
  1. Whiteside SPH, Biggs BK, Geske JR, Gloe LM, Reneson-Feeder ST, Cunningham M, Dammann JE, Brennan E, Ong ML, Olsen MW, Hofschulte DR. Parent-coached exposure therapy versus cognitive behavior therapy for childhood anxiety disorders. J Anxiety Disord. 2024 Jun; 104:102877 Epub 2024 May 18
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  2. Atunah-Jay SJ, Phelan S, Anderson AT, Behl S, McTate EA, Gorfine MC, Sood G, Taylor KK, Brockman J, Salinas M, Biggs BK, Wieland ML, Asiedu GB. Promoting Safe and Supportive Health Care Spaces for Youth Experiencing Racism. Acad Pediatr. 2024 Jan 18 [Epub ahead of print]
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  3. Stough CO, Parris KR, Biggs BK, Combs A, Self MM, Cashel ML, Wiens BA, Tompson MC. Current training practices and training gaps in clinical child and adolescent psychology: implications for training guidelines. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. 2024; 18 (2):142-53
  4. Whiteside SPH, Sawchuk NR, Brennan E, Lebow JR, Sawchuk CN, Biggs BK, Dammann JE, Tiede MS, Hofschulte DR, Reneson-Feeder S, Cunningham M, Allison ML. Using session recordings to understand the content of community-based treatment for childhood anxiety disorders and response to technology-based training. J Clin Psychol. 2023 Oct; 79 (10):2251-2269 Epub 2023 May 20
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  5. Biggs BK, Rodgers KV, Nayman SJ, Hofschulte DR, Loncar H, Kumar S, Lynch BA, Rajjo TI, Wilson DK. Translation of a family-based behavioral intervention for adolescent obesity using the RE-AIM framework and common steps from adaptation frameworks. Transl Behav Med. 2023 Sep 12; 13 (9):700-709
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  6. Biggs BK, Vickers KS, Hathaway JC, Hofschulte DR, Clark MM, Mapes MD, Murad AL, Peterson NW, Prigge B, Kumar S, Cunningham ML, Hensrud DD. Acceptability of a brief, intensive adolescent obesity intervention with wellness coaching (in press) Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. 2023.
  7. Salama M, Biggs BK, Creo A, Prissel R, Al Nofal A, Kumar S. Adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes: Overcoming Barriers to Effective Weight Management. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2023; 16:693-711 Epub 2023 Mar 09
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  8. Tsai Owens MS, Biggs BK, Fahrenkamp AC, Geske J, Hofschulte DR, Harbeck-Weber C, Fischer PR. Physical Symptoms, Distress, and Functional Disability in Youth With Chronic Orthostatic Intolerance. J Pediatr Psychol. 2022 Oct 19; 47 (10):1185-1194
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  9. Brennan E, Bailey KJ, Biggs BK, Cunningham ML, Dammann JE, Reneson-Feeder ST, Tiede MS, Whiteside. An uncontrolled investigation of feasibility of parent-coached exposure therapy for youth with anxiety disorders. J Child Fam Stud. 2023; 32:1681-1693.
  10. Whiteside SPH, Biggs BK, Ollendick TH, Dammann JE, Tiede MS, Hofschulte DR, Reneson-Feeder S, Cunningham M, Sawchuk NR, Geske JR, Brennan E. Using Technology to Promote Therapist Use of Exposure Therapy for Childhood Anxiety Disorders: A Randomized Pilot Study. Behav Ther. 2022 Jul; 53 (4):642-655 Epub 2022 Feb 04
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  11. Klaas KM, Fischer PR, Segner S, Tsai Owens M, Fahrenkamp A, Geske J, Hofschulte D, Farrell M, Harbeck-Weber C, Biggs BK. Excessive Postural Tachycardia and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome in Youth: Associations With Distress, Impairment, Health Behaviors, and Medication Recommendations. J Child Neurol. 2022 Jun; 37 (7):599-608 Epub 2022 May 18
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  12. Whiteside SPH, Biggs BK, Dammann JE, Tiede MS, Hofschulte DR, Brennan E. Community Therapist Response to Technology-Assisted Training in Exposure Therapy for Childhood Anxiety Disorders. Behav Modif. 2022 May; 46 (3):628-650 Epub 2020 Dec 23
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  13. Whiteside SPH, Brennan E, Biggs BK, Sawchuk N, Hofschulte DR, Tiede MS. Quantifying Session Content in the Delivery of Parent Coached Exposure Therapy. Evid Based Pract Child Adolesc Ment Health. 2022; 7 (3):306-316 Epub 2021 June 14
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  14. Biggs BK, Wilson DK, Quattlebaum M, Kumar S, Meek A, Jensen TB. Examination of Weight-Loss Motivators and Family Factors in Relation to Weight Management Strategies and Dietary Behaviors among Adolescents with Obesity. Nutrients. 2021 May 20; 13 (5)
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  15. Whiteside SPH, Brennan E, Biggs BK, Vickers K, Hathaway J, Seifert SJ, Kramer KM, Hofschulte DR. The feasibility of verbal and virtual reality exposure for youth with academic performance worry. J Anxiety Disord. 2020 Dec; 76:102298 Epub 2020 Sept 08
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  16. Brockman TA, Sim LA, Biggs BK, Bronars CA, Meiers SJ, Tolleson E, Ridgeway JL, Asiedu GB, Hanza MM, Olson MA, Slowiak KA, Weis JA, Patten CA, Clark MM, Millerbernd J, Sia IG, Wieland ML. Healthy eating in a Boys & Girls Club afterschool programme: Barriers, facilitators and opportunities Health Education Journal. 2020; 79(8):914-931.
