
Rochester, Minnesota


Kent R. Bailey, Ph.D., is a senior statistician who has been primarily involved in cardiovascular and hypertension studies over the last 36 years.

Dr. Bailey's statistical work and interests have included applying survival methods in novel contexts, such as hypertension control; developing models for local prevalence and trends in obesity; developing age-recursive models for disease prevalence; and analyzing high-dimensional omic data. Dr. Bailey recently created a discrimination tool that accommodates interactions between two variables by considering the likelihood ratio contours for group membership.

More recently, Dr. Bailey has been working on developing adaptive methods in clinical trials that include choosing the analysis based on pooled blinded endpoint data.

Focus areas

  • Using incidence and relative survival data to derive age- and sex-specific prevalence rates for any disease
  • Modeling obesity prevalence in Olmsted County in Minnesota and developing the ability to estimate its impact on various diseases for which incidence series are available for the county, including estimation of attributable risk
  • Expanding the use of survival analysis tools, including the use of standard censored survival methodology in cross-sectional settings, such as hypertension control data and stress testing data, using a novel definition of a censoring or observed event
  • Expanding survival methods to censored parametric modeling following empirical transformations to normality
  • Translating complex models — for example, with interactions — into understandable and digestible results
  • Exploring novel methods in clinical trials, including monitoring accumulating results for a partially unobserved endpoint and adaptive analysis based on blinded pooled endpoint data

Significance to patient care

Dr. Bailey's research is helping delineate the role of genetics, lifestyle factors and behaviors, such as obesity and smoking, in the etiology of important diseases, including cardiovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease and cerebrovascular disease. His work has helped define the role of pharmacogenomic testing in the setting of dual antiplatelet therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention. Dr. Bailey's research is also helping improve risk stratification for venous thromboembolism in the setting of hospitalization with and without surgery, malignancy, and other high-risk conditions and events.


Primary Appointment

  1. Consultant, Division of Clinical Trials and Biostatistics, Department of Quantitative Health Sciences

Academic Rank

  1. Professor of Biostatistics


  1. Post-Doc - Statistics Stanford University
  2. PhD - Statistics University of Chicago
  3. BA - Mathematics Oberlin College

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