
  1. Saifuddin H, Yan M, Jakub J, Martinez-Jorge J, Roenigk R, Vijayasekaran A. Wide local excision, Mohs micrographic surgery, and reconstructive options for treatment of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans of the breast: A retrospective case series from Mayo Clinic. World J Surg Oncol. 2023 May 6; 21 (1):141 Epub 2023 May 06
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  2. Orholt M, Aaberg FL, Abebe K, Walsh S, Roenigk RK, Venzo A, Schmidt G, Klyver H, Jensen DH, Herly M, Vester-Glowinski PV. Risk factors for local atypical fibroxanthoma recurrence and progression to pleomorphic dermal sarcoma: A meta-analysis of individualized participant data. J Surg Oncol. 2022 Sep; 126 (3):555-562 Epub 2022 Apr 19
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  3. Bonadurer GF 3rd, Langeveld AP, Lalla SC, Roenigk RK, Arpey CJ, Otley CC, Baum CL, Trzasko LCO, Brewer JD. Hemorrhagic complications of cutaneous surgery for patients taking antithrombotic therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Dermatol Res. 2022 Aug; 314 (6):533-540 Epub 2021 June 16
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  4. Brough KR, Youssef MJ, Winchester DS, Baum CL, Sharaf BA, Roenigk RK. Mohs micrographic surgery for dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans in 7 patients aged 10 years and younger. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2022 Jun; 86 (6):1429-1431 Epub 2021 June 29
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  5. Pride RLD, Lopez JJ, Brewer JD, Price DL, Otley CC, Roenigk RK, Arpey CJ, Baum CL. Outcomes of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Primary Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck. Dermatol Surg. 2022 Feb 1; 48 (2):157-161
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  6. Bezalel SA, Brewer JD, Baum CL, Arpey CJ, Roenigk RK, Otley CC. Safety of Oral Midazolam as a Perioperative Anxiolytic for Outpatient Dermatologic Procedures. Dermatol Surg. 2020 Dec; 46 (12):1588-1592
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  7. Lopez JJ, Warner NS, Arpey CJ, Baum CL, Brewer JD, Otley CC, Gazelka HM, Roenigk RK. Opioid prescribing for acute postoperative pain after cutaneous surgery. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2019 Mar; 80 (3):743-748 Epub 2018 Oct 02
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  8. King BJ, Tolkachjov SN, Winchester DS, Baum CL, Brewer JD, Arpey CJ, Otley CC, Roenigk RK. Demographics and outcomes of microcystic adnexal carcinoma. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2018 Oct; 79 (4):756-758 Epub 2018 Mar 17
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  9. Truitt JM, Reichenberg JS, Sharghi KG, Sampson SM, Roenigk RK, Magid M. Isotretinoin: the ups are just as troubling as the downs. G Ital Dermatol Venereol. 2018 Aug; 153 (4):535-539 Epub 2018 Apr 18
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  10. Skelley LM, Winchester DS, Roenigk RK. Forehead horizontal primary closure: A retrospective analysis of 25 cases assessing for long-term eyebrow asymmetry. J Am Acad Dermatol 2018 Mar; 78 (3):618-619 Epub 2017 Sept 22
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  11. Baum CL, Wright AC, Martinez JC, Arpey CJ, Brewer JD, Roenigk RK, Otley CC. A new evidence-based risk stratification system for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma into low, intermediate, and high risk groups with implications for management. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2018 Jan; 78 (1):141-147 Epub 2017 Sept 13
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  12. Tolkachjov SN, Brodland DG, Coldiron BM, Fazio MJ, Hruza GJ, Roenigk RK, Rogers HW, Zitelli JA, Winchester DS, Harmon CB. Understanding Mohs Micrographic Surgery: A Review and Practical Guide for the Nondermatologist. Mayo Clin Proc. 2017 Aug; 92 (8):1261-1271
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  13. Kim SJ, Thompson AK, Zubair AS, Otley CC, Arpey CJ, Baum CL, Roenigk RK, Lohse CM, Brewer JD. Surgical Treatment and Outcomes of Patients With Extramammary Paget Disease: A Cohort Study. Dermatol Surg. 2017 May; 43 (5):708-714
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  14. Lowe GC, Onajin O, Baum CL, Otley CC, Arpey CJ, Roenigk RK, Brewer JD. A Comparison of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Wide Local Excision for Treatment of Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans With Long-Term Follow-up: The Mayo Clinic Experience. Dermatol Surg. 2017 Jan; 43 (1):98-106
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  15. Kohorst JJ, Baum CL, Otley CC, Roenigk RK, Pemberton JH, Dozois EJ, Tran NV, Davis MD. Patient Satisfaction and Quality of Life Following Surgery for Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Dermatol Surg. 2017 Jan; 43 (1):125-133
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  16. Brewer JD, Gonzalez AB, Baum CL, Arpey CJ, Roenigk RK, Otley CC, Erwin PJ. Comparison of Sterile vs Nonsterile Gloves in Cutaneous Surgery and Common Outpatient Dental Procedures: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Dermatol. 2016 Sep 1; 152 (9):1008-14
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  17. Kohorst JJ, Baum CL, Otley CC, Roenigk RK, Schenck LA, Pemberton JH, Dozois EJ, Tran NV, Senchenkov A, Davis MD. Surgical Management of Hidradenitis Suppurativa: Outcomes of 590 Consecutive Patients. Dermatol Surg. 2016 Sep; 42 (9):1030-40
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  18. Christensen KN, Hochwalt PC, Hocker TL, Roenigk RK, Brewer JD, Baum CL, Otley CC, Arpey CJ. Comparison of MITF and Melan-A Immunohistochemistry During Mohs Surgery for Lentigo Maligna-Type Melanoma In Situ and Lentigo Maligna Melanoma. Dermatol Surg. 2016 Feb; 42: (2)167-75.
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  19. Hochwalt PC, Christensen KN, Cantwell SR, Hocker TL, Otley CC, Brewer JD, Arpey CJ, Roenigk RK, Baum CL. Carbon dioxide laser treatment for Hailey-Hailey disease: a retrospective chart review with patient-reported outcomes. Int J Dermatol. 2015 Nov; 54: (11)1309-14.
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  20. Gardner KH, Hill DE, Wright AC, Brewer JD, Arpey CJ, Otley CC, Roenigk RK, Baum CL. Upstaging From Melanoma in Situ to Invasive Melanoma on the Head and Neck After Complete Surgical Resection. Dermatol Surg. 2015 Oct; 41 (10):1122-5
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  21. Brewer JD, Shanafelt TD, Call TG, Cerhan JR, Roenigk RK, Weaver AL, Otley CC. Increased incidence of malignant melanoma and other rare cutaneous cancers in the setting of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Int J Dermatol. 2015 Aug; 54: (8)e287-93.
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  22. Chang TW, Arpey CJ, Baum CL, Brewer JD, Hochwalt PC, Hocker TL, Roenigk RK, Otley CC. Complications With New Oral Anticoagulants Dabigatran and Rivaroxaban in Cutaneous Surgery. Dermatol Surg. 2015 Jul; 41 (7):784-93
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  23. Onajin O, Wetter DA, Roenigk RK, Gibson LE, Weaver AL, Comfere NI. Frozen section diagnosis for non-melanoma skin cancers: correlation with permanent section diagnosis. J Cutan Pathol. 2015 Jul; 42 (7):459-64 Epub 2015 June 04
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  24. Kauvar AN, Cronin T Jr, Roenigk R, Hruza G, Bennett R, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Consensus for nonmelanoma skin cancer treatment: basal cell carcinoma, including a cost analysis of treatment methods. Dermatol Surg. 2015 May; 41 (5):550-71
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  25. Christensen KN, Henderson GP, Hocker TL, Otley CC, Roenigk RK. Outcomes of basal cell carcinomas directly invading the parotid gland. Dermatol Surg. 2015 Mar; 41(3):390-6.
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  26. Tolkachjov SN, Hocker TL, Hochwalt PC, Camilleri MJ, Arpey CJ, Brewer JD, Otley CC, Roenigk RK, Baum CL. Mohs micrographic surgery for the treatment of hidradenocarcinoma: the Mayo Clinic experience from 1993 to 2013. Dermatol Surg. 2015 Feb; 41(2):226-31.
