epub ahead of print]
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  7. Brubaker AL, Sellers MT, Abt PL, Croome KP, Merani S, Wall A, Abreu P, Alebrahim M, Baskin R, Bohorquez H, Cannon RM, Cederquist K, Edwards J, Huerter BG, Hobeika MJ, Kautzman L, Langnas AN, Lee DD, Manzi J, Nassar A, Neidlinger N, Nydam TL, Schnickel GT, Siddiqui F, Suah A, Taj R, Taner CB, Testa G, Vianna R, Vyas F, Montenovo MI. US Liver Transplant Outcomes After Normothermic Regional Perfusion vs Standard Super Rapid Recovery. JAMA Surg. 2024 Apr 3 Epub 2024 Apr 03
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  8. Croome KP. Should advanced perfusion be the standard of care for donation after circulatory death liver transplant? Am J Transplant. 2024 Mar 19 [Epub ahead of print]
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  9. Wall AE, Adams BL, Brubaker A, Chang CWJ, Croome KP, Frontera J, Gordon E, Hoffman J, Kaplan LJ, Kumar D, Levisky J, Minambres E, Parent B, Watson C, Zemmar A, Pomfret EA. The American Society of Transplant Surgeons Consensus Statement on Normothermic Regional Perfusion. Transplantation. 2024 Feb 1; 108 (2):312-318 Epub 2024 Jan 19
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  10. Das I, Pham SM, Perry DK, Croome KP. The Use of Ex Situ Normothermic Machine Perfusion in Combined Cardiac and Liver Transplantation Procedures. Transplant Direct. 2024 Feb; 10 (2):e1574 Epub 2024 Jan 24
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  11. Croome KP, Perry DK, Taner CB. Reply: Development of a portable abdominal normothermic regional perfusion (A-NRP) program in the United States. Liver Transpl 2024 Jan 1; 30 (1):E6-E7 Epub 2023 May 22
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  12. Croome KP, Brown TE, Mabrey RL, Sonnenwald SL, Burns JM, Mao SA, Clendenon JN, Nguyen JH, Perry DK, Maddox RG, Taner CB. Development of a portable abdominal normothermic regional perfusion (A-NRP) program in the United States. Liver Transpl. 2023 Dec 1; 29 (12):1282-1291 Epub 2023 Apr 13
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  13. Croome KP, Mathur AK. Is there a need to reassess the impact of functional donor warm ischemia time in the era of advanced perfusion techniques? Liver Transpl 2023 Nov 1; 29 (11):1146-1148 Epub 2023 June 28
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  14. Croome KP. N-acetylcysteine and Reduction of Ischemia-reperfusion Injury in Liver Transplantation. Transplantation 2023 Sep 1; 107 (9):1874 Epub 2023 Apr 18
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  15. Eden J, Sousa Da Silva R, Cortes-Cerisuelo M, Croome K, De Carlis R, Hessheimer AJ, Muller X, de Goeij F, Banz V, Magini G, Compagnon P, Elmer A, Lauterio A, Panconesi R, Widmer J, Dondossola D, Muiesan P, Monbaliu D, de Rosner van Rosmalen M, Detry O, Fondevila C, Jochmans I, Pirenne J, Immer F, Oniscu GC, de Jonge J, Lesurtel M, De Carlis LG, Taner CB, Heaton N, Schlegel A, Dutkowski P. Utilization of livers donated after circulatory death for transplantation - An international comparison. J Hepatol. 2023 May; 78 (5):1007-1016 Epub 2023 Feb 04
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  16. Bekki Y, Croome KP, Myers B, Sasaki K, Tomiyama K. Normothermic Regional Perfusion Can Improve Both Utilization and Outcomes in DCD Liver, Kidney, and Pancreas Transplantation. Transplant Direct. 2023 Mar; 9 (3):e1450 Epub 2023 Feb 17
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  17. Croome KP, Barbas AS, Whitson B, Zarrinpar A, Taner T, Lo D, MacConmara M, Kim J, Kennealey PT, Bromberg JS, Washburn K, Agopian VG, Stegall M, Quintini C, American Society of Transplant Surgeons Scientific Studies Committee. American Society of Transplant Surgeons recommendations on best practices in donation after circulatory death organ procurement. Am J Transplant. 2023 Feb; 23 (2):171-179 Epub 2023 Jan 12
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  18. Croome KP. Introducing Machine Perfusion into Routine Clinical Practice for Liver Transplantation in the United States: The Moment Has Finally Come. J Clin Med. 2023 Jan 23; 12 (3)
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  19. Mercado LA, Bhangu HK, Calderon E, Mathur AK, Aqel B, Musto KR, Watt KD, Rosen CB, Bolan C, LeGout JD, Taner CB, Harnois DM, Croome KP. DCD Liver Grafts Can Safely Be Used for Recipients With Grade I-II Portal Vein Thrombosis: A Multicenter Analysis. Transplant Direct. 2022 Nov; 8 (11):e1392 Epub 2022 Oct 07
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  20. Montazeri SA, De la Garza-Ramos C, Lewis AR, Lewis JT, LeGout JD, Sella DM, Paz-Fumagalli R, Devcic Z, Ritchie CA, Frey GT, Vidal L, Croome KP, McKinney JM, Harnois D, Krishnan S, Patel T, Toskich BB. Hepatocellular carcinoma radiation segmentectomy treatment intensification prior to liver transplantation increases rates of complete pathologic necrosis: an explant analysis of 75 tumors. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2022 Sep; 49 (11):3892-3897 Epub 2022 Apr 20
