
  1. Sprung J, Deljou A, Schroeder DR, Warner DO, Weingarten TN. Effect of Propofol Infusion on Need for Rescue Antiemetics in Postanesthesia Care Unit After Volatile Anesthesia: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Anesth Analg. 2024 Jul 1; 139 (1):26-34 Epub 2024 Feb 21
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  2. Burton BN, Bonner T, Faloye AO, Bradley SA, Warner DO, Pittet JF, McElroy LM, Milam AJ. Exploring the Potential of Evidence-Based Practice on Mitigating Health Care Disparities. Anesth Analg. 2024 Jun 6 Epub 2024 June 06
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  3. Warner LL, Thalji L, Hunter Guevara LR, Warner MA, Kor DJ, Warner DO, Hanson AC, Nemergut ME. Transfusion targets and adverse events in pediatric perioperative acute Anemia. J Clin Anesth. 2024 Jun; 94:111405 Epub 2024 Feb 02
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  4. Ryll MJ, Zodl A, Weingarten TN, Rabinstein AA, Warner DO, Schroeder DR, Sprung J. Predicting Hospital Survival in Patients Admitted to ICU with Pulmonary Embolism. J Intensive Care Med. 2024 May; 39 (5):455-464 Epub 2023 Nov 15
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  5. Warner NS, Hanson AC, Schulte PJ, Kara F, Reid RI, Schwarz CG, Benarroch EE, Graff-Radford J, Vemuri P, Jack CR, Petersen RC, Warner DO, Mielke MM, Kantarci K. Prescription Opioids and Brain Structure in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Mayo Clin Proc. 2024 May; 99 (5):716-726
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  6. Milam AJ, Youssef MR, Ugochukwu K, Habermann EB, Brennan E, Hanson KT, Raynor G, Porter SB, Harbell MW, Warner DO. Applying a Health Equity Lens to Intraoperative Opioid Administration and Postoperative Pain. Anesth Analg. 2024 Apr 19 [Epub ahead of print]
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  7. Shi Y, Heien HC, Orvidas LJ, Sangaralingham LR, Halbauer M, Warner DO, Phelan S. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Otolaryngology Office Visit and Tympanostomy Tube Placement in Children with Otitis Media. Laryngoscope. 2024 Mar 7 Epub 2024 Mar 07
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  8. Toutkoushian E, Chen D, Sun H, Warner DO, Macario A, Deiner SG, Keegan MT. Comparing characteristics and perspectives of U.S. anesthesiology fellows in training and anesthesiologists in their first year of practice. BMC Med Educ. 2023 Dec 15; 23 (1):963
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  9. Dodd SE, Sharpe EE, Dahl AR, Warner DO. Qualitative Assessment of Perioperative Lactation Patient Education: "I Think It's Something Women Navigate on Their Own". Breastfeed Med. 2023 Dec; 18 (12):956-959 Epub 2023 Nov 06
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  10. Sprung J, Deljou A, Warner DO, Schroeder DR, Weingarten TN. Postanesthesia Care Unit Recovery Time According to Volatile Anesthetic Used in Clinical Practice. Anesth Analg. 2023 Nov 1; 137 (5):1066-1074 Epub 2023 Sept 15
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  11. Chen D, Toutkoushian E, Sun H, Warner DO, Macario A, Deiner SG, Keegan MT. Career decisions, training priorities, and perceived challenges for anesthesiology residents in the United States. J Clin Anesth. 2023 Oct; 89:111155 Epub 2023 June 06
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  12. Ohde JW, Warner DO, Egginton JS, Hagedorn HJ. Stakeholder perceptions of using "opt-out" for tobacco use treatment in a cancer care setting: a qualitative evaluation of patients, providers, and desk staff. Implement Sci Commun. 2023 Sep 20; 4 (1):117 Epub 2023 Sept 20
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  13. Jose T, Cha S, Graham AL, Amato MS, Schroeder DR, Warner DO. Effect of Messaging Content on Engagement With a Short Messaging Service for Perioperative Smoking Cessation. Nicotine Tob Res. 2023 Jul 14; 25 (8):1465-1473
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  14. Shields PG, Bierut L, Arenberg D, Balis D, Cinciripini PM, Davis J, Edmondson D, Feliciano J, Hitsman B, Hudmon KS, Jaklitsch MT, Leone FT, Ling P, McCarthy DE, Ong MK, Park ER, Prochaska J, Sandoval AJ, Sheffer CE, Spencer S, Studts JL, Tanvetyanon T, Tindle HA, Tong E, Triplette M, Urbanic J, Videtic G, Warner D, Whitlock CW, McCullough B, Darlow S. Smoking Cessation, Version 3.2022, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2023 Mar; 21 (3):297-322
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  15. Sprung J, Laporta ML, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Mielke MM, Jack CR, Martin DP, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Schulte PJ, Przybelski SA, Valencia Morales DJ, Weingarten TN, Vemuri P, Warner DO. Association of Indication for Hospitalization With Subsequent Amyloid Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Biomarkers. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2023 Feb 24; 78 (2):304-313
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  16. Warner NS, Mielke MM, Verdoorn BP, Knopman DS, Hooten WM, Habermann EB, Warner DO. Pain, Opioid Analgesics, and Cognition: A Conceptual Framework in Older Adults. Pain Med. 2023 Feb 1; 24 (2):171-181
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  17. Lois FJ, Massart Q, Warner DO, Malengreaux C, Knops M, Nyssen AS, Brichant JF, Hallet CO. Driving performance of outpatients achieving discharge criteria after deep sedation is worse than these of their escort-driver: a prospective observational study on simulator. Acta Gastroenterol Belg. 2023 Jan-Mar; 86 (1):11-16
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  18. Sprung J, Laporta ML, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Mielke MM, Jack CR Jr, Martin DP, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Schulte PJ, Przybelski SA, Valencia Morales DJ, Weingarten TN, Vemuri P, Warner DO. Association of indication for hospitalization with subsequent amyloid positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging biomarkers. Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2023; 78 (2):304-13
  19. Warner NS, Hanson AC, Schulte PJ, Habermann EB, Warner DO, Mielke MM. Prescription opioids and longitudinal changes in cognitive function in older adults: A population-based observational study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2022 Dec; 70 (12):3526-3537 Epub 2022 Sept 18
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  20. Shi Y, Macoun S, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Kirsch AC, Haines KM, Zaccariello MJ, Warner DO. Longitudinal assessment of behaviour in young children undergoing general anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth. 2022 Nov; 129 (5):740-746 Epub 2022 Sept 29
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  21. Jose T, Schroeder DR, Warner DO. Changes in Cigarette Smoking Behavior in Cancer Survivors During Diagnosis and Treatment. Nicotine Tob Res. 2022 Oct 17; 24 (10):1581-1588
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  22. Laporta ML, Sprung J, Fejedelem CA, Henning DT, Weaver AL, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Myers SM, Voigt RG, Weingarten TN, Flick RP, Warner DO. Association Between Exposure of Children to General Anesthesia and Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2022 Oct; 52 (10):4301-4310 Epub 2021 Oct 07
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  23. Garbajs NZ, Singh TD, Valencia Morales DJ, Herasevich V, Warner DO, Martin DP, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Hanson AC, Jennissen AJ, Schroeder DR, Weingarten TN, Gajic O, Rabinstein AA, Sprung J. Association of blood pressure variability with short- and long-term cognitive outcomes in patients with critical illness. J Crit Care. 2022 Oct; 71:154107 Epub 2022 July 06
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  24. Warner DO. Anesthesiologists and the Other Pandemic: Tobacco Use. Anesthesiology. 2022 Oct 1; 137 (4):484-508
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  25. Ing C, Warner DO, Sun LS, Flick RP, Davidson AJ, Vutskits L, McCann ME, O'Leary J, Bellinger DC, Rauh V, Orser BA, Suresh S, Andropoulos DB. Anesthesia and Developing Brains: Unanswered Questions and Proposed Paths Forward. Anesthesiology. 2022 Mar 1; 136 (3):500-512
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  26. Shi Y, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Haines KM, Kirsch AC, Macoun S, Zaccariello MJ, Warner DO. Longitudinal assessment of cognitive function in young children undergoing general anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth. 2022 Feb; 128 (2):294-300 Epub 2021 Dec 11
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  27. Chen D, Sun H, Warner DO, Macario A. Residency program directors' perceptions about the impact of the American Board of Anesthesiology's Objective Structured Clinical Examination. J Clin Anesth. 2021 Dec; 75:110439 Epub 2021 July 20
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  28. Keegan MT, McLoughlin TM Jr, Patterson AJ, Fiadjoe JE, Pisacano MM, Warner DO, Sun H, Harman AE. A Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic Pivot: Development of the American Board of Anesthesiology's Virtual APPLIED Examination. Anesth Analg. 2021 Nov 1; 133 (5):1331-1341
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  29. Shi Y, Dykhoff HJ, Guevara LRH, Sangaralingham LR, Schroeder DR, Flick RP, Zaccariello MJ, Warner DO. Moderators of the association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and exposure to anaesthesia and surgery in children. Br J Anaesth. 2021 Nov; 127 (5):722-728 Epub 2021 Sept 06
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  30. Sun H, Dainer RJ, Warner DO, Macario A. Resident Family and Medical Leave During the First Year of the American Board of Anesthesiology's Extended Leave Policy. Acad Med 2021 Oct 1; 96 (10):1373
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  31. Sprung J, Laporta M, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Mielke MM, Weingarten TN, Vassilaki M, Martin DP, Schulte PJ, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Vemuri P, Warner DO. Gait Speed and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living in Older Adults After Hospitalization: A Longitudinal Population-Based Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2021 Sep 13; 76 (10):e272-e280
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  32. Rusy DA, Honkanen A, Landrigan-Ossar MF, Chatterjee D, Schwartz LI, Lalwani K, Dollar JR, Clark R, Diaz CD, Deutsch N, Warner DO, Soriano SG. Vaping and E-Cigarette Use in Children and Adolescents: Implications on Perioperative Care From the American Society of Anesthesiologists Committee on Pediatric Anesthesia, Society for Pediatric Anesthesia, and American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine. Anesth Analg. 2021 Sep 1; 133 (3):562-568
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  33. Laporta ML, Kruthiventi SC, Stang CD, Camerucci E, Martin DP, Weingarten TN, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Warner DO, Savica R, Sprung J. Exposure to anesthesia is not associated with development of a-synucleinopathies: A nested case-control study. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2021 Jul; 88:76-81. Epub 2021 Jun 08.
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  34. Wang T, Sun H, Zhou Y, Chen D, Harman AE, Isaak RS, Peterson-Layne C, Macario A, Fahy BG, Warner DO. Construct Validation of the American Board of Anesthesiology's APPLIED Examination for Initial Certification. Anesth Analg. 2021 Jul 1; 133 (1):226-232
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  35. Warner DO, Lien CA, Wang T, Zhou Y, Isaak RS, Peterson-Layne C, Harman AE, Macario A, Gaiser RR, Suresh S, Rathmell JP, Keegan MT, Cole DJ, Fahy BG, Dainer RJ, Sun H. In Response. Anesth Analg 2021 Jul 1; 133 (1):e5-e7
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  36. Warner DO, Hu D, Zaccariello MJ, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Wilder RT, Sprung J, Flick RP. Association Between Behavioral and Learning Outcomes and Single Exposures to Procedures Requiring General Anesthesia Before Age 3: Secondary Analysis of Data From Olmsted County, MN. Anesth Analg. 2021 Jul 1; 133 (1):160-167
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  37. Zhou Y, Sun H, Wang T, Harman AE, Keegan MT, Macario A, Minhaj MM, Chaudhry HJ, Young A, Warner DO. Demographic Trends From 2005 to 2015 Among Physicians With Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education-Accredited Anesthesiology Training and Active Medical Licenses. Anesth Analg. 2021 May 1; 132 (5):1457-1464
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  38. Sun H, Chen D, Warner DO, Zhou Y, Nemergut EC, Macario A, Keegan MT. Anesthesiology Residents' Experiences and Perspectives of Residency Training. Anesth Analg. 2021 Apr 1; 132 (4):1120-1128
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  39. Sprung J, Warner DO, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Mielke MM, Jack CR Jr, Martin DP, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Przybelski SA, Schulte PJ, Laporta ML, Weingarten TN, Vemuri P. Brain MRI after critical care admission: A longitudinal imaging study. J Crit Care. 2021 Apr; 62:117-123 Epub 2020 Dec 05
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  40. Ohde JW, Master Z, Tilburt JC, Warner DO. Presumed Consent With Opt-Out: An Ethical Consent Approach to Automatically Refer Patients With Cancer to Tobacco Treatment Services. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Mar 10; 39 (8):876-880 Epub 2021 Jan 13
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  41. Gleich SJ, Shi Y, Flick R, Zaccariello MJ, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Warner DO. Hypotension and adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes among children with multiple exposures to general anesthesia: Subanalysis of the Mayo Anesthesia Safety in Kids (MASK) Study. Paediatr Anaesth. 2021 Mar; 31 (3):282-289 Epub 2021 Jan 04
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  42. Shi Y, Hunter Guevara LR, Dykhoff HJ, Sangaralingham LR, Phelan S, Zaccariello MJ, Warner DO. Racial Disparities in Diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in a US National Birth Cohort. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Mar 1; 4 (3):e210321 Epub 2021 Mar 01
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  43. Sprung J, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Mielke MM, Weingarten TN, Vassilaki M, Martin DP, Schulte PJ, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Laporta ML, White RJ, Vemuri P, Warner DO. Association of Hospitalization with Long-Term Cognitive Trajectories in Older Adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 Mar; 69 (3):660-668 Epub 2020 Oct 31
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  44. Ing C, Jackson WM, Zaccariello MJ, Goldberg TE, McCann ME, Grobler A, Davidson A, Sun L, Li G, Warner DO. Prospectively assessed neurodevelopmental outcomes in studies of anaesthetic neurotoxicity in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Anaesth. 2021 Feb; 126 (2):433-444 Epub 2020 Nov 27
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  45. Jose T, Warner DO, O'Horo JC, Peters SG, Chaudhry R, Binnicker MJ, Burger CD. Digital Health Surveillance Strategies for Management of Coronavirus Disease 2019. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2021 Feb; 5 (1):109-117 Epub 2020 Dec 14
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  46. Leppin AL, Baumann AA, Fernandez ME, Rudd BN, Stevens KR, Warner DO, Kwan BM, Shelton RC. Teaching for implementation: A framework for building implementation research and practice capacity within the translational science workforce. J Clin Transl Sci. 2021; 5 (1):e147 Epub 2021 July 05
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  47. Jose T, Croghan IT, Hays JT, Schroeder DR, Warner DO. Electronic Cigarette Use Is Not Associated with COVID-19 Diagnosis. J Prim Care Community Health. 2021 Jan-Dec; 12:21501327211024391
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  48. Hallet CO, Lois FJ, Warner DO, Jastrowicz JA, Joris JL, Brichant JF. Short message service as a tool to improve perioperative follow-up of surgical outpatients: A before-after study. Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2020 Dec; 39 (6):799-805 Epub 2020 Oct 12
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  49. Shi Y, Schulte PJ, Hanson AC, Zaccariello MJ, Hu D, Crow S, Flick RP, Warner DO. Utility of medical record diagnostic codes to ascertain attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and learning disabilities in populations of children. BMC Pediatr. 2020 Nov 7; 20 (1):510 Epub 2020 Nov 07
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  50. Warner DO, Lien CA, Wang T, Zhou Y, Isaak RS, Peterson-Layne C, Harman AE, Macario A, Gaiser RR, Suresh S, Culley DJ, Rathmell JP, Keegan MT, Cole DJ, Fahy BG, Dainer RJ, Sun H. First-Year Results of the American Board of Anesthesiology's Objective Structured Clinical Examination for Initial Certification. Anesth Analg. 2020 Nov; 131 (5):1412-1418
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  51. Wong J, An D, Urman RD, Warner DO, Tonnesen H, Raveendran R, Abdullah HR, Pfeifer K, Maa J, Finegan B, Li E, Webb A, Edwards AF, Preston P, Bentov N, Richman DC, Chung F. Society for Perioperative Assessment and Quality Improvement (SPAQI) Consensus Statement on Perioperative Smoking Cessation. Anesth Analg. 2020 Sep; 131 (3):955-968
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  52. Harman AE, Warner DO, Cole DJ. Connecting Purpose and Performance: Rethinking the Purpose of Maintenance of Certification. J Am Board Fam Med. 2020 Sep-Oct; 33 (Suppl):S15-S20
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  53. Warner NS, Finnie D, Warner DO, Hooten WM, Mauck KF, Cunningham JL, Gazelka H, Bydon M, Huddleston PM, Habermann EB. The System Is Broken: A Qualitative Assessment of Opioid Prescribing Practices After Spine Surgery. Mayo Clin Proc. 2020 Sep; 95 (9):1906-1915 Epub 2020 July 28
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  54. Jose T, Hays JT, Warner DO. Improved Documentation of Electronic Cigarette Use in an Electronic Health Record. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Aug 14; 17 (16)
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  55. Warner DO, Berge K, Sun H, Harman A, Wang T. Substance Use Disorder in Physicians after Completion of Training in Anesthesiology in the United States from 1977 to 2013. Anesthesiology. 2020 Aug; 133 (2):342-349
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  56. Sprung J, Abcejo ASA, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Mielke MM, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Schulte PJ, Martin DP, Weingarten TN, Pasternak JJ, Warner DO. Anesthesia With and Without Nitrous Oxide and Long-term Cognitive Trajectories in Older Adults. Anesth Analg. 2020 Aug; 131 (2):594-604
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  57. Warner DO, Lien CA, Wang T, Zhou Y, Isaak RS, Peterson-Layne C, Harman AE, Macario A, Gaiser RR, Suresh S, Culley DJ, Rathmell JP, Keegan MT, Cole DJ, Fahy BG, Dainer RJ, Sun H. First-Year Results of the American Board of Anesthesiology's Objective Structured Clinical Examination for Initial Certification. Anesth Analg. 2020 Jul 23 Epub 2020 July 23
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  58. Jose T, Ohde JW, Hays JT, Burke MV, Warner DO. Design and Pilot Implementation of an Electronic Health Record-Based System to Automatically Refer Cancer Patients to Tobacco Use Treatment. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Jun 6; 17 (11) Epub 2020 June 06