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  27. Brewer JD, Shanafelt TD, Khezri F, Sosa Seda IM, Zubair AS, Baum CL, Arpey CJ, Cerhan JR, Call TG, Roenigk RK, Smith CY, Weaver AL, Otley CC. Increased incidence and recurrence rates of nonmelanoma skin cancer in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a Rochester Epidemiology Project population-based study in Minnesota. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2015 Feb; 72 (2):302-9 Epub 2014 Dec 02
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  28. Hou JL, Reed KB, Knudson RM, Mirzoyev SA, Mirzoyev SA, Lohse CM, Frohm ML, Brewer JD, Otley CC, Roenigk RK. Five-year outcomes of wide excision and Mohs micrographic surgery for primary lentigo maligna in an academic practice cohort. Dermatol Surg. 2015 Feb; 41 (2):211-8
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  29. Hochwalt PC, Christensen KN, Cantwell SR, Hocker TL, Brewer JD, Baum CL, Arpey CJ, Otley CC, Roenigk RK. Comparison of full-thickness skin grafts versus second-intention healing for Mohs defects of the helix. Dermatol Surg. 2015 Jan; 41(1):69-77.
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  30. Winchester DS, Hocker TL, Brewer JD, Baum CL, Hochwalt PC, Arpey CJ, Otley CC, Roenigk RK. Leiomyosarcoma of the skin: clinical, histopathologic, and prognostic factors that influence outcomes. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2014 Nov; 71 (5):919-25 Epub 2014 Aug 29
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  31. Hou JL, Killian JM, Baum CL, Otley CC, Roenigk RK, Arpey CJ, Weaver AL, Brewer JD. Characteristics of sebaceous carcinoma and early outcomes of treatment using Mohs micrographic surgery versus wide local excision: an update of the Mayo Clinic experience over the past 2 decades. Dermatol Surg. 2014 Mar; 40(3):241-6. Epub 2014 Jan 25.
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  32. Mirzoyev SA, Knudson RM, Reed KB, Hou JL, Lohse CM, Frohm ML, Brewer JD, Otley CC, Roenigk RK. Incidence of lentigo maligna in Olmsted County, Minnesota, 1970 to 2007. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2014 Mar; 70 (3):443-8 Epub 2013 Dec 24
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  33. Hanke CW, Moy RL, Roenigk RK, Roenigk HH Jr, Spencer JM, Tierney EP, Bartus CL, Bernstein RM, Brown MD, Busso M, Carruthers A, Carruthers J, Ibrahimi OA, Kauvar AN, Kent KM, Krueger N, Landau M, Leonard AL, Mandy SH, Rohrer TE, Sadick NS, Wiest LG. Current status of surgery in dermatology. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2013 Dec; 69(6):972-1001. Epub 2013 Oct 05.
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  34. Tarantola TI, Vallow LA, Halyard MY, Weenig RH, Warschaw KE, Weaver AL, Roenigk RK, Brewer JD, Otley CC. Unknown primary Merkel cell carcinoma: 23 new cases and a review. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2013 Mar; 68 (3):433-40 Epub 2012 Nov 19
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  35. Tarantola TI, Vallow LA, Halyard MY, Weenig RH, Warschaw KE, Grotz TE, Jakub JW, Roenigk RK, Brewer JD, Weaver AL, Otley CC. Prognostic factors in Merkel cell carcinoma: analysis of 240 cases. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2013 Mar; 68 (3):425-32 Epub 2012 Nov 27
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  36. Hanke C W, Moy R, Roenigk R, Roenigk H. Surgical Training in Dermatology: History and Update. J Am Acad Dermotol. In Press.. 2013;
  37. Colgan MB, Tarantola TI, Weaver AL, Wiseman GA, Roenigk RK, Brewer JD, Otley CC. The predictive value of imaging studies in evaluating regional lymph node involvement in Merkel cell carcinoma. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2012 Dec; 67(6):1250-6. Epub 2012 Apr 30.
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  38. O'Reilly AG, Schmitt WR, Roenigk RK, Moore EJ, Price DL. Closure of scalp and forehead defects using external tissue expander. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2012 Nov; 14(6):419-22.
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  39. American Academy of Dermatology, American College of Mohs Surgery, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Association, American Society for Mohs Surgery, Ad Hoc Task Force, Connolly SM, Baker DR, Coldiron BM, Fazio MJ, Storrs PA, Vidimos AT, Zalla MJ, Brewer JD, Begolka WS, Berger TG, Bigby M, Bolognia JL, Brodland DG, Collins S, Cronin TA Jr, Dahl MV, Grant-Kels JM, Hanke CW, Hruza GJ, James WD, Lober CW, McBurney EI, Norton SA, Roenigk RK, Wheeland RG, Wisco OJ. AAD/ACMS/ASDSA/ASMS 2012 appropriate use criteria for Mohs micrographic surgery: a report of the American Academy of Dermatology, American College of Mohs Surgery, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Association, and the American Society for Mohs Surgery. Dermatol Surg. 2012 Oct; 38(10):1582-603. Epub 2012 Sep 07.
