
  1. Zolnoori M, Williams MD, Angstman KB, Patel S, Ngufor C, Wi C, Leasure WB. Emergency Department Risk Model: Timely Identification of Patients for Outpatient Care Coordination Model The American Journal of Managed Care. 2024.
  2. Kashou AH, Noseworthy PA, Beckman TJ, Anavekar NS, Cullen MW, Angstman KB, Sandefur BJ, Shapiro BP, Wiley BW, Kates AM, Sadhu J, Thakker P, Huneycutt D, Braisted A, Smith SW, Baranchuk A, Grauer K, O'Brien K, Kaul V, Gambhir HS, Knohl SJ, Restrepo D, May AM. EDUCATE: An international, randomized controlled trial for teaching electrocardiography. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2024 Mar; 49 (3):102409 Epub 2024 Jan 15
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  3. Garrison GM, Meunier MR, Boswell CL, Greenwood JD, Nordin T, Angstman KB. Continuity of Care: A Primer for Family Medicine Residencies. Fam Med. 2024 Feb; 56 (2):76-83 Epub 2023 Oct 30
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  4. Kashou AH, Noseworthy PA, Beckman TJ, Anavekar NS, Cullen MW, Boswell CL, Angstman KB, Sandefur BJ, Shapiro BP, Wiley BW, Kates AM, Huneycutt D, Braisted A, Kerwin S, Young B, Rowlandson I, Beard JW, Baranchuk A, O'Brien K, Knohl SJ, May AM. Predictors of ECG Interpretation Proficiency in Healthcare Professionals. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2023 Dec; 48 (12):102011 Epub 2023 Aug 04
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  5. Kashou AH, Noseworthy PA, Beckman TJ, Anavekar NS, Cullen MW, Angstman KB, Sandefur BJ, Shapiro BP, Wiley BW, Kates AM, Huneycutt D, Braisted A, Manoukian SV, Kerwin S, Young B, Rowlandson I, Beard JW, Baranchuk A, O'Brien K, Knohl SJ, May AM. Impact of Computer-Interpreted ECGs on the Accuracy of Healthcare Professionals. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2023 Nov; 48 (11):101989 Epub 2023 July 22
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  6. Garrison GM, Meunier MR, Boswell CL, Greenwood JD, Nordin T, Angstman KB. Continuity of Care: A Primer for Family Medicine Residencies Family Medicine. 10/30/2023.
  7. Kashou AH, Noseworthy PA, Beckman TJ, Anavekar NS, Cullen MW, Angstman KB, Sandefur BJ, Shapiro BP, Wiley BW, Kates AM, Huneycutt D, Braisted A, Smith SW, Baranchuk A, Grauer K, O'Brien K, Kaul V, Gambhir HS, Knohl SJ, Albert D, Kligfield PD, Macfarlane PW, Drew BJ, May AM. ECG Interpretation Proficiency of Healthcare Professionals. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2023 Oct; 48 (10):101924 Epub 2023 July 01
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  8. Kashou AH, Noseworthy PA, Beckman TJ, Anavekar NS, Angstman KB, Cullen MW, Sandefur BJ, Friedman PA, Shapiro BP, Wiley BW, Kates AM, Braisted A, Huneycutt D, Baranchuk A, Beard JW, Kerwin S, Young B, Rowlandson I, Knohl SJ, O'Brien K, May AM. Exploring Factors Influencing ECG Interpretation Proficiency of Medical Professionals. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2023 Oct; 48 (10):101865 Epub 2023 June 13
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  9. Kashou AH, Noseworthy PA, Beckman TJ, Anavekar NS, Cullen MW, Angstman KB, Sandefur BJ, Thompson CA, Halvorsen AJ, Shapiro BP, Wiley BW, Kates AM, Cosco D, Sadhu JS, Thakker PD, Huneycutt D, Braisted A, Smith SW, Baranchuk A, Grauer K, O'Brien K, Kaul V, Gambhir HS, Knohl SJ, Restrepo D, Kligfield PD, Macfarlane PW, Drew BJ, May AM. Education curriculum assessment for teaching electrocardiography: Rationale and design for the prospective, international, randomized controlled EDUCATE trial. J Electrocardiol. 2023 Sep-Oct; 80:166-173 Epub 2023 July 13
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  10. Whiting A, Poolman AE, Misra A, Gordon JE, Angstman KB. Comparison of Ambulatory Quality Measures Between Shared Practice Panels and Independent Practice Panels. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2023 Aug; 7 (4):256-261 Epub 2023 June 18
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  11. O'Mara TA, Angstman K, Spicer DB, Campos E, Erbs NC, Furst JW, Williams MD. Raising Capacity to Address Mental Health Concerns in Costa Rica. Cureus. 2022 Dec; 14 (12):e32481 Epub 2022 Dec 13
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  12. Khera KD, Blessman JD, Deyo-Svendsen ME, Miller NE, Angstman KB. Pre-Anesthetic Medical Evaluations: Criteria Considerations for Telemedicine Alternatives to Face to Face Visits. Health Serv Res Manag Epidemiol. 2022 Jan-Dec; 9:23333928221074895 Epub 2022 Jan 21
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  13. Miller NE, Curry E, Laabs SB, Manhas M, Angstman K. Impact of gestational diabetes diagnosis on concurrent depression in pregnancy. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. 2021 Sep; 42 (3):190-193 Epub 2020 Jan 07
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  14. Angstman KB, Wi CI, Williams MD, Bohn BA, Garrison GM. Impact of socioeconomic status on depression clinical outcomes at six months in a Midwestern, United States community. J Affect Disord. 2021 Sep 1; 292:751-756 Epub 2021 June 09
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  15. Meyerink BD, Lampman MA, Laabs SB, Foss RM, Garrison GM, Angstman KB, Sobolik GJ, Halasy MP, Fischer KJ, Rosas SL, Maxson JA, Rushlow DR, Horn JL, Matthews MR, Nagaraju D, Thacher TD. Relationship of Clinician Care Team Composition and Diabetes Quality Outcomes. Popul Health Manag. 2021 Aug; 24 (4):502-508 Epub 2020 Nov 18
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  16. Oberhelman S, Boswell C, Jensen T, Swartz D, Bruhl E, O'Brien M, Angstman K. Student experiences and satisfaction with a novel clerkship patient scheduling. Med Educ Online. 2020 Dec; 25 (1):1742963
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  17. Herges JR, Borah BJ, Moriarty JP, Garrison GM, Gullerud RE, Angstman KB. Impact of collaborative clinician visits on postdischarge total cost of care in a polypharmacy population. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2020 Oct 30; 77 (22):1859-1865
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  18. Zolnoori M, Williams MD, Leasure WB, Angstman KB, Ngufor C. A Systematic Framework for Analyzing Observation Data in Patient-Centered Registries: Case Study for Patients With Depression. JMIR Res Protoc. 2020 Oct 29; 9 (10):e18366
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  19. Abu Dabrh AM, Waller TA, Bonacci RP, Nawaz AJ, Keith JJ, Agarwal A, Merfeld J, Nordin T, Winscott MM, Belda TE, Murad MH, Pantin SAL, Steinkraus LW, Grau TJ, Angstman KB. Professionalism and inter-communication skills (ICS): a multi-site validity study assessing proficiency in core competencies and milestones in medical learners. BMC Med Educ. 2020 Oct 14; 20 (1):362
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  20. Herges JR, Garrison GM, Mara KC, Angstman KB. Using medication containers during pharmacist transitional care visits and impact on medication discrepancies identified and hospital readmission risk. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2020 Oct 5 Epub 2020 Oct 05
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  21. Miller NE, Konwinski BL, Betcher HK, De Witt Tesch M, Angstman KB. Prior Psychiatric Diagnosis Suggests Additional Depression Screening During Pregnancy Mental Health Family Medicine. 2020; 16:950-953.
