
  1. Hurt RT, Mohamed Elfadil O, Edakkanambeth Varayil J, Bonnes SL, Salonen BR, Mundi MS. Optimizing Intravenous Access for Long-Term Parenteral Nutrition. Curr Nutr Rep. 2024 Jun; 13 (2):323-330 Epub 2024 May 02
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  2. Mohamed Elfadil O, Patel A, Joly F, Lal S, Bozzetti F, Cuerda C, Jeppesen PB, Van Gossum A, Wanten G, Szczepanek K, Lamprecht G, Vanuytsel T, Pironi L, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Patients' and caregivers' perspective on challenges and outcomes with tube feeding: Analysis of home enteral nutrition survey data. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2024 Jun; 61:94-100 Epub 2024 Mar 11
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  3. Mohamed Elfadil O, Velapati SR, Patel J, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Enteral Nutrition Therapy: Historical Perspective, Utilization, and Complications. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2024 May 24 [Epub ahead of print]
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  4. Ripoll JG, Tulledge-Scheitel SM, Stephenson AA, Ford S, Pike ML, Gorman EK, Hanson SN, Juskewitch JE, Miller AJ, Zaremba S, Ovrom EA, Razonable RR, Ganesh R, Hurt RT, Fischer EN, Derr AN, Eberle MR, Larsen JJ, Carney CM, Theel ES, Parikh SA, Kay NE, Joyner MJ, Senefeld JW. Outpatient treatment with concomitant vaccine-boosted convalescent plasma for patients with immunosuppression and COVID-19. mBio. 2024 May 8; 15 (5):e0040024 Epub 2024 Apr 11
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  5. Howick th, Saric P, Elwazir M, Newman DB, Pellikka PA, Howick AS, O'Horo JC, Cooper LT Jr, Deshmukh AJ, Ganesh R, Hurt R, Gersh B, Bois JP. A Pragmatic Study of Cardiovascular Disease During Long-Term COVID-19. Am J Med. 2024 Mar 26 [Epub ahead of print]
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  6. Bonnes SLR, Strauss T, Palmer AK, Hurt RT, Island L, Goshen A, Wang LYT, Kirkland JL, Bischof E, Maier AB. Establishing healthy longevity clinics in publicly funded hospitals. Geroscience. 2024 Mar 21 [Epub ahead of print]
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  7. Angeli AM, Salonen BR, Ganesh R, Hurt RT, Abdalrhim A, Mueller M, Volcheck M, Aakre C. Symptom presentation by phenotype of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Sci Rep. 2024 Jan 2; 14 (1):205 Epub 2024 Jan 02
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  8. Ganesh R, Yadav S, Hurt RT, Mueller MR, Aakre CA, Gilman EA, Grach SL, Overgaard J, Snyder MR, Collins NM, Croghan IT, Badley AD, Razonable RR, Salonen BR. Pro Inflammatory Cytokines Profiles of Patients With Long COVID Differ Between Variant Epochs. J Prim Care Community Health. 2024 Jan-Dec; 15:21501319241254751
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  9. Hurt RT, Yadav S, Schroeder DR, Croghan IT, Mueller MR, Grach SL, Aakre CA, Gilman EA, Stephenson CR, Overgaard J, Collins NM, Lawson DK, Thompson AM, Natividad LT, Mohamed Elfadil O, Ganesh R. Longitudinal Progression of Patients with Long COVID Treated in a Post-COVID Clinic: A Cross-Sectional Survey. J Prim Care Community Health. 2024 Jan-Dec; 15:21501319241258671
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  10. Senefeld JW, Gorman EK, Johnson PW, Moir ME, Klassen SA, Carter RE, Paneth NS, Sullivan DJ, Morkeberg OH, Wright RS, Fairweather D, Bruno KA, Shoham S, Bloch EM, Focosi D, Henderson JP, Juskewitch JE, Pirofski LA, Grossman BJ, Tobian AAR, Franchini M, Ganesh R, Hurt RT, Kay NE, Parikh SA, Baker SE, Buchholtz ZA, Buras MR, Clayburn AJ, Dennis JJ, Diaz Soto JC, Herasevich V, Klompas AM, Kunze KL, Larson KF, Mills JR, Regimbal RJ, Ripoll JG, Sexton MA, Shepherd JRA, Stubbs JR, Theel ES, van Buskirk CM, van Helmond N, Vogt MNP, Whelan ER, Wiggins CC, Winters JL, Casadevall A, Joyner MJ. Rates Among Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 Treated With Convalescent Plasma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2023 Oct; 7 (5):499-513 Epub 2023 Oct 10
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  11. Mueller MR, Ganesh R, Hurt RT, Beckman TJ. Post-COVID Conditions. Mayo Clin Proc. 2023 Jul; 98 (7):1071-1078
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  12. Yadav S, Bonnes SL, Gilman EA, Mueller MR, Collins NM, Hurt RT, Ganesh R. Inflammatory Arthritis After COVID-19: A Case Series. Am J Case Rep. 2023 Jun 27; 24:e939870 Epub 2023 June 27
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  13. Gilman EA, Aakre C, Meyers A, Collins N, VerNess C, Dougan B, Davis X, Philpot L, Ramar P, Croghan I, Schroeder DR, Pagel E, Ghosh K, Hurt RT. Development of a Visit Facilitator Role to Assist Physicians in an Ambulatory Consultative Medical Practice. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2023 Jun; 7 (3):187-193 Epub 2023 May 14
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  14. Mundi MS, Mohamed Elfadil O, Olson DA, Pattinson AK, Epp LM, Miller LD, Seegmiller SL, Schneckloth JM, Baker MR, Abdelmagid MG, Patel A, Wescott BA, Elder LS, Hagenbrock MC, Sefried LE, Hurt RT. Home enteral nutrition: A descriptive study. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2023 May; 47 (4):550-562 Epub 2023 Apr 12
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  15. Croghan IT, Hurt RT, Fokken SC, Fischer KM, Lindeen SA, Schroeder DR, Ganesh R, Ghosh K, Bausek N, Bauer BA. Stress Resilience Program for Health Care Professionals During a Pandemic: A Pilot Program. Workplace Health Saf. 2023 Apr; 71 (4):173-180 Epub 2022 July 05
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  16. MacArthur TA, Goswami J, Ramachandran D, Price-Troska TL, Lundell KA, Ballinger BA, Loomis EA, Heller SF, Stephens D, Hurt RT, Salonen BR, Ganesh R, Spears GM, Bailey KR, Chaudry IH, Park MS. Estradiol and Dihydrotestosterone Levels in COVID-19 Patients. Mayo Clin Proc. 2023 Apr; 98 (4):559-568 Epub 2023 Jan 17
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  17. Mohamed Elfadil O, Shah RN, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Peptide-based formula: Clinical applications and benefits. Nutr Clin Pract. 2023 Apr; 38 (2):318-328 Epub 2023 Feb 21
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  18. Mundi MS, Mohamed Elfadil O, Hurt RT, Bonnes S, Salonen BR. Management of long-term home parenteral nutrition: Historical perspective, common complications, and patient education and training. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2023 Feb; 47 Suppl 1:S24-S34 Epub 2022 Dec 05
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  19. Venkatakrishnan AJ, Anand P, Lenehan PJ, Ghosh P, Suratekar R, Silvert E, Pawlowski C, Siroha A, Chowdhury DR, O'Horo JC, Yao JD, Pritt BS, Norgan AP, Hurt RT, Badley AD, Halamka J, Soundararajan V. Expanding repertoire of SARS-CoV-2 deletion mutations contributes to evolution of highly transmissible variants. Sci Rep. 2023 Jan 5; 13 (1):257 Epub 2023 Jan 05
