About the Core

Staff member pipetting in the Immunochemical Core laboratory at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.

On average each year, the core supports 130 research protocols for 50 to 75 investigators.


Immunochemical Core staff members include a director, a laboratory assistant, four senior research technologists, two development technologists, a quality specialist and a laboratory manager.

Investigators using the core benefit from the extensive depth of personnel experience, as the average tenure of Immunochemical Core technologists is 23 years. All technologists undergo annual competency training and also have documented training for the specific techniques and assays they perform.

The core is directed by Jonathan B. Hoyne, Ph.D. Dr. Hoyne has more than 20 years of expertise in the fields of protein biochemistry, clinical biochemistry, immunochemical methods and mass spectrometry technology.

Research and development

Upon request, the Immunochemical Core can test most assays or kits available on its current platforms.

For novel assay development, the core evaluates each project on an individual basis. New development projects require a consultation meeting to discuss the project's specifics and the capabilities of the core to perform the development work. Fee details also are discussed.

For assays on sample types that the core has not validated, an initial pilot study may be needed to ensure that the specimen type is appropriate to obtain accurate results.

Contact the core for more information.


The Immunochemical Core is certified by both the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) through the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA). Regulatory requirements include thorough test validation, documentation, standardized test procedures and review of quality control markers.