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  40. Connolly SM, Baker DR, Coldiron BM, Fazio MJ, Storrs PA, Vidimos AT, Zalla MJ, Brewer JD, Smith Begolka W, Berger TG, Bigby M, Bolognia JL, Brodland DG, Collins S, Cronin TA Jr, Dahl MV, Grant-Kels JM, Hanke CW, Hruza GJ, James WD, Lober CW, McBurney EI, Norton SA, Roenigk RK, Wheeland RG, Wisco OJ, Ad Hoc Task Force//Ratings Panel. AAD/ACMS/ASDSA/ASMS 2012 appropriate use criteria for Mohs micrographic surgery: a report of the American Academy of Dermatology, American College of Mohs Surgery, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Association, and the American Society for Mohs Surgery. J Am Acad Dermatol 2012 Oct; 67 (4):531-50 Epub 2012 Sept 05
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  41. Spanogle JP, Kudva YC, Dierkhising RA, Kremers WK, Roenigk RK, Brewer JD, Prieto M, Otley CC. Skin cancer after pancreas transplantation. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2012 Oct; 67 (4):563-9 Epub 2012 Feb 15
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  42. Brewer JD, Shanafelt TD, Otley CC, Roenigk RK, Cerhan JR, Kay NE, Weaver AL, Call TG. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is associated with decreased survival of patients with malignant melanoma and Merkel cell carcinoma in a SEER population-based study. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Mar 10; 30 (8):843-9 Epub 2012 Feb 13
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  43. Brewer JD, Hoverson Schott AR, Roenigk RK. Multiple squamous cell carcinomas in the setting of psoriasis treated with etanercept: a report of four cases and review of the literature. Int J Dermatol. 2011 Dec; 50(12):1555-9.
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  44. Cook-Norris RH, Michaels JD, Weaver AL, Phillips PK, Brewer JD, Roenigk RK, Otley CC. Complications of cutaneous surgery in patients taking clopidogrel-containing anticoagulation. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2011 Sep; 65 (3):584-591 Epub 2011 Apr 21
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  45. Colgan MB, Brewer JD, Weaver AL, Roenigk RK, Otley CC. Atypical fibroxanthoma in the setting of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and other non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Dermatol Surg. 2011 May; 37(5):671-6. Epub 2011 Mar 29.
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  46. Knudson RM, Cook-Norris RH, Youse JS, Roenigk RK. Current procedural terminology coding for Mohs micrographic surgery. Dermatol Clin. 2011 Apr; 29(2):341-55, xi.
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  47. Ravitskiy L, Phillips PK, Roenigk RK, Weaver AL, Killian JM, Hoverson Schott A, Otley CC. The use of oral midazolam for perioperative anxiolysis of healthy patients undergoing Mohs surgery: conclusions from randomized controlled and prospective studies. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2011 Feb; 64(2):310-22.
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  48. Tarantola TI, Vallow LA, Halyard MY, Weening RH, Warschaw K, Grotz TE, Jakub JW, Roenigk RK, Brewer JD, Weaver AL, Otley CC. Prognostic Factors in Merkel Cell Carcinoma: Analysis of 240 cases. JAAD. 2011.
  49. Brewer JD, Roenigk RK. Tumescent anesthesia as an aid for wide local excision in dermatologic surgery. Surgical and Cosmetic Dermatology. 2010; 2(2):140-3.
  50. Jacobs MA, Christenson LJ, Weaver AL, Appert DL, Phillips PK, Roenigk RK, Otley CC. Clinical outcome of cutaneous flaps versus full-thickness skin grafts after Mohs surgery on the nose. Dermatol Surg. 2010; 36(1):23-30. Epub 2009 Nov 04.