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  20. Ghosh K, Nanda S, Hurt RT, Schroeder DR, West CP, Fischer KM, Bauer BA, Fokken SC, Ganesh R, Hanson JL, Lindeen SA, Pruthi S, Croghan IT. Mindfulness Using a Wearable Brain Sensing Device for Health Care Professionals During a Pandemic: A Pilot Program. J Prim Care Community Health. 2023 Jan-Dec; 14:21501319231162308
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  21. Ripoll JG, Gorman EK, Juskewitch JE, Razonable RR, Ganesh R, Hurt RT, Theel ES, Stubbs JR, Winters JL, Parikh SA, Kay NE, Joyner MJ, Senefeld JW. Vaccine-boosted convalescent plasma therapy for patients with immunosuppression and COVID-19. Blood Adv. 2022 Dec 13; 6 (23):5951-5955
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  22. Mohamed Elfadil O, Velapati SR, Miller LD, Huiras MF, Stoecker EA, Warner M, Vanderveer L, Adkins A, Chargo C, Kueny K, Bailey MS, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Dietitian Involvement Improves Consumption of Oral Nutrition Supplements in Hospitalized Patients. Can J Diet Pract Res. 2022 Dec 1; 83 (4):203-207 Epub 2022 Aug 25
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  23. Mohamed Elfadil O, Linch FB, Seegmiller SL, Hurt RT, Mundi MS, Neisen MJ. Safety and effectiveness of radiologic and endoscopic percutaneous gastrostomy placement: A randomized study. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2022 Nov; 46 (8):1808-1817 Epub 2022 Apr 15
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  24. Hurt RT, Croghan IT, Schroeder DR, Choi DS, Fischer K, Fokken S, Ebbert JO. Varenicline and Lorcaserin for Smoking Cessation and Weight Gain Prevention: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2022 Oct; 6 (5):465-474 Epub 2022 Sept 21
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  25. Mundi MS, Mechanick JI, Mohamed Elfadil O, Patel JJ, Bonnes SL, Blackmer AB, Christian VJ, Hennessy SA, Hurt RT, Jain A, Kaspar MB, Katz J, Labossiere R, Limketkai BN, McCarthy PJ, Morrison CA, Newberry C, Pimiento JM, Rosenthal MD, Taylor B, McClave SA, ASPEN Physician Engagement Committee. Optimizing the nutrition support care model: Analysis of survey data. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2022 Sep; 46 (7):1709-1724 Epub 2022 Feb 16
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  26. Ganesh R, Vanichkachorn GS, Munipalli B, Hanson SN, Abu Dabrh AM, Croghan IT, Dawson NL, Hurt RT. Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection-Lessons Learned From a Coordinated Health System Response. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2022 Aug; 6 (4):311-319 Epub 2022 June 01
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  27. Mohamed Elfadil O, Mundi M, Hurt R, O'Donnell K, Hager C, Bonnes S, Salonen B. Use of Telemedicine to Provide Initial Home Parenteral Nutrition Training During COVID-19 Pandemic Current Developments in Nutrition. 2022; 6.
  28. Ewy MW, Patel A, Abdelmagid MG, Mohamed Elfadil O, Bonnes SL, Salonen BR, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Plant-Based Diet: Is It as Good as an Animal-Based Diet When It Comes to Protein? Curr Nutr Rep. 2022 Jun; 11(2):337-346. Epub 2022 Feb 22.
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  29. Spurlock AY, Johnson TW, Pritchett A, Pierce L, Hussey J, Johnson K, Carter H, Davidson SL, Mundi MS, Epp L, Hurt RT. Blenderized food tube feeding in patients with head and neck cancer. Nutr Clin Pract. 2022 Jun; 37 (3):615-624 Epub 2021 Aug 31
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  30. Grach SL, Ganesh R, Messina SA, Hurt RT. Post-COVID-19 syndrome: persistent neuroimaging changes and symptoms 9 months after initial infection. BMJ Case Rep. 2022 Apr 08; 15(4).
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  31. Thilagar BP, Ghosh AK, Nguyen J, Theiler RN, Wick MJ, Hurt RT, Razonable RR, Ganesh R. Anti-Spike Monoclonal Antibody Therapy in Pregnant Women With Mild-to-Moderate Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Obstet Gynecol 2022 Apr 1; 139 (4):616-618 Epub 2022 Jan 13
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  32. Ganesh R, Grach SL, Ghosh AK, Bierle DM, Salonen BR, Collins NM, Joshi AY, Boeder ND Jr, Anstine CV, Mueller MR, Wight EC, Croghan IT, Badley AD, Carter RE, Hurt RT. The Female-Predominant Persistent Immune Dysregulation of the Post-COVID Syndrome. Mayo Clin Proc. 2022 Mar; 97 (3):454-464 Epub 2022 Feb 05
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  33. Wissler Gerdes EO, Vanichkachorn G, Verdoorn BP, Hanson GJ, Joshi AY, Murad MH, Rizza SA, Hurt RT, Tchkonia T, Kirkland JL. Role of senescence in the chronic health consequences of COVID-19. Transl Res. 2022 Mar; 241:96-108 Epub 2021 Oct 22
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  34. Mohamed Elfadil O, Steien DB, Narasimhan R, Velapati SR, Epp L, Patel I, Patel J, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Transition to peptide-based diet improved enteral nutrition tolerance and decreased healthcare utilization in pediatric home enteral nutrition. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2022 Mar; 46 (3):626-634 Epub 2021 July 19
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  35. Croghan IT, Hurt RT, Aakre CA, Fokken SC, Fischer KM, Lindeen SA, Schroeder DR, Ganesh R, Ghosh K, Bauer BA. Virtual Reality for Health Care Professionals During a Pandemic: A Pilot Program. J Prim Care Community Health. 2022 Jan-Dec; 13:21501319221086716
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  36. Mohamed Elfadil O, Keaveney E, Patel A, Abdelmagid MG, Patel I, Patel J, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Usability of a Novel Enteral Feeding System: A Summative Study. Med Devices (Auckl). 2022; 15:253-262 Epub 2022 Aug 05
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  37. Nyman MA, Jose T, Croghan IT, Parkulo MA, Burger CD, Schroeder DR, Hurt RT, O'Horo JC. Utilization of an Electronic Health Record Integrated Risk Score to Predict Hospitalization Among COVID-19 Patients. J Prim Care Community Health. 2022 Jan-Dec; 13:21501319211069748
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  38. Goswami J, MacArthur TA, Sridharan M, Tange J, Kirmse AJ, Lundell KA, Chen D, Auton MT, Chon TY, Hurt RT, Salonen BR, Ganesh R, Erben YM, Marquez CP, Dong JF, Kozar RA, Heller SF, Loomis EA, Johnstone AL, Bailey KR, Spears GM, Park MS. Biomarkers of thromboinflammation correlate to COVID-19 infection and admission status in emergency department patients. Thromb Update. 2021 Dec; 5:100090 Epub 2021 Nov 19
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  39. Mundi MS, Patel JJ, Mohamed Elfadil O, Patel J, Patel I, Nanda S, Hurt RT. When Pandemics Collide: the Interplay of Obesity and COVID-19. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2021 Nov 4; 23 (12):26 Epub 2021 Nov 04
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  40. Mundi MS, Mohamed Elfadil O, Patel I, Patel J, Hurt RT. Ketogenic diet and cancer: Fad or fabulous? JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2021 Nov; 45(S2):26-32.
