
  1. Xu J, Ji Y, Shogren KL, Okuno SH, Yaszemski MJ, Maran A. RNA-dependent protein kinase is required for interferon-gamma-induced autophagy in MG63 osteosarcoma cells. Gene. 2021 Nov 15; 802:145865 Epub 2021 Aug 02
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  2. Serdiuk V, Shogren KL, Kovalenko T, Rasulev B, Yaszemski M, Maran A, Voronov A. Detection of macromolecular inversion-induced structural changes in osteosarcoma cells by FTIR microspectroscopy. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2020 Oct; 412 (26):7253-7262 Epub 2020 Sept 02
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  3. Ji YQ, Okuno MN, Shogren KL, Fritchie K, Okuno SH, Yaszemski MJ, Maran A. Autophagy markers and rna-dependent protein kinase (pkr) activity in osteosarcoma diagnosis and treatment Annals Of Joint. 2020 Jul; 5 (3):26
  4. Manciu M, Cardenas M, Bennet KE, Maran A, Yaszemski MJ, Maldonado TA, Magiricu D, Manciu FS. Assessment of Renal Osteodystrophy via Computational Analysis of Label-free Raman Detection of Multiple Biomarkers. Diagnostics (Basel). 2020 Jan 31; 10 (2)
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  5. Zang J, Zuo D, Shogren KL, Gustafson CT, Zhou Z, Thompson MA, Guo R, Prakash YS, Lu L, Guo W, Maran A, Yaszemski MJ. STIM1 expression is associated with osteosarcoma cell survival. Chin J Cancer Res. 2019 Feb; 31 (1):203-211
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  6. Bravo D, Salduz A, Shogren KL, Okuno MN, Herrick JL, Okuno SH, Galindo M, van Wijnen AJ, Yaszemski MJ, Maran A. Decreased local and systemic levels of sFRP3 protein in osteosarcoma patients. Gene. 2018 Oct 20; 674:1-7 Epub 2018 June 19
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  7. Zuo D, Shogren KL, Zang J, Jewison DE, Waletzki BE, Miller AL 2nd, Okuno SH, Cai Z, Yaszemski MJ, Maran A. Inhibition of STAT3 blocks protein synthesis and tumor metastasis in osteosarcoma cells. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2018 Oct 4; 37 (1):244 Epub 2018 Oct 04
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  8. Ciubuc JD, Manciu M, Maran A, Yaszemski MJ, Sundin EM, Bennet KE, Manciu FS. Raman Spectroscopic and Microscopic Analysis for Monitoring Renal Osteodystrophy Signatures. Biosensors (Basel). 2018 Apr 8; 8 (2) Epub 2018 Apr 08
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  9. Gustafson CT, Mamo T, Maran A, Yaszemski MJ. Efflux inhibition by IWR-1-endo confers sensitivity to doxorubicin effects in osteosarcoma cells. Biochem Pharmacol. 2018 Apr; 150:141-149 Epub 2018 Feb 08
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  10. Okuno SH, Maran A, Robinson SI. Olaratumab for the treatment of advanced soft tissue sarcoma. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther. 2017 Oct; 17 (10):883-887 Epub 2017 Sept 08
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  11. Bravo D, Shogren KL, Zuo D, Wagner ER, Sarkar G, Yaszemski MJ, Maran A. 2-Methoxyestradiol-Mediated Induction of Frzb Contributes to Cell Death and Autophagy in MG63 Osteosarcoma Cells. J Cell Biochem. 2017 Jun; 118 (6):1497-1504 Epub 2017 Jan 10
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  12. Riester SM, Torres-Mora J, Dudakovic A, Camilleri ET, Wang W, Xu F, Thaler RR, Evans JM, Zwartbol R, Briaire-de Bruijn IH, Maran A, Folpe AL, Inwards CY, Rose PS, Shives TC, Yaszemski MJ, Sim FH, Deyle DR, Larson AN, Galindo MA, Cleven AGH, Oliveira AM, Cleton-Jansen AM, Bovee JVMG, van Wijnen AJ. Hypoxia-related microRNA-210 is a diagnostic marker for discriminating osteoblastoma and osteosarcoma. J Orthop Res. 2017 May; 35 (5):1137-1146 Epub 2016 June 28
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  13. Mamo T, Mladek AC, Shogren KL, Gustafson C, Gupta SK, Riester SM, Maran A, Galindo M, van Wijnen AJ, Sarkaria JN, Yaszemski MJ. Inhibiting DNA-PKCS radiosensitizes human osteosarcoma cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Apr 29; 486 (2):307-313 Epub 2017 Mar 12