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  59. Warner NS, Habermann EB, Hooten WM, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, St Sauver JL, Huddleston PM, Bydon M, Cunningham JL, Gazelka HM, Warner DO. Association Between Spine Surgery and Availability of Opioid Medication. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 Jun 1; 3 (6):e208974 Epub 2020 June 01
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  60. Warner NS, Warner MA, Cunningham JL, Gazelka HM, Hooten WM, Kolla B, Warner DO. A Practical Approach for the Management of the Mixed Opioid Agonist-Antagonist Buprenorphine During Acute Pain and Surgery. Mayo Clin Proc. 2020 Jun; 95 (6):1253-1267 Epub 2020 Feb 13
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  61. Jose T, McNamara M, Barrone ML, Johnson WS, Larsen HA, Martin EE, Marienau MS, Judd MA, Warner DO. Feasibility of Nurse-Managed Tobacco Use Interventions in Outpatient Surgical Practice. J Perianesth Nurs. 2020 Jun; 35 (3):307-313.e1 Epub 2020 Jan 28
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  62. Sprung J, Warner DO, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Mielke MM, Jack CR Jr, Lowe VJ, Martin DP, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Przybelski SA, Schulte PJ, Weingarten TN, Vemuri P. Exposure to surgery with general anaesthesia during adult life is not associated with increased brain amyloid deposition in older adults. Br J Anaesth. 2020 May; 124 (5):594-602 Epub 2020 Mar 12
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  63. Warner DO, Nolan M, Garcia-Marcinkiewicz A, Schultz C, Warner MA, Schroeder DR, Cook DA. Adaptive instruction and learner interactivity in online learning: a randomized trial. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2020 Mar; 25 (1):95-109 Epub 2019 Aug 01
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  64. Sprung J, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Vemuri P, Mielke MM, Weingarten TN, Schulte PJ, Schroeder DR, Warner DO. Exposure to surgery with regional anesthesia and cortical thickness in older adults. Alzheimers Dement (N Y). 2020; 6 (1):e12012 Epub 2020 Apr 07
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  65. Warner DO, Isaak RS, Peterson-Layne C, Lien CA, Sun H, Menzies AO, Cole DJ, Dainer RJ, Fahy BG, Macario A, Suresh S, Harman AE. Development of an Objective Structured Clinical Examination as a Component of Assessment for Initial Board Certification in Anesthesiology. Anesth Analg. 2020 Jan; 130 (1):258-264
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  66. Nolan MB, Borah BJ, Moriarty JP, Warner DO. Association between smoking cessation and post-hospitalization healthcare costs: a matched cohort analysis. BMC Health Serv Res. 2019 Dec 2; 19 (1):924 Epub 2019 Dec 02
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  67. Sprung J, Kruthiventi SC, Warner DO, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Mielke MM, Jack CR Jr, Graff-Radford J, Martin DP, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Przybelski SA, Schulte PJ, Weingarten TN, Vemuri P. Exposure to surgery under general anaesthesia and brain magnetic resonance imaging changes in older adults. Br J Anaesth. 2019 Dec; 123 (6):808-817 Epub 2019 Oct 03
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  68. Sun H, Warner DO, Patterson AJ, Harman AE, Rathmell JP, Keegan MT, Dainer RJ, McLoughlin TM Jr, Fahy BG, Macario A. The American Board of Anesthesiology's Standardized Oral Examination for Initial Board Certification. Anesth Analg. 2019 Nov; 129 (5):1394-1400
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  69. Zhou Y, Sun H, Macario A, Keegan MT, Patterson AJ, Minhaj MM, Wang T, Harman AE, Warner DO. Association Between Participation and Performance in MOCA Minute and Actions Against the Medical Licenses of Anesthesiologists. Anesth Analg. 2019 Nov; 129 (5):1401-1407
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  70. Zhou Y, Sun H, Macario A, Martin DE, Rathmell JP, Warner DO. The American Board of Anesthesiology's Staged Examination System and Performance on the Written Certification Examination After Residency. Anesth Analg. 2019 Nov; 129 (5):e159-e162
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  71. Moman RN, Dvorkin J, Pollard EM, Wanderman R, Murad MH, Warner DO, Hooten WM. A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Unguided Electronic and Mobile Health Technologies for Chronic Pain-Is It Time to Start Prescribing Electronic Health Applications? Pain Med. 2019 Nov 1; 20 (11):2238-2255
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  72. Warner N, Warner M, Cunningham J, Gazelka H, Hooten WM, Kolla BP, Warner D. A Practical Approach for the Management of the Mixed Opioid Agonist-Antagonist Buprenorphine during Acute Pain and Surgery Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2019.
  73. Sprung J, Schulte PJ, Knopman DS, Mielke MM, Petersen RC, Weingarten TN, Martin DP, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Warner DO. Cognitive function after surgery with regional or general anesthesia: A population-based study. Alzheimers Dement. 2019 Oct; 15 (10):1243-1252 Epub 2019 Sept 05
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  74. Sun H, Warner DO, Macario A, Zhou Y, Culley DJ, Keegan MT. Repeated Cross-sectional Surveys of Burnout, Distress, and Depression among Anesthesiology Residents and First-year Graduates. Anesthesiology. 2019 Sep; 131 (3):668-677
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  75. Nolan MB, Warner MA, Jacobs MA, Amato MS, Graham AL, Warner DO. Feasibility of a Perioperative Text Messaging Smoking Cessation Program for Surgical Patients. Anesth Analg. 2019 Sep; 129 (3):e73-e76
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  76. Schulte PJ, Warner DO, Martin DP, Deljou A, Mielke MM, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Weingarten TN, Warner MA, Rabinstein AA, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Sprung J. Association Between Critical Care Admissions and Cognitive Trajectories in Older Adults. Crit Care Med. 2019 Aug; 47 (8):1116-1124
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  77. Zhou Y, Sun H, Macario A, Martin DE, Rathmell JP, Warner DO. The American Board of Anesthesiology Staged Examination System and Performance on the Written Certification Examination After Residency. Anesth Analg. 2019 Jun 3 Epub 2019 June 03
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  78. Nolan M, Ridgeway JL, Ghosh K, Martin D, Warner DO. Design, implementation, and evaluation of an intervention to improve referral to smoking cessation services in breast cancer patients. Support Care Cancer. 2019 Jun; 27 (6):2153-2158 Epub 2018 Oct 03
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  79. Hooten WM, LaRowe LR, Zale EL, Ditre JW, Warner DO. Effects of a brief pain and smoking cessation intervention in adults with chronic pain: A randomized controlled trial. Addict Behav. 2019 May; 92:173-179 Epub 2018 Nov 28
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  80. Zaccariello MJ, Frank RD, Lee M, Kirsch AC, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Schulte PJ, Wilder RT, Sprung J, Katusic SK, Flick RP, Warner DO. Patterns of neuropsychological changes after general anaesthesia in young children: secondary analysis of the Mayo Anesthesia Safety in Kids study. Br J Anaesth. 2019 May; 122 (5):671-681
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  81. Warner DO, Chelonis JJ, Paule MG, Frank RD, Lee M, Zaccariello MJ, Katusic SK, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Schulte PJ, Wilder RT, Sprung J, Flick RP. Performance on the Operant Test Battery in young children exposed to procedures requiring general anaesthesia: the MASK study. Br J Anaesth. 2019 Apr; 122 (4):470-479 Epub 2019 Feb 04
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  82. Hooten WM, Dvorkin J, Warner NS, Pearson AC, Murad MH, Warner DO. Characteristics of physicians who prescribe opioids for chronic pain: a meta-narrative systematic review. J Pain Res. 2019; 12:2261-2289 Epub 2019 July 24
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  83. Schulte PJ, Martin DP, Deljou A, Sabov M, Roberts RO, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Weingarten TN, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Warner DO, Sprung J. Effect of Cognitive Status on the Receipt of Procedures Requiring Anesthesia and Critical Care Admissions in Older Adults. Mayo Clin Proc. 2018 Nov; 93 (11):1552-1562 Epub 2018 Sept 28
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  84. Nolan MB, Ridgeway JL, Ghosh K, Martin DP, Warner DO. Design, implementation, and evaluation of an intervention to improve referall to smoking cessation services in breast cancer patients Supportive Care in Cancer. 2018.
