
  1. Ramanan VK, Graff-Radford J, Syrjanen J, Shir D, Algeciras-Schimnich A, Lucas J, Martens YA, Carrasquillo MM, Day GS, Ertekin-Taner N, Lachner C, Willis FB, Knopman DS, Jack CR Jr, Petersen RC, Vemuri P, Graff-Radford N, Mielke MM. Association of Plasma Biomarkers of Alzheimer Disease With Cognition and Medical Comorbidities in a Biracial Cohort. Neurology. 2023 Oct 3; 101 (14):e1402-e1411 Epub 2023 Aug 14
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  2. Bergeron CD, Robinson MT, Willis FB, Albertie ML, Wainwright JD, Fudge MR, Parfitt FC, Lucas JA. Creating a Dementia Friendly Community in an African American Neighborhood: Perspectives of People Living with Dementia, Care Partners, Stakeholders, and Community Residents. J Appl Gerontol. 2023 Feb; 42 (2):280-289 Epub 2022 Oct 03
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  3. Abu Dabrh AM, Haga CB, Conrad J, Perlman AI, Allyse MA, Albertie ML, Martinez-Heath M, Ball CT, Willis FB. Nutrition and Emotional Health Education: The Use of Emotional Intelligence and a Plant-Based Diet to Reduce Cardiometabolic Risk. Glob Adv Integr Med Health. 2023 Jan-Dec; 12:27536130231215014 Epub 2023 Nov 17
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  4. Bergeron CD, Robinson MT, Willis FB, Albertie ML, Wainwright JD, Fudge MR, Parfitt FC, Crook JE, Ball CT, Lucas JA. Testing an Alzheimer's Disease Educational Approach in Two African American Neighborhoods in Florida. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 2022 Dec; 9 (6):2283-2290 Epub 2021 Oct 13
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  5. Glueckauf RL, Kazmer MM, Nowakowski ACH, Wang Y, Thelusma N, Williams D, McGill-Scarlett C, Lampe NM, Norton-Brown T, Davis WS, Sharma D, Willis FB. African American Alzheimer's Caregiver Training and Support Project 2 (ACTS2) pilot study: Outcomes analysis. Rehabil Psychol. 2022 Nov; 67 (4):437-448
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  6. Brewer LC, Pasha M, Seele P, Penheiter S, White R, Willis F, Albertie M, Jenkins SM, Pullins C. Correction to: Overcoming Historical Barriers: Enhancing Positive Perceptions of Medical Research Among African Americans Through a Conference-Based Workshop. J Gen Intern Med. 2021 Sep 1 Epub 2021 Sept 01
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  7. Brewer LC, Pasha M, Seele P, Penheiter S, White R, Willis F, Albertie M, Jenkins SM, Pullins C. Overcoming Historical Barriers: Enhancing Positive Perceptions of Medical Research Among African Americans Through a Conference-Based Workshop. J Gen Intern Med. 2021 Sep; 36 (9):2547-2554 Epub 2021 June 14
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  8. Khan AS, Al-Awadi A, Willis FB, Pujalte GGA. Cutaneous larva migrans in the city. Clin Case Rep. 2020 Dec; 8 (12):3162-3163 Epub 2020 Sept 29
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  9. Pujalte GGA, Pantin SA, Waller TA, Maruoka Nishi LY, Willis FB, Jethwa TP, Presutti RJ. Patient-Centered Medical Home With Colocation: Observations and Insights From an Academic Family Medicine Clinic. J Prim Care Community Health. 2020 Jan-Dec; 11:2150132720902560
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  10. Presutti RJ, Willis FB, Scott R, Greig HE, Abu Dabrh AM. "No Waiting" in the "Waiting Room": The Self-rooming Patient Pilot Study. Cureus. 2019 Nov 26; 11 (11):e6238
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  11. Pullins CT, Seele PC, White RO, Willis FB, Poole K, Albertie ML, Chamie C, Allen AM, Kelly M, Penheiter S, Buras MR, Brewer LC. Health Behaviors and Preventive Healthcare Utilization Among African-American Attendees at a Faith-Based Public Health Conference: Healthy Churches 2020. J Relig Health. 2018 Dec; 57 (6):2538-2551