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  51. Brewer JD, Colegio OR, Phillips PK, Roenigk RK, Jacobs MA, Van de Beek D, Dierkhising RA, Kremers WK, McGregor CG, Otley CC. Incidence of and risk factors for skin cancer after heart transplant. Arch Dermatol. 2009 Dec; 145 (12):1391-6
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  52. Ang GC, Roenigk RK, Otley CC, Kim Phillips P, Weaver AL. More than 2 decades of treating atypical fibroxanthoma at mayo clinic: what have we learned from 91 patients? Dermatol Surg. 2009 May; 35(5):765-72. Epub 2008 Mar 23.
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  53. Wright TI, Baddour LM, Berbari EF, Roenigk RK, Phillips PK, Jacobs MA, Otley CC. Antibiotic prophylaxis in dermatologic surgery: advisory statement 2008. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2008 Sep; 59 (3):464-73
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  54. Brewer JD, Otley CC, Christenson LJ, Phillips PK, Roenigk RK, Weaver AL. The effects of sirolimus on wound healing in dermatologic surgery. Dermatol Surg. 2008 Feb; 34(2):216-23. Epub 2007 Dec 17.
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  55. Dapprich DC, Roenigk RK. Nodule on the toe. Arch Dermatol. 2007 Aug; 143(8):1067-72.
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  56. Solky BA, Phillips PK, Christenson LJ, Weaver AL, Roenigk RK, Otley CC. Patient preferences for facial sunscreens: a split-face, randomized, blinded trial. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2007 Jul; 57(1):67-72. Epub 2007 May 17.
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  57. Clowers-Webb HE, Christenson LJ, Phillips PK, Roenigk RK, Nguyen TH, Weaver AL, Otley CC. Educational outcomes regarding skin cancer in organ transplant recipients: Randomized intervention of intensive vs standard education. Arch Dermatol. 2006 Jun; 142(6):712-8.
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  58. Roenigk RK. Commentary to Miller, et al. Academics or Private Practice? The future of dermatologic surgery education. Dermatol Surg. 2006; 32(1):77.
  59. Appert DL, Otley CC, Phillips PK, Roenigk RK. Role of multiple scouting biopsies before Mohs micrographic surgery for extramammary Paget's disease. Dermatol Surg. 2005 Nov; 31 (11 Pt 1):1417-22
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  60. Nestler SP, Roenigk RK. Accreditation and certification in dermatologic surgery. Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine & Surgery. 2005 Sep; 24(3):133-6.
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  61. Christenson LJ, Borrowman TA, Vachon CM, Tollefson MM, Otley CC, Weaver AL, Roenigk RK. Incidence of basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas in a population younger than 40 years. JAMA. 2005 Aug 10; 294 (6):681-90
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  62. Mehrany K, Weenig RH, Pittelkow MR, Roenigk RK, Otley CC. High recurrence rates of squamous cell carcinoma after Mohs' surgery in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Dermatol Surg. 2005 Jan; 31 (1):38-42; discussion 42
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  63. Maragh SL, Otley CC, Roenigk RK, Phillips PK, Division of Dermatologic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. Antibiotic prophylaxis in dermatologic surgery: updated guidelines. Dermatol Surg. 2005 Jan; 31 (1):83-91
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  64. Christenson LJ, Otley CC, Roenigk RK. Oxidized regenerated cellulose gauze for hemostasis of a two-stage interpolation flap pedicle. Dermatol Surg. 2004 Dec; 30(12 Pt 2):1593-4.
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  65. Callahan EF, Appert DL, Roenigk RK, Bartley GB. Sebaceous carcinoma of the eyelid: A review of 14 cases. Dermatol Surg. 2004 Aug; 30(8):1164-8.
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  66. Mehrany K, Weenig RH, Pittelkow MR, Roenigk RK, Otley CC. High recurrence rates of Basal cell carcinoma after mohs surgery in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Arch Dermatol. 2004 Aug; 140 (8):985-8
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  67. O'Connor WJ, Lim KK, Zalla MJ, Gagnot M, Otley CC, Nguyen TH, Roenigk RK. Comparison of mohs micrographic surgery and wide excision for extramammary Paget's disease. Dermatol Surg. 2003 Jul; 29 (7):723-7
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  68. Mehrany K, Byrd DR, Roenigk RK, Weenig RH, Phillips PK, Nguyen TH, Otley CC. Lymphocytic infiltrates and subclinical epithelial tumor extension in patients with chronic leukemia and solid-organ transplantation. Dermatol Surg. 2003 Feb; 29 (2):129-34
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  69. Roenigk RK. Commentary to: Dermatologic Surgery Training in Residency. Dermatol Surg. 2002 Jul; 28(7):547-50.