  85. Ehlers SL, Cornelius KE, Greenberg-Worisek AJ, Warner DO, Weavers KM, Thomson KR, Hansen MJ, Larson JJ, Enders FT, Iyer PG. A matched cohort examination of publication rates among clinical subspecialty fellows enrolled in a translational science training program. J Clin Transl Sci. 2018 Oct; 2 (5):327-333
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  86. Zhou Y, Sun H, Macario A, Keegan MT, Patterson AJ, Minhaj MM, Wang T, Harman AE, Warner DO. Association between Performance in a Maintenance of Certification Program and Disciplinary Actions against the Medical Licenses of Anesthesiologists. Anesthesiology. 2018 Oct; 129 (4):812-820
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  87. Disma N, O'Leary JD, Loepke AW, Brambrink AM, Becke K, Clausen NG, De Graaff JC, Liu F, Hansen TG, McCann ME, Salorio CF, Soriano S, Sun LS, Szmuk P, Warner DO, Vutskits L, Davidson AJ. Anesthesia and the developing brain: A way forward for laboratory and clinical research. Paediatr Anaesth. 2018 Sep; 28 (9):758-763 Epub 2018 Aug 16
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  88. Nolan MB, Warner MA, Jacobs MA, Amato MS, Graham AL, Warner DO. Feasibility of a Perioperative Text Messaging Smoking Cessation Program for Surgical Patients. Anesth Analg. 2018 Aug 14 [Epub ahead of print]
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  89. Nolan MB, Borah BJ, Moriarty JP, Warner DO. Economic Analysis of a Geographically Defined Cohort of Hospitalized Patients Who Smoke. Mayo Clin Proc. 2018 Aug; 93 (8):1034-1042 Epub 2018 July 04
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  90. Schulte PJ, Roberts RO, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Weingarten TN, Martin DP, Warner DO, Sprung J. Association between exposure to anaesthesia and surgery and long-term cognitive trajectories in older adults: report from the Mayo Clinic Study of Aging. Br J Anaesth. 2018 Aug; 121 (2):398-405 Epub 2018 June 27
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  91. Warner DO, Zaccariello MJ, Katusic SK, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Schulte PJ, Buenvenida SL, Gleich SJ, Wilder RT, Sprung J, Hu D, Voigt RG, Paule MG, Chelonis JJ, Flick RP. Neuropsychological and Behavioral Outcomes after Exposure of Young Children to Procedures Requiring General Anesthesia: The Mayo Anesthesia Safety in Kids (MASK) Study. Anesthesiology. 2018 Jul; 129 (1):89-105
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  92. Shi Y, Hu D, Rodgers EL, Katusic SK, Gleich SJ, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Flick RP, Warner DO. Epidemiology of general anesthesia prior to age 3 in a population-based birth cohort. Paediatr Anaesth. 2018 Jun; 28 (6):513-519 Epub 2018 Mar 13
    View PubMed
  93. Zhou Y, Sun H, Lien CA, Keegan MT, Wang T, Harman AE, Warner DO. Effect of the BASIC Examination on Knowledge Acquisition during Anesthesiology Residency. Anesthesiology. 2018 Apr; 128 (4):813-820
    View PubMed
  94. Warner DO, Shi Y, Flick RP. Anesthesia and Neurodevelopment in Children: Perhaps the End of the Beginning. Anesthesiology 2018 Apr; 128 (4):700-703
    View PubMed
  95. Hooten WM, Brummett CM, Sullivan MD, Goesling J, Tilburt JC, Merlin JS, St Sauver JL, Wasan AD, Clauw DJ, Warner DO. A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Unintended Prolonged Opioid Use. Mayo Clin Proc. 2017 Dec; 92 (12):1822-1830 Epub 2017 Nov 03
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  96. Nolan MB, Warner DO. Perioperative tobacco use treatments: putting them into practice. BMJ. 2017 Sep 6; 358:j3340 Epub 2017 Sept 06
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  97. O'Leary JD, Warner DO. What do recent human studies tell us about the association between anaesthesia in young children and neurodevelopmental outcomes? Br J Anaesth. 2017 Sep 1; 119 (3):458-464
    View PubMed
  98. Hu D, Flick RP, Zaccariello MJ, Colligan RC, Katusic SK, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Buenvenida SL, Gleich SJ, Wilder RT, Sprung J, Warner DO. Association between Exposure of Young Children to Procedures Requiring General Anesthesia and Learning and Behavioral Outcomes in a Population-based Birth Cohort. Anesthesiology. 2017 Aug; 127 (2):227-240
    View PubMed
  99. Sprung J, Roberts RO, Weingarten TN, Nunes Cavalcante A, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Warner DO. Postoperative delirium in elderly patients is associated with subsequent cognitive impairment. Br J Anaesth. 2017 Aug 1; 119 (2):316-323
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  100. Zhou Y, Sun H, Culley DJ, Young A, Harman AE, Warner DO. Effectiveness of Written and Oral Specialty Certification Examinations to Predict Actions against the Medical Licenses of Anesthesiologists. Anesthesiology. 2017 Jun; 126 (6):1171-1179
    View PubMed
  101. Nolan MB, Martin DP, Thompson R, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Warner DO. Association Between Smoking Status, Preoperative Exhaled Carbon Monoxide Levels, and Postoperative Surgical Site Infection in Patients Undergoing Elective Surgery. JAMA Surg. 2017 May 1; 152 (5):476-483
    View PubMed
  102. Sprung J, Roberts RO, Knopman DS, Price LL, Schulz HP, Tatsuyama CL, Weingarten TN, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Petersen RC, Warner DO. Mild Cognitive Impairment and Exposure to General Anesthesia for Surgeries and Procedures: A Population-Based Case-Control Study. Anesth Analg. 2017 Apr; 124 (4):1277-1290
    View PubMed
  103. Nickels AS, Warner DO, Jenkins SM, Tilburt J, Hays JT. Pulmonologists' and Primary Care Physicians' Responses to an Adult Patient with Asthma Who Inquires about Using Electronic Cigarettes as a Smoking Cessation Tool. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2017 Mar; 14 (3):466-468
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  104. Crow SS, Undavalli C, Warner DO, Katusic SK, Kandel P, Murphy SL, Schroeder DR, Watson RS. Epidemiology of Pediatric Critical Illness in a Population-Based Birth Cohort in Olmsted County, MN. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2017 Mar; 18 (3):e137-e145
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  105. Nickels AS, Warner DO, Jenkins SM, Tilburt J, Hays JT. Beliefs, Practices, and Self-efficacy of US Physicians Regarding Smoking Cessation and Electronic Cigarettes: A National Survey. Nicotine Tob Res. 2017 Feb; 19 (2):197-207 Epub 2016 Aug 24
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  106. Sun H, Zhou Y, Culley DJ, Lien CA, Harman AE, Warner DO. Association between Participation in an Intensive Longitudinal Assessment Program and Performance on a Cognitive Examination in the Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology Program(R). Anesthesiology. 2016 Nov; 125 (5):1046-1055
    View PubMed
  107. Weingarten TN, Vincent A, Luedtke CA, Beebe TJ, Welch TL, Chong EY, Schroeder DR, Warner DO. The Perception of Female Smokers with Fibromyalgia on the Effects of Smoking on Fibromyalgia Symptoms. Pain Pract. 2016 Nov; 16 (8):1054-1063 Epub 2015 Nov 25
    View PubMed
  108. Ing C, Rauh VA, Warner DO, Sun LS. What Next After GAS and PANDA? J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2016 Oct; 28 (4):381-383
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  109. Pinyavat T, Warner DO, Flick RP, McCann ME, Andropoulos DB, Hu D, Sall JW, Spann MN, Ing C. Summary of the Update Session on Clinical Neurotoxicity Studies. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2016 Oct; 28 (4):356-360
    View PubMed
  110. Warner DO, Nolan MB, Kadimpati S, Burke MV, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR. Quitline Tobacco Interventions in Hospitalized Patients: A Randomized Trial. Am J Prev Med. 2016 Oct; 51 (4):473-84 Epub 2016 Apr 07
    View PubMed
  111. Nolan M, Leischow S, Croghan I, Kadimpati S, Hanson A, Schroeder D, Warner DO. Feasibility of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems in Surgical Patients. Nicotine Tob Res. 2016 Aug; 18 (8):1757-62 Epub 2016 Jan 31
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  112. Yousefzadeh A, Chung F, Wong DT, Warner DO, Wong J. Smoking Cessation: The Role of the Anesthesiologist. Anesth Analg. 2016 May; 122 (5):1311-20
    View PubMed
  113. Sprung J, Roberts RO, Knopman DS, Olive DM, Gappa JL, Sifuentes VL, Behrend TL, Farmer JD, Weingarten TN, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Petersen RC, Warner DO. Association of Mild Cognitive Impairment With Exposure to General Anesthesia for Surgical and Nonsurgical Procedures: A Population-Based Study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2016 Feb; 91 (2):208-17 Epub 2016 Jan 20
    View PubMed
  114. Warner DO, Flick RP. Anaesthetics, infants, and neurodevelopment: case closed? Lancet 2016 Jan 16; 387 (10015):202-4 Epub 2015 Nov 04
    View PubMed
  115. Hu D, Flick RP, Gleich SJ, Scanlon MM, Zaccariello MJ, Colligan RC, Katusic SK, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Buenvenida SL, Wilder RT, Sprung J, Warner DO. Construction and Characterization of a Population-Based Cohort to Study the Association of Anesthesia Exposure with Neurodevelopmental Outcomes. PLoS One. 2016; 11 (5):e0155288 Epub 2016 May 11
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  116. Weingarten TN, Vincent A, Luedtke CA, Beebe TJ, Welch TL, Chong EY, Schroeder DR, Warner DO. The perception of female smokers with fibromyalgia on the effects of smoking on fibromyalgia symptoms Pain Practice. 2016; 16: (8)1054-63.
  117. Singh JA, Schleck C, Harmsen WS, Jacob AK, Warner DO, Lewallen DG. Current tobacco use is associated with higher rates of implant revision and deep infection after total hip or knee arthroplasty: a prospective cohort study. BMC Med. 2015 Nov 19; 13:283
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  118. Nolan MB, Warner DO. Safety and Efficacy of Nicotine Replacement Therapy in the Perioperative Period: A Narrative Review. Mayo Clin Proc. 2015 Nov; 90 (11):1553-61 Epub 2015 Oct 09
    View PubMed
  119. Warner DO, Berge K, Sun H, Harman A, Hanson A, Schroeder DR. Risk and Outcomes of Substance Use Disorder among Anesthesiology Residents: A Matched Cohort Analysis. Anesthesiology. 2015 Oct; 123 (4):929-36
    View PubMed
  120. Zale EL, Dorfman ML, Hooten WM, Warner DO, Zvolensky MJ, Ditre JW. Tobacco Smoking, Nicotine Dependence, and Patterns of Prescription Opioid Misuse: Results From a Nationally Representative Sample. Nicotine Tob Res. 2015 Sep; 17 (9):1096-103 Epub 2014 Oct 25
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  121. Warner DO, LeBlanc A, Kadimpati S, Vickers KS, Shi Y, Montori VM. Decision Aid for Cigarette Smokers Scheduled for Elective Surgery. Anesthesiology. 2015 Jul; 123 (1):18-28
    View PubMed
  122. Hooten WM, St Sauver JL, McGree ME, Jacobson DJ, Warner DO. Incidence and Risk Factors for Progression From Short-term to Episodic or Long-term Opioid Prescribing: A Population-Based Study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2015 Jul; 90 (7):850-6
    View PubMed
  123. Warner DO, Sun H, Harman AE, Culley DJ. Feasibility of patient and peer surveys for Maintenance of Certification among diplomates of the American Board of Anesthesiology. J Clin Anesth. 2015 Jun; 27: (4)290-5.