  22. Jacobsen VL, Angstman KB. Effect of Nonvisit Care on Resident Workload in a Family Medicine Residency. Fam Med. 2020 Apr; 52 (4):288-290
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  23. Miller N, Angstman KB, van Ryn M, Garrison GM, Fischer K, Phelan S. The Association of Direct Observation of Medical Students With Patient-Centered Care for Obesity. Fam Med. 2020 Apr; 52 (4):271-277
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  24. Bruhl EJ, MacLaughlin KL, Allen SV, Horn JL, Angstman KB, Garrison GM, Maxson JA, McCauley DK, Lampman MA, Thacher TD. Association of Primary Care Team Composition and Clinician Burnout in a Primary Care Practice Network. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2020 Apr; 4 (2):135-142 Epub 2020 Apr 06
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  25. Wong H, Moore K, Angstman KB, Garrison GM. Impact of rural address and distance from clinic on depression outcomes within a primary care medical home practice. BMC Fam Pract. 2019 Sep 5; 20 (1):123 Epub 2019 Sept 05
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  26. Poulin EA, Swartz AW, O'Grady JS, Kersten MPM, Angstman KB. Essential Office Procedures for Medicare Patients in Primary Care: Comparison With Family Medicine Residency Training. Fam Med. 2019 Jul; 51 (7):574-577 Epub 2019 May 21
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  27. Herges JR, Herges LB, Dierkhising RA, Mara KC, Angstman KB. Timing of Pharmacist-Clinician Collaborative Visits After Hospital Discharge and Their Effect on Readmission Risk Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 2019.
  28. Oberhelman SS, Angstman KB. Patients as Teachers Student Clinic: Third-Year Medical Students' Experiences and Outcomes With a Novel Approach to the Family Medicine Outpatient Clerkship PRiMER. 2019.
  29. Akambase JA, Miller NE, Garrison GM, Stadem P, Talley H, Angstman KB. Depression Outcomes in Smokers and Nonsmokers: Comparison of Collaborative Care Management Versus Usual Care. J Prim Care Community Health. 2019 Jan-Dec; 10:2150132719861265
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  30. Wilfahrt RP, Oberhelman SS, Merten ZT, Angstman KB. Academic Detailing From Medical Students: Part of a Plan to Emphasize Feedback in One Clerkship. PRiMER. 2019; 3:26 Epub 2019 Nov 20
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  31. Theofiles MG, Angstman KB, Pimienta AL. Diabetes associated with decreased severe depression at time of depression diagnosis European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare.. 2018.
  32. Allen JP, Angstman KB, Meade BA, Meunier MR, Jenkins SM, Borowski KS. Impact of Prior Pregnancy Loss or Pre-term Delivery on Attitudes Toward Exercise in Pregnancy European Journal of Person Centered Healthcare. 2018.
