Breast MRI

Displaying 10 studies

  • Study Analyzing Implied Preferences for Gadolinium Properties in Patients Undergoing Breast MRI Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to measure the part-worth utilities breast MRI screening patients place on different MRI gadolinium contrast parameters, and to use those data to better understand and deliver patient-centered contrast agents for MRI screening exams.

  • Breast MR Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to examine the capability of contrast enhanced breast PCD-CT in staging breast cancer within the breasts and regional nodes of human subjects. Developing and using a PCD-CT imaging technique and postprocessing algorithms, dedicated for breast cancer detection.

  • A Study to Analyze Supine Breast MRI Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to characterize the changes occurring in breast tumor-associated properties/ dimensions between the prone and supine imaging positions and to develop a dataset of supine-positioned MRIs that can be translated into an operative setting for real-time visualization.

  • Abbreviated Breast MRI and Digital Tomosynthesis Mammography in Screening Women With Dense Breasts Jacksonville, FL; Rochester, MN

    This randomized phase II trial studies how well abbreviated breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and digital tomosynthesis mammography work in detecting cancer in women with dense breast. Abbreviated breast MRI is a low cost procedure in which radio waves and a powerful magnet linked to a computer and used to create detailed pictures of the breast in less than 10 minutes. These pictures can show the difference between normal and diseased tissue. Digital tomosynthesis mammography is a procedure that uses multiple x-rays pictures of each breast to produce a 3-dimensional rendering of the entire breast. Combined screening with abbreviated breast ...

  • CT of the Breast: Feasibility and Comparison with MRI in Women with Breast Cancer No Locations

    The purpose of this study is to estimate the performance (sensitivity, specificity, accuracy) of dual-energy CT of the breast for detection of breast cancer in the ipsilateral and contralateral breast compared to standard multihance breast MR imaging.  To determine the optimal workflow and images needed (multiplanar reconstructions, color maps, etc.) needed for routine interpretation of DE or quantitative CT imaging of contrast enhanced breast DECT.

  • Study to Compare Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound, Contrast-Enhanced Dual Energy Mammography, and Contrast-Enhanced Breast MR for Early Breast Cancer Detection No Locations

    The purpose of this study is to determine whether contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) can be used in diagnostic evaluation of breast lesions that cannot be seen using contrast-enhanced MRI (CEMR) and contrast- enhanced dual energy mammography (CEDM).   If so, patients can undergo US guided biopsy which is more comfortable for patients and more cost effective.

  • A Study of the Effect of Using MRI and Mammography Before Surgery in Patients with Stage I-II Breast Cancer Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to assess whether patients undergoing a breast MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) before breast surgery will have better results after the surgery. Breast tumors are routinely evaluated using mammograms and ultrasound before surgery. This study would like to find out if using MRI in addition to mammography before surgery improves the ability to evaluate tumors and decide what kind of surgery is best for the patient.

  • A Study of BI-RADS 4 and 5 Lesions that are Malignant and Increased Stiffness on MR Elastography Compared to Lesions that are Benign No Locations

    The purpose of this study is to gather measurements of mechanical properties of BI-RADS 4 and 5 lesions in order to test the effectiveness of MR elastography (MRE) in differentiating benign versus malignant disease. We will also test the mechanical properties of bilateral breast tissue on MRE to find any correlation with breast density on mammograms.

  • A Study to Assess Tissue Mechanical Properties as a Prognostic Biomarker of Breast Cancer using MR Elastography No Locations

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the mechanical properties of breast tissue on MRE (including stiffness, elasticity, viscosity, and volumetric stain) to find any correlation between these variables with breast density and background parenchymal enhancement, both of which are considered independent risk factors for breast carcinoma. We can also assess any suspicious lymph nodes noted on diagnostic MRI and correlate with stiffness values of the lymph nodes on MRI.

  • A Study to Compare Positron Emission Mammography with Contrast-Enhanced Breast MRI for Detecting Breast Cancer No Locations

    The purpose of this study is to compare the detection sensitivity of positron emission mammography to contrast-enhanced breast MRI in women with a high suspicion of breast cancer.


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