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  12. Wells BA, Glueckauf RL, Bernabe D, Kazmer MM, Schettini G, Springer J, Sharma D, Meng H, Willis FB, Graff-Radford N. African American Dementia Caregiver Problem Inventory: Descriptive analysis and initial psychometric evaluation. Rehabil Psychol. 2017 Feb; 62 (1):25-35 Epub 2016 Dec 15
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  13. Angstman KB, Horn JL, Bernard ME, Kresin MM, Klavetter EW, Maxson J, Willis FB, Grover ML, Bryan MJ, Thacher TD. Family Medicine Panel Size with Care Teams: Impact on Quality. J Am Board Fam Med. 2016 Jul-Aug; 29 (4):444-51
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  14. Colon-Otero G, Albertie M, Lesperance M, Weis JA, Coles A, Smith N, Mills L, Woodward T, Aspitia AM, Vishnu P, Willis F, Isley A, Fonseca R, Vachon C, Rajkumar SV. A pilot program in collaboration with African American churches successfully increases awareness of the importance of cancer research and participation in cancer translational research studies among African Americans. J Cancer Educ. 2012 Jun; 27 (2):294-8
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  15. Glueckauf RL, Davis WS, Willis F, Sharma D, Gustafson DJ, Hayes J, Stutzman M, Proctor J, Kazmer MM, Murray L, Shipman J, McIntyre V, Wesley L, Schettini G, Xu J, Parfitt F, Graff-Radford N, Baxter C, Burnett K, Noel LT, Haire K, Springer J. Telephone-based, cognitive-behavioral therapy for African American dementia caregivers with depression: initial findings. Rehabil Psychol. 2012 May; 57 (2):124-39
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  16. Pedraza O, Clark JH, O'Bryant SE, Smith GE, Ivnik RJ, Graff-Radford NR, Willis FB, Petersen RC, Lucas JA. Diagnostic validity of age and education corrections for the Mini-Mental State Examination in older African Americans. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012 Feb; 60 (2):328-31 Epub 2011 Dec 08
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  17. Ache KA, Shannon RP, Heckman MG, Diehl NN, Willis FB. A preliminary study comparing attitudes toward hospice referral between African American and white American primary care physicians. J Palliat Med. 2011 May; 14 (5):542-7 Epub 2011 Feb 05
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  18. Pedraza O, Dotson VM, Willis FB, Graff-Radford NR, Lucas JA. Internal Consistency and Test-Retest Stability of the Geriatric Depression Scale-Short Form in African American Older Adults. J Psychopathol Behav Assess. 2009 Dec 1; 31 (4):412-416
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  19. Pedraza O, Graff-Radford NR, Smith GE, Ivnik RJ, Willis FB, Petersen RC, Lucas JA. Differential item functioning of the Boston Naming Test in cognitively normal African American and Caucasian older adults. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2009 Sep; 15 (5):758-68 Epub 2009 July 02
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  20. Willis FB, Isley AL, Geda YE, Shaygan A, Quarles L 4th, Fredrickson PA. Resolution of syncope with treatment of sleep apnea. J Am Board Fam Med. 2008 Sep-Oct; 21 (5):466-8
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  21. Colon-Otero G, Smallridge RC, Solberg LA Jr, Keith TD, Woodward TA, Willis FB, Dunn AN. Disparities in participation in cancer clinical trials in the United States : a symptom of a healthcare system in crisis. Cancer. 2008 Feb 1; 112(3):447-54.
