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  2. Foley RA, Trentadue TP, Lopez C, Weber NM, Thoreson AR, Holmes DR 3rd, Murthy NS, Leng S, Kakar S, Zhao KD. Bilateral lunotriquetral coalition: a dynamic four-dimensional computed tomography technical case report. Skeletal Radiol. 2024 Jul; 53 (7):1423-1430 Epub 2023 Nov 09
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  3. Bydon M, Qu W, Moinuddin FM, Hunt CL, Garlanger KL, Reeves RK, Windebank AJ, Zhao KD, Jarrah R, Trammell BC, El Sammak S, Michalopoulos GD, Katsos K, Graepel SP, Seidel-Miller KL, Beck LA, Laughlin RS, Dietz AB. Author Correction: Intrathecal delivery of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in traumatic spinal cord injury: Phase I trial. Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 5; 15 (1):4799 Epub 2024 June 05
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  4. Trentadue TP, Thoreson AR, Lopez C, Breighner RE, An KN, Holmes DR 3rd, Moran SL, Kakar S, Murthy NS, Leng S, Zhao KD. Detection of scapholunate interosseous ligament injury using dynamic computed tomography-derived arthrokinematics: A prospective clinical trial. Med Eng Phys. 2024 Jun; 128:104172 Epub 2024 Apr 27
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  6. Bydon M, Qu W, Moinuddin FM, Hunt CL, Garlanger KL, Reeves RK, Windebank AJ, Zhao KD, Jarrah R, Trammell BC, El Sammak S, Michalopoulos GD, Katsos K, Graepel SP, Seidel-Miller KL, Beck LA, Laughlin RS, Dietz AB. Intrathecal delivery of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in traumatic spinal cord injury: Phase I trial. Nat Commun. 2024 Apr 1; 15 (1):2201 Epub 2024 Apr 01
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  7. Veith DD, Linde MB, Wiggins CC, Zhao KD, Garlanger KL. Intervention Design of High-Intensity Interval Training in Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury: Narrative Review and Future Perspectives. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2023 Fall; 29 (4):1-15 Epub 2023 Dec 01
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  8. Trentadue TP, Lopez C, Breighner RE, Akbari-Shandiz M, An KN, Leng S, Holmes DR 3rd, Moran SL, Kakar S, Smith J, Thoreson A, Zhao KD. Assessing carpal kinematics following scapholunate interosseous ligament injury ex vivo using four-dimensional dynamic computed tomography. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2023 Jul; 107:106007 Epub 2023 May 22
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  9. Trentadue TP, Lopez C, Breighner RE, Fautsch K, Leng S, Holmes Iii DR, Moran SL, Thoreson AR, Kakar S, Zhao KD. Evaluation of Scapholunate Injury and Repair with Dynamic (4D) CT: A Preliminary Report of Two Cases. J Wrist Surg. 2023 Jun; 12 (3):248-260 Epub 2023 Feb 09
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  10. Barontini F, Van Straaten M, Catalano MG, Thoreson A, Lopez C, Lennon R, Bianchi M, Andrews K, Santello M, Bicchi A, Zhao K. Evaluating the effect of non-invasive force feedback on prosthetic grasp force modulation in participants with and without limb loss. PLoS One. 2023; 18 (5):e0285081 Epub 2023 May 04
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  11. Smither FC, Andrews KL, Scrabeck TL, Lennon RJ, Zhao KD. Opinions on noninvasive sensory feedback of upper limb prosthetic users. Prosthet Orthot Int. 2022 Dec 1; 46 (6):591-600 Epub 2022 June 22
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  12. Fortune E, Cloud-Biebl BA, Madansingh SI, Ngufor CG, Van Straaten MG, Goodwin BM, Murphree DH, Zhao KD, Morrow MM. Estimation of manual wheelchair-based activities in the free-living environment using a neural network model with inertial body-worn sensors. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2022 Feb; 62:102337 Epub 2019 July 17
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  13. Mozingo JD, Akbari-Shandiz M, Van Straaten MG, Murthy NS, Schueler BA, Holmes DR 3rd, McCollough CH, Zhao KD. Comparison of glenohumeral joint kinematics between manual wheelchair tasks and implications on the subacromial space: A biplane fluoroscopy study. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2022 Feb; 62:102350 Epub 2019 Aug 23
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  14. Calvert JS, Gill ML, Linde MB, Veith DD, Thoreson AR, Lopez C, Lee KH, Gerasimenko YP, Edgerton VR, Lavrov IA, Zhao KD, Grahn PJ, Sayenko DG. Voluntary Modulation of Evoked Responses Generated by Epidural and Transcutaneous Spinal Stimulation in Humans with Spinal Cord Injury. J Clin Med. 2021 Oct 24; 10 (21)
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  15. Beck L, Veith D, Linde M, Gill M, Calvert J, Grahn P, Garlanger K, Husmann D, Lavrov I, Sayenko D, Strommen J, Lee K, Zhao K. Impact of long-term epidural electrical stimulation enabled task-specific training on secondary conditions of chronic paraplegia in two humans. J Spinal Cord Med. 2021 Sep; 44 (5):800-805 Epub 2020 Mar 23
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  16. Beck L, Veith D, Linde M, Gill M, Calvert J, Grahn P, Garlanger K, Husmann D, Lavrov I, Sayenko D, Strommen J, Lee K, Zhao K. Potential impact of epidural stimulation on neurogenic bladder function and the value of urodynamic studies throughout usage. J Spinal Cord Med. 2021 Jul; 44 (4):515-516
