Facilities and Equipment

The Immune Monitoring Core is supported by the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center. The lab occupies 870 square feet on the fifth floor of the Guggenheim Building at Mayo Clinic's campus in Rochester, Minnesota, and 229 square feet in the Johnson Research Building at Mayo's campus in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The Immune Monitoring Core uses several multiparameter cytometry and imaging modalities to perform single-cell analysis studies, including Standard BioTools Helios cytometry by time-of-flight (CyTOF) technology. The core provides services using the Standard BioTools Hyperion Imaging System. Mass cytometry technology using Helios CyTOF enables a comprehensive understanding of cell phenotypes, signaling pathways and function. The core currently has three Helios systems, with two located in Rochester and one located at Mayo Clinic's facility in Scottsdale, Arizona. Helios also serves as a high-dimensional single-cell suspension analysis tool when decoupled from the Hyperion tissue imager.