  17. Wieland ML, Biggs BK, Brockman TA, Johnson A, Meiers SJ, Sim LA, Tolleson E, Hanza MM, Weis JA, Rosenman JR, Novotny PJ, Patten CA, Clark MM, Millerbernd J, Sia IG. Club Fit: Development of a Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Intervention at a Boys & Girls Club After School Program. J Prim Prev. 2020 Apr; 41 (2):153-170
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  18. Biggs BK, Tolleson E, Millerbernd J, Bronars C, Meiers SJ, Slowiak K, Olson M, Lebow J, Ridgeway JL, Patten CA, Clark MM, Sia IG, Wieland ML. Identifying Opportunities to Promote Physical Activity in a Diverse Low-Income Population: A Mixed-Method Study at a Boys & Girls Club Site. Child Youth Care Forum. 2020 Apr; 49 (2):171-200 Epub 2019 Sept 12
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  19. Whiteside SPH, Biggs BK, Tiede MS, Dammann JE, Hathaway JC, Blasi ME, Hofschulte D, Vickers K. An Online- and Mobile-Based Application to Facilitate Exposure for Childhood Anxiety Disorders. Cogn Behav Pract. 2019 Aug; 26(3):478-491. Epub 2019 Feb 02.
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  20. Biggs BK, Tsai Owens M, Geske J, Lebow JR, Kumar S, Harper K, Grothe KB, Cunningham ML, Jensen TB, Clark MM. Development and initial validation of the Support for Healthy Lifestyle (SHeL) questionnaire for adolescents. Eat Behav. 2019 Aug; 34:101310 Epub 2019 July 11
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  21. Whiteside SPH, Biggs BK, Hofschulte DR, Seifert SJ, Kramer KM. Technology to Facilitate Treatment for Childhood Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Proof of Concept Evidence-Based Practice in Child & Adolescent Mental Health. 2018.
  22. Whiteside SPH, Dammann JE, Tiede MS, Biggs BK, Hillson Jensen A. Increasing Availability of Exposure Therapy Through Intensive Group Treatment for Childhood Anxiety and OCD. Behav Modif. 2018 Sep; 42(5):707-728. Epub 2017 Sep 16.
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  23. Kumar S, Croghan IT, Biggs BK, Croghan K, Prissel R, Fuehrer D, Donelan-Dunlap B, Sood A. Family-Based Mindful Eating Intervention in Adolescents with Obesity: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial. Children (Basel). 2018 Jul 06; 5(7).
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  24. Early MC, Biggs BK, Makanui KP, Legerski JP, Van Allen J, Elledge AR, Whiteside SP. Specificity of peer difficulties to social anxiety in early adolescence: categorical and dimensional analyses with clinical and community samples. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2017 Nov; 30 (6):647-660 Epub 2017 July 09
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  25. Kaufman TK, Lynch BA, Biggs BK, Quigg SM, Maxson JA, Thacher TD. The Effectiveness of an Activity meter for Overweight Children and Their Caregivers in a Clinical Setting: A Pilot Study. Journal of Obesity and Overweight. 2017; 3(1):102.
  26. Zarate-Garza PP, Biggs BK, Croarkin P, Morath B, Leffler J, Cuellar-Barboza A, Tye SJ. How Well Do We Understand the Long-Term Health Implications of Childhood Bullying? Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2017 Mar/Apr; 25 (2):89-95
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  27. Whiteside SP, Ale CM, Young B, Olsen MW, Biggs BK, Gregg MS, Geske JR, Homan K. The Length of Child Anxiety Treatment in a Regional Health System. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2016 Dec; 47 (6):985-992
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  28. Whiteside SP, McCarthy DM, Sim LA, Biggs BK, Petrikin JE, Mellon MW. Development of the Friendships and Social Skills Test (FASST): A Parent Report Measure. Journal of Child and Family Studies.2016;
  29. Lynch BA, Jones A, Biggs BK, Kaufman T, Cristiani V, Kumar S, Quigg S, Maxson J, Swenson L, Jacobson N. Implementing Child-focused Activity Meter Utilization into the Elementary School Classroom Setting Using a Collaborative Community-based Approach. J Community Med Health Educ. 2015 Dec; 5 (6) Epub 2015 Nov 25
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  30. Whiteside SP, Ale CM, Young B, Dammann JE, Tiede MS, Biggs BK. The feasibility of improving CBT for childhood anxiety disorders through a dismantling study. Behav Res Ther. 2015 Oct; 73:83-9. Epub 2015 Jul 29.