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  21. De la Garza-Ramos C, Montazeri SA, Croome KP, LeGout JD, Sella DM, Cleary S, Burns J, Mathur AK, Overfield CJ, Frey GT, Lewis AR, Paz-Fumagalli R, Ritchie CA, McKinney JM, Mody K, Patel T, Devcic Z, Toskich BB. Radiation Segmentectomy for the Treatment of Solitary Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Outcomes Compared with Those of Surgical Resection. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2022 Jul; 33 (7):775-785.e2 Epub 2022 Mar 26
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  22. Croome KP, Mathur AK, Aqel B, Yang L, Taner T, Heimbach JK, Rosen CB, Paz-Fumagalli R, Taner CB. Classification of Distinct Patterns of Ischemic Cholangiopathy Following DCD Liver Transplantation: Distinct Clinical Courses and Long-term Outcomes From a Multicenter Cohort. Transplantation. 2022 Jun 1; 106 (6):1206-1214 Epub 2022 Aug 30
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  23. Croome KP, Mao S, Taner CB. The Current Landscape of Liver Transplantation After Ex Situ Machine Perfusion and Normothermic Regional Perfusion in the United States. Liver Transpl. 2022 Jun; 28 (6):1108-1112 Epub 2022 Feb 11
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  24. Ahmed O, Vachharajani N, Croome KP, Tabrizian P, Agopian V, Halazun K, Hong JC, Dageforde LA, Chapman WC, Doyle MM, Primary Liver Tumor Study Group. Are Current National Review Board Downstaging Protocols for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Too Restrictive? J Am Coll Surg. 2022 Apr 1; 234 (4):579-588
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  25. Schlegel A, van Reeven M, Croome K, Parente A, Dolcet A, Widmer J, Meurisse N, De Carlis R, Hessheimer A, Jochmans I, Mueller M, van Leeuwen OB, Nair A, Tomiyama K, Sherif A, Elsharif M, Kron P, van der Helm D, Borja-Cacho D, Bohorquez H, Germanova D, Dondossola D, Olivieri T, Camagni S, Gorgen A, Patrono D, Cescon M, Croome S, Panconesi R, Carvalho MF, Ravaioli M, Caicedo JC, Loss G, Lucidi V, Sapisochin G, Romagnoli R, Jassem W, Colledan M, De Carlis L, Rossi G, Di Benedetto F, Miller CM, van Hoek B, Attia M, Lodge P, Hernandez-Alejandro R, Detry O, Quintini C, Oniscu GC, Fondevila C, Malago M, Pirenne J, IJzermans JNM, Porte RJ, Dutkowski P, Taner CB, Heaton N, Clavien PA, Polak WG, Muiesan P, DCD Collaborator Group. A multicentre outcome analysis to define global benchmarks for donation after circulatory death liver transplantation. J Hepatol. 2022 Feb; 76 (2):371-382 Epub 2021 Oct 14
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  26. Sussman J, Calderon E, Ubl DS, Croome KP, Taner CB, Heimbach JK, Moss A, Habermann EB, Mathur AK. Variation in opioid prescribing patterns after abdominal transplant surgery. Clin Transplant. 2021 Oct; 35 (10):e14439 Epub 2021 Aug 09
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  27. Wadei HM, Keaveny AP, Taner CB, Yang L, Mai ML, Hodge DO, White LJ, Mao SA, Jarmi T, Croome KP. Post-Liver Transplant Early Allograft Dysfunction Modifies the Effect of Pre-Liver Transplant Renal Dysfunction on Post-Liver Transplant Survival. Liver Transpl. 2021 Sep; 27 (9):1291-1301 Epub 2021 July 21
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  28. Wadei HM, Burcin Taner C, Keaveny AP, Mai ML, Hodge DO, White LJ, Harnois DM, Mao SA, Jarmi T, Croome KP. The changing impact of pre-liver transplant renal dysfunction on post-transplant survival: results of 2 decades from a single center. Ann Hepatol. 2021 Sep-Oct; 24:100317 Epub 2021 Feb 03
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  29. Liou H, Mody K, Boyle AW, Keaveny AP, Croome KP, Burns JM, Harnois DM, Patel TC, Toskich B. Neoadjuvant Radiation Lobectomy and Immunotherapy for Angioinvasive HCC Resulting in Complete Pathologic Response. Hepatology. 2021 Jul; 74 (1):525-527 Epub 2021 Apr 27
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  30. Kalisvaart M, Croome KP, Hernandez-Alejandro R, Pirenne J, Cortes-Cerisuelo M, Minambres E, Abt PL. Donor Warm Ischemia Time in DCD Liver Transplantation-Working Group Report From the ILTS DCD, Liver Preservation, and Machine Perfusion Consensus Conference. Transplantation. 2021 Jun 1; 105 (6):1156-1164
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  31. Ahmed A, Stauffer JA, LeGout JD, Burns J, Croome K, Paz-Fumagalli R, Frey G, Toskich B. The use of neoadjuvant lobar radioembolization prior to major hepatic resection for malignancy results in a low rate of post hepatectomy liver failure. J Gastrointest Oncol. 2021 Apr; 12 (2):751-761
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  32. Toskich B, Vidal LL, Olson MT, Lewis JT, LeGout JD, Sella DM, Montazeri SA, Devcic Z, Lewis AR, Frey GT, Ritchie CA, Paz-Fumagalli R, Croome KP, Patel TC. Pathologic Response of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated with Yttrium-90 Glass Microsphere Radiation Segmentectomy Prior to Liver Transplantation: A Validation Study. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2021 Apr; 32(4):518-526.e1. Epub 2021 Feb 04.