  33. Herges JR, Herges LB, Dierkhising RA, Mara KC, Davis AZ, Angstman KB. Effect of Postdismissal Pharmacist Visits for Patients Using High-Risk Medications. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2018 Mar; 2 (1):4-9 Epub 2018 Feb 01
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  34. George MP, Garrison GM, Merten Z, Heredia D Jr, Gonzales C, Angstman KB. Impact of Personality Disorder Cluster on Depression Outcomes Within Collaborative Care Management Model of Care. J Prim Care Community Health. 2018 Jan-Dec; 9:2150132718776877
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  35. Solberg JJ, Deyo-Svendsen ME, Nylander KR, Bruhl EJ, Heredia D Jr, Angstman KB. Collaborative Care Management Associated With Improved Depression Outcomes in Patients With Personality Disorders, Compared to Usual Primary Care. J Prim Care Community Health. 2018 Jan-Dec; 9:2150132718773266
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  36. Angstman KB, Seshadri A, Marcelin A, Gonzalez CA, Garrison GM, Allen JS. Personality Disorders in Primary Care: Impact on Depression Outcomes Within Collaborative Care. J Prim Care Community Health. 2017 Oct; 8 (4):233-238 Epub 2017 June 14
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  37. Gonzalez CA, Gentile NE, Angstman KB, Craner JR, Bonacci RP. The Associations Between Preceptor Team Lead Relationships and Resident Wellness in an Academic Medicine Setting: An Exploratory Study. PRiMER. 2017 Sep; 1:5 Epub 2017 June 22
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  38. Angstman KB, Garrison GM, Gonzalez CA, Cozine DW, Cozine EW, Katzelnick DJ. Prediction of Primary Care Depression Outcomes at Six Months: Validation of DOC-6 (c). J Am Board Fam Med. 2017 May-Jun; 30 (3):281-287
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  39. Pecina J, North F, Williams MD, Angstman KB. Use of an on-line patient portal in a depression collaborative care management program. J Affect Disord. 2017 Jan 15; 208:1-5 Epub 2016 Oct 02
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  40. Boswell CL, Billings TA, Angstman KB. What are the benefits and risks of aspirin as primary prophylaxis for CAD events? Evidence-Based Practice. 2017; 20 (4):E6-7
  41. Witt DR, Garrison GM, Gonzalez CA, Witt TJ, Angstman KB. Six-Month Outcomes for Collaborative Care Management of Depression Among Smoking and Nonsmoking Patients. Health Serv Res Manag Epidemiol. 2017 Jan-Dec; 4:2333392817721648. Epub 2017 Aug 29.
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  42. Garrison GM, Gentile N, Lai B, Angstman KB, Bonacci R. Differential Experience With Men's and Women's Health Care Visits Between Male and Female Family Medicine Residents. Fam Med. 2016 Jul; 48 (7):546-50
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  43. Angstman KB, Horn JL, Bernard ME, Kresin MM, Klavetter EW, Maxson J, Willis FB, Grover ML, Bryan MJ, Thacher TD. Family Medicine Panel Size with Care Teams: Impact on Quality. J Am Board Fam Med. 2016 Jul-Aug; 29 (4):444-51
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  44. Angstman KB, Marcelin A, Gonzalez CA, Kaufman TK, Maxson JA, Williams MD. The Impact of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder on the 6-Month Outcomes in Collaborative Care Management for Depression. J Prim Care Community Health. 2016 Jul; 7 (3):159-64 Epub 2016 Mar 18
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  45. Theofiles MG, Marcelin JR, Herges LB, Marcelin A, Maxson, Angstman KB. Intramuscular Ceftriaxone with Oral Antibiotic Therapy in the Treatment of Outpatient Cellulitis Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy. 2016; 4(3).
  46. Angstman KB, Doganer YC, DeJesus RS, Rohrer JE. Increased medical cost metrics for patients 50 years of age and older in the collaborate care model of treatment for depression. Psychogeriatrics. 2016 Mar; 16 (2):102-6 Epub 2015 Apr 27
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  47. Angstman K, Flinchbaugh RT, Flinchbaugh K, Meunier MR, Angstman GL. Diabetes and depression: does worsening control of diabetes lead to poorer depression outcomes? J Eval Clin Pract. 2016 Feb; 22 (1):98-100 Epub 2015 Aug 24
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  48. Garrison GM, Angstman KB, O'Connor SS, Williams MD, Lineberry TW. Time to Remission for Depression with Collaborative Care Management (CCM) in Primary Care. J Am Board Fam Med. 2016 Jan-Feb; 29 (1):10-7
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  49. Theofiles M, Maxson J, Herges L, Marcelin A, Angstman KB. Cellulitis in Obesity: Adverse Outcomes Affected by Increases in Body Mass Index. J Prim Care Community Health. 2015 Oct; 6 (4):233-8 Epub 2015 Apr 29
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  50. Doganer YC, Angstman K, Rohrer J, Merry S. Impact of predictors upon the reduction of lipid parameters in family medicine practice. Sao Paulo Med J. 2015 Sep-Oct; 133 (5):428-34
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  51. Rohrer JE, Doganer YC, Merry SP, Angstman KB, Erickson JL, Furst JW. Low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) greater than 100 mg/dL as a quality indicator: locating risk in person, place and time. J Eval Clin Pract. 2015 Aug; 21: (4)735-9.
