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  • Clinical-grade Molecular Profiling of Patients With Multiple Myeloma and Related Plasma Cell Malignