The Movement Neurophysiology Lab of John N. Caviness, M.D., at Mayo Clinic A foothold against Parkinson's disease

With the hope of advancing new treatments and controlling cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease and related conditions, Dr. Caviness and his team are studying the underlying causes of movement disorders and developing and validating electrophysiological biomarkers.


The Movement Neurophysiology Laboratory, led by principal investigator John N. Caviness, M.D., studies body movement in Parkinson's disease, myoclonus, tremor, dystonia and other movement disorders. The lab also investigates movement abnormalities whose natures aren't yet known, such as the so-called yips phenomenon in golf.

Our lab uses a variety of technology and equipment to study movement, including movement sensors, electroencephalography, electromyography, evoked potentials, responses to stimulation and audio recording.

A major research focus of our lab is the involvement of cortical mechanisms in abnormal movement. We also study electrophysiology measures of general cognitive ability and specific cognitive tasks, such as speech and speech perception. These measurements can be tracked over time and used to study cognitive deterioration in dementia. These measurements may also be correlated with neuropathological and behavioral concerns.

Our research is supported by a lab team trained to take neurophysiological measurements, plus the equipment and supplies needed to record the measurements.

As part of our work, data are recorded digitally and stored for offline analysis. In addition to visual inspection, our lab can perform averaging, frequency analysis and brain mapping. When needed, data may be recorded outside the laboratory and brought back for analysis.

About Dr. Caviness

In addition to directing the Movement Neurophysiology Lab, Dr. Caviness is a neurologist at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona, and a professor of neurology at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. He is board certified in neurology, electroencephalography and other aspects of clinical neurophysiology.

Dr. Caviness completed a neurology residency in 1990 and an electroencephalography fellowship in 1991, both at Mayo Clinic. As a Mayo Foundation scholar, he studied the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of movement disorders at the University College London Institute of Neurology in Queen Square, London. While there, he studied with the late professor C.D. Marsden and other internationally renowned movement disorder experts. Dr. Caviness then joined the Department of Neurology at Mayo Clinic in Arizona.

Dr. Caviness primarily researches Parkinson's disease (cortical dysfunction), myoclonus, Huntington's disease and other choreas, and electrophysiology. His hope is to better understand the effects of new and experimental treatments in Parkinson's disease and related diseases and to help identify the best early therapies to prevent the progression of Parkinson's disease. Dr. Caviness is active within the clinical core program of the Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Center at Mayo Clinic in Arizona. He has previously received funding from the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research and Banner Sun Health Research Institute.