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  52. Wade TW, Oberhelman SS, Angstman KB, Sawchuk CN, Meunier MR, Angstman GL, Rohrer JE. Diabetes and obesity not associated with 6-month remission rates for primary care patients with depression. Psychosomatics. 2015 Jul-Aug; 56: (4)354-61.
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  53. Meunier MR, Angstman KB, Mullan PB. Teaching residents electronic fetal monitoring: a national needs assessment. Fam Med. 2015 Jun; 47: (6)445-51.
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  54. Doganer YC, Rohrer JE, Angstman KB, Merry SP, Erickson JL. Variations in lipid screening frequency in family medicine patients with cardiovascular risk factors. J Eval Clin Pract. 2015 Apr; 21: (2)215-20.
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  55. Doganer YC, Angstman KB, Kaufman TK, Rohrer JE. Seasonal variation in clinical remission of primary care patients with depression: impact of gender. J Eval Clin Pract. 2015 Feb; 21: (1)160-5.
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  56. Angstman KB, Phelan S, Myszkowski MR, Schak KM, DeJesus RS, Lineberry TW, van Ryn M. Minority Primary Care Patients With Depression: Outcome Disparities Improve With Collaborative Care Management. Med Care. 2015 Jan; 53 (1):32-7
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  57. Shippee ND, Rosen BH, Angstman KB, Fuentes ME, DeJesus RS, Bruce SM, Williams MD. Baseline screening tools as indicators for symptom outcomes and health services utilization in a collaborative care model for depression in primary care: a practice-based observational study. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2014 Nov-Dec; 36 (6):563-9 Epub 2014 July 10
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  58. Meunier MR, Angstman KB, MacLaughlin KL, Oberhelman SS, Rohrer JE, Katzelnick DJ, Matthews MR. Impact of symptom remission on outpatient visits in depressed primary care patients treated with collaborative care management and usual care. Popul Health Manag. 2014 Jun; 17 (3):180-4 Epub 2014 Feb 04
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  59. MacLaughlin KL, Swanson KM, Naessens JM, Angstman KB, Chaudhry R. Cervical cancer screening: a prospective cohort study of the effects of historical patient compliance and a population-based informatics prompted reminder on screening rates. J Eval Clin Pract. 2014 Apr; 20(2):136-43. Epub 2013 Nov 18.
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  60. Angstman KB, Oberhelman S, Rohrer JE, Meunier MR, Rasmussen NH, Chappell DH. Depression remission decreases outpatient utilization at 6 and 12 months after enrollment into collaborative care management. Popul Health Manag. 2014 Feb; 17 (1):48-53 Epub 2013 July 12
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  61. Angstman KB. Individualized health care: moving from population health to care of the one. Inquiry. 2014; 51 Epub 2014 Jan 01
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  62. Angstman KB, Meunier MR, Rohrer JE, Oberhelman SS, Maxson JA, Rahman PA. Future complexity of care tier affected by depression outcomes. J Prim Care Community Health. 2014 Jan 1; 5(1):30-5. Epub 2013 Nov 25.
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  63. Rohrer JE, Angstman KB, Garrison GM, Pecina JL, Maxson JA. Nurse practitioners and physician assistants are complements to family medicine physicians. Popul Health Manag. 2013 Aug; 16: (4)242-5.
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  64. Angstman KB, Bansal S, Chappell DH, Bock FA, Rasmussen NH. Effects of concurrent low back conditions on depression outcomes. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2013 Jul; 113(7):530-7.