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  41. Mohamed Elfadil O, Patel J, Patel I, Ewy MW, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Processed Foods - Getting Back to The Basics. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2021 Oct 13; 23(12):20.
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  42. Salonen BR, Mundi MS, Hurt RT, Bonnes SL. The Role of Parenteral Nutrition for Incurable Cancer: Bridging Expectations and Reality. Curr Nutr Rep. 2021 Sep; 10 (3):226-231 Epub 2021 May 28
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  43. Mundi MS, Mohamed Elfadil O, Bonnes SL, Salonen BR, Hurt RT. Use of telehealth in home nutrition support: Challenges and advantages. Nutr Clin Pract. 2021 Aug; 36(4):775-784. Epub 2021 Jul 10.
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  44. Mundi MS, Bonnes SL, Salonen BR, McMahon MM, Martindale R, Hurt RT. Clinical application of fish-oil intravenous lipid emulsion in adult home parenteral nutrition patients. Nutr Clin Pract. 2021 Aug; 36 (4):839-852 Epub 2020 Sept 24
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  45. Hurt RT, Ebbert JO, Croghan I, Nanda S, Schroeder DR, Teigen LM, Velapati SR, Mundi MS. The Comparison of Segmental Multifrequency Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis and Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry for Estimating Fat Free Mass and Percentage Body Fat in an Ambulatory Population. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2021 Aug; 45 (6):1231-1238 Epub 2020 Sept 10
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  46. Velapati SR, Schroeder SE, Schroeder DR, Buttar NS, Mohamed Elfadil O, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Use of Home Enteral Nutrition in Malnourished Post-Bariatric Surgery Patients. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2021 Jul; 45(5):1023-1031. Epub 2020 Sep 07.
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  47. Wescott B, Seegmiller S, Mohamed Elfadil O, Schneckloth J, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Seeding of Gastrostomy Tube Site in Patient With Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Tongue: A Case Report. Nutr Clin Pract. 2021 Jun; 36(3):648-653. Epub 2020 Dec 08.
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  48. Croghan IT, Hurt RT, Ganesh R, Bhagra O, Fischer KM, Vincent A, Hays JT, Bierle DM, Schroeder DR, Fuehrer DL, Nanda S. The Association of Current Tobacco Status With Pain and Symptom Severity in Fibromyalgia Patients. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2021 Jun; 5(3):614-624. Epub 2021 May 26.
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  49. O'Horo JC, Cerhan JR, Cahn EJ, Bauer PR, Temesgen Z, Ebbert J, Abril A, Abu Saleh OM, Assi M, Berbari EF, Bierle DM, Bosch W, Burger CD, Cano Cevallos EJ, Clements CM, Carmona Porquera EM, Castillo Almeida NE, Challener DW, Chesdachai S, Comba IY, Corsini Campioli CG, Crane SJ, Dababneh AS, Enzler MJ, Fadel HJ, Ganesh R, De Moraes AG, Go JR, Gordon JE, Gurram PR, Guru PK, Halverson EL, Harrison MF, Heaton HA, Hurt R, Kasten MJ, Lee AS, Levy ER, Libertin CR, Mallea JM, Marshall WF 3rd, Matcha G, Meehan AM, Franco PM, Morice WG 2nd, O'Brien JJ, Oeckler R, Ommen S, Oravec CP, Orenstein R, Ough NJ, Palraj R, Patel BM, Pureza VS, Pickering B, Phelan DM, Razonable RR, Rizza S, Sampathkumar P, Sanghavi DK, Sen A, Siegel JL, Singbartl K, Shah AS, Shweta F, Speicher LL, Suh G, Tabaja H Jr, Tande A, Ting HH, Tontz RC 3rd, Vaillant JJ, Vergidis P, Warsame MY, Yetmar ZA, Zomok CCD, Williams AW, Badley AD. Outcomes of COVID-19 With the Mayo Clinic Model of Care and Research. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Mar; 96 (3):601-618 Epub 2020 Dec 26
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  50. Ganesh R, Salonen BR, Bhuiyan MN, Bierle DM, Moehnke D, Haddad TC, Tande AJ, Wilson J, Hurt RT. Managing Patients in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Virtual Multidisciplinary Approach. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2021 Feb; 5 (1):118-126 Epub 2020 Dec 15
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  51. Mundi MS, Hurt RT, Phelan SM, Bradley D, Haller IV, Bauer KW, Bradley SM, Schroeder DR, Clark MM, Croghan IT. Associations Between Experience of Early Childhood Trauma and Impact on Obesity Status, Health, as Well as Perceptions of Obesity-Related Health Care. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Feb; 96 (2):408-419
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  52. Mohamed Elfadil O, Velapati S, Hurt RT, Lal S, Mundi MS. Utility of sub-classification of severe gastrointestinal dysmotility in chronic intestinal failure Clinical Nutrition ESPEN. 2021. Epub 2021 Jan 09.
  53. Mechanick JI, Carbone S, Dickerson RN, Hernandez BJD, Hurt RT, Irving SY, Li DY, McCarthy MS, Mogensen KM, Gautier JBO, Patel JJ, Prewitt TE, Rosenthal M, Warren M, Winkler MF, McKeever L, ASPEN COVID-19 Task Force on Nutrition Research. Clinical Nutrition Research and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review of the ASPEN COVID-19 Task Force on Nutrition Research. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2021 Jan; 45 (1):13-31 Epub 2020 Nov 13
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  54. Nanda S, Chacin Suarez AS, Toussaint L, Vincent A, Fischer KM, Hurt R, Schroeder DR, Medina Inojosa JR, O'Horo JC, DeJesus RS, Abu Lebdeh HS, Mundi MS, Iftikhar S, Croghan IT. Body Mass Index, Multi-Morbidity, and COVID-19 Risk Factors as Predictors of Severe COVID-19 Outcomes. J Prim Care Community Health. 2021 Jan-Dec; 12:21501327211018559
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  55. Ganesh R, Ghosh AK, Nyman MA, Croghan IT, Grach SL, Anstine CV, Salonen BR, Hurt RT. PROMIS Scales for Assessment of Persistent Post-COVID Symptoms: A Cross Sectional Study. J Prim Care Community Health. 2021 Jan-Dec; 12:21501327211030413.