    View PubMed
  124. Gleich SJ, Flick R, Hu D, Zaccariello MJ, Colligan RC, Katusic SK, Schroeder DR, Hanson A, Buenvenida S, Wilder RT, Sprung J, Voigt RG, Paule MG, Chelonis JJ, Warner DO. Neurodevelopment of children exposed to anesthesia: design of the Mayo Anesthesia Safety in Kids (MASK) study. Contemp Clin Trials. 2015 Mar; 41:45-54 Epub 2014 Dec 31
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  125. Hooten WM, Warner DO. Varenicline for opioid withdrawal in patients with chronic pain: a randomized, single-blinded, placebo controlled pilot trial. Addict Behav. 2015 Mar; 42:69-72. Epub 2014 Nov 15.
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  126. Kor DJ, Warner DO, Carter RE, Meade LA, Wilson GA, Li M, Hamersma MJ, Hubmayr RD, Mauermann WJ, Gajic O. Extravascular lung water and pulmonary vascular permeability index as markers predictive of postoperative acute respiratory distress syndrome: a prospective cohort investigation. Crit Care Med. 2015 Mar; 43 (3):665-73
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  127. Sun H, Culley DJ, Lien CA, Kitchener DL, Harman AE, Warner DO. Predictors of performance on the Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology Program(R) (MOCA(R)) examination. J Clin Anesth. 2015 Feb; 27(1):1-6. Epub 2014 Nov 20.
    View PubMed
  128. Kadimpati S, Nolan M, Warner DO. Attitudes, beliefs, and practices regarding electronic nicotine delivery systems in patients scheduled for elective surgery. Mayo Clin Proc. 2015 Jan; 90 (1):71-6
    View PubMed
  129. Kadimpati S, Zale EL, Hooten MW, Ditre JW, Warner DO. Associations between Neuroticism and Depression in Relation to Catastrophizing and Pain-Related Anxiety in Chronic Pain Patients. PLoS One. 2015; 10 (4):e0126351 Epub 2015 Apr 22
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  130. Schultz CR, Benson JJ, Cook DA, Warner DO. Training for perioperative smoking cessation interventions: a national survey of anesthesiology program directors and residents. J Clin Anesth. 2014 Nov; 26 (7):563-9 Epub 2014 Oct 23
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  131. Warner DO, Campbell EB, Hathaway JC, Shi Y, Flick R, Harrison TE, Hinds RF, Klesges RC, Vickers KS. Reducing secondhand smoke exposure of children undergoing surgery. Am J Health Behav. 2014 Nov; 38(6):924-32.
    View PubMed
  132. Kadimpati S, Hoelzer BC, Hooten WM, Warner DO. Tobacco control in patients treated for chronic pain: a survey of pain fellowship program directors. Pain Pract. 2014 Jul; 14(6):541-6. Epub 2013 Aug 22.
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  133. Warner DO, Borah BJ, Moriarty J, Schroeder DR, Shi Y, Shah ND. Smoking status and health care costs in the perioperative period: a population-based study. JAMA Surg. 2014 Mar; 149 (3):259-66
    View PubMed
  134. Hooten WM, Townsend CO, Hays JT, Ebnet KL, Gauvin TR, Gehin JM, Laures HJ, Patten CA, Warner DO. A cognitive behavioral smoking abstinence intervention for adults with chronic pain: a randomized controlled pilot trial. Addict Behav. 2014 Mar; 39 (3):593-9 Epub 2013 Nov 21
    View PubMed
  135. Kadimpati S, McCormick JB, Chiu Y, Parker AB, Iftikhar AZ, Flick RP, Warner DO. Utilizing Focus Groups with Potential Participants and Their Parents: An Approach to Inform Study Design in a Large Clinical Trial. AJOB Empir Bioeth. 2014 Jan 1; 5 (3):31-38
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  136. Shi Y, Ehlers S, Warner DO. The theory of planned behavior as applied to preoperative smoking abstinence. PLoS One. 2014; 9 (7):e103064 Epub 2014 July 24
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  137. Kennedy CC, Cannon EK, Warner DO, Cook DA. Advanced airway management simulation training in medical education: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Crit Care Med. 2014 Jan; 42 (1):169-78
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  138. Warner DO, Berge K, Sun H, Harman A, Hanson A, Schroeder DR. Substance use disorder among anesthesiology residents, 1975-2009. JAMA. 2013 Dec 4; 310 (21):2289-96
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  139. Peters SM, Pabelick CM, Warner DO. Tobacco control education in pediatric anesthesiology fellowships. Paediatr Anaesth. 2013 Dec; 23 (12):1213-8 Epub 2013 Oct 12
    View PubMed
  140. Sprung J, Jankowski CJ, Roberts RO, Weingarten TN, Aguilar AL, Runkle KJ, Tucker AK, McLaren KC, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Knopman DS, Gurrieri C, Warner DO. Anesthesia and incident dementia: a population-based, nested, case-control study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2013 Jun; 88 (6):552-61 Epub 2013 May 01
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  141. Yu C, Shi Y, Kadimpati S, Sheng Y, Jing J, Schroeder D, Luo A, Warner DO. Perioperative smoking behavior of Chinese surgical patients. Anesth Analg. 2013 Jun; 116: (6)1238-46.
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  142. Shi Y, Ehlers S, Hinds R, Baumgartner A, Warner DO. Monitoring of exhaled carbon monoxide to promote preoperative smoking abstinence. Health Psychol. 2013 Jun; 32 (6):714-7 Epub 2012 Aug 27
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  143. Culley DJ, Sun H, Harman AE, Warner DO. Perceived value of Board certification and the Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology Program (MOCA(R)). J Clin Anesth. 2013 Feb; 25(1):12-9.
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  144. St Sauver JL, Warner DO, Yawn BP, Jacobson DJ, McGree ME, Pankratz JJ, Melton LJ 3rd, Roger VL, Ebbert JO, Rocca WA. Why patients visit their doctors: assessing the most prevalent conditions in a defined American population. Mayo Clin Proc. 2013 Jan; 88 (1):56-67
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  145. Gleich SJ, Olson MD, Sprung J, Weingarten TN, Schroeder DR, Warner DO, Flick RP. Perioperative outcomes of severely obese children undergoing tonsillectomy. Paediatr Anaesth. 2012 Dec; 22 (12):1171-8 Epub 2012 July 09
    View PubMed
  146. Klee EW, Schneider H, Clark KJ, Cousin MA, Ebbert JO, Hooten WM, Karpyak VM, Warner DO, Ekker SC. Zebrafish: a model for the study of addiction genetics. Hum Genet. 2012 Jun; 131 (6):977-1008 Epub 2011 Dec 30
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  147. Sprung J, Flick RP, Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Barbaresi WJ, Bojanic K, Welch TL, Olson MD, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Wilder RT, Warner DO. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder after early exposure to procedures requiring general anesthesia. Mayo Clin Proc. 2012 Feb; 87 (2):120-9
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  148. Tusman G, Bohm SH, Warner DO, Sprung J. Atelectasis and perioperative pulmonary complications in high-risk patients. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2012 Feb; 25(1):1-10.
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  149. Shi Y, Warner DO. Brief preoperative smoking abstinence: is there a dilemma? Anesth Analg. 2011 Dec; 113: (6)1348-51.
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  150. Flick RP, Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Wilder RT, Voigt RG, Olson MD, Sprung J, Weaver AL, Schroeder DR, Warner DO. Cognitive and behavioral outcomes after early exposure to anesthesia and surgery. Pediatrics. 2011 Nov; 128 (5):e1053-61 Epub 2011 Oct 03
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  151. Hooten WM, Vickers KS, Shi Y, Ebnet KL, Townsend CO, Patten CA, Warner DO. Smoking cessation and chronic pain: patient and pain medicine physician attitudes. Pain Pract. 2011 Nov-Dec; 11 (6):552-63 Epub 2011 Apr 25
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  152. Warner DO, Shi Y. Is it dangerous to quit smoking shortly before surgery? Anesthesiology. 2011 Nov; 115(5):1137-8; author's reply 1138.
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  153. Shi Y, Hooten WM, Warner DO. Effects of smoking cessation on pain in older adults. Nicotine Tob Res. 2011 Oct; 13 (10):919-25 Epub 2011 May 12
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  154. Weingarten TN, Sprung J, Flores A, Baena AM, Schroeder DR, Warner DO. Opioid requirements after laparoscopic bariatric surgery. Obes Surg. 2011 Sep; 21 (9):1407-12
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  155. Jankowski CJ, Weingarten TN, Martin DP, Whalen FX, Gebhart JB, Liedl LM, Danielson DR, Nadeau AM, Schroeder DR, Warner DO, Sprung J. Randomised trial of intranasal nicotine and postoperative pain, nausea and vomiting in non-smoking women. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2011 Aug; 28(8):585-91.
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  156. Kor DJ, Warner DO, Alsara A, Fernandez-Perez ER, Malinchoc M, Kashyap R, Li G, Gajic O. Derivation and diagnostic accuracy of the surgical lung injury prediction model. Anesthesiology. 2011 Jul; 115 (1):117-28
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  157. Shi Y, Warner DO. Pediatric surgery and parental smoking behavior. Anesthesiology. 2011 Jul; 115: (1)12-7.