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  17. Goodwin BM, Jahanian O, Van Straaten MG, Fortune E, Madansingh SI, Cloud-Biebl BA, Zhao KD, Morrow MM. Application and Reliability of Accelerometer-Based Arm Use Intensities in the Free-Living Environment for Manual Wheelchair Users and Able-Bodied Individuals. Sensors (Basel). 2021 Feb 10; 21 (4)
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  18. Linde MB, Thoreson AR, Lopez C, Gill ML, Veith DD, Hale RF, Calvert JS, Grahn PJ, Fautsch KJ, Sayenko DG, Zhao KD. Quantitative Assessment of Clinician Assistance During Dynamic Rehabilitation Using Force Sensitive Resistors. Front Rehabil Sci. 2021; 2:757828 Epub 2021 Dec 02
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  20. Madansingh SI, Fortune E, Morrow MM, Zhao KD, Cloud-Biebl BA. Comparing supraspinatus to acromion proximity and kinematics of the shoulder and thorax between manual wheelchair propulsion styles: A pilot study. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2020 Apr; 74:42-50 Epub 2020 Jan 21
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  21. Itoigawa Y, Hooke AW, Sperling JW, Steinmann SP, Zhao KD, Itoi E, An KN. Bankart repair alone in combined Bankart and superior labral anterior-posterior lesions preserves range of motion without compromising joint stability. JSES Int. 2020 Mar; 4 (1):63-67 Epub 2020 Jan 21
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  22. Mozingo JD, Akbari-Shandiz M, Murthy NS, Van Straaten MG, Schueler BA, Holmes DR 3rd, McCollough CH, Zhao KD. Shoulder mechanical impingement risk associated with manual wheelchair tasks in individuals with spinal cord injury. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2020 Jan; 71:221-229 Epub 2019 Oct 20
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  23. Gill ML, Linde MB, Hale RF, Lopez C, Fautsch KJ, Calvert JS, Veith DD, Beck LA, Garlanger KL, Sayenko DG, Lavrov IA, Thoreson AR, Grahn PJ, Zhao KD. Alterations of Spinal Epidural Stimulation-Enabled Stepping by Descending Intentional Motor Commands and Proprioceptive Inputs in Humans With Spinal Cord Injury. Front Syst Neurosci. 2020; 14:590231 Epub 2021 Jan 28
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  24. Gill M, Linde M, Fautsch K, Hale R, Lopez C, Veith D, Calvert J, Beck L, Garlanger K, Edgerton R, Sayenko D, Lavrov I, Thoreson A, Grahn P, Zhao K. Epidural Electrical Stimulation of the Lumbosacral Spinal Cord Improves Trunk Stability During Seated Reaching in Two Humans With Severe Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury. Front Syst Neurosci. 2020; 14:79 Epub 2020 Nov 19
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  25. Calvert JS, Grahn PJ, Strommen JA, Lavrov IA, Beck LA, Gill ML, Linde MB, Brown DA, Van Straaten MG, Veith DD, Lopez C, Sayenko DG, Gerasimenko YP, Edgerton VR, Zhao KD, Lee KH. Electrophysiological Guidance of Epidural Electrode Array Implantation over the Human Lumbosacral Spinal Cord to Enable Motor Function after Chronic Paralysis. J Neurotrauma. 2019 May 1; 36 (9):1451-1460 Epub 2018 Dec 15
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  27. Itoigawa Y, Hooke AW, Sperling JW, Steinmann SP, Zhao KD, Itoi E, An KN. The effect of subscapularis muscle contraction on coaptation of anteroinferior glenohumeral ligament-labrum complex after Bankart repair. J Biomech. 2019 Mar 6; 85:134-140 Epub 2019 Jan 22
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  28. Akbari-Shandiz M, Lawrence RL, Ellingson AM, Johnson CP, Zhao KD, Ludewig PM. MRI vs CT-based 2D-3D auto-registration accuracy for quantifying shoulder motion using biplane video-radiography. J Biomech. 2019 Jan 3; 82:375-380 Epub 2018 Sept 29
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  32. Akbari-Shandiz M, Mozingo JD, Holmes Iii DR, Zhao KD, Holmes Iii DR. An interpolation technique to enable accurate three-dimensional joint kinematic analyses using asynchronous biplane fluoroscopy. Med Eng Phys. 2018 Oct; 60:109-116 Epub 2018 Aug 08
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  33. Mozingo JD, Akbari Shandiz M, Marquez FM, Schueler BA, Holmes DR 3rd, McCollough CH, Zhao KD. Validation of imaging-based quantification of glenohumeral joint kinematics using an unmodified clinical biplane fluoroscopy system. J Biomech. 2018 Apr 11; 71:306-312 Epub 2018 Feb 13
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  34. Godfrey SB, Zhao KD, Theuer A, Catalano MG, Bianchi M, Breighner R, Bhaskaran D, Lennon R, Grioli G, Santello M, Bicchi A, Andrews K. The SoftHand Pro: Functional evaluation of a novel, flexible, and robust myoelectric prosthesis. PLoS One. 2018; 13 (10):e0205653 Epub 2018 Oct 15
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  44. Itoigawa Y, Hooke AW, Sperling JW, Steinmann SP, Zhao KD, Yamamoto N, Itoi E, An KN. Repairing the Capsule to the Transferred Coracoid Preserves External Rotation in the Modified Latarjet Procedure. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2016 Sep 07; 98 (17):1484-9
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