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Clinical Studies


  • Understanding the Baseball Swing Through Motion Capture (MoCap) Rochester, Minn.

    The primary aim of this study is to develop a deeper understanding of the kinetics and kinematics of the baseball swing.  Secondary aims include: describing the relative stress/forces across major lower extremity joints and spine during the baseball swing, assessing the intra- and inter-batter variability in the swing, determining how kinetics/kinematics vary across different batting scenarios, determining how kinetics/kinematics vary across different batting efforts, correlating swing kinetics with bat velocity, correlating swing kinetics with ball exit velocity, assessing the validity and reliability of various wearable devices compared to motion capture, determining the impact of bat weight on swing kinetics/kinematics, determining the impact of ball weight on swing kinetics/kinematics, assessment of eye tracking, and comparison of male baseball swing to female softball swing.



    Traditionally, batting mechanics have been analyzed qualitatively during direct observation or by viewing video tapes of batting motions.  More recently, sophisticated motion analysis systems have facilitated the collection of quantitative, three-dimensional kinematic information of the batting motion.  These advancements provide the opportunity for more detailed analyses of batting motions that can be integrated into the evaluation and treatment of baseball batters at the Mayo Clinic, with the hypothesis that metrics gathered from the force plates and motion capture are more reliable than the Motus wearables.


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  • Management of Elbow Injuries in Athletes: A Prospective Multicenter Cohort Minneapolis, Minn., Rochester, Minn.

    The purpose of this study is to assess the longitudinal clinical outcomes regarding elbow and UCL injury management in overhead athletes. This study will define indications for UCL repair, reconstruction and other surgeries and will provide important prognostic data regarding the characteristics associated with failure of non-operative and operative treatment. Findings will allow providers to counsel patients on the likelihood of return to sport, time to return, and complications associated with each treatment.

  • Review of Elbow Medial Ulnar Collateral Ligament Surgery Outcomes in Athletes Rochester, Minn.

    The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the outcomes of patients having undergone Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) reconstruction using allograft and autograft. 

Closed for Enrollment