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  158. Cartin-Ceba R, Warner DO, Hays JT, Afessa B. Nicotine replacement therapy in critically ill patients: a prospective observational cohort study. Crit Care Med. 2011 Jul; 39(7):1635-40.
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  159. Flick RP, Lee K, Hofer RE, Beinborn CW, Hambel EM, Klein MK, Gunn PW, Wilder RT, Katusic SK, Schroeder DR, Warner DO, Sprung J. Neuraxial labor analgesia for vaginal delivery and its effects on childhood learning disabilities. Anesth Analg. 2011 Jun; 112 (6):1424-31 Epub 2010 Aug 24
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  160. Jankowski CJ, Trenerry MR, Cook DJ, Buenvenida SL, Stevens SR, Schroeder DR, Warner DO. Cognitive and functional predictors and sequelae of postoperative delirium in elderly patients undergoing elective joint arthroplasty. Anesth Analg. 2011 May; 112 (5):1186-93 Epub 2011 Mar 17
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  161. Alsara A, Warner DO, Li G, Herasevich V, Gajic O, Kor DJ. Derivation and validation of automated electronic search strategies to identify pertinent risk factors for postoperative acute lung injury. Mayo Clin Proc. 2011 May; 86 (5):382-8
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  162. Warner DO, Klesges RC, Dale LC, Offord KP, Schroeder DR, Shi Y, Vickers KS, Danielson DR. Clinician-delivered intervention to facilitate tobacco quitline use by surgical patients. Anesthesiology. 2011 Apr; 114 (4):847-55
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  163. Weingarten TN, Shi Y, Mantilla CB, Hooten WM, Warner DO. Smoking and chronic pain: a real-but-puzzling relationship. Minn Med. 2011 Mar; 94(3):35-7.
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  164. Weingarten TN, Erie EA, Shi Y, Schroeder DR, Abel MD, Warner DO. Influence of tobacco use on postoperative opiate analgesia requirements in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Signa Vitae. 2011; 6(2):72-7.
  165. Mantilla CB, Wass CT, Goodrich KA, Johanns CJ, Kool ML, Zhu X, Corredor JA, Warner DO, Joyner MJ, Berry DJ, Schroeder DR, Sprung J. Risk for perioperative myocardial infarction and mortality in patients undergoing hip or knee arthroplasty: the role of anemia. Transfusion. 2011 Jan; 51 (1):82-91
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  166. Hooten WM, Shi Y, Gazelka HM, Warner DO. The effects of depression and smoking on pain severity and opioid use in patients with chronic pain. Pain. 2011 Jan; 152 (1):223-229 Epub 2010 Dec 03
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  167. Weingarten TN, Flores AS, McKenzie JA, Nguyen LT, Robinson WB, Kinney TM, Siems BT, Wenzel PJ, Sarr MG, Marienau MS, Schroeder DR, Olson EJ, Morgenthaler TI, Warner DO, Sprung J. Obstructive sleep apnoea and perioperative complications in bariatric patients. Br J Anaesth. 2011 Jan; 106 (1):131-9 Epub 2010 Oct 18
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  168. Fugate JE, Burns JD, Wijdicks EF, Warner DO, Jankowski CJ, Rabinstein AA. Prolonged high-dose isoflurane for refractory status epilepticus: is it safe? Anesth Analg. 2010 Dec; 111(6):1520-4. Epub 2010 Sep 14.
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  169. Shi Y, Hooten WM, Roberts RO, Warner DO. Modifiable risk factors for incidence of pain in older adults. Pain. 2010 Nov; 151 (2):366-371 Epub 2010 Aug 08
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  170. Shi Y, Weingarten TN, Mantilla CB, Hooten WM, Warner DO. Smoking and pain: pathophysiology and clinical implications. Anesthesiology. 2010 Oct; 113 (4):977-92
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  171. Duncan CM, Long KH, Warner DO, Hebl JR. The economic implications of a multimodal analgesic regimen combined with minimally invasive orthopedic surgery: A comparative cost study. J Anesth Clinic Res. 2010 Sep; 1(101):1-6.
  172. Weingarten TN, Cata JP, O'Hara JF, Prybilla DJ, Pike TL, Thompson GB, Grant CS, Warner DO, Bravo E, Sprung J. Comparison of two preoperative medical management strategies for laparoscopic resection of pheochromocytoma. Urology. 2010 Aug; 76 (2):508.e6-11 Epub 2010 May 23
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  173. Shi Y, Yu C, Luo A, Huang Y, Warner DO. Perioperative tobacco interventions by Chinese anesthesiologists: practices and attitudes. Anesthesiology. 2010 Feb; 112: (2)338-46.
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  174. Shi Y, Yu C, Luo A, Warner DO. Cigarette smoking and perioperative management. Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology. 2010; 30:4-6.
  175. Yu C, Shi Y, Warner DO, Luo A. The role of anesthesiologists in tobacco control. Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology. 2010; 30:129-131.
  176. Weingarten TN, Sprung J, Warner DO. Reply by the authors. Urology. 2010; 76(6):1526-7.
  177. Shi Y, Warner DO. Surgery as a teachable moment for smoking cessation. Anesthesiology. 2010 Jan; 112 (1):102-7
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  178. Weingarten TN, Whalen FX, Warner DO, Gajic O, Schears GJ, Snyder MR, Schroeder DR, Sprung J. Comparison of two ventilatory strategies in elderly patients undergoing major abdominal surgery. Br J Anaesth. 2010 Jan; 104 (1):16-22
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  179. Weingarten TN, Iverson BC, Shi Y, Schroeder DR, Warner DO, Reid KI. Impact of tobacco use on the symptoms of painful temporomandibular joint disorders. Pain. 2009 Dec 15; 147 (1-3):67-71 Epub 2009 Sept 29
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  180. Warner DO. Surgery as a teachable moment: lost opportunities to improve public health. Arch Surg. 2009 Dec; 144 (12):1106-7
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  181. Hooten WM, Townsend CO, Bruce BK, Shi Y, Warner DO. Sex differences in characteristics of smokers with chronic pain undergoing multidisciplinary pain rehabilitation. Pain Med. 2009 Nov; 10: (8)1416-25.
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  182. Sprung J, Flick RP, Wilder RT, Katusic SK, Pike TL, Dingli M, Gleich SJ, Schroeder DR, Barbaresi WJ, Hanson AC, Warner DO. Anesthesia for cesarean delivery and learning disabilities in a population-based birth cohort. Anesthesiology. 2009 Aug; 111 (2):302-10
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  183. Duncan CM, Hall Long K, Warner DO, Hebl JR. The economic implications of a multimodal analgesic regimen for patients undergoing major orthopedic surgery: a comparative study of direct costs. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009 Jul-Aug; 34 (4):301-7
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  184. Warner DO, American Society of Anesthesiologists Smoking Cessation Initiative Task Force. Feasibility of tobacco interventions in anesthesiology practices: a pilot study. Anesthesiology. 2009 Jun; 110(6):1223-8.
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  185. Wilder RT, Flick RP, Sprung J, Katusic SK, Barbaresi WJ, Mickelson C, Gleich SJ, Schroeder DR, Weaver AL, Warner DO. Early exposure to anesthesia and learning disabilities in a population-based birth cohort. Anesthesiology. 2009 Apr; 110 (4):796-804
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  186. Thulasee. The effect of Ca2+-activated chloride channel modulators on rat uterine smooth muscle contractility BioPharm Journal. 2009.
  187. Hooten WM, Townsend CO, Bruce BK, Schmidt JE, Kerkvliet JL, Patten CA, Warner DO. Effects of smoking status on immediate treatment outcomes of multidisciplinary pain rehabilitation. Pain Med. 2009 Mar; 10 (2):347-55 Epub 2008 Aug 18
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  188. Fernandez-Perez ER, Sprung J, Afessa B, Warner DO, Vachon CM, Schroeder DR, Brown DR, Hubmayr RD, Gajic O. Intraoperative ventilator settings and acute lung injury after elective surgery: a nested case control study. Thorax. 2009 Feb; 64(2):121-7. Epub 2008 Nov 06.
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  189. Bojanic K, Schears GJ, Schroeder DR, Jenkins SM, Warner DO, Sprung J. Survey of self-assessed preparedness for clinical practice in one Croatian medical school. BMC Res Notes. 2009; 2:152. Epub 2009 Jul 27.
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  190. Hooten WM, Townsend CO, Bruce BK, Warner DO. The effects of smoking status on opioid tapering among patients with chronic pain. Anesth Analg. 2009 Jan; 108(1):308-15.
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  191. Sprung J, Whalen FX, Comfere T, Bosnjak ZJ, Bajzer Z, Gajic O, Sarr MG, Schroeder DR, Liedl LM, Offord CP, Warner DO. Alveolar recruitment and arterial desflurane concentration during bariatric surgery. Anesth Analg. 2009 Jan; 108 (1):120-7
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  192. Fernandez E, Afessa B, Brown DR, Warner DO, Sprung J, Gajic O. Incidence and survival of acute lung injury after high risk surgery: a prospective study. Thorax. 2009; 64:121-7.
  193. Perkins WJ, Warner DO, Jones KA. Prolonged treatment of porcine pulmonary artery with nitric oxide decreases cGMP sensitivity and cGMP-dependent protein kinase specific activity. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2009 Jan; 296 (1):L121-9 Epub 2008 Oct 24
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  194. Warner DO, Klesges RC, Dale LC, Offord KP, Schroeder DR, Vickers KS, Hathaway JC. Telephone quitlines to help surgical patients quit smoking patient and provider attitudes. Am J Prev Med. 2008 Dec; 35(6 Suppl):S486-93.