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  65. Rohrer JE, Angstman KB, Garrison GM, Maxson JA, Furst JW. Family medicine patients who use retail clinics have lower continuity of care. J Prim Care Community Health 2013 Apr 1; 4 (2):150-3 Epub 2013 Jan 15
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  66. Rohrer JE, North F, Angstman KB, Oberhelman SS, Meunier MR. Timely response to secure messages from primary care patients. Qual Manag Health Care. 2013 Apr-Jun; 22(2):161-6.
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  67. Angstman KB, Pecina JL, Bernard ME, Matthews MR. Prolonged care management for depression: a case-controlled study of those enrolled for more than one year. J Prim Care Community Health. 2013 Apr 1; 4(2):129-34. Epub 2013 Jan 29.
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  68. Angstman KB, Wade TW, Dejesus RS, Rundell JR, Altrichter PM. Patient body mass index does not predict six-month clinical outcome of depression managed under collaborative care. J Prim Care Community Health. 2013 Apr 1; 4 (2):119-23 Epub 2012 July 17
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  69. Angstman KB, Rasmussen NH, MacLaughlin KL, Staab JP. Inter-relationship of the functional status question of the PHQ-9 and depression remission after six months of collaborative care management. J Psychiatr Res. 2013 Mar; 47(3):418-22. Epub 2013 Jan 04.
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  70. Angstman KB, Shippee ND, Maclaughlin KL, Rasmussen NH, Wilkinson JM, Williams MD, Katzelnick DJ. Patient self-assessment factors predictive of persistent depressive symptoms 6 months after enrollment in collaborative care management. Depress Anxiety. 2013 Feb; 30(2):143-8. Epub 2012 Nov 08.
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  71. Angstman KB, Wade TW, Dejesus RS, Maclaughlin KL, Angstman GL. Patient's weight 6 months after depression treatment is not affected by either clinical remission or enrolment in collaborative care management. Ment Health Fam Med. 2013 Jan; 10 (1):15-21
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  72. Truitt FE, Pina BJ, Person-Rennell NH, Angstman KB. Outcomes for collaborative care versus routine care in the management of postpartum depression. Qual Prim Care. 2013; 21(3):171-7.
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  73. Rohrer JE, Angstman KB, Pecina JL. Application of a case-control design to the analysis of drop-outs from integrated behavioural health care. Qual Prim Care. 2013; 21(1):33-7.
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  74. Dejesus RS, Angstman KB, Cha SS, Williams MD. Antidepressant Medication Use Among Patients with Depression: Comparison between Usual Care and Collaborative Care Using Care Managers. Clin Pract Epidemiol Ment Health. 2013; 9:84-7 Epub 2013 May 31
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  75. King N, Porter S, Chock M, Angstman KB, Pecina JL. Speed date our specialty: a novel event to increase students' understanding of family medicine. Journal of Contemporary Medical Education. 2013; 1(1):50-53. Epub 2012 Dec 18
  76. Shippee ND, Shah ND, Angstman KB, DeJesus RS, Wilkinson JM, Bruce SM, Williams MD. Impact of collaborative care for depression on clinical, functional, and work outcomes: a practice-based evaluation. J Ambul Care Manage. 2013 Jan-Mar; 36(1):13-23.
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  77. Angstman KB, Bernard ME, Rohrer JE, Garrison GM, Maclaughlin KL. Repeat retail clinic visits: impact of insurance coverage and age of patient. Popul Health Manag. 2012 Dec; 15 (6):358-61 Epub 2012 July 12
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  78. Rohrer JE, Angstman KB, Garrison G. Early return visits by primary care patients: a retail nurse practitioner clinic versus standard medical office care. Popul Health Manag. 2012 Aug; 15: (4)216-9.
