Contact Us

We conduct high-quality neural regenerative research and basic sciences studies that focus on enhancing and improving peripheral motor nerve regeneration of nerve autografts, processed nerve allografts and biosynthetic nerve graft substitutes.

Researchers can contact our lab for information about our research on adipose-derived stem cell enhancement of nerve regeneration, immunomodulation of the local environment of the regenerating nerve, and decellularized nerve allograft preparations.

Alexander Y Shin, M.D.

  • Principal Investigator
  • Neural Regenerative Research Laboratory
  • Mayo Clinic
    200 First St. SW
    Rochester, MN 55905
  • Phone: 507-284-0475
  • Email:

Nicholas A. Pulos, M.D.

  • Collaborative Investigator
  • Neural Regenerative Research Laboratory
  • Mayo Clinic
    200 First St. SW
    Rochester, MN 55905
  • Phone: 507-284-2806
  • Email: