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Clinical Studies


Closed for Enrollment

  • Attitudes and Uptake of Return of Individual Hepatitis Viral Load Test Results Jacksonville, Fla.

    The purpose of this study is to understand if there are race-specific or other demographic-specific attitudes about voluntary testing for hepatitis B and C virus infection and return of individual research results that could have implication for an individual's risk of developing hepatitis-related liver cancer. Understanding these attitudes is a necessary first step to developing effective intervention strategies for liver cancer prevention.

  • Biospecimen Resource for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Research Jacksonville, Fla.

    The purpose of this study is to create a registry of patients with liver cancer (also known as hepatocellular carcinoma) and individuals with no history of liver cancer in order to characterize risk factors for liver cancer and identify biomarkers for early detection of liver cancer. 



  • Two Cancers, One Gene (TCOG) Rochester, Minn.

    The overall purpose of this study is to understand the factors that increase susceptibility and expression of pancreatic cancer and melanoma in high risk families.  Individuals who are affected with pancreas cancer and melanoma, as well as those without either cancer who have been identified as 1st or 2nd degree relatives of family members with pancreas cancer and melanoma, will be asked to participate. The participant will be asked to complete a survey about their health and family history of cancer and to give a blood sample for specific gene testing and storage for future research studies.