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  195. Burches BR Jr, Warner DO. Bronchospasm after intravenous lidocaine. Anesth Analg. 2008 Oct; 107(4):1260-2.
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  196. Weingarten TN, Moeschler SM, Ptaszynski AE, Hooten WM, Beebe TJ, Warner DO. An assessment of the association between smoking status, pain intensity, and functional interference in patients with chronic pain. Pain Physician. 2008 Sep-Oct; 11 (5):643-53
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  197. Flick RP, Sprung J, Gleich SJ, Barnes RD, Warner DO, Dearani JA, Scott PD, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Schears GJ. Intraoperative extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and survival of pediatric patients undergoing repair of congenital heart disease. Paediatr Anaesth. 2008 Aug; 18 (8):757-66
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  198. Hofer RE, Kai T, Decker PA, Warner DO. Obesity as a risk factor for unanticipated admissions after ambulatory surgery. Mayo Clin Proc. 2008 Aug; 83(8):908-16.
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  199. Houghton CS, Marcukaitis AW, Shirk Marienau ME, Hooten M, Stevens SR, Warner DO. Tobacco intervention attitudes and practices among certified registered nurse anesthetists. Nurs Res. 2008 Mar-Apr; 57 (2):123-9
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  200. Kai T, Maki T, Takahashi S, Warner DO. Perioperative tobacco use interventions in Japan: a survey of thoracic surgeons and anaesthesiologists. Br J Anaesth. 2008 Mar; 100(3):404-10. Epub 2008 Jan 29.
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  201. Rao RD, Michalak JC, Sloan JA, Loprinzi CL, Soori GS, Nikcevich DA, Warner DO, Novotny P, Kutteh LA, Wong GY, North Central Cancer Treatment Group. Efficacy of gabapentin in the management of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: a phase 3 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial (N00C3). Cancer. 2007 Nov 1; 110 (9):2110-8
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  202. Warner DO, Colligan RC, Hurt RD, Croghan IT, Schroeder DR. Cough following initiation of smoking abstinence. Nicotine Tob Res. 2007 Nov; 9(11):1207-12.
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  203. Comfere TB, Sprung J, Case KA, Dye PT, Johnson JL, Hall BA, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Marienau ME, Warner DO. Predictors of mortality following symptomatic pulmonary embolism in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery. Can J Anaesth. 2007 Aug; 54 (8):634-41
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  204. Perkins WJ, Taniguchi M, Warner DO, Chini EN, Jones KA. Reduction in soluble guanylyl cyclase-specific activity following prolonged treatment of porcine pulmonary artery with nitric oxide. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2007 Jul; 293 (1):L84-95 Epub 2007 Mar 23
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  205. Warner DO. Tobacco dependence in surgical patients. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2007 Jun; 20(3):279-83.
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  206. Flick RP, Sprung J, Harrison TE, Gleich SJ, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Buenvenida SL, Warner DO. Perioperative cardiac arrests in children between 1988 and 2005 at a tertiary referral center: a study of 92,881 patients. Anesthesiology. 2007 Feb; 106 (2):226-37; quiz 413-4
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  207. Warner DO. Tobacco control for anesthesiologists. J Anesth. 2007; 21 (2):200-11 Epub 2007 May 30
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  208. Sprung J, Gajic O, Warner DO. Review article: age related alterations in respiratory function - anesthetic considerations. Can J Anaesth. 2006 Dec; 53 (12):1244-57
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  209. Kwak YL, Jones KA, Warner DO, Perkins WJ. Prolonged relaxation consistent with persistent soluble guanylyl cyclase activation in canine pulmonary artery following brief treatment with nitric oxide donors. Life Sci. 2006 Oct 19; 79(21):2001-9. Epub 2006 Jun 29.
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  210. Nakayama T, Penheiter AR, Penheiter SG, Chini EN, Thompson M, Warner DO, Jones KA. Differential effects of volatile anesthetics on M3 muscarinic receptor coupling to the Galphaq heterotrimeric G protein. Anesthesiology. 2006 Aug; 105 (2):313-24
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  211. Sprung J, Sanders MS, Warner ME, Gebhart JB, Stanhope CR, Jankowski CJ, Liedl L, Schroeder DR, Brown DR, Warner DO. Pain relief and functional status after vaginal hysterectomy: intrathecal versus general anesthesia. Can J Anaesth. 2006 Jul; 53(7):690-700.
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  212. Whalen F, Sprung J, Burkle CM, Schroeder DR, Warner DO. Recent smoking behavior and postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesth Analg. 2006 Jul; 103(1):70-5, table of contents.
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  213. Taniguchi M, Kwak YL, Jones KA, Warner DO, Perkins WJ. Nitric oxide sensitivity in pulmonary artery and airway smooth muscle: a possible role for cGMP responsiveness. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2006 May; 290 (5):L1018-27 Epub 2005 Dec 02
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  214. Hayashi M, Penheiter SG, Nakayama T, Penheiter AR, Warner DO, Jones KA. Halothane does not inbibit the functional coupling between the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor and the G alpha(s) heterotrimeric G protein. Anesthesiology. 2006 Apr; 104(4):754-62.
  215. Hayashi M, Penheiter SG, Nakayama T, Penheiter AR, Warner DO, Jones KA. Halothane does not inhibit the functional coupling between the beta2-adrenergic receptor and the Galphas heterotrimeric G protein. Anesthesiology. 2006 Apr; 104 (4):754-62
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  216. Warner DO. Perioperative abstinence from cigarettes: physiologic and clinical consequences. Anesthesiology. 2006 Feb; 104 (2):356-67
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  217. Kwak YL, Jones KA, Warner DO, Perkins WJ. NO responsiveness in pulmonary artery and airway smooth muscle: the role of cGMP regulation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2006 Jan; 290 (1):L200-8 Epub 2005 Aug 19
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  218. Sprung J, Ritter MJ, Rihal CS, Warner ME, Wilson GA, Williams BA, Stevens SR, Schroeder DR, Bourke DL, Warner DO. Outcomes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and predictors of survival in patients undergoing coronary angiography including percutaneous coronary interventions. Anesth Analg. 2006 Jan; 102(1):217-24.
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  220. Jin F, Wang SY, Spencer JD, Penheiter SG, Streiff JH, Penheiter AR, Warner DO, Jones KA. Effect of halothane on G alpha(i-3) and its coupling to the M-2 muscarinic receptor. Anesthesiology. 2005 Nov; 103(5):1015-25.
  221. Jin F, Wang S, Spencer JD, Penheiter SG, Streiff JH, Penheiter AR, Warner DO, Jones KA. Effect of halothane on galphai-3 and its coupling to the M2 muscarinic receptor. Anesthesiology. 2005 Nov; 103 (5):1015-25
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  222. Warner DO. Helping surgical patients quit smoking: why, when, and how. Anesth Analg. 2005 Aug; 101 (2):481-487
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  223. Nakayama T, Hayashi M, Warner DO, Jones KA. Anesthetics inhibit membrane receptor coupling to the Gq/11 heterotrimeric G protein in airway smooth muscle. Anesthesiology. 2005 Aug; 103 (2):296-305
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  224. Warner DO, Patten CA, Ames SC, Offord KP, Schroeder DR. Effect of nicotine replacement therapy on stress and smoking behavior in surgical patients. Anesthesiology. 2005 Jun; 102 (6):1138-46
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  225. Gajic O, Warner DO, Decker PA, Rana R, Bourke DL, Sprung J. Long-haul air travel before major surgery: a prescription for thromboembolism? Mayo Clin Proc. 2005 Jun; 80(6):728-31.
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  226. Comfere T, Sprung J, Kumar MM, Draper M, Wilson DP, Williams BA, Danielson DR, Liedl L, Warner DO. Angiotensin system inhibitors in a general surgical population. Anesth Analg. 2005 Mar; 100 (3):636-644
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  227. Warner DO. Preoperative smoking cessation: the role of the primary care provider. Mayo Clin Proc. 2005 Feb; 80(2):252-8.
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  228. Burrow B, Burkle C, Warner DO, Chini EN. Postoperative outcome of patients with narcolepsy. A retrospective analysis. J Clin Anesth. 2005 Feb; 17(1):21-5.
