Artificial Intelligence — Deep Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) — machine and deep learning — involves passing data to a computer algorithm that can build out statistical models that interpret the data. While both traditional machine learning and deep learning models can be complex, deep learning models require significantly more computational resources. The benefit of deep learning models is they achieve human-like performance for detection and problem classification. For example, these models can detect the presence of tumors in thousands of images. Once trained, a model can generate accurate findings in a fraction of the time required for manual analysis.

The Biomedical Imaging Resource Core can assist investigators in performing deep or machine learning on large volumes of image data. This allows investigators across disciplines and physical locations to use the virtual platform on campus or remotely with better efficiency and functionality than other offerings in the marketplace.

Investigators can reach out to Biomedical Imaging Resource Core staff with expertise in hardware, algorithms and protocols to help write protocols that are technically and strategically correct and to provide consultation on how to collect pilot data for grant applications.

The core's AI service is flexible to provide both novice and experienced users with support tailored to their unique needs.

The Biomedical Imaging Resource Core offers three tiers of AI service:

  • High tier: Investigators provide data and have the core staff perform all model development and analyses.
  • Mid tier: Investigators who have an idea of what data they would like to link to a training or test set.
  • Low tier: Investigators use the core equipment to build out their own models using a customer-friendly interface.