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  33. Dageforde LA, Vachharajani N, Tabrizian P, Agopian V, Halazun K, Maynard E, Croome K, Nagorney D, Hong JC, Lee D, Ferrone C, Baker E, Jarnagin W, Hemming A, Schnickel G, Kimura S, Busuttil R, Lindemann J, Florman S, Holzner ML, Srouji R, Najjar M, Yohanathan L, Cheng J, Amin H, Rickert CA, Yang JD, Kim J, Pasko J, Chapman WC, Majella Doyle MB. Multi-Center Analysis of Liver Transplantation for Combined Hepatocellular Carcinoma-Cholangiocarcinoma Liver Tumors. J Am Coll Surg. 2021 Apr; 232 (4):361-371 Epub 2020 Dec 13
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  34. Wong-Lucio P, Moreno-Franco P, Canabal J, Lowman P, Scott C, Croome K, Chadha R. Post-Cardiac Injury Following Liver Transplantation for Budd-Chiari Syndrome. Prog Transplant. 2021 Mar; 31 (1):91-92 Epub 2020 Dec 04
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  35. Croome KP, Taner CB. Expanding Role of Donation After Circulatory Death Donors in Liver Transplantation. Clin Liver Dis. 2021 Feb; 25 (1):73-88 Epub 2020 Oct 20
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  36. Croome KP, Livingston D, Croome S, Keaveny AP, Taner CB, Nakhleh R. Sequential Protocol Biopsies Post-Liver Transplant From Donors With Moderate Macrosteatosis: What Happens to the Fat? Liver Transpl. 2021 Feb; 27 (2):248-256
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  37. Croome KP, Daneshmand MA. Successfully sharing the sandbox: A perspective on combined DCD liver and heart donor procurement. Am J Transplant. 2021 Feb; 21 (2):484-487 Epub 2020 Oct 02
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  38. Yohanathan L, Croome KP, Traynor M, Puig CA, Mara KC, Cleary SP, Nagorney DM. Significance of proximal ductal margin status after resection of hilar cholangiocarcinoma. HPB (Oxford). 2021 Jan; 23 (1):109-117 Epub 2020 June 25
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  39. Corral JE, Croome KP, Keaveny AP, Brahmbhatt B, Kroner PT, Bartel MJ, Wijarnpreecha K, Goswami RM, Raimondo M, Wallace MB, Bi Y, Mousa OY. A 3-Decade Analysis of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma After Solid Organ Transplant. Pancreas. 2021 Jan 1; 50 (1):54-63
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  40. Wijarnpreecha K, Pungpapong S, Aby ES, Croome KP, Taner CB, Thompson CC, Kroner PT. Simultaneous liver transplant and sleeve gastrectomy not associated with worse index admission outcomes compared to liver transplant alone - a retrospective cohort study. Transpl Int. 2020 Nov; 33 (11):1447-1452 Epub 2020 Sept 03
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  41. Croome KP, Mathur AK, Mao S, Aqel B, Piatt J, Senada P, Heimbach JK, Moss A, Rosen CB, Taner CB. Perioperative and long-term outcomes of utilizing donation after circulatory death liver grafts with macrosteatosis: A multicenter analysis. Am J Transplant. 2020 Sep; 20 (9):2449-2456 Epub 2020 Apr 15
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  42. Croome KP. Donation after Circulatory Death: Potential Mechanisms of Injury and Preventative Strategies. Semin Liver Dis. 2020 Aug; 40 (3):256-263 Epub 2020 June 18
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  43. DelPiccolo N, Onkendi E, Nguyen J, Patel S, Asbun HJ, Burns J, Croome K, Obi JR, Stauffer JA. Outcomes of Minimally Invasive Versus Open Major Hepatic Resection. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2020 Jul; 30 (7):790-796 Epub 2020 Apr 23
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  44. Devcic Z, Toskich BB, Livingston D, Croome KP, Lewis AR, Ritchie C, Frey G, McKinney JM, Paz-Fumagalli R. Endovascular Treatment of Aortohepatic Conduit Stenosis Following Liver Transplant. Transplant Proc. 2020 Apr; 52 (3):943-948 Epub 2020 Mar 03
