
  1. Meng L, Rasmussen M, Abcejo AS, Meng DM, Tong C, Liu H. Causes of Perioperative Cardiac Arrest: Mnemonic, Classification, Monitoring, and Actions. Anesth Analg. 2024 Jun 1; 138 (6):1215-1232 Epub 2023 Oct 03
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  2. Huang J, Tarasova N, Sims CR 3rd, Licatino LK, Long TR, Abcejo AS. Procedure-Focused Escape Room: A Pilot Study on Teaching High-Stakes Technical Skills in Anesthesia Residents. J Educ Perioper Med. 2024 Apr-Jun; 26 (2):E725 Epub 2024 June 05
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  3. Negm AS, Collins JD, Bendel EC, Takahashi E, Knavel Koepsel EM, Gehling KJ, Burke CE, Barker DR, Stenzel WS, Bathke AM, Polites SF, Abcejo AS, Morris JM, Favazza C, Lu A, Francois CJ, Young P, Thompson SM. MR Lymphangiography in Lymphatic Disorders: Clinical Applications, Institutional Experience, and Practice Development. Radiographics. 2024 Feb; 44 (2):e230075
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  4. Teixeira MT, Brinkman NJ, Pasternak JJ, Abcejo AS. The Role of Remimazolam in Neurosurgery and in Patients With Neurological Diseases: A Narrative Review. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2024 Jan 01; 36(1):11-19. Epub 2023 May 31.
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  5. Abcejo A, Teixeira M. Remimazolam: Patient Safety Considerations of a Novel, Practice-Changing Drug in Perioperative Medicine Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation. 2023; 38, No.3.
  6. Plack DL, Abcejo AS, Kraus MB, Renew JR, Long TR, Sharpe EE. Postgraduate-Year-1 Residents' Perceptions of Social Media and Virtual Applicant Recruitment: Cross-sectional Survey Study. Interact J Med Res. 2023 Mar 21; 12:e42042
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  7. Abcejo AS, Cottrell J, Paisansathan C. Celebrating Gold: 50 Years of Advancing Perioperative Neuroscience Through the Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2022 Jul 1; 34 (3):255-256 Epub 2022 Apr 28
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  8. Abcejo AS, Pasternak JJ. Under the Helmet: Perioperative Concussion-Review of Current Literature and Targets for Research. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2022 Jul 1; 34 (3):277-281 Epub 2022 May 04
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  9. Langford B, Pittelkow TP, Abcejo AS. Atypical dermatologic manifestations in complex regional pain syndrome: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2022 Jun 27; 16 (1):251 Epub 2022 June 27
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  10. Abcejo AS, Pai SL, Bierle DM, Jacob AK. Preoperative cognitive screening and brain health initiatives. Int Anesthesiol Clin. 2022 Jan 1; 60 (1):43-47
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  11. Abcejo AS, Adedugbe I, Rosenblatt K. Twitter Journal Clubs in Perioperative Neuroscience: Opportunities and Challenges. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2021 Jul 1; 33 (3):192-194
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  12. Gatica-Moris SR, Welch TL, Abcejo AS, Carr CM, Pasternak JJ. Anesthesia During Positive-pressure Myelogram: A New Role for Cerebral Oximetry. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2021 Jul 1; 33 (3):263-267
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  13. D'Souza RS, Sexton MA, Schulte PJ, Pasternak JJ, Abcejo AS. Recent Preoperative Concussion and Postoperative Complications: A Retrospective Matched-cohort Study. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2021 Jul 1; 33 (3):221-229
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  14. Boswell MR, Smith MM, Frank RD, Brown MJ, Abcejo AS, Kor TM, Gulati R, Smith BB. Association Between Antifibrinolytic Therapy and Perioperative Outcomes in Patients With Coronary Artery Stents Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery. Anesth Analg. 2021 Jun 1; 132 (6):1635-1644
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  15. Plack DL, Sharpe EE, Wanderman RL, Ripoll JG, Abcejo AS. Getting the First Thousand-Optimizing Instagram Residency Content to Increase Followers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Educ Perioper Med. 2021 Apr-Jun; 23(2):E660.
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  16. Wong AV, Abcejo AS, Dahl ARD, Sharpe EE. Labor Analgesia in a Patient with Severe Dystrophic Calcinosis Cutis. Pain Med. 2020 Nov 01; 21(11):3237-3239.
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  17. Pasternak JJ, Abcejo AS. Anesthesia and the brain after concussion. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2020 Oct; 33 (5):639-645
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  18. Sprung J, Abcejo ASA, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Mielke MM, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Schulte PJ, Martin DP, Weingarten TN, Pasternak JJ, Warner DO. Anesthesia With and Without Nitrous Oxide and Long-term Cognitive Trajectories in Older Adults. Anesth Analg. 2020 Aug; 131 (2):594-604
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  19. Himes BT, Abcejo AS, Kerezoudis P, Bhargav AG, Trelstad-Andrist K, Maloney PR, Atkinson JLD, Meyer FB, Marsh WR, Bydon M. Outcomes in single-level posterior cervical spine surgeries performed in the sitting and prone positions. J Neurosurg Spine. 2020 Jul 3; 33 (5):667-673 Epub 2020 July 03
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  20. Flexman AM, Abcejo AS, Avitsian R, De Sloovere V, Highton D, Juul N, Li S, Meng L, Paisansathan C, Rath GP, Rozet I. Neuroanesthesia Practice During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Recommendations From Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care (SNACC). J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2020 Jul; 32 (3):202-209
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  21. D'Souza RS, Abcejo AS, Sexton MA. Intraoperative Management of Large Resuscitation-Associated Venous Air Embolism (VAE) for Emergent Neurological Surgery. Case Rep Anesthesiol. 2020; 2020:8868037 Epub 2020 June 06
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  22. Abcejo AS, Pasternak JJ, Perkins WJ. Urgent Repositioning After Venous Air Embolism During Intracranial Surgery in the Seated Position: A Case Series. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2019 Oct; 31 (4):413-421
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  23. Kapurch CJ, Abcejo AS, Pasternak JJ. The relationship between end-expired carbon dioxide tension and severity of venous air embolism during sitting neurosurgical procedures - A contemporary analysis. J Clin Anesth. 2018 Dec; 51:49-54 Epub 2018 Aug 07
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  24. Abcejo AS, Pasternak JJ. Concussion: a Primer for the Anesthesiologist Current Anesthesiology Reports. 2018; 8(3):245–251.
  25. Sexton MA, Abcejo AS, Pasternak JJ. Comparison of Anesthetic Management and Outcomes in Patients Having Either Transnasal or Transoral Endoscopic Odontoid Process Surgery. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2018 Apr; 30 (2):179-183
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  26. Abcejo AS, Diaz Soto J, Castoro C, Armour S, Long TR. Profound Obstructive Hypotension From Prone Positioning Documented by Transesophageal Echocardiography in a Patient With Scoliosis: A Case Report. A A Case Rep. 2017 Aug 01; 9 (3):87-89
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  27. Himes BT, Mallory GW, Abcejo AS, Pasternak J, Atkinson JLD, Meyer FB, Marsh WR, Link MJ, Clarke MJ, Perkins W, Van Gompel JJ. Contemporary analysis of the intraoperative and perioperative complications of neurosurgical procedures performed in the sitting position. J Neurosurg. 2017 Jul; 127 (1):182-188 Epub 2016 Aug 05
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  28. Abcejo AS, Savica R, Lanier WL, Pasternak JJ. Exposure to Surgery and Anesthesia After Concussion Due to Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Mayo Clin Proc. 2017 Jul; 92 (7):1042-1052 Epub 2017 June 07
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  29. Guerra H, Abcejo A, Gobeske K, Wijdicks E. The first CT in a SAH: a picture tells a story. Pract Neurol. 2017 Jun; 17 (3):235-236 Epub 2017 May 12
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  30. Abcejo AS, Sviggum HP, Mauermann ML, Hebl JR, Mantilla CB, Hanson AC, Lin Y, Jacob AK. Perioperative Nerve Injury After Peripheral Nerve Block in Patients With Previous Systemic Chemotherapy. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2016 Nov/Dec; 41 (6):685-690
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  31. Abcejo AS, Smith HM, Hebl JR. Positioning artifact causing retained foreign object appearance in a radiograph of a venous catheter. A A Case Rep. 2015 Apr 15; 4: (8)97-9.
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  32. Abcejo AS, Andrejko KM, Ochroch EA, Raj NR, Deutschman CS. Impaired Hepatocellular Regeneration in Murine Sepsis is Dependent on Regulatory Protein Levels. Shock .2011;36:(5):471-7.
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  33. Abcejo AS, Andrejko KM, Deutschman CS. Failed interleukin-6 signal transduction in murine sepsis: attenuation of hepatic glycoprotein (gp) 130 phosphorylation Crit Care Med.2009;37:(5):1729-34.
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