Faculty and Staff

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  1. Chen, Bingkun K. Ph.D.
    1. Chen.BingKun2@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Medicine
    3. Assistant Professor of Neurology
    4. Publications
  2. Groen, Christopher M. Ph.D.
    1. Groen.Christopher@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Neurology
  3. Krull, Ashley A. Ph.D.
    1. Krull.Ashley@mayo.edu
  4. Lavrov, Igor A. M.D., Ph.D.
    1. Lavrov.Igor@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
    3. Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery
  5. Meyer, Jane M.
    1. meyer.jane@mayo.edu
  6. Nesbitt, Jarred J.
    1. Nesbitt.Jarred@mayo.edu
  7. Podratz, Jewel L. M.B.A.
    1. podrj@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  8. Polzin, Michael J.
    1. Polzin.Michael@mayo.edu
  9. Schmeichel, Ann M.
    1. Schmeichel.Ann@mayo.edu
  10. Siddiqui, Ahad M. Ph.D.
    1. Siddiqui.Ahad@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Neurology
    3. Assistant Professor of Regenerative Medicine
    4. Publications
  11. Wang, Huan M.D., Ph.D.
    1. Wang.Huan@mayo.edu
    2. Associate Professor of Neurosurgery
    3. Associate Professor of Orthopedics
    4. Publications
  12. Zhang, Shuya M.S.
    1. zhang.shuya@mayo.edu