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  56. Bierle DM, Aakre CA, Grach SL, Salonen BR, Croghan IT, Hurt RT, Ganesh R. Central Sensitization Phenotypes in Post Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (PASC): Defining the Post COVID Syndrome. J Prim Care Community Health. 2021 Jan-Dec; 12:21501327211030826.
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  57. Nanda S, Toussaint L, Vincent A, Fischer KM, Hurt R, Schroeder DR, Chacin Suarez AS, Medina Inojosa JR, O'Horo JC, DeJesus RS, Abu Lebdeh HS, Mundi MS, Iftikhar S, Croghan IT. A Midwest COVID-19 Cohort for the Evaluation of Multimorbidity and Adverse Outcomes from COVID-19. J Prim Care Community Health. 2021 Jan-Dec; 12:21501327211010991
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  58. Nanda S, Adusumalli J, Hurt RT, Ghosh K, Fischer KM, Hagenbrock MC, Ganesh R, Ratrout BM, Raslau D, Schroeder DR, Wight EC, Kuhle CL, Thicke LA, Lazik N, Croghan IT. Obesity Management Education Needs Among General Internists: A Survey. J Prim Care Community Health. 2021 Jan-Dec; 12:21501327211013292.
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  59. Kapoor E, Faubion S, Hurt RT, Fischer K, Schroeder D, Fokken S, Croghan IT. A selective serotonin receptor agonist for weight loss and management of menopausal vasomotor symptoms in overweight midlife women: a pilot study. Menopause. 2020 Nov; 27 (11):1228-1235
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  60. Bakhshi Z, Yadav S, Salonen BR, Bonnes SL, Varayil JE, Harmsen WS, Hurt RT, Tremaine WJ, Loftus EV Jr. Incidence and Outcomes of Home Parenteral Nutrition in Patients With Crohn Disease in Olmsted County, Minnesota. Crohns Colitis 360. 2020 Oct; 2 (4):otaa083 Epub 2020 Oct 21
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  61. Kapoor E, Faubion S, Hurt RT, Fischer K, Schroeder D, Fokken S, Croghan IT. A selective serotonin receptor agonist for weight loss and management of menopausal vasomotor symptoms in overweight midlife women: a pilot study. Menopause. 2020 Jul 27 Epub 2020 July 27
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  62. Mohamed Elfadil O, Bonnes SL, Salonen BR, Vellapati S, Patel J, Narasimhan R, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. New uses for a new oil: clinical applications of fish oil lipid emulsion Current Surgery Reports. 2020 Jun 23; 8 (8):16
  63. Iftikhar S, Varayil J , Hurt R, Salerno M, Mueller P. Determining the Rate of Obesity Documentation in a Division of General Internal Medicine at a Tertiary-Care Medical Center IJAM. 2020. Epub 2020 Jul 01.
  64. Mundi MS, Velapati S, Kuchkuntla AR, Hurt RT. Reduction in Healthcare Utilization With Transition to Peptide-Based Diets in Intolerant Home Enteral Nutrition Patients. Nutr Clin Pract. 2020 Jun; 35 (3):487-494 Epub 2020 Mar 09
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  65. Milton DL, Johnson TW, Johnson K, Murphy B, Carter H, Hurt RT, Mundi MS, Epp L, Spurlock AY, Hussey J. Accepted Safe Food-Handling Procedures Minimizes Microbial Contamination of Home-Prepared Blenderized Tube-Feeding. Nutr Clin Pract. 2020 Jun; 35 (3):479-486 Epub 2020 Jan 29
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  66. Croghan IT, Hurt RT, Schroeder DR, Fokken SC, Jensen MD, Clark MM, Ebbert JO. Low-level laser therapy for weight reduction: a randomized pilot study. Lasers Med Sci. 2020 Apr; 35 (3):663-675 Epub 2019 Aug 31
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  67. Mundi MS, Kuchkuntla AR, Salonen BR, Bonnes S, Hurt RT. Long-Term Use of Mixed-Oil Lipid Emulsion in Soybean Oil-Intolerant Home Parenteral Nutrition Patients. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2020 Feb; 44 (2):301-307 Epub 2019 Mar 12
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  68. Velapati SR, Schroeder S, Kuchkuntla AR, Salonen BR, Bonnes SL, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Repair of Central Venous Catheter in a Single-Center Adult Home Parenteral Nutrition Cohort. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2020 Feb; 44 (2):265-273 Epub 2019 June 02
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  69. Mundi MS, Velapati S, Patel J, Kellogg TA, Abu Dayyeh BK, Hurt RT. Evolution of NAFLD and Its Management. Nutr Clin Pract. 2020 Feb; 35 (1):72-84 Epub 2019 Dec 16
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  70. Aseem S, Ratrout BM, Litin SC, Ganesh R, Croghan IT, Salerno MS, Majka AJ, Chutka DS, Hurt RT, Abu Lebdeh HS, Vincent A, Nanda S. A Process of Acceptance of Patient Photographs in Electronic Medical Records to Confirm Patient Identification. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2020 Feb; 4 (1):99-104 Epub 2020 Jan 08
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  71. Nanda S, Hurt RT, Croghan IT, Mundi MS, Gifford SL, Schroeder DR, Fischer KM, Bonnes SL. Improving Physical Activity and Body Composition in a Medical Workplace Using Brief Goal Setting. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2019 Dec; 3 (4):495-505 Epub 2019 Oct 16
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  72. Kuchkuntla AR, Shah M, Velapati S, Gershuni VM, Rajjo T, Nanda S, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Ketogenic Diet: an Endocrinologist Perspective. Curr Nutr Rep. 2019 Dec; 8 (4):402-410
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  73. Epp LM, Salonen BR, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Cross-sectional Evaluation of Home Enteral Nutrition Practice in the United States in the Context of the New Enteral Connectors. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2019 Nov; 43 (8):1020-1027 Epub 2019 Feb 07
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  74. Thapa N, Kappus M, Hurt R, Diamond S. Implications of the Opioid Epidemic for the Clinical Gastroenterology Practice. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2019 Jul 25; 21 (9):44 Epub 2019 July 25
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  75. Johnson TW, Milton DL, Johnson K, Carter H, Hurt RT, Mundi MS, Epp L, Spurlock AL. Comparison of Microbial Growth Between Commercial Formula and Blenderized Food for Tube Feeding. Nutr Clin Pract. 2019 Apr; 34 (2):257-263 Epub 2018 Dec 03
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  76. Hurt RT, Epp LM, Duellman WM, Pattinson AK, Lammert L, Baker MR, Miller LD, Kuchkuntla AR, Mundi MS. Blenderized Tube Feedings for Adult Patients on Home Enteral Nutrition: A Pilot Study. J Altern Complement Med. 2019 Apr; 25 (4):413-416 Epub 2018 Dec 31
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  77. Vallumsetla N, Epp L, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Effect of Home Enteral Nutrition on Diabetes and Its Management. Nutr Clin Pract. 2019 Apr; 34 (2):250-256 Epub 2018 July 13
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  78. Philpot LM, Ebbert JO, Hurt RT. A survey of the attitudes, beliefs and knowledge about medical cannabis among primary care providers. BMC Fam Pract. 2019 Jan 22; 20 (1):17
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  79. Mundi MS, Duellman W, Epp L, Davidson J, Hurt RT. Comparison of Syringe Compression Force Between ENFit and Legacy Feeding Tubes. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2019 Jan; 43 (1):107-117 Epub 2018 May 30
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  80. Ebbert JO, Scharf EL, Hurt RT. Medical Cannabis. Mayo Clin Proc. 2018 Dec; 93 (12):1842-1847
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  81. Bonnes SL, Mundi MS, Hurt RT, Salonen BR. To Pull or Not to Pull: Salvaging Central Line Catheters in Home Parenteral Nutrition. Curr Nutr Rep. 2018 Dec; 7 (4):324-328
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  82. Croghan IT, Phelan SM, Bradley DP, Bauer KW, Seung-Young-Han Seung-Young-Han, Bradley SM, Casey BA, Mundi MS, Hurt RT, Schroeder DR, Finney Rutten LJ. Needs Assessment for Weight Management: The Learning Health System Network Experience. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2018 Dec; 2 (4):324-335 Epub 2018 Sept 28
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  83. Velapati SR, Shah M, Kuchkuntla AR, Abu-Dayyeh B, Grothe K, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Weight Regain After Bariatric Surgery: Prevalence, Etiology, and Treatment. Curr Nutr Rep. 2018 Dec; 7(4):329-334.