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  79. Angstman KB, Rohrer JE, Rasmussen NH. PHQ-9 Response Curve: Rate of Improvement for Depression Treatment With Collaborative Care Management. J Prim Care Community Health. 2012 Jul 1; 3(3):155-8. Epub 2011 Nov 30
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  80. Angstman KB, Pietruszewski P, Rasmussen NH, Wilkinson JM, Katzelnick DJ. Depression remission after six months of collaborative care management: role of initial severity of depression in outcome. Ment Health Fam Med. 2012 Jun; 9 (2):99-106
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  81. Chaudhry R, Tulledge-Scheitel SM, Parks DA, Angstman KB, Decker LK, Stroebel RJ. Use of a Web-based clinical decision support system to improve abdominal aortic aneurysm screening in a primary care practice. J Eval Clin Pract. 2012 Jun; 18 (3):666-70 Epub 2011 Mar 15
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  82. Eaton J, Reed D, Angstman KB, Thomas K, North F, Stroebel R, Tulledge-Scheitel SM, Chaudhry R. Effect of visit length and a clinical decision support tool on abdominal aortic aneurysm screening rates in a primary care practice. J Eval Clin Pract. 2012 Jun; 18 (3):593-8 Epub 2011 Jan 06
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  83. Angstman KB, Garrison GM, Rohrer JE, Dupras DM, O'Grady JS. Retail clinic visits: are resident paneled patients more likely to make multiple visits? Fam Med. 2012 Apr; 44 (4):235-9
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  84. DeJesus RS, Angstman KB, Kesman R, Stroebel RJ, Bernard ME, Scheitel SM, Hunt VL, Rahman AS, Chaudhry R. Use of a clinical decision support system to increase osteoporosis screening. J Eval Clin Pract. 2012 Feb; 18 (1):89-92 Epub 2010 Aug 15
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  85. Rohrer JE, Garrison GM, Angstman KB. Early return visits by pediatric primary care patients with otitis media: a retail nurse practitioner clinic versus standard medical office care. Qual Manag Health Care. 2012 Jan-Mar; 21(1):44-7.
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  86. Angstman KB, Rasmussen NH. Personality disorders: review and clinical application in daily practice. Am Fam Physician. 2011 Dec 1; 84 (11):1253-60
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  87. DeJesus RS, Chaudhry R, Angstman KB, Cha SS, Tulledge-Scheitel SM, Kesman RL, Bernard ME, Stroebel RJ. Predictors of osteoporosis screening completion rates in a primary care practice. Popul Health Manag. 2011 Oct; 14 (5):243-7 Epub 2011 Apr 20
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  88. Angstman KB, MacLaughlin KL, Rasmussen NH, DeJesus RS, Katzelnick DJ. Age of depressed patient does not affect clinical outcome in collaborative care management. Postgrad Med. 2011 Sep; 123(5):122-8.
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  89. Williams M, Angstman K, Johnson I, Katzelnick D. Implementation of a care management model for depression at two primary care clinics. J Ambul Care Manage. 2011 Apr-Jun; 34(2):163-73.
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  90. Angstman KB, MacLaughlin KL, Williams MD, Rasmussen NH, Dejesus RS. Increased Anxiety and Length of Treatment Associated With Depressed Patients Who are Readmitted to Collaborative Care. J Prim Care Community Health. 2011 Apr; 2(2):82-6. Epub 2010 Dec 30
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  91. Angstman KB, Rasmussen NH, Herman DC, Sobolik JJ. Depression care management: impact of implementation on health system costs. Health Care Manag (Frederick). 2011 Apr-Jun; 30(2):156-60.
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  92. MacLaughlin KL, Angstman KB, Flynn PM, Schmitt JR, Weaver AL, Shuster LT. Predictors of patient comfort and adherence with less frequent cervical cancer screening. Qual Prim Care. 2011; 19(6):355-63.
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  93. Angstman KB, Myszkowski MR. Pectus excavatum: review of therapeutic measures and case presentation. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2010 Sep; 49: (9)889-92.
