
Rochester, Minnesota




The research focus of Gianluca Cipriani, Ph.D., is investigating the role of macrophages in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and their interactions with enteric neurons to regulate GI motility. In his laboratory, a multidisciplinary approach is employed. His team combines genetics, pharmacology, proteomics, invitro cultures and advanced imaging techniques to identify potential therapeutic targets for various functional GI diseases. The goal of Dr. Cipriani's research is to discover clinically relevant strategies for the treatment of these diseases by targeting macrophages.

Focus areas

  • Discovery of novel mechanisms underlying macrophage-enteric neuron interaction. Dr. Cipriani's laboratory is dedicated to uncovering novel mechanisms that underlie the interaction between macrophages and enteric neurons. Using advanced techniques, his research team is investigating how macrophages communicate with enteric neurons in various gastrointestinal functional disorders. Recent findings have revealed that macrophages not only regulate the number of enteric neurons but also play a role in the formation of synapses. Currently, Dr. Cipriani's work is focused on understanding the intricate mechanisms involved in macrophage-enteric neuron interaction, particularly exploring how this interaction is affected by the aging process.
  • Mechanical regulation of macrophage phenotype in functional GI diseases. Dr. Cipriani is investigating the mechanical regulation of macrophage phenotype in functional GI diseases. Many of these diseases are characterized by increased tissue stiffness and chronic inflammation. Dr. Cipriani's research aims to unravel how the increased tissue stiffness observed in these GI conditions promotes macrophage activation. By understanding the underlying mechanisms that regulate macrophage activation in functional GI diseases, his team hopes to identify potential therapeutic targets.

Significance to patient care

Functional GI disorders encompass a range of conditions that involve alterations in macrophages and their crucial interactions with cells involved in GI physiology, including enteric neurons. Investigating the novel pathways through which macrophages modulate the function of neurons holds promise for finding potential therapeutic targets and innovative treatments for functional GI disorders.

Professional highlights

  • Fundamental Mechanisms of Aging Award, Robert and Arlene Kogod Center on Aging, Mayo Clinic, 2023.


Administrative Appointment

  1. Associate Consultant I-Research, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine
  2. Associate Consultant I-Research, Department of Physiology & Biomedical Engineering

Academic Rank

  1. Assistant Professor of Medicine


  1. D.Phil University of Florence
  2. Post Doctoral Associate Mayo Clinic
  3. PhD Research Fellow Mayo Clinic
  4. Master in Biomedical Sciences University of Florence
  5. Bachelor University of Florence

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