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  84. Kuchkuntla AR, Limketkai B, Nanda S, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Fad Diets: Hype or Hope? Curr Nutr Rep. 2018 Dec; 7 (4):310-323
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  85. Mundi MS, McMahon MT, Carnell JJ, Hurt RT. Long-Term Use of Mixed-Oil Lipid Emulsion in Adult Home Parenteral Nutrition Patients: A Case Series. Nutr Clin Pract. 2018 Dec; 33 (6):851-857 Epub 2018 Feb 13
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  86. Hurt RT, Steiger E. Early History of Home Parenteral Nutrition: From Hospital to Home. Nutr Clin Pract. 2018 Oct; 33 (5):598-613 Epub 2018 Aug 23
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  87. Gramlich L, Hurt RT, Jin J, Mundi MS. Home Enteral Nutrition: Towards a Standard of Care. Nutrients. 2018 Aug 4; 10 (8) Epub 2018 Aug 04
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  88. Asiedu GB, Carroll K, Griffin JM, Hurt RT, Mundi M. Home enteral nutrition: Use of photo-elicitation to capture patient and caregiver experiences. Health Sci Rep. 2018 Aug; 1 (8):e56 Epub 2018 June 26
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  89. Salonen BR, Bonnes SL, Vallumsetla N, Varayil JE, Mundi MS, Hurt RT. A prospective double blind randomized controlled study on the use of ethanol locks in HPN patients. Clin Nutr. 2018 Aug; 37 (4):1181-1185 Epub 2017 May 17
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  90. Teigen LM, Kuchnia AJ, Nagel EM, Price KL, Hurt RT, Earthman CP. Diagnosing clinical malnutrition: Perspectives from the past and implications for the future. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2018 Aug; 26:13-20 Epub 2018 May 30
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  91. Mundi MS, Seegmiller S, Davidson J, Schneckloth J, Saied J, Hurt RT. Prospective Assessment of Peristomal Infections Using Objective Criteria. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jul; 42 (5):877-884 Epub 2017 Dec 27
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  92. Hegde BN, Bhutiani N, Mundi M, Bonnes S, Hurt RT, Bozeman MC. Parenteral nutrition for management of malignant bowel obstruction Current Surgery Reports. 2018 May; 6 (5):9
  93. Johnson TW, Spurlock AL, Epp L, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Reemergence of Blended Tube Feeding and Parent's Reported Experiences in Their Tube Fed Children. J Altern Complement Med. 2018 Apr; 24 (4):369-373 Epub 2017 Nov 29
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  94. Croghan IT, Huber JM, Hurt RT, Schroeder DR, Wieland ML, Rutten LJ, Ebbert JO. Patient perception matters in weight management. Prim Health Care Res Dev. 2018 Mar; 19 (2):197-204 Epub 2017 Nov 21
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  95. Hurt RT, Ebbert JO, Croghan IT, Schroeder DR, Hurt RD, Hays JT. Varenicline for tobacco-dependence treatment in alcohol-dependent smokers: A randomized controlled trial. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Mar 1; 184:12-17 Epub 2018 Jan 02
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  96. Mundi MS, Duellman W, Epp L, Davidson J, Hurt RT. Comparison of Gravity Flow Rates Between ENFit and Legacy Feeding Tubes. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Mar; 42 (3):522-528 Epub 2017 Dec 12
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  97. Hurt RT, Mundi MS, Ebbert JO. Challenging obesity, diabetes, and addiction: the potential of lorcaserin extended release. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2018; 11:469-478 Epub 2018 Sept 04
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  98. Mundi MS, Patel J, McClave SA, Hurt RT. Current perspective for tube feeding in the elderly: from identifying malnutrition to providing of enteral nutrition. Clin Interv Aging. 2018; 13:1353-1364 Epub 2018 Aug 01
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  99. Bonnes SL, Salonen BR, Hurt RT, McMahon MT, Mundi MS. Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition-From Hospital to Home: Will It Be Covered? Nutr Clin Pract. 2017 Dec; 32 (6):730-738 Epub 2017 Oct 10
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  100. Mundi MS, Pattinson A, McMahon MT, Davidson J, Hurt RT. Prevalence of Home Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition in the United States. Nutr Clin Pract. 2017 Dec; 32 (6):799-805 Epub 2017 July 17
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  101. Hurt RT, Vallumsetla N, Edakkanambeth Varayil J, Bonnes SL, Nanda S, Nadeau J, Mundi MS. Pilot Study Comparing 2 Oral Rehydration Solutions in Patients With Short Bowel Syndrome Receiving Home Parenteral Nutrition: A Prospective Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutr Clin Pract. 2017 Dec; 32 (6):814-819 Epub 2017 June 29
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  102. Kim S, McClave SA, Martindale RG, Miller KR, Hurt RT. Hypoalbuminemia and Clinical Outcomes: What is the Mechanism behind the Relationship? Am Surg. 2017 Nov 1; 83 (11):1220-1227
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  103. Mundi MS, Martindale RG, Hurt RT. Emergence of Mixed-Oil Fat Emulsions for Use in Parenteral Nutrition. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2017 Nov; 41 (1_suppl):3S-13S Epub 2017 Nov 21
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  104. Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Use of Mixed-Oil Fat Emulsion to Improve Intestinal Failure-Associated Liver Disease in Long-Term Home Parenteral Nutrition: A Case Report. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2017 Nov; 41 (1_suppl):17S-19S Epub 2017 Nov 17
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  105. Patel JJ, Lemieux M, McClave SA, Martindale RG, Hurt RT, Heyland DK. Critical Care Nutrition Support Best Practices: Key Differences Between Canadian and American Guidelines. Nutr Clin Pract. 2017 Oct; 32 (5):633-644 Epub 2017 Aug 18
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  106. Shah M, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Phenotypes of Obesity: How it Impacts Management. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2017 Sep 25; 19 (11):55 Epub 2017 Sept 25
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  107. Mundi MS, Vallumsetla N, Davidson JB, McMahon MT, Bonnes SL, Hurt RT. Use of Home Parenteral Nutrition in Post-Bariatric Surgery-Related Malnutrition. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2017 Sep; 41 (7):1119-1124 Epub 2016 May 13
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  108. Hurt RT, Croghan IT, Schroeder DR, Hays JT, Choi DS, Ebbert JO. Combination Varenicline and Lorcaserin for Tobacco Dependence Treatment and Weight Gain Prevention in Overweight and Obese Smokers: A Pilot Study. Nicotine Tob Res. 2017 Aug 1; 19 (8):994-998
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  109. Mundi MS, Salonen BR, Bonnes SL, Hurt RT. Parenteral Nutrtion Lipid Emulsions and Potential Complications Practical Gastroenterology.August 2017 ;42:32-37.