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  229. Warner DO, Sarr MG, Offord KP, Dale LC. Anesthesiologists, general surgeons, and tobacco interventions in the perioperative period. Anesth Analg. 2004 Dec; 99 (6):1766-1773
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  230. Burkle CM, Harrison BA, Koenig LF, Decker PA, Warner DO, Gastineau DA. Morbidity and mortality of deep sedation in outpatient bone marrow biopsy. Am J Hematol. 2004 Nov; 77 (3):250-6
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  231. Streiff JH, Juranic NO, Macura SI, Warner DO, Jones KA, Perkins WJ. Saturation transfer difference nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy as a method for screening proteins for anesthetic binding. Mol Pharmacol. 2004 Oct; 66 (4):929-35
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  232. Warner DO, Joyner MJ, Charkoudian N. Nicotine increases initial blood flow responses to local heating of human non-glabrous skin. J Physiol. 2004 Sep 15; 559 (Pt 3):975-84 Epub 2004 July 22
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  233. Sakihara C, Perkins WJ, Warner DO, Jones KA. Anesthetics inhibit acetylcholine-promoted guanine nucleotide exchange of heterotrimeric G proteins of airway smooth muscle. Anesthesiology. 2004 Jul; 101 (1):120-6
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  234. Warner DO, Patten CA, Ames SC, Offord K, Schroeder D. Smoking behavior and perceived stress in cigarette smokers undergoing elective surgery. Anesthesiology. 2004 May; 100 (5):1125-37
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  235. Brown DR, Hofer RE, Patterson DE, Fronapfel PJ, Maxson PM, Narr BJ, Eisenach JH, Blute ML, Schroeder DR, Warner DO. Intrathecal anesthesia and recovery from radical prostatectomy: a prospective, randomized, controlled trial. Anesthesiology. 2004 Apr; 100 (4):926-34
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  236. Wong GY, Schroeder DR, Carns PE, Wilson JL, Martin DP, Kinney MO, Mantilla CB, Warner DO. Effect of neurolytic celiac plexus block on pain relief, quality of life, and survival in patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2004 Mar 3; 291 (9):1092-9
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  237. Streiff J, Warner DO, Klimtchuk E, Perkins WJ, Jones K, Jones KA. The effects of hexanol on Galpha(i) subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins. Anesth Analg. 2004 Mar; 98 (3):660-7, table of contents
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  238. Sprung J, Warner ME, Contreras MG, Schroeder DR, Beighley CM, Wilson GA, Warner DO. Predictors of survival following cardiac arrest in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery: a study of 518,294 patients at a tertiary referral center. Anesthesiology. 2003 Aug; 99 (2):259-69
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  239. Streiff J, Jones K, Perkins WJ, Warner DO, Jones KA. Effect of halothane on the guanosine 5' triphosphate binding activity of G-protein alphai subunits. Anesthesiology. 2003 Jul; 99 (1):105-11
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  240. Vachon CA, Warner DO, Bacon DR. Succinylcholine and the open globe. Tracing the teaching. Anesthesiology. 2003 Jul; 99 (1):220-3
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  241. Sabers C, Plevak DJ, Schroeder DR, Warner DO. The diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea as a risk factor for unanticipated admissions in outpatient surgery. Anesth Analg. 2003 May; 96 (5):1328-1335
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  242. Yoshimura H, Jones KA, Perkins WJ, Warner DO. Dual effects of hexanol and halothane on the regulation of calcium sensitivity in airway smooth muscle. Anesthesiology. 2003 Apr; 98 (4):871-80
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  243. Perkins WJ, Lorenz RR, Bogoger M, Warner DO, Cremo CR, Jones KA. A novel mechanism by which hydrogen peroxide decreases calcium sensitivity in airway smooth muscle. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2003 Feb; 284 (2):L324-32 Epub 2002 Oct 18
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  247. Sakihara C, Jones KA, Lorenz RR, Perkins WJ, Warner DO. Effects of primary alcohols on airway smooth muscle. Anesthesiology. 2002 Feb; 96 (2):428-37
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  250. Yoshimura H, Jones KA, Perkins WJ, Kai T, Warner DO. Calcium sensitization produced by G protein activation in airway smooth muscle. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2001 Sep; 281 (3):L631-8
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  251. Pabelick CM, Prakash YS, Kannan MS, Warner DO, Sieck GC. Effects of halothane on sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release channels in porcine airway smooth muscle cells. Anesthesiology. 2001 Jul; 95 (1):207-15
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  252. Hanazaki M, Jones KA, Perkins WJ, Warner DO. The effects of ethanol on CA(2+) sensitivity in airway smooth muscle. Anesth Analg. 2001 Mar; 92 (3):767-74
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  253. Hanazaki M, Jones KA, Perkins WJ, Warner DO. Halothane increases smooth muscle protein phosphatase in airway smooth muscle. Anesthesiology. 2001 Jan; 94 (1):129-36
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  254. King M, Sujirattanawimol N, Danielson DR, Hall BA, Schroeder DR, Warner DO. Requirements for muscle relaxants during radical retropubic prostatectomy. Anesthesiology. 2000 Dec; 93 (6):1392-7
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  255. Warner MA, Warner DO, Harper CM, Schroeder DR, Maxson PM. Lower extremity neuropathies associated with lithotomy positions. Anesthesiology. 2000 Oct; 93 (4):938-42
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  256. Kai T, Yoshimura H, Jones KA, Warner DO. Relationship between force and regulatory myosin light chain phosphorylation in airway smooth muscle. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2000 Jul; 279 (1):L52-8
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  257. Warner DO. Preventing postoperative pulmonary complications: the role of the anesthesiologist. Anesthesiology. 2000 May; 92 (5):1467-72
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  258. Pabelick CM, Warner DO, Perkins WJ, Jones KA. S-nitrosoglutathione-induced decrease in calcium sensitivity of airway smooth muscle. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2000 Mar; 278 (3):L521-7
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  259. Wong GY, Warner DO, Schroeder DR, Offord KP, Warner MA, Maxson PM, Whisnant JP. Risk of surgery and anesthesia for ischemic stroke. Anesthesiology. 2000 Feb; 92 (2):425-32
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  260. Warner MA, Warner DO, Harper CM, Schroeder DR, Maxson PM. Ulnar neuropathy in medical patients. Anesthesiology. 2000 Feb; 92 (2):613-5
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  261. Hanazaki M, Jones KA, Warner DO. Effects of intravenous anesthetics on Ca2+ sensitivity in canine tracheal smooth muscle. Anesthesiology. 2000 Jan; 92 (1):133-9
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  262. Warner DO. So you want to be a pulmonary mechanic: a clinical guide. J Clin Monit Comput. 2000; 16 (5-6):417-23
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  263. Lorenz RR, Warner DO, Jones KA. Hydrogen peroxide decreases Ca(2+) sensitivity in airway smooth muscle by inhibiting rMLC phosphorylation. Am J Physiol. 1999 Oct; 277 (4):L816-22
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  264. Lorenz RR, Warner DO, Jones KA. Hydrogen peroxide decreases Ca(2+) sensitivity in airway smooth muscle by inhibiting rMLC phosphorylation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 1999 Oct 1; 277 (4):L816-L822
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  265. Jones KA, Perkins WJ, Lorenz RR, Prakash YS, Sieck GC, Warner DO. F-actin stabilization increases tension cost during contraction of permeabilized airway smooth muscle in dogs. J Physiol. 1999 Sep 1; 519 Pt 2:527-38
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  266. Jones KA, Lorenz RR, Prakash YS, Sieck GC, Warner DO. ATP hydrolysis during contraction of permeabilized airway smooth muscle. Am J Physiol. 1999 Aug; 277 (2):L334-42
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  267. Warner DO, Warner MA, Offord KP, Schroeder DR, Maxson P, Scanlon PD. Airway obstruction and perioperative complications in smokers undergoing abdominal surgery. Anesthesiology. 1999 Feb; 90 (2):372-9
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  268. Warner MA, Warner ME, Warner DO, Warner LO, Warner EJ. Perioperative pulmonary aspiration in infants and children. Anesthesiology. 1999 Jan; 90 (1):66-71
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  269. Jones KA, Wong GY, Jankowski CJ, Akao M, Warner DO. cGMP modulation of Ca2+ sensitivity in airway smooth muscle. Am J Physiol. 1999 Jan; 276 (1):L35-40
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  270. Warner MA, Warner DO, Matsumoto JY, Harper CM, Schroeder DR, Maxson PM. Ulnar neuropathy in surgical patients. Anesthesiology. 1999 Jan; 90 (1):54-9
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  271. Pabelick CM, Prakash YS, Kannan MS, Jones KA, Warner DO, Sieck GC. Effect of halothane on intracellular calcium oscillations in porcine tracheal smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol. 1999 Jan; 276 (1):L81-9
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  272. Pabelick CM, Prakash YS, Kannan MS, Jones KA, Warner DO, Sieck GC. Effect of halothane on intracellular calcium oscillations in porcine tracheal smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 1999 Jan 1; 276 (1):L81-L89
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  277. Perkins WJ, Pabelick C, Warner DO, Jones KA. cGMP-independent mechanism of airway smooth muscle relaxation induced by S-nitrosoglutathione. Am J Physiol. 1998 Aug; 275 (2):C468-74
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  278. Warner DO, Warner MA, Schroeder DR, Offord KP, Maxson P, Santrach P, Santrach P. Changing transfusion practices in hip and knee arthroplasty. Transfusion. 1998 Aug; 38 (8):738-44
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  279. Perkins WJ, Pabelick C, Warner DO, Jones KA. cGMP-independent mechanism of airway smooth muscle relaxation induced by S-nitrosoglutathione. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 1998 Aug 1; 275 (2):C468-C474
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  280. Bremerich DH, Kai T, Warner DO, Jones KA. Effect of phorbol esters on Ca2+ sensitivity and myosin light-chain phosphorylation in airway smooth muscle. Am J Physiol. 1998 May; 274 (5):C1253-60
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  285. Bremerich DH, Warner DO, Lorenz RR, Shumway R, Jones KA. Role of protein kinase C in calcium sensitization during muscarinic stimulation in airway smooth muscle. Am J Physiol. 1997 Oct; 273 (4):L775-81
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  286. Bremerich DH, Warner DO, Lorenz RR, Shumway R, Jones KA. Role of protein kinase C in calcium sensitization during muscarinic stimulation in airway smooth muscle. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 1997 Oct 1; 273 (4):L775-L781
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  291. Warner DO, Jones KA, Lorenz RR. The effects of halothane pretreatment on manganese influx induced by muscarinic stimulation of airway smooth muscle. Anesth Analg. 1997 Jun; 84 (6):1366-71
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