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  14. Gustafson CT, Mamo T, Maran A, Yaszemski MJ. Molecular strategies for modulating Wnt signaling. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2017 Jan 1; 22 (1):137-156 Epub 2017 Jan 01
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  15. Gustafson CT, Mamo T, Shogren KL, Maran A, Yaszemski MJ. FH535 Suppresses Osteosarcoma Growth In Vitro and Inhibits Wnt Signaling through Tankyrases. Front Pharmacol. 2017; 8:285 Epub 2017 May 23
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  16. Maran A, Yaszemski MJ, Kohut A, Voronov A. Curcumin and Osteosarcoma: Can Invertible Polymeric Micelles Help? Materials (Basel). 2016 Jun 27; 9 (7) Epub 2016 June 27
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  17. Maran A, Shogren KL, Yaszemski MJ. The estrogen metabolite 2-methoxyestradiol regulates eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) and inhibits protein synthesis in MG63 osteosarcoma cells. Genes Dis. 2016 Jun; 3 (2):153-158 Epub 2016 Apr 16
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  18. Reumann S, Shogren KL, Yaszemski MJ, Maran A. Inhibition of Autophagy Increases 2-Methoxyestradiol-Induced Cytotoxicity in SW1353 Chondrosarcoma Cells. J Cell Biochem. 2016 Mar; 117 (3):751-9 Epub 2015 Sept 22
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  19. Kudina O, Shogren KL, Gustafson CT, Yaszemski MJ, Maran A, Voronov A. Invertible micellar polymer nanoassemblies target bone tumor cells but not normal osteoblast cells. Future Sci OA. 2015 Nov; 1 (3):FSO16 Epub 2015 Nov 01
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  20. Lu L, Arbit HM, Herrick JL, Segovis SG, Maran A, Yaszemski MJ. Tissue engineered constructs: perspectives on clinical translation. Ann Biomed Eng. 2015 Mar; 43 (3):796-804 Epub 2015 Feb 25
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  21. Maran A, Dadsetan M, Buenz CM, Shogren KL, Lu L, Yaszemski MJ. Hydrogel-PLGA delivery system prolongs 2-methoxyestradiol-mediated anti-tumor effects in osteosarcoma cells. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2013 Sep; 101 (9):2491-9 Epub 2013 Jan 27
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  22. van der Deen M, Taipaleenmaki H, Zhang Y, Teplyuk NM, Gupta A, Cinghu S, Shogren K, Maran A, Yaszemski MJ, Ling L, Cool SM, Leong DT, Dierkes C, Zustin J, Salto-Tellez M, Ito Y, Bae SC, Zielenska M, Squire JA, Lian JB, Stein JL, Zambetti GP, Jones SN, Galindo M, Hesse E, Stein GS, van Wijnen AJ. MicroRNA-34c inversely couples the biological functions of the runt-related transcription factor RUNX2 and the tumor suppressor p53 in osteosarcoma. J Biol Chem. 2013 Jul 19; 288 (29):21307-21319 Epub 2013 May 29
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  23. Yang C, Shogren KL, Goyal R, Bravo D, Yaszemski MJ, Maran A. RNA-dependent protein kinase is essential for 2-methoxyestradiol-induced autophagy in osteosarcoma cells. PLoS One. 2013; 8 (3):e59406 Epub 2013 Mar 19
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  24. Wang X, Krishnan C, Nguyen EP, Meyer KJ, Oliveira JL, Yang P, Yi ES, Erickson-Johnson MR, Yaszemski MJ, Maran A, Oliveira AM. Fusion of dynactin 1 to anaplastic lymphoma kinase in inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor. Hum Pathol. 2012 Nov; 43 (11):2047-52 Epub 2012 June 01
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  25. Wimbauer F, Yang C, Shogren KL, Zhang M, Goyal R, Riester SM, Yaszemski MJ, Maran A. Regulation of interferon pathway in 2-methoxyestradiol-treated osteosarcoma cells. BMC Cancer. 2012 Mar 19; 12:93
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  26. Wang X, Asmann YW, Erickson-Johnson MR, Oliveira JL, Zhang H, Moura RD, Lazar AJ, Lev D, Bill K, Lloyd RV, Yaszemski MJ, Maran A, Oliveira AM. High-resolution genomic mapping reveals consistent amplification of the fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 2 gene in well-differentiated and dedifferentiated liposarcoma. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2011 Nov; 50: (11)849-58.
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  27. Demiralp B, Sarkar G, Okuno SH, Yaszemski MJ, Maran A. Osteosarcoma - an evaluation of current diagnosis, treatment and chemotherapy. European Musculoskeletal Review. 2011; 6(1):18-23.
  28. Kempen DH, Lu L, Hefferan TE, Creemers LB, Heijink A, Maran A, Dhert WJ, Yaszemski MJ. Enhanced bone morphogenetic protein-2-induced ectopic and orthotopic bone formation by intermittent parathyroid hormone (1-34) administration. Tissue Eng Part A. 2010 Dec; 16 (12):3769-77 Epub 2010 Sept 09
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  29. Benedikt MB, Mahlum EW, Shogren KL, Subramaniam M, Spelsberg TC, Yaszemski MJ, Maran A. 2-methoxyestradiol-mediated anti-tumor effect increases osteoprotegerin expression in osteosarcoma cells. J Cell Biochem. 2010 Apr 1; 109 (5):950-6
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  30. Dadsetan M, Szatkowski JP, Shogren KL, Yaszemski MJ, Maran A. Hydrogel-mediated DNA delivery confers estrogenic response in nonresponsive osteoblast cells. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2009 Dec 15; 91 (4):1170-7
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  31. Halder C, Ossendorf C, Maran A, Yaszemski M, Bolander ME, Fuchs B, Sarkar G. Preferential expression of the secreted and membrane forms of tumor endothelial marker 7 transcripts in osteosarcoma. Anticancer Res. 2009 Nov; 29 (11):4317-22
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  32. Yuan J, Ossendorf C, Szatkowski JP, Bronk JT, Maran A, Yaszemski M, Bolander ME, Sarkar G, Fuchs B. Osteoblastic and osteolytic human osteosarcomas can be studied with a new xenograft mouse model producing spontaneous metastases. Cancer Invest. 2009 May; 27(4):435-42.
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  33. Kempen DH, Lu L, Heijink A, Hefferan TE, Creemers LB, Maran A, Yaszemski MJ, Dhert WJ. Effect of local sequential VEGF and BMP-2 delivery on ectopic and orthotopic bone regeneration. Biomaterials. 2009 May; 30(14):2816-25. Epub 2009 Feb 20.
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  34. Kempen DH, Yaszemski MJ, Heijink A, Hefferan TE, Creemers LB, Britson J, Maran A, Classic KL, Dhert WJ, Lu L. Non-invasive monitoring of BMP-2 retention and bone formation in composites for bone tissue engineering using SPECT/CT and scintillation probes. J Control Release. 2009 Mar 19; 134 (3):169-76 Epub 2008 Dec 03
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  35. Mandal D, Maran A, Yaszemski MJ, Bolander ME, Sarkar G. Cellular uptake of gold nanoparticles directly cross-linked with carrier peptides by osteosarcoma cells. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2009 Jan; 20 (1):347-50 Epub 2008 Sept 21
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  36. Lowry MB, Lotinun S, Leontovich AA, Zhang M, Maran A, Shogren KL, Palama BK, Marley K, Iwaniec UT, Turner RT. Osteitis fibrosa is mediated by Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-A via a phosphoinositide 3-kinase-dependent signaling pathway in a rat model for chronic hyperparathyroidism. Endocrinology. 2008 Nov; 149 (11):5735-46 Epub 2008 July 17
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  37. Kempen DH, Lu L, Classic KL, Hefferan TE, Creemers LB, Maran A, Dhert WJ, Yaszemski MJ. Non-invasive screening method for simultaneous evaluation of in vivo growth factor release profiles from multiple ectopic bone tissue engineering implants. J Control Release. 2008 Aug 25; 130 (1):15-21 Epub 2008 May 13
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  38. Kempen DH, Lu L, Hefferan TE, Creemers LB, Maran A, Classic KL, Dhert WJ, Yaszemski MJ. Retention of in vitro and in vivo BMP-2 bioactivities in sustained delivery vehicles for bone tissue engineering. Biomaterials. 2008 Aug; 29 (22):3245-52 Epub 2008 May 09
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  39. Maran A, Shogren KL, Benedikt M, Sarkar G, Turner RT, Yaszemski MJ. 2-methoxyestradiol-induced cell death in osteosarcoma cells is preceded by cell cycle arrest. J Cell Biochem. 2008 Aug 1; 104 (5):1937-45
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  40. Heine-Geldern A, Dadsetan M, Benedikt M, Gaustad D, Herrick J, Shogren KL, Maran A, Hefferan TE, Yaszemski MJ. Effect of dynamic flow on hydrogel-mediated phenotypic expression of human osteoblasts. 8th World Biomaterials Congress 2008. 2008; 3:1359.