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  31. Legerski JP, Biggs BK, Greenhoot AF, Sampilo ML. Emotion talk and friend responses among early adolescent same-sex friend dyads. Social Development. 2015 Feb; 24(1):20-38.
  32. Cockerill RG, Biggs BK, Oesterle TS, Croarkin PE. Antidepressant use and body mass index change in overweight adolescents: a historical cohort study. Innov Clin Neurosci. 2014 Nov-Dec; 11 (11-12):14-21
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  33. Biggs BK, Lebow J, Smith CM, Harper KL, Patten CA, Sim LA, Kumar S. Adolescents' preferences for social support for healthful eating and physical activity. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2014 Oct; 35(8):494-509.
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  34. Weiss KE, Hahn A, Wallace DP, Biggs B, Bruce BK, Harrison TE. Acceptance of pain: associations with depression, catastrophizing, and functional disability among children and adolescents in an interdisciplinary chronic pain rehabilitation program. J Pediatr Psychol. 2013 Aug; 38(7):756-65. Epub 2013 May 17.
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  35. Whiteside SP, Gryczkowski MR, Biggs BK, Fagen R, Owusu D. Validation of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale's obsessive compulsive subscale in a clinical and community sample. J Anxiety Disord. 2012 Jan; 26 (1):111-6 Epub 2011 Oct 07
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  36. Biggs BK, Vernberg EM, Wu Y, (in press). Social anxiety and adolescents' friendships: The role of social withdrawal. Journal of Early Adolescence. 2012.
  37. Biggs BK, Nelson JM, Sampilo ML. Peer relations in the anxiety-depression link: test of a mediation model. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2010 Jul; 23(4):431-47.
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  38. Biggs BK, Vernberg EM, Fonagy P, Twemlow SW, Little TD, Dill EJ. Peer victimization trajectories and their association with children's affect in late elementary school. Int Behav Dev. 2010; 34:136-46.
  39. Varela RE, Sanchez-Sosa JJ, Biggs BK, Luis TM. Parenting strategies and socio-cultural influences in childhood anxiety: Mexican, Latin American descent, and European American families. J Anxiety Disord. 2009 Jun; 23(5):609-16. Epub 2009 Jan 29.
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  40. Twemlow SW, Biggs BK, Nelson TD, Vernberg EM, Fonagy P, Twemlow SW. Effects of participation in a martial arts-based antibullying program in elementary schools. Psychol Sch. 2008 Dec; 45(10):947-59.
  41. Varela RE, Sanchez-Sosa JJ, Biggs BK, Luis TM. Anxiety symptoms and fears in Hispanic and European American children: Cross-cultural measurement equivalence. J. Psychopathol. Behav. Assess. 2008 Jun; 30(2):132-45.
  42. Roberts MC, Vernberg EM, Biggs BK, Randall CJ, Jacobs AK. Lessons learned from the intensive mental health program: A school-based, community oriented program for children with serious emotional disturbances. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2008 Apr; 17(2):277-89.
  43. Randall CJ, Biggs BK. Enhancing therapeutic gains: Examination of fidelity to the model for the intensive mental health program. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2008 Apr; 17(2):191-205.
  44. Vernberg EM, Roberts MC, Jacobs AK, Randall CJ, Biggs BK, Nyre JE. Outcomes and findings of program evaluation for the intensive mental health program. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2008 Apr; 17(2):178-90.
  45. Biggs BK, Vernberg EM, Twemlow SW, Fonagy P, Dill EJ. Teacher adherence and its relations to teacher attitudes and student outcomes in an elementary school-based violence prevention program. School Psychology Review. 2008; 37(4):533-49.
  46. Vernberg EM, Roberts MC, Randall CJ, Biggs BK, Nyre JE, Jacobs AK. Intensive mental health services for children with serious emotional disturbances through a school-based, community-oriented program. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2006 Jul; 11(3):417-30.
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  47. Vernberg EM, Greenhoot AF, Biggs BK. Intercommunity relocation and adolescent friendships: who struggles and why? J Consult Clin Psychol. 2006 Jun; 74(3):511-23.
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  48. Varela RE, Biggs BK. Reliability and validity of the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS) across samples of Mexican, Mexican American, and European American children: A preliminary investigation. Anxiety, Stress & Coping: An International Journal. 2006 Mar; 19(1):67-80.
  49. Dill EJ, Vernberg EM, Fonagy P, Twemlow SW, Gamm [Biggs] BK. Negative affect in victimized children: The roles of social withdrawal, peer rejection, and attitudes toward bullying. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2006; 32:159-73.
  50. Parker JG, Low CM, Walker AR, Gamm [Biggs] BK. Children's friendship jealousy: Assessment of individual differences and links to sex, self-esteem, aggression, and social adjustment. Dev Psychol. 2005; 41:235-50.
  51. Vernberg EM, Gamm BK. Resistance to violence prevention interventions in schools: Barriers and solutions. Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies. 2003 Apr; 5(2):125-38.
  52. Parker EM, Biggs BK. Describing the dark side of children's peer experiences: Four questions (and data) on children's enemies. New directions for child and adolescent development: Enemies and the darker side of peer relations. 2003; 102:55-72.