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  45. Croome KP, Mao S, Yang L, Pungpapong S, Wadei HM, Taner CB. Improved National Results With Simultaneous Liver-Kidney Transplantation Using Donation After Circulatory Death Donors. Liver Transpl. 2020 Mar; 26 (3):397-407 Epub 2020 Feb 03
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  46. Croome KP, Taner CB. The Changing Landscapes in DCD Liver Transplantation. Curr Transplant Rep. 2020; 7 (3):194-204 Epub 2020 July 13
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  47. Wadei HM, Abader P, Alsaad AA, Croome K, Cortese C, Geiger XJ, Khouzam S, Mai ML, Taner CB, Keaveny AP. Arterial Blood Pressure at Liver Transplant Evaluation Predicts Renal Histology in Candidates With Renal Dysfunction. Liver Transpl. 2019 Dec; 25 (12):1756-1767 Epub 2019 Oct 31
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  48. Chadha RM, Croome KP, Aniskevich S, Pai SL, Nguyen J, Burns J, Perry D, Taner CB. Intraoperative Events in Liver Transplantation Using Donation After Circulatory Death Donors. Liver Transpl. 2019 Dec; 25 (12):1833-1840 Epub 2019 Oct 18
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  49. Livingston D, Lee DD, Croome S, Burcin Taner C, Croome KP. Comparison of Supraceliac and Infrarenal Aortic Conduits in Liver Transplantation: Is There a Difference in Patency and Postoperative Renal Dysfunction? Transplant Direct. 2019 Nov; 5 (11):e499 Epub 2019 Oct 08
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  50. Croome KP, Lee DD, Croome S, Nakhleh RE, Abader Sedki Senada P, Livingston D, Yataco M, Taner CB. Does Donor Allograft Microsteatosis Matter? Comparison of Outcomes in Liver Transplantation With a Propensity-Matched Cohort. Liver Transpl. 2019 Oct; 25 (10):1533-1540 Epub 2019 July 08
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  51. Croome KP, Lee DD, Croome S, Chadha R, Livingston D, Abader P, Keaveny AP, Taner CB. The impact of postreperfusion syndrome during liver transplantation using livers with significant macrosteatosis. Am J Transplant. 2019 Sep; 19 (9):2550-2559 Epub 2019 Mar 26
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  52. Loh CA, Croome KP, Burcin Taner C, Keaveny AP. Bias-corrected estimates of reduction of post-surgery length of stay and corresponding cost savings through the widespread national implementation of fast-tracking after liver transplantation: a quasi-experimental study. J Med Econ. 2019 Jul; 22 (7):684-690 Epub 2019 Apr 02
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  53. Croome KP, Mathur AK, Pungpapong S, Lee DD, Moss AA, Rosen CB, Heimbach JK, Taner CB. Equivalent Outcomes With Retransplantation and Primary Liver Transplantation in the Direct-acting Antiviral Era. Transplantation. 2019 Jun; 103 (6):1168-1174
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  54. Croome KP, Lee DD, Taner CB. The "Skinny" on Assessment and Utilization of Steatotic Liver Grafts: A Systematic Review. Liver Transpl. 2019 Mar; 25 (3):488-499
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  55. Merchea A, Shahjehan F, Croome KP, Cochuyt JJ, Li Z, Colibaseanu DT, Kasi PM. Colorectal Cancer Characteristics and Outcomes after Solid Organ Transplantation. J Oncol. 2019; 2019:5796108 Epub 2019 Feb 28
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  56. Lee DD, Paz-Fumagalli R, Croome KP, Paz D, Wright L, Nguyen JH, Taner CB. Hepatic artery stenosis after liver transplant: Donation after cardiac death donor vs donation after brain death donor grafts. Clin Transplant. 2018 Nov; 32 (11):e13413 Epub 2018 Oct 28
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  57. Lee DD, Paz-Fumagalli R, Croome KP, Paz D, Wright L, Nguyen JH, Taner CB. Hepatic artery stenosis after liver transplant: DCD vs DBD grafts. Clinical Transplantation. 2018.
