
The Mayo Clinic Department of Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery offers a research fellowship to medical school students and recent graduates that provides an opportunity for participants to work within our research program to advance patient care.

As a research fellow, you will be given an opportunity to immerse yourself in the research side of clinical practice and gain invaluable experience and training for your future career.

In the program, you will develop a research plan, meet with departmental statisticians to create a statistical plan and have a fellowship timeline. You'll also give presentations to the department's Research Committee, which helps fellows meet research goals and gain experience presenting. In addition, fellows assist with ongoing projects, database management and data acquisition.

The number of publications and projects each fellow can participate in is directly related to the individual's motivation and efficiency. The department encourages fellows to take leadership roles and earn first authorship in their primary projects.


The Department of Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery offers two full-time, paid fellowship positions, including:

  • Salary
  • Benefits
  • Relocation stipend
  • Funding to attend and present at national conferences

These two positions are offered to candidates from groups that are underrepresented in medicine — such as Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native American, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander — or who demonstrate a significant financially or educationally disadvantaged background.

The department can offer up to two additional unrestricted positions for applicants who have commensurate independent funding, such as from a home institution or grant, for periods of time up to one academic year with a rolling application process.

Program components

The program runs for 12 calendar months beginning in June or July of the program year.


The fellowship includes a week-long, intensive research bootcamp covering topics such as:

  • Statistics 101
  • Health care disparities
  • How to choose a mentor

In addition, fellows can complete a one-month clinical research "Sub-I" to gain experience and exposure in the operating room and clinical setting.

Fellows attend all general didactic sessions as well as research-specific didactics — for example, craniofacial conference, otology journal club and the like. Fellows have opportunities to present their work at departmental Research Grand Rounds and at the year-end Resident Research Day.


Each fellow is paired with a primary faculty mentor and primary resident mentor and meets weekly with the faculty research mentor.

Outreach and engagement

Outreach opportunities for fellows include:

  • Mentoring undergraduate research students in the department's summer research program
  • Mentoring high school students through the Mayo Clinic Health Career Collaborative, which partners with Rochester STEM Academy
  • Participating in the department's community outreach clinic, which serves a predominantly Hispanic and Latino patient population

Although currently awaiting political stabilization, the department hopes to offer an opportunity to participate in virtual clinical rounds with colleagues in Ethiopia.

The Department of Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery strives to engage fellows in the departmental community and the larger Mayo Clinic and Rochester communities. Learn more about the department's diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.


Before the end of the program, department faculty members provide feedback on residency application materials such as CVs and personal statements. Fellows participate in mock interviews with faculty members to prepare for successful residency applications. Additionally, a Mayo Clinic photographer will provide each fellow with professional headshots.

Research fellows



Previous research fellows


  • Ghazal S. Daher, M.D.


  • Cynthia Chweya, M.D.
  • Joseph el Badaoui, M.D.