  110. Hurt RT, Frazier TH, Mundi MS. Novel Nonsurgical Endoscopic Approaches for the Treatment of Obesity. Nutr Clin Pract. 2017 Aug; 32 (4):493-501 Epub 2017 June 16
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  111. Patel JJ, Mundi MS, Hurt RT, Wolfe B, Martindale RG. Micronutrient Deficiencies After Bariatric Surgery: An Emphasis on Vitamins and Trace Minerals [Formula: see text]. Nutr Clin Pract. 2017 Aug; 32 (4):471-480 Epub 2017 June 13
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  112. Edakkanambeth Varayil J, Yadav S, Miles JM, Okano A, Kelly DG, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Hyperglycemia During Home Parenteral Nutrition Administration in Patients Without Diabetes. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2017 May; 41 (4):672-677 Epub 2015 Sept 21
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  113. Davidson JB, Edakkanambeth Varayil J, Okano A, Whitaker JA, Bonnes SL, Kelly DG, Mundi MS, Hurt RT. Prevention of Subsequent Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection Using Catheter Locks in High-Risk Patients Receiving Home Parenteral Nutrition. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2017 May; 41 (4):685-690 Epub 2015 Sept 02
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  114. Espinosa-Ginic MA, Hurt RT, Furmanek SP, Peyrani P, Ramirez JA, Wiemken TL. Impact of Obesity on Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with Pneumonia Due to 2009 H1N1 Influenza A Virus Versus Other Etiologies The University of Louisville Journal of Respiratory Infections.2017;1:(3)8-12.
  115. Epp L, Lammert L, Vallumsetla N, Hurt RT, Mundi MS. Use of Blenderized Tube Feeding in Adult and Pediatric Home Enteral Nutrition Patients. Nutr Clin Pract. 2017 Apr; 32(2):201-205. Epub 2016 Sep 01.
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  116. Patel JJ, McClain CJ, Sarav M, Hamilton-Reeves J, Hurt RT. Protein Requirements for Critically Ill Patients With Renal and Liver Failure. Nutr Clin Pract. 2017 Apr; 32: (1_suppl)101S-111S.
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  117. Hurt RT, Epp LM, Pattinson AK, Duellman WM, Corner SM, Mundi MS. Gravity Flow in Proposed Enteral Tube Small-Bore Connectors. Nutr Clin Pract. 2017 Apr; 32 (2):189-192 Epub 2016 Dec 05
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  118. Hurt RT, McClave SA, Martindale RG, Ochoa Gautier JB, Coss-Bu JA, Dickerson RN, Heyland DK, Hoffer LJ, Moore FA, Morris CR, Paddon-Jones D, Patel JJ, Phillips SM, Rugeles SJ, Sarav Md M, Weijs PJ, Wernerman J, Hamilton-Reeves J, McClain CJ, Taylor B. Summary Points and Consensus Recommendations From the International Protein Summit. Nutr Clin Pract. 2017 Apr; 32: (1_suppl)142S-151S.
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  119. Ochoa Gautier JB, Martindale RG, Rugeles SJ, Hurt RT, Taylor B, Heyland DK, McClave SA. How Much and What Type of Protein Should a Critically Ill Patient Receive? Nutr Clin Pract. 2017 Apr; 32: (1_suppl)6S-14S.
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  120. Coss-Bu JA, Hamilton-Reeves J, Patel JJ, Morris CR, Hurt RT. Protein Requirements of the Critically Ill Pediatric Patient. Nutr Clin Pract. 2017 Apr; 32: (1_suppl)128S-141S.
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  121. Patel JJ, Hurt RT, McClave SA, Martindale RG. Critical Care Nutrition: Where's the Evidence? Crit Care Clin. 2017 Apr; 33 (2):397-412
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  122. Ludwig N, Hurt RT, Miller KR. The obesity paradox: validity and clinical implications Current Pulmonology Reports. 2017 Mar; 6: (1)58-63.
  123. Edakkanambeth Varayil J, Whitaker JA, Okano A, Carnell JJ, Davidson JB, Enzler MJ, Kelly DG, Mundi MS, Hurt RT. Catheter Salvage After Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection During Home Parenteral Nutrition. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2017 Mar; 41 (3):481-488 Epub 2016 Sept 29
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  124. Swetz KM, Peterson SM, Sangaralingham LR, Hurt RT, Dunlay SM, Shah ND, Tilburt JC. Feeding Tubes and Health Care Service Utilization in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Benefits and Limits to a Retrospective, Multicenter Study Using Big Data. Inquiry. 2017 Jan 1; 54:46958017732424
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  125. Mundi MS, Epp L, Hurt RT. Increased Force Required With Proposed Standardized Enteral Feed Connector in Blenderized Tube Feeding. Nutr Clin Pract. 2016 Dec; 31 (6):795-798 Epub 2016 July 10
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  126. Hurt RT, McClave SA. Nutritional Assessment in Primary Care. Med Clin North Am. 2016 Nov; 100: (6)1169-1183.
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  127. Iturrino J, Camilleri M, Acosta A, O'Neill J, Burton D, Edakkanambeth Varayil J, Carlson PJ, Zinsmeister AR, Hurt R. Acute Effects of a Glucagon-Like Peptide 2 Analogue, Teduglutide, on Gastrointestinal Motor Function and Permeability in Adult Patients With Short Bowel Syndrome on Home Parenteral Nutrition. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2016 Nov; 40 (8):1089-1095 Epub 2015 July 28
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  128. Ebbert JO, Croghan IT, Hurt RT, Schroeder DR, Hays JT. Varenicline for Smoking Cessation in Light Smokers. Nicotine Tob Res. 2016 Oct; 18 (10):2031-5 Epub 2016 Apr 26
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  129. Miller KR, McClave SA, Jampolis MB, Hurt RT, Krueger K, Collier B. The Health Benefits of Exercise and Physical Activity. Curr Nutr Rep.2016;5:(3)204-212.
  130. Grout A, McClave SA, Jampolis MB, Krueger K, Hurt RT, Landes S, Kiraly L. Basic Principles of Sports Nutrition. Curr Nutr Rep.2016;5:(3)213-222.
  131. Landes S, McClave SA, Frazier TH, Lowen CC, Hurt RT . Indirect Calorimetry: Is it Required to Maximize Patient Outcome from Nutrition Therapy? Curr Nutr Rep.2016;5:(3)233-239.
