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  3. Browne JE, Gorny KR, Hangiandreou NJ, Edmonson HA, Long Z, Brandt KR, Laughlin-Tommaso SK, Hesley GK. Comparison of Clinical Performance Between Two Generations of Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound Systems in Treatments of Uterine Leiomyomas. Acad Radiol. 2021 Oct; 28 (10):1361-1367 Epub 2020 July 04
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  4. Watson RE Jr, Edmonson HA. MR Safety: Active Implanted Electronic Devices. Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am. 2020 Nov; 28 (4):549-558
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  7. Edmonson HA, Carlson ML, Patton AC, Watson RE. MR Imaging and Cochlear Implants with Retained Internal Magnets: Reducing Artifacts near Highly Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields. Radiographics. 2018 Jan-Feb; 38 (1):94-106
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  8. Favazza CP, Edmonson HA, Ma C, Shu Y, Felmlee JP, Watson RE, Gorny KR. Evaluation of feasibility of 1.5 Tesla prostate MRI using body coil RF transmit in a patient with an implanted vagus nerve stimulator. Med Phys. 2017 Nov; 44 (11):5749-5754 Epub 2017 Oct 09
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  9. Favazza CP, King DM, Edmonson HA, Felmlee JP, Rossman PJ, Hangiandreou NJ, Watson RE, Gorny KR. Use of a radio frequency shield during 1.5 and 3.0 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging: experimental evaluation. Med Devices (Auckl). 2014; 7:363-70 Epub 2014 Oct 29
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  10. Shu Y, Gorny KR, Felmlee JP, Pooley RA, Edmonson HA. Practical considerations for ACR MRI accreditation. J Am Coll Radiol. 2014 Jan; 11(1):94-6.
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  11. Edmonson H, Bernstein M. WE-G-217A-01: Fast Recovery Driven Equilibrium with Automated Switching to Avoid Artifacts. Med Phys. 2012 Jun; 39 (6Part28):3975
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  12. Kantarci K, Senjem ML, Avula R, Zhang B, Samikoglu AR, Weigand SD, Przybelski SA, Edmonson HA, Vemuri P, Knopman DS, Boeve BF, Ivnik RJ, Smith GE, Petersen RC, Jack CR Jr. Diffusion tensor imaging and cognitive function in older adults with no dementia. Neurology. 2011 Jul 5; 77 (1):26-34 Epub 2011 May 18
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  13. Whitwell JL, Master AV, Avula R, Kantarci K, Eggers SD, Edmonson HA, Jack CR Jr, Josephs KA. Clinical correlates of white matter tract degeneration in progressive supranuclear palsy. Arch Neurol. 2011 Jun; 68 (6):753-60
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  14. Gorny KR, Woodrum DA, Brown DL, Henrichsen TL, Weaver AL, Amrami KK, Hangiandreou NJ, Edmonson HA, Bouwsma EV, Stewart EA, Gostout BS, Ehman DA, Hesley GK. Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound of uterine leiomyomas: review of a 12-month outcome of 130 clinical patients. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2011 Jun; 22 (6):857-64 Epub 2011 Apr 08
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  17. Gorny KR, Hangiandreou NJ, Ward HA, Hesley GK, Brown DL, Felmlee JP. The utility of pelvic coil SNR testing in the quality assurance of a clinical MRgFUS system. Phys Med Biol. 2009 Apr 7; 54(7):N83-91. Epub 2009 Mar 05.
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  18. Gorny KR, Bernstein MA, Felmlee JP, Ward HA, McGee KP, Lanners DM, Lee KH. Calorimetric calibration of head coil SAR estimates displayed on a clinical MR scanner. Phys Med Biol. 2008 May 21; 53: (10)2565-76.
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  23. Deoni SCL, Ward HA, Peters TM, Rutt BK. Rapid T2 estimation with phase-cycled variable nutation steady-state free precession. Magn Reson Med. 2004; 52:435-9.
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  24. Machulda MM, Ward HA, Borowski B, Gunter JL, Cha RH, O'Brien PC, Petersen RC, Boeve BF, Knopman D, Tang-Wai DF, Ivnik RJ, Smith GE, Tangalos EG, Jack CR Jr. Comparison of memory fMRI response among normal, MCI, and Alzheimer's patients. Neurology. 2003 Aug 26; 61(4):500-6.
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  25. Ward HA, Riederer SJ, Jack CR Jr. Real-time autoshimming for echo planar timecourse imaging. Magn Reson Med. 2002 Nov; 48(5):771-80.
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  26. Welch EB, Manduca A, Grimm RC, Ward HA, Jack CR Jr. Spherical navigator echoes for full 3D rigid body motion measurement in MRI. Magn Reson Med. 2002 Jan; 47 (1):32-41
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  27. Machulda MM, Ward HA, Cha R, O'Brien P, Jack CR Jr. Functional inferences vary with the method of analysis in fMRI. Neuroimage. 2001 Nov; 14 (5):1122-7
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  30. Jack CR, Lee CC, Ward HA, Riederer SJ. The role of functional MRI in planning prerolandic surgery. Medical Radiology : Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Oncology. 2000; 539-50.
  31. Lee CC, Ward HA, Sharbrough FW, Meyer FB, Marsh WR, Raffel C, So EL, Cascino GD, Shin C, Xu Y, Riederer SJ, Jack CR Jr. Assessment of functional MR imaging in neurosurgical planning. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1999 Sep; 20 (8):1511-9
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