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  94. Angstman KB, Dejesus RS, Rohrer JE. Correlation between mental health co-morbidity screening scores and clinical response in collaborative care treatment for depression. Ment Health Fam Med. 2010 Sep; 7 (3):129-33
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  95. Angstman KB, Dejesus RS, Williams MD. Collaborative care management for depression: comparison of cost metrics and clinical response to usual care. J Prim Care Community Health. 2010 Jul 1; 1(2):73-7.
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  96. Rohrer JE, Angstman KB, Adamson SC, Bernard ME, Bachman JW, Morgan ME. Impact of online primary care visits on standard costs: a pilot study. Popul Health Manag. 2010 Apr; 13 (2):59-63
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  97. Angstman KB, Williams MD. Patients in a depression collaborative care model of care: comparison of 6-month cost utilization data with usual care. J Prim Care Community Health. 2010 Apr 1; 1(1):12-6.
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  98. Wichman CL, Angstman KB, Lynch B, Whalen D, Jacobson N. Postpartum depression screening: initial implementation in a multispecialty practice with collaborative care managers Journal of Primary Care & Community Health. 2010; 1(3):158-63. Epub 1900 Jan 01.
  99. Rohrer JE, Angstman KB, Furst JW. Early return visits by primary care patients: A retail nurse-practitioner clinic versus a medical office walk-in clinic. Primary Health Care Research and Development. 2010 Jan; 11(1):87-92.
  100. Rohrer JE, Angstman KB, Bartel GA. Impact of retail medicine on standard costs in primary care: a semiparametric analysis. Popul Health Manag. 2009 Dec; 12 (6):333-5
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  101. Angstman KB, DeJesus RS, Williams MD. Initial implementation of a depression care manager model: an observational study of outpatient utilization in primary care clinics. Popul Health Manag. 2009 Oct; 12: (5)227-30.
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  102. Angstman KB, Bender RO, Bruce SM. Patient advisory groups in practice improvement: sample case presentation with a discussion of best practices. J Ambul Care Manage. 2009 Oct-Dec; 32 (4):328-32
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  103. Angstman KB, Rohrer JE, Adamson SC, Chaudhry R. Impact of e-consults on return visits of primary care patients. Health Care Manag (Frederick). 2009 Jul-Sep; 28: (3)253-7.
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  104. Rohrer JE, Angstman KB, Furst JW. Impact of retail walk-in care on early return visits by adult primary care patients: evaluation via triangulation. Qual Manag Health Care. 2009 Jan-Mar; 18 (1):19-24
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  105. Angstman KB, Adamson SC, Furst JW, Houston MS, Rohrer JE. Provider satisfaction with virtual specialist consultations in a family medicine department. Health Care Manag (Frederick). 2009 Jan-Mar; 28(1):14-8.
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  106. Rohrer JE, Yapuncich KM, Adamson SC, Angstman KB. Do retail clinics increase early return visits for pediatric patients? J Am Board Fam Med. 2008 Sep-Oct; 21 (5):475-6
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  107. Rohrer JE, Rasmussen NH, Houston MS, Angstman KB. Obesity and symptom burden in family medicine patients. Patient. 2008 Jul 1; 1 (3):165-72
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  108. Rohrer JE, Bernard M, Adamson S, Naessens J, Furst J, Angstman K. Evaluating the relative clinical efficiency of family medicine satellite clinics. Health Care Manag (Frederick). 2007 Oct-Dec; 26 (4):326-30
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  109. Angstman KB, Miser JS, Franz WB 3rd. Neuroblastoma. Am Fam Physician. 1990 Jan; 41(1):238-44.
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  110. Angstman ME, Olson RT, Angstman KB. Cesarean section rates in a rural Minnesota town (1976-1984). Minn Med. 1987 Jan; 70(1):40-1.
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  111. Angstman KB, Myers JW, Olson RT. Obturator hernia--a rare cause of intestinal obstruction. J Fam Pract. 1986 Oct; 23(4):370-2.
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