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  71. Mehrany K, Otley CC, Weenig RH, Phillips PK, Roenigk RK, Nguyen TH. A meta-analysis of the prognostic significance of sentinel lymph node status in Merkel cell carcinoma. Dermatol Surg. 2002 Feb; 28 (2):113-7; discussion 117
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  72. Moore EJ, Otley CC, Sherris DJ, Brodland DG, Ahmed I, Roenigk RK. Comparison of wound depth and healing of common resurfacing methods in a porcine model. Arch Otolaryngol. 2000; 136:259-64.
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  74. Lim KK, Randle HW, Roenigk RK, Brodland DG, Bernstein SC, Marcil I. Linear basal cell carcinoma: report of seventeen cases and review of the presentation and treatment. Dermatol Surg. 1999 Jan; 25 (1):63-7
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  75. Lutz ME, Otley CC, Roenigk RK, Brodland DG, Li H. Reinnervation of flaps and grafts of the face. Arch Dermatol. 1998 Oct; 134 (10):1271-4
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  76. Holmkvist KA, Roenigk RK. Squamous cell carcinoma of the lip treated with Mohs micrographic surgery: outcome at 5 years. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1998 Jun; 38 (6 Pt 1):960-6
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  77. O'Connor WJ, Roenigk RK, Brodland DG. Merkel cell carcinoma. Comparison of Mohs micrographic surgery and wide excision in eighty-six patients. Dermatol Surg. 1997 Oct; 23(10):929-33.
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  78. Gray DT, Suman VJ, Su WP, Clay RP, Harmsen WS, Roenigk RK. Trends in the population-based incidence of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin first diagnosed between 1984 and 1992. Arch Dermatol. 1997 Jun; 133 (6):735-40
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  79. Davis JL, Randle HW, Zalla MJ, Roenigk RK, Brodland DG. A comparison of Mohs micrographic surgery and wide excision for the treatment of atypical fibroxanthoma. Dermatol Surg. 1997 Feb; 23 (2):105-10
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  80. Otley CC, Roenigk RK. Surgical pearl: preparing the defect for an island pedicle flap. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1997 Feb; 36 (2 Pt 1):257-8
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  81. Otley CC, Roenigk RK. Medium-depth chemical peeling. Semin Cutan Med Surg. 1996 Sep; 15 (3):145-54
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  82. Dufresne RG Jr, Ratz JL, Bergfeld WF, Roenigk RK. Squamous cell carcinoma arising from the follicular occlusion triad. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1996 Sep; 35(3 Pt 1):475-7.
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  83. Gloster HM Jr, Harris KR, Roenigk RK. A comparison between Mohs micrographic surgery and wide surgical excision for the treatment of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1996 Jul; 35 (1):82-7
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  84. Bernstein SC, Roenigk RK. Leiomyosarcoma of the skin. Treatment of 34 cases. Dermatol Surg. 1996 Jul; 22 (7):631-5
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  85. Kuechle MK, Mehregan DR, Roenigk RK, Muller SA. Giant cerebriform and disseminated molluscum contagiosum in atopic dermatitis. Eur J Dermatol. 1996 Jun; 6(4):274-277.
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  87. Gloster HM Jr, Daoud MS, Roenigk RK. The use of full-thickness skin grafts for the repair of defects on the dorsal hand and digits. Dermatol Surg. 1995 Nov; 21 (11):953-9
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  88. Snow JL, Zalla MJ, Roenigk RK, Gibson LE. Sudden nodular growth in a congenital facial lesion. Squamous cell carcinoma arising in a nevus sebaceus Jadassohn (NSJ). Arch Dermatol. 1995 Sep; 131 (9):1069, 1072
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  89. Roenigk RK. Physicians as leaders and motivators. Dermatol Surg. 1995 Jun; 21(Suppl):7-8.
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  91. Bernstein SC, Roenigk RK. Surgical pearl: erythromycin ointment for topical antibiotic wound care. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1995 Apr; 32 (4):659-60
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  92. Gloster HM Jr, Roenigk RK. Risk of acquiring human papillomavirus from the plume produced by the carbon dioxide laser in the treatment of warts. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1995 Mar; 32 (3):436-41
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