  132. Kappus M, Diamond S, Hurt RT, Martindale R. Intestinal Failure: New Definition and Clinical Implications. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2016 Sep; 18 (9):48
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  133. Hurt RT, Miller KR, Patel J, Codner P, Mundi MS. Universal Small Bore Connectors (ENFit) for Enteral Access: Implications for Clinical Practice Current Nutrition Reports.2016;5:(3)240-244.
  134. Mundi MS, Shah M, Hurt RT. When Is It Appropriate to Use Glutamine in Critical Illness? Nutr Clin Pract. 2016 Aug; 31: (4)445-50.
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  135. McClave SA, Codner P, Patel J, Hurt RT, Allen K, Martindale RG. Should We Aim for Full Enteral Feeding in the First Week of Critical Illness? Nutr Clin Pract. 2016 Aug; 31: (4)425-31.
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  136. Frantz DJ, McClave SA, Hurt RT, Miller K, Martindale RG. Cross-Sectional Study of U.S. Interns' Perceptions of Clinical Nutrition Education. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2016 May; 40 (4):529-35 Epub 2015 Feb 24
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  137. Mundi MS, Edakkanambeth Varayil J, McMahon MT, Okano A, Vallumsetla N, Bonnes SL, Andrews JC, Hurt RT. Accuracy of Intravenous Electrocardiography Confirmation of Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter for Parenteral Nutrition. Nutr Clin Pract. 2016 Apr; 31 (2):207-10 Epub 2016 Feb 05
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  138. Weaver JL, Matheson PJ, Hurt RT, Downard CD, McClain CJ, Garrison RN, Smith JW. Direct Peritoneal Resuscitation Alters Hepatic miRNA Expression after Hemorrhagic Shock Journal of the American College of Surgeons.2016;
  139. Bui GT, Edakkanambeth Varayil J, Hurt RT, Neutzling KA, Cook KE, Head DL, Mueller PS, Swetz KM. Prevalence and Contents of Advance Directives in Patients Receiving Home Parenteral Nutrition. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2016 Mar; 40: (3)399-404.
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  140. Croghan IT, Ebbert JO, Schroeder DR, Hurt RT, Hagstrom V, Clark MM. A randomized, open-label pilot of the combination of low-level laser therapy and lorcaserin for weight loss. BMC Obes. 2016; 3:42 Epub 2016 Sept 29
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  141. Tripathi S, Kaur H, Edakkanambeth Varayil J, Hurt RT. Effects of enteral nutrition on clinical outcomes among mechanically ventilated and sedated patients in the pediatric intensive care unit Signa Vitae. 2015 Dec; 10: (2)131-48.
  142. Hurt RT, Edakkanambeth Varayil J, Epp LM, Pattinson AK, Lammert LM, Lintz JE, Mundi MS. Blenderized Tube Feeding Use in Adult Home Enteral Nutrition Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study. Nutr Clin Pract. 2015 Dec; 30 (6):824-9 Epub 2015 July 06
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  143. Hurt RT, McClave SA, Evans DC, Jones C, Miller KR, Frazier TH, Minhas MA, Lowen CC, Stout A, Edakkanambeth Varayil J, Matheson PJ, Franklin GA. Targeted Physician Education Positively Affects Delivery of Nutrition Therapy and Patient Outcomes: Results of a Prospective Clinical Trial. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2015 Nov; 39: (8)948-52.
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  144. McClave SA, Saad MA, Esterle M, Anderson M, Jotautas AE, Franklin GA, Heyland DK, Hurt RT. Volume-Based Feeding in the Critically Ill Patient. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2015 Aug; 39: (6)707-12.
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  145. Edakkanambeth Varayil J, Mundi MS, Hurt RT. The current role of parenteral nutrition in the hospitalized patient. Current Surgery Reports. 2015; 3 (8):23
  146. Hurt RT, Edakkanambeth Varayil J, Mundi MS, Martindale RG, Ebbert JO. Designation of obesity as a disease: lessons learned from alcohol and tobacco. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2014 Nov; 16 (11):415
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  147. Edakkanambeth Varayil J, Bauer BA, Hurt RT. Over-the-counter enzyme supplements: what a clinician needs to know. Mayo Clin Proc. 2014 Sep; 89 (9):1307-12 Epub 2014 Aug 04
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  148. Bechtold M, McClave S, Palmer L, Nguyen D, Urben L, Martindale R, Hurt R. The Pharmacologic Treatment of Short Bowel Syndrome: New Tricks and Novel Agents. Curr Gastroenterol Rep.2014;16:392:
  149. Smith JW, Ghazi CA, Cain BC, Hurt RT, Garrison RN, Matheson PJ. Direct peritoneal resuscitation improves inflammation, liver blood flow, and pulmonary edema in a rat model of acute brain death. J Am Coll Surg. 2014 Jul; 219(1):79-87. Epub 2014 Apr 05.
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  150. McClave SA, Frazier TH, Hurt RT, Kiraly L, Martindale RG. Obesity, inflammation, and pharmaconutrition in critical illness. Nutrition. 2014 Apr; 30(4):492-4. Epub 2013 Nov 01.
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  151. Edakkanambeth Varayil J, Hurt RT, Kelly DG. How hyperalimentation may be necessary to reverse severe malnutrition in selected patients receiving home parenteral nutrition. Nutr Clin Pract. 2014 Apr; 29(2):229-33. Epub 2014 Feb 25.
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  152. Nagengast AK, Hurt RT, Downard CD, Smith JW, Garrison RN, Matheson PJ. Increased hepatic blood flow during enteral immune-enhancing diet gavage requires intact enterohepatic bile cycling. Nutrition. 2014 Mar; 30 (3):313-8 Epub 2013 Dec 17
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  153. Hurt RT, Ebbert JO, Schroeder DR, Croghan IT, Bauer BA, McClave SA, Miles JM, McClain CJ. L-arginine for the treatment of centrally obese subjects: a pilot study. J Diet Suppl. 2014 Mar; 11 (1):40-52 Epub 2014 Jan 10
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  154. Mueller KG, Hurt RT, Abu-Lebdeh HS, Mueller PS. Self-perceived vs actual and desired weight and body mass index in adult ambulatory general internal medicine patients: a cross sectional study. BMC Obes. 2014; 1:26 Epub 2014 Dec 12
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  155. Kiraly LN, McClave SA, Neel D, Evans DC, Martindale RG, Hurt RT. Physician nutrition education. Nutr Clin Pract. 2014; 29(3):332-7.
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  156. Hurt RT, Edakkanambeth Varayil J, Ebbert JO. New pharmacological treatments for the management of obesity. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2014; 16 (6):394
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  157. Gentile NM, McKenzie KM, Hurt RT. Two rare forms of hepatocellular carcinoma metastases. BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Jun 10; 2013 Epub 2013 June 10
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  158. White SJ, Taylor MJ, Hurt RT, Jensen MD, Poland GA. Leptin-based adjuvants: an innovative approach to improve vaccine response. Vaccine. 2013 Mar 25; 31 (13):1666-72 Epub 2013 Jan 29
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  159. Hurt RT, Garrison RN, Derhake BM, Matheson PJ. Fish oil increases blood flow in the ileum during chronic feeding in rats. Nutr Res. 2012 Nov; 32(11):837-43. Epub 2012 Nov 02.
