Service Requests

How to submit samples for analysis

We strongly recommended that you contact the Mayo Clinic Metabolomics Core staff in the early stages of your project to discuss what measurements will be most appropriate to accomplish your goals. Metabolites are susceptible to a large number of "pre-analytic" sources of variability that should be addressed before samples are collected.

The core staff has expertise in study design, sample collection procedures, storage and analysis. Individual consultations can be arranged by contacting the core director.

When you are ready to submit samples for analysis, please contact the core manager to request a submission form and discuss logistics. If sending from outside of Mayo Clinic, please use an overnight carrier by midweek to ensure that samples arrive without thawing and before the weekend. Once we receive your samples, we will notify you by email and confirm whether they arrived frozen.

We will place your project in the analysis queue after receiving it. When the core completes your analyses, we will notify you by email and provide a link to retrieve the data. If necessary, we will arrange a post-analysis meeting to discuss the results and next steps if applicable.

Nonstandard service requests

The Mayo Clinic Metabolomics Core has a long history of innovation and novel methodology development. We embrace new analytic challenges and try to accommodate as many requests as we can. If there is a particular analyte or group of chemical compounds that you wish to measure, please contact the core director to discuss the project.