  41. Heine-Geldern A, Dadsetan M, Yaszemski A, Ozgo K, Maran A, Hefferan TE, Yaszemski MJ. Incorporation of hydroxyapatite into hydrogels enhances differentiation of osteoblasts. 8th World Biomaterials Congress 2008. 2008; 3:1360.
  42. Kempen DHR, Lu L, Heijink A, Hefferan TE, Creemers LC, Maran A, Yaszemski MJ, Dhert WJA. The effect of sequential VEGF and BMP-2 release on ectopic and orthotopic bone regeneration. 8th World Biomaterials Congress 2008. 2008; 1:312.
  43. Fuchs B, Mahlum E, Halder C, Maran A, Yaszemski M, Bode B, Bolander M, Sarkar G. High expression of tumor endothelial marker 7 is associated with metastasis and poor survival of patients with osteogenic sarcoma. Gene. 2007 Sep 15; 399 (2):137-43 Epub 2007 May 13
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  44. Mahlum E, Mandal D, Halder C, Maran A, Yaszemski MJ, Jenkins RB, Bolander ME, Sarkar G. Engineering a noncarrier to a highly efficient carrier peptide for noncovalently delivering biologically active proteins into human cells. Anal Biochem. 2007 Jun 15; 365(2):215-21. Epub 2007 Mar 24.
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  45. Mandal D, Srivastava A, Mahlum E, Desai D, Maran A, Yaszemski M, Jalal SM, Gitelis S, Bertoni F, Damron T, Irwin R, O'connor M, Schwartz H, Bolander ME, Sarkar G. Severe suppression of Frzb/sFRP3 transcription in osteogenic sarcoma. Gene. 2007 Jan 15; 386 (1-2):131-8 Epub 2006 Sept 20
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  46. Shogren KL, Turner RT, Yaszemski MJ, Maran A. Double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase is involved in 2-methoxyestradiol-mediated cell death of osteosarcoma cells. J Bone Miner Res. 2007 Jan; 22 (1):29-36
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  47. Maran A, Gorny G, Oursler MJ, Zhang M, Shogren KL, Yaszemski MJ, Turner RT. 2-methoxyestradiol inhibits differentiation and is cytotoxic to osteoclasts. J Cell Biochem. 2006 Oct 1; 99 (2):425-34
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  48. Maran A, Shogren K, Zhang M, Yaszemski MJ, Hefferan TE, Spelsberg TC, Kloosterboer HJ, Turner RT. Effects of stable transfection of human fetal osteoblast cells with estrogen receptor-alpha on regulation of gene expression by tibolone. Bone. 2006 Sep; 39(3):523-9. Epub 2006 May 16.
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  49. Kennedy AM, Shogren KL, Zhang M, Turner RT, Spelsberg TC, Maran A. 17beta-estradiol-dependent activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription-1 in human fetal osteoblasts is dependent on Src kinase activity. Endocrinology. 2005 Jan; 146(1):201-7. Epub 2004 Oct 07.
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  50. Maran A, Zhang M, Kennedy AM, Sibonga JD, Rickard DJ, Spelsberg TC, Turner RT. 2-methoxyestradiol induces interferon gene expression and apoptosis in osteosarcoma cells. Bone. 2002 Feb; 30 (2):393-8
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  51. Turner RT, Bolander ME, Sarkar G, An KN, Maran A, Ritman EL. An integrated approach to assess structure-to-function relationships in the skeleton. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2001 Sep; 2(1):3-8.
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  52. Maran A, Zhang M, Spelsberg TC, Turner RT. The dose-response effects of ethanol on the human fetal osteoblastic cell line. J Bone Miner Res. 2001 Feb; 16(2):270-6.
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  53. Turner RT, Maran A, Lotinun S, Hefferan T, Evans GL, Zhang M, Sibonga JD. Animal models for osteoporosis. Rev Endocr Metab Disord. 2001 Jan; 2 (1):117-27
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  54. Turner RT, Kidder LS, Zhang M, Harris SA, Westerlind KC, Maran A, Wronski TJ. Estrogen has rapid tissue-specific effects on rat bone. J Appl Physiol (1985). 1999 Jun; 86 (6):1950-8
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  55. Turner RT, Evans GL, Zhang M, Maran A, Sibonga JD. Is resveratrol an estrogen agonist in growing rats? Endocrinology. 1999 Jan; 140 (1):50-4
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