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  160. Hurt RT, Frazier TH, McClave SA, Crittenden NE, Kulisek C, Saad M, Franklin GA. Stress prophylaxis in intensive care unit patients and the role of enteral nutrition. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2012 Nov; 36(6):721-31. Epub 2012 Mar 12.
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  161. Ajani S, Hurt RT, Teeters DA, Bellmore LR. Ischaemic colitis associated with oral contraceptive and bisacodyl use. BMJ Case Rep. 2012 Jul 25; 2012 Epub 2012 July 25
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  162. Matheson PJ, Franklin GA, Hurt RT, Downard CD, Smith JW, Garrison RN. Direct peritoneal resuscitation improves obesity-induced hepatic dysfunction after trauma. J Am Coll Surg. 2012 Apr; 214(4):517-28; discussion 528-30. Epub 2012 Feb 17.
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  163. Hurt RT, Matheson PJ, Smith JW, Zakaria ER, Shaheen SP, McClain CJ, Neal Garrison R. Preservation of hepatic blood flow by direct peritoneal resuscitation improves survival and prevents hepatic inflammation following hemorrhagic shock. American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. 2012; 303(10):G1144-52.
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  164. Hurt RT, Wilson T. Geriatric obesity: evaluating the evidence for the use of flavonoids to promote weight loss. J Nutr Gerontol Geriatr. 2012; 31: (3)269-89.
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  165. Hurt RT, Frazier TH, McClave SA, Cave MC. Pharmaconutrition for the obese, critically ill patient. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2011 Sep; 35(5 Suppl):60S-72S.
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  166. Kiraly L, Hurt RT, Van Way CW 3rd. The outcomes of obese patients in critical care. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2011 Sep; 35(5 Suppl):29S-35S.
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  167. McClave SA, Kushner R, Van Way CW 3rd, Cave M, DeLegge M, Dibaise J, Dickerson R, Drover J, Frazier TH, Fujioka K, Gallagher D, Hurt RT, Kaplan L, Kiraly L, Martindale R, McClain C, Ochoa J. Nutrition therapy of the severely obese, critically ill patient: summation of conclusions and recommendations. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2011 Sep; 35(5 Suppl):88S-96S.
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  168. Hurt RT, Frazier TH, McClave SA, Kaplan LM. Obesity epidemic: overview, pathophysiology, and the intensive care unit conundrum. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2011 Sep; 35 (5 Suppl):4S-13S
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  169. Franklin GA, McClave SA, Hurt RT, Lowen CC, Stout AE, Stogner LL, Priest NL, Haffner ME, Deibel KR, Bose DL, Blandford BS, Hermann T, Anderson ME. Physician-delivered malnutrition: why do patients receive nothing by mouth or a clear liquid diet in a university hospital setting? JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2011 May; 35(3):337-42. Epub 2011 Mar 07.
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  170. Gopathi S, Hurt RT, Guardiola J. Intracardiac thrombus in Behcet's disease: A rare case in the United States. Respiratory Medicine CME. 2011; 4(4):154-6.
  171. Hurt RT, Kulisek C, Buchanan LA, McClave SA. The obesity epidemic: challenges, health initiatives, and implications for gastroenterologists. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2010 Dec; 6 (12):780-92
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  172. McClave SA, Hurt RT. Clinical guidelines and nutrition therapy: better understanding and greater application to patient care. Crit Care Clin. 2010 Jul; 26(3):451-66, viii.
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  173. Hurt RT, McClave SA. Gastric residual volumes in critical illness: what do they really mean? Crit Care Clin. 2010 Jul; 26(3):481-90, viii-ix.
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  174. Matheson PJ, Hurt RT, Franklin GA, McClain CJ, Garrison RN. Obesity-induced hepatic hypoperfusion primes for hepatic dysfunction after resuscitated hemorrhagic shock. Surgery. 2009 Oct; 146(4):739-47; discussion 747-8.
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  175. Matheson PJ, Mays CJ, Hurt RT, Zakaria ER, Richardson JD, Garrison RN. Modulation of mesenteric lymph flow and composition by direct peritoneal resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock. Arch Surg. 2009 Jul; 144(7):625-34.
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  176. Hurt RT, Zakaria el R, Matheson PJ, Cobb ME, Parker JR, Garrison RN. Hemorrhage-induced hepatic injury and hypoperfusion can be prevented by direct peritoneal resuscitation. J Gastrointest Surg. 2009 Apr; 13(4):587-94. Epub 2009 Jan 31.
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  177. Matheson PJ, Harris BT, Hurt RT, Zakaria ER, Garrison RN. Enteral glutamine supplementation impairs intestinal blood flow in rats. Am J Surg. 2008 Aug; 196(2):293-9. Epub 2008 May 07.
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  178. Cave MC, Hurt RT, Frazier TH, Matheson PJ, Garrison RN, McClain CJ, McClave SA. Obesity, inflammation, and the potential application of pharmaconutrition. Nutr Clin Pract. 2008 Feb; 23(1):16-34.
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  179. Zakaria el R, Mays CJ, Matheson PJ, Hurt RT, Garrison RN. Plasma appearance rate of intraperitoneal macromolecular tracer underestimates peritoneal lymph flow. Adv Perit Dial. 2008; 24:16-21.
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  180. Zakaria el R, Matheson PJ, Hurt RT, Garrison RN. Chronic infusion of sterile peritoneal dialysis solution abrogates enhanced peritoneal gene expression responses to chronic peritoneal catheter presence. Adv Perit Dial. 2008; 24:7-15.
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  181. Hurt RT, Matheson PJ, Mays MP, Garrison RN. Immune-enhancing diet and cytokine expression during chronic sepsis: an immune-enhancing diet containing L-arginine, fish oil, and RNA fragments promotes intestinal cytokine expression during chronic sepsis in rats. J Gastrointest Surg. 2006 Jan; 10(1):46-53.
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  182. Matheson PJ, Mays MP, Hurt RT, Harris PD, Garrison RN. Adrenomedullin is increased in the portal circulation during chronic sepsis in rats. Am J Surg. 2003 Nov; 186(5):519-25.
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  183. Zakaria el R, Hurt RT, Matheson PJ, Garrison RN. A novel method of peritoneal resuscitation improves organ perfusion after hemorrhagic shock. Am J Surg. 2003 Nov; 186(5):443-8.
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  184. Matheson PJ, Hurt RT, Mittel OF, Wilson MA, Spain DA, Garrison RN. Immune-enhancing enteral diet increases blood flow and proinflammatory cytokines in the rat ileum. J Surg Res. 2003 Apr; 110(2):360-70.
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  185. Martin RA, Hurt RT, Honey JG, Pelaez-Campomanes P. Late Pliocene and early Pleistocene rodents from the Borchers Badlands (Meade County, Kansas), with comments on the Blancan-Irvingtonian boundary in the Meade Basin. Journal of Paleontology. 2003; 77(5):985-1001.