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  22. Pedraza O, Smith GE, Ivnik RJ, Willis FB, Ferman TJ, Petersen RC, Graff-Radford NR, Lucas JA. Reliable change on the Dementia Rating Scale. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2007 Jul; 13 (4):716-20 Epub 2007 May 18
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  23. O'Bryant SE, Lucas JA, Willis FB, Smith GE, Graff-Radford NR, Ivnik RJ. Discrepancies between self-reported years of education and estimated reading level among elderly community-dwelling African-Americans: Analysis of the MOAANS data. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2007 Mar; 22 (3):327-32 Epub 2007 Mar 02
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  24. Lucas JA, Ivnik RJ, Smith GE, Ferman TJ, Willis FB, Petersen RC, Graff-Radford NR. Mayo's Older African Americans Normative Studies: WMS-R norms for African American elders. Clin Neuropsychol. 2005 Jun; 19 (2):189-213
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  25. Ferman TJ, Lucas JA, Ivnik RJ, Smith GE, Willis FB, Petersen RC, Graff-Radford NR. Mayo's Older African American Normative Studies: Auditory Verbal Learning Test norms for African American elders. Clin Neuropsychol. 2005 Jun; 19 (2):214-28
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  26. Lucas JA, Ivnik RJ, Willis FB, Ferman TJ, Smith GE, Parfitt FC, Petersen RC, Graff-Radford NR. Mayo's Older African Americans Normative Studies: normative data for commonly used clinical neuropsychological measures. Clin Neuropsychol. 2005 Jun; 19 (2):162-83
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  27. Lucas JA, Ivnik RJ, Smith GE, Ferman TJ, Willis FB, Petersen RC, Graff-Radford NR. A brief report on WAIS-R normative data collection in Mayo's Older African Americans Normative Studies. Clin Neuropsychol. 2005 Jun; 19 (2):184-8
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  28. Lucas JA, Ivnik RJ, Smith GE, Ferman TJ, Willis FB, Petersen RC, Graff-Radford NR. Mayo's Older African Americans Normative Studies: norms for Boston Naming Test, Controlled Oral Word Association, Category Fluency, Animal Naming, Token Test, WRAT-3 Reading, Trail Making Test, Stroop Test, and Judgment of Line Orientation. Clin Neuropsychol. 2005 Jun; 19 (2):243-69
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  29. Rilling LM, Lucas JA, Ivnik RJ, Smith GE, Willis FB, Ferman TJ, Petersen RC, Graff-Radford NR. Mayo's Older African American Normative Studies: norms for the Mattis Dementia Rating Scale. Clin Neuropsychol. 2005 Jun; 19 (2):229-42
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  30. Pedraza O, Lucas JA, Smith GE, Willis FB, Graff-Radford NR, Ferman TJ, Petersen RC, Bowers D, Ivnik RJ. Mayo's older African American normative studies: confirmatory factor analysis of a core battery. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2005 Mar; 11 (2):184-91
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  31. Willis F, Graff-Radford N, Pinto M, Lawson L, Adamson J, Epstein D, Parfitt F, Hutton M, O'Brien PC. Apolipoprotein epsilon4 allele frequency in young Africans of Ugandan descent versus African Americans. J Natl Med Assoc. 2003 Jan; 95 (1):71-6
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  32. Graff-Radford NR, Green RC, Go RC, Hutton ML, Edeki T, Bachman D, Adamson JL, Griffith P, Willis FB, Williams M, Hipps Y, Haines JL, Cupples LA, Farrer LA. Association between apolipoprotein E genotype and Alzheimer disease in African American subjects. Arch Neurol. 2002 Apr; 59 (4):594-600
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  33. Sencakova D, Graff-Radford NR, Willis FB, Lucas JA, Parfitt F, Cha RH, O'Brien PC, Petersen RC, Jack CR Jr. Hippocampal atrophy correlates with clinical features of Alzheimer disease in African Americans. Arch Neurol. 2001 Oct; 58 (10):1593-7
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  34. Bibbs CS, Willis FB, Bratton RL. Iguana bites to the face. J Am Board Fam Pract. 2001 Mar-Apr; 14: (2)152-4.
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  35. Willis FB. Cultural Competence: Do You Have It? Journal of the Duval County Medical Society. 2001;52(1):25-7.