  58. Tee MC, Krajewski AC, Groeschl RT, Farnell MB, Nagorney DM, Kendrick ML, Cleary SP, Smoot RL, Croome KP, Truty MJ. Indications and Perioperative Outcomes for Pancreatectomy with Arterial Resection. J Am Coll Surg. 2018 Aug; 227 (2):255-269 Epub 2018 May 09
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  59. Croome KP, Mathur AK, Lee DD, Moss AA, Rosen CB, Heimbach JK, Taner CB. Outcomes of Donation After Circulatory Death Liver Grafts From Donors 50 Years or Older: A Multicenter Analysis. Transplantation. 2018 Jul; 102 (7):1108-1114
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  60. Lee DD, Croome KP, Musto KR, Melendez J, Tranesh G, Nakhleh R, Taner CB, Nguyen JH, Patel T, Harnois DM. Liver transplantation for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Liver Transpl. 2018 May; 24 (5):634-644
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  61. Croome KP, Lee DD, Pungpapong S, Keaveny AP, Taner CB. What are the outcomes of declining a public health service increased risk liver donor for patients on the liver transplant waiting list? Liver Transpl. 2018 Apr; 24 (4):497-504
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  62. Croome KP, Lee DD, Burns JM, Keaveny AP, Taner CB. Intraregional model for end-stage liver disease score variation in liver transplantation: Disparity in our own backyard. Liver Transpl. 2018 Apr; 24 (4):488-496
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  63. Wadei HM, Lee DD, Croome KP, Mai L, Leonard D, Mai ML, Taner CB, Keaveny AP. Early Allograft Dysfunction Is Associated With Higher Risk of Renal Nonrecovery After Liver Transplantation. Transplant Direct. 2018 Apr; 4 (4):e352 Epub 2018 Mar 14
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  64. Croome KP, Mathur AK, Lee DD, Moss AA, Rosen CB, Heimbach JK, Taner CB. Outcomes of Donation After Cardiac Death Liver Grafts from Donors >/= 50 years of Age: A Multi-center Analysis. Transplantation. 2018 Jan 31 [Epub ahead of print]
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  65. Elias AW, Colibaseanu DT, Croome KP. Metachronous metastatic colonic small cell carcinoma and recurrent adenocarcinoma in a patient with ulcerative colitis. J Surg Case Rep. 2017 Oct; 2017 (10):rjx201 Epub 2017 Oct 20
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  66. Lee DD, Li J, Wang G, Croome KP, Burns JM, Perry DK, Nguyen JH, Hopp WJ, Taner CB. Looking inward: The impact of operative time on graft survival after liver transplantation. Surgery. 2017 Oct; 162 (4):937-949 Epub 2017 July 03
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  67. Croome KP, Lee DD, Nguyen JH, Keaveny AP, Taner CB. Waitlist Outcomes for Patients Relisted Following Failed Donation After Cardiac Death Liver Transplant: Implications for Awarding Model for End-Stage Liver Disease Exception Scores. Am J Transplant. 2017 Sep; 17 (9):2420-2427 Epub 2017 July 07
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  68. Croome KP, Lee DD, Keaveny AP, Taner CB. Noneligible Donors as a Strategy to Decrease the Organ Shortage. Am J Transplant. 2017 Jun; 17 (6):1649-1655 Epub 2017 Jan 31
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  69. Palmer WC, Lee D, Burns J, Croome K, Rosser B, Patel T, Keaveny AP, Pungpapong S, Satyanarayana R, Yataco M, Nakhleh R, Musto KR, Canabal AM, Turnage AK, Hodge DO, Nguyen JH, Harnois DM. Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Impact of Wait Time at a Single Center. Ann Hepatol. 2017 May - Jun; 16 (3):402-411
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  70. Palmer WC, Lee D, Burns J, Croome K, Rosser B, Patel T, Keaveny AP, Pungpapong S, Satyanarayana R, Yataco M, Nakhleh R, Musto KR, Canabal AM, Turnage AK, Hodge DO, Nguyen JH, Harnois DM. Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Impact of Wait Time at a Single Center. Ann Hepatol. 2017 May - Jun; 16 (3):402-411
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  71. Goldberg DS, Karp SJ, McCauley ME, Markmann JF, Croome KP, Taner CB, Heimbach JK, Leise MD, Fryer JP, Bohorquez HE, Cohen AJ, Gilroy RK, Kumer SC, Foley DP, Karim AS, Hernandez-Alejandro R, Levstik MA, Abt PL. Interpreting Outcomes in DCDD Liver Transplantation: First Report of the Multicenter IDOL Consortium. Transplantation. 2017 May; 101 (5):1067-1073
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  72. Lee DD, Croome KP, Harnois DM, Taner C, Patel TC. Caveat Emptor, Liver Transplantation for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Liver Transplantation. 2017.
  73. Croome KP, Lee DD, Perry DK, Burns JM, Nguyen JH, Keaveny AP, Taner CB. Comparison of longterm outcomes and quality of life in recipients of donation after cardiac death liver grafts with a propensity-matched cohort. Liver Transpl. 2017 Mar; 23 (3):342-351
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  74. Croome KP, Lee DD, Harnois D, Taner CB. Effects of the Share 35 Rule on Waitlist and Liver Transplantation Outcomes for Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma. PLoS One. 2017; 12 (1):e0170673 Epub 2017 Jan 25
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  75. Croome KP, Lee DD, Keaveny AP, Taner CB. Improving National Results in Liver Transplantation Using Grafts From Donation After Cardiac Death Donors. Transplantation. 2016 Dec; 100 (12):2640-2647
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  76. Croome KP, Lee DD, Burns JM, Perry DK, Nguyen JH, Keaveny AP, Wadei HM, Taner CB. Simultaneous liver and kidney transplantation in elderly patients: Outcomes and validation of a clinical risk score for patient selection. Ann Hepatol. 2016 Nov - Dec; 15 (6):870-880
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  77. Croome KP, Burns JM, G Que F, Nagorney DM. Hepatic Resection for Metastatic Neuroendocrine Cancer in Patients with Bone Metastases. Ann Surg Oncol. 2016 Oct; 23 (11):3693-3698 Epub 2016 May 17
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  78. Croome KP, Lee DD, Burns JM, Saucedo- H, Perry DK, Nguyen JH, Taner CB. Mayo Clinic Collaborative in Transplant Research and Outcomes . Liver Transpl 2016 .2016;().
  79. Croome KP, Lee DD, Burns JM, Saucedo-Crespo H, Perry DK, Nguyen JH, Taner CB, Mayo Clinic Collaborative in Transplant Research and Outcomes. Outcomes of liver transplantation with liver grafts from pediatric donors used in adult recipients. Liver Transpl. 2016 Aug; 22 (8):1099-106
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  80. Saucedo-Crespo H, Haakinson DJ, Croome KP, Mai ML, Taner CB, Heilman RL, Gonwa T. Prognostic factors in kidney transplantation in the septuagenarian: a multicenter analysis. Clin Transplant. 2016 Jul; 30 (7):828-35 Epub 2016 June 09
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  81. Thiels CA, Bergquist JR, Laan DV, Croome KP, Smoot RL, Nagorney DM, Thompson GB, Kendrick ML, Farnell MB, Truty MJ. Outcomes of Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: Are Combined Procedures Justified? J Gastrointest Surg. 2016 May; 20 (5):891-8 Epub 2016 Feb 29
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  82. Wadei HM, Lee DD, Croome KP, Mai ML, Golan E, Brotman R, Keaveny AP, Taner CB. Early Allograft Dysfunction After Liver Transplantation Is Associated With Short- and Long-Term Kidney Function Impairment. Am J Transplant. 2016 Mar; 16 (3):850-9 Epub 2015 Dec 11
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  83. Lee DD, Croome KP, Shalev JA, Musto KR, Sharma M, Keaveny AP, Taner CB. Early allograft dysfunction after liver transplantation: an intermediate outcome measure for targeted improvements. Ann Hepatol. 2016 Jan - Feb; 15 (1):53-60
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  84. Lee DD, Croome KP, Shalev JA, Musto KR, Sharma M, Keaveny AP, Taner CB. Early allograft dysfunction after liver transplantation: an intermediate outcome measure for targeted improvements. Ann Hepatol. 2016 Jan-Feb; 15 (1):53-60
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  85. Croome KP, Lee DD, Saucedo-Crespo H, Burns JM, Nguyen JH, Perry DK, Taner CB. A novel objective method for deceased donor and recipient size matching in liver transplantation. Liver Transpl. 2015 Dec; 21 (12):1471-7 Epub 2015 Nov 06
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  86. Croome KP, Mao SA, Glorioso JM, Krishna M, Nyberg SL, Nagorney DM. Characterization of a porcine model for associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for a staged hepatectomy. HPB (Oxford). 2015 Dec; 17 (12):1130-6 Epub 2015 Aug 02
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  87. Croome KP, Tee M, Nagorney DM, Truty MJ, Reid-Lombardo KM, Que FG, Kendrick ML, Farnell MB. Pancreatoduodenectomy for Chronic Pancreatitis-Results of a Pain Relief and Quality of Life Survey 15 Years Following Operation. J Gastrointest Surg. 2015 Dec; 19 (12):2146-53 Epub 2015 Sept 02
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  88. Tee MC, Croome KP, Shubert CR, Farnell MB, Truty MJ, Que FG, Reid-Lombardo KM, Smoot RL, Nagorney DM, Kendrick ML. Laparoscopic pancreatoduodenectomy does not completely mitigate increased perioperative risks in elderly patients. HPB (Oxford). 2015 Oct; 17 (10):909-18 Epub 2015 Aug 20
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  89. Croome KP, Lee DD, Burns JM, Musto K, Paz D, Nguyen JH, Perry DK, Harnois DM, Taner CB. The Use of Donation After Cardiac Death Allografts Does Not Increase Recurrence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Am J Transplant. 2015 Oct; 15 (10):2704-11 Epub 2015 May 12
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  90. Knowles SA, Bertens KA, Croome KP, Hernandez-Alejandro R. The current role of intraoperative ultrasound during the resection of colorectal liver metastases: A retrospective cohort study. Int J Surg. 2015 Aug; 20:101-6 Epub 2015 June 10
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  91. Croome KP, Rosen CB, Heimbach JK, Nagorney DM. Is Liver Transplantation Appropriate for Patients with Potentially Resectable De Novo Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma? J Am Coll Surg. 2015 Jul; 221 (1):130-9 Epub 2015 Mar 11
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  92. Croome KP, Hernandez-Alejandro R, Parker M, Heimbach J, Rosen C, Nagorney DM. Is the liver kinetic growth rate in ALPPS unprecedented when compared with PVE and living donor liver transplant? A multicentre analysis. HPB (Oxford). 2015 Jun; 17 (6):477-84 Epub 2015 Feb 28
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  93. Martel G, Hawel J, Rekman J, Croome KP, Bertens K, Balaa FK, Hernandez-Alejandro R. Liver resection for non-colorectal, non-carcinoid, non-sarcoma metastases: a multicenter study. doi 101371/journalpone0120569 eCollection 2015. 2015 Mar 26; 10(3):e0120569.
  94. Hernandez-Alejandro R, Bertens KA, Pineda-Solis K, Croome KP. Can we improve the morbidity and mortality associated with the associating liver partition with portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) procedure in the management of colorectal liver metastases? Surgery. 2015 Feb; 157 (2):194-201 Epub 2014 Oct 01
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  95. Croome KP, Lee DD, Burns JM, Perry DK, Keaveny AP, Taner CB. Patterns and Outcomes Associated with Patient Migration for Liver Transplantation in the United States. PLoS One. 2015; 10 (10):e0140295 Epub 2015 Oct 15
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  96. Croome KP, Farnell MB, Que FG, Reid-Lombardo KM, Truty MJ, Nagorney DM, Kendrick ML. Pancreaticoduodenectomy with major vascular resection: a comparison of laparoscopic versus open approaches. J Gastrointest Surg. 2015 Jan; 19 (1):189-94; discussion 194 Epub 2014 Oct 02
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  97. Croome KP, Farnell MB, Que FG, Reid-Lombardo KM, Truty MJ, Nagorney DM, Kendrick ML. Total laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: oncologic advantages over open approaches? Ann Surg. 2014 Oct; 260 (4):633-8; discussion 638-40
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  98. Schadde E, Ardiles V, Slankamenac K, Tschuor C, Sergeant G, Amacker N, Baumgart J, Croome K, Hernandez-Alejandro R, Lang H, de Santibaňes E, Clavien PA. ALPPS offers a better chance of complete resection in patients with primarily unresectable liver tumors compared with conventional-staged hepatectomies: results of a multicenter analysis. doi 101007/s00268-014-2513-3. 2014 June; 38(6):1510-9.
  99. Croome KP, Segal D, Hernandez-Alejandro R, Adams PC, Thomson A, Chandok N. Female donor to male recipient gender discordance results in inferior graft survival: a prospective study of 1,042 liver transplants. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2014 Apr; 21(4):269-74. Epub 2013 Sep 30.
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  100. Ravichandran P, Croome KP, Kovacs MJ, Lazo-Langner A, Hernandez-Alejandro R. Initial management of noncirrhotic splanchnic vein thrombosis: when is anticoagulation enough? Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014 Apr; 28(4):207-11.
  101. Lee DD, Croome KP, Perry DK, Burns JM, Nguyen JH, Keaveny AP, Taner CB. Liver Transplantation at Mayo Clinic Florida. Clin Transpl. 2014; 83-90.
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  102. Wells M, Croome KM, Janik T, Hernandez-Alejandro RM, Chandok NM. Comparing outcomes of donation after cardiac death versus donation after brain death in liver transplant recipients with hepatitis C: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2014 Feb Epub. 2013 Nov 28; 28(2):103-8.
  103. Croome KP, Wall W, Chandok N, Beck G, Marotta P, Hernandez-Alejandro R. Inferior survival in liver transplant recipients with hepatocellular carcinoma receiving donation after cardiac death liver allografts. Liver Transpl. 2013 Nov; 19(11):1214-23. Epub 2013 Oct 10.
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  104. Tschuor Ch, Croome KP, Sergeant G, Cano V, Schadde E, Ardiles V, Slankamenac K, Claria RS, de Santibanes E, Hernandez-Alejandro R, Clavien PA. Salvage parenchymal liver transection for patients with insufficient volume increase after portal vein occlusion -- an extension of the ALPPS approach. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2013 Nov; 39(11):1230-5. Epub 2013 Aug 29.
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  105. Sela N, Croome KP, Chandok N, Marotta P, Wall W, Hernandez-Alejandro R. Changing donor characteristics in liver transplantation over the last 10 years in canada. Liver Transpl. 2013 Nov; 19(11):1236-44. Epub 2013 Oct 10.
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  106. Wells MM, Croome KP, Boyce E, Chandok N. Roux-en-Y choledochojejunostomy versus duct-to-duct biliary anastomosis in liver transplantation for primary sclerosing cholangitis: a meta-analysis. Transplant Proc. 2013 Jul-Aug; 45(6):2263-71.
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  107. Mosli M, Croome K, Qumosani K, Al-Judaibi B, Beaton M, Marotta P, Chandok N. The effect of liver transplantation for primary sclerosing cholangitis on disease activity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2013 Jul; 9(7):434-41.
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  108. Briscoe GA, Croome KP, Hernandez-Alejandro R. Transhepatic Major Vascular Injury Secondary to Chest Tube Insertion Eur J Surg Sci.2013;4:(1)23-26.
  109. Croome KP, Hernandez-Alejandro R, Chandok N. Early allograft dysfunction is associated with excess resource utilization after liver transplantation. Transplant Proc. 2013 Jan-Feb; 45(1):259-64.
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  110. Huang J, Hernandez-Alejandro R, Croome KP, Zeng Y, Wu H, Chen Z. Hepatic resection for huge (>15 cm) multinodular HCC with macrovascular invasion. J Surg Res. 2012 Dec; 178(2):743-50. Epub 2012 May 15.
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  111. Croome KP, McAlister V, Adams P, Marotta P, Wall W, Hernandez-Alejandro R. Endoscopic management of biliary complications following liver transplantation after donation from cardiac death donors. Can J Gastroenterol. 2012 Sep; 26(9):607-10.
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  112. Hernandez-Alejandro R, Croome KP, Drage M, Sela N, Parfitt J, Chandok N, Marotta P, Dale C, Wall W, Quan D. A comparison of survival and pathologic features of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and hepatitis C virus patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. World J Gastroenterol. 2012 Aug 21; 18(31):4145-9.
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  113. Croome KP, Wall W, Quan D, Vangala S, McAlister V, Marotta P, Hernandez-Alejandro R. Evaluation of the updated definition of early allograft dysfunction in donation after brain death and donation after cardiac death liver allografts. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2012 Aug 15; 11(4):372-6.
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  114. Hernandez-Alejandro R, Zhang X, Croome KP, Zheng X, Parfitt J, Chen D, Jevnikar A, Wall W, Min WP, Quan D. Reduction of liver ischemia reperfusion injury by silencing of TNF-alpha gene with shRNA. J Surg Res. 2012 Aug; 176(2):614-20. Epub 2011 Nov 01.
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  115. Croome KP, Marotta P, Wall WJ, Dale C, Levstik MA, Chandok N, Hernandez-Alejandro R. Should a lower quality organ go to the least sick patient? Model for end-stage liver disease score and donor risk index as predictors of early allograft dysfunction. Transplant Proc. 2012 Jun; 44(5):1303-6.
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  116. Shum J, Croome K. Management of appendicitis in a femoral hernia. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2012; 3(1):10-1. Epub 2011 Oct 17.
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  117. Lam D, Croome K, Hernandez-Alejandro R. Pancreas-sparing duodenectomy for an obstructive adenocarcinoma of the duodenum. J Surg Case Rep. 2012; 2012(8):13. Epub 2012 Aug 01.
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  118. Hernandez-Alejandro R, Croome KP, Quan D, Mawardi M, Chandok N, Dale C, McAlister V, Levstik MA, Wall W, Marotta P. Increased risk of severe recurrence of hepatitis C virus in liver transplant recipients of donation after cardiac death allografts. Transplantation. 2011 Sep 27; 92(6):686-9.
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  119. Huang J, Hernandez-Alejandro R, Croome KP, Yan L, Wu H, Chen Z, Prasoon P, Zeng Y. Radiofrequency ablation versus surgical resection for hepatocellular carcinoma in Childs A cirrhotics-a retrospective study of 1,061 cases. J Gastrointest Surg. 2011 Feb; 15(2):311-20. Epub 2010 Oct 30.
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  120. Huang JW, Hernandez-Alejandro R, Croome KP, Yan LN, Wu H, Chen ZY, Prasoon P, Zeng Y. Surgical vs percutaneous radiofrequency ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma in dangerous locations. World J Gastroenterol. 2011 Jan 7; 17(1):123-9.
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  121. Croome KP, Shum J, Al-Basheer MA, Kamei H, Bloch M, Quan D, Hernandez-Alejandro R. The benefit of smart phone usage in liver organ procurement. J Telemed Telecare. 2011; 17(3):158-60. Epub 2011 Jan 26.
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  122. Croome KP, Yamashita MH. Laparoscopic vs open hepatic resection for benign and malignant tumors: An updated meta-analysis. Arch Surg. 2010 Nov; 145(11):1109-18.
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  123. Croome KP, Chudzinski R, Hanto DW. Increasing time delay from presentation until surgical referral for hepatobiliary malignancies. HPB (Oxford). 2010 Nov; 12(9):644-8.
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  124. Croome KP, Jayaraman S, Schlachta CM. Preoperative staging of cancer of the pancreatic head: is there room for improvement? Can J Surg. 2010 Jun; 53(3):171-4.
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  125. Croome KP, Kiaii B, Fox S, Quantz M, McKenzie N, Novick RJ. Comparison of gastrointestinal complications in on-pump versus off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting. Can J Surg. 2009 Apr; 52(2):125-8.
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  126. Shum JB, Jayaraman S, Croome K, Quan D. Upper gastrointestinal and intra-abdominal hemorrhage secondary to diffuse large B-cell gastric lymphoma. Can J Surg. 2008 Jun; 51(3):E56-7.
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  127. Croome KP, Colquhoun PH. Intussusception in adults. Can J Surg. 2007 Dec; 50(6):E13-4.
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  128. Croome KP, Landis MS, Bach D, Chu MW, McKenzie N. Cystic tuberculous constrictive pericarditis. CMAJ. 2007 Jul 17; 177(2):148.
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  129. Rayman R, Croome K, Galbraith N, McClure R, Morady R, Peterson S, Smith S, Subotic V, Van Wynsberghe A, Patel R, Primak S. Robotic telesurgery: a real-world comparison of ground- and satellite-based internet performance. Int J Med Robot. 2007 Jun; 3(2):111-6.
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  130. Rayman R, Croome K, Galbraith N, McClure R, Morady R, Peterson S, Smith S, Subotic V, Van Wynsberghe A, Primak S. Long-distance robotic telesurgery: a feasibility study for care in remote environments. Int J Med Robot. 2006 Sep; 2(3):216-24.
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  131. Rayman R, Primak S, Patel R, Moallem M, Morady R, Tavakoli M, Subotic V, Galbraith N, van Wynsberghe A, Croome K. Effects of latency on telesurgery: an experimental study. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2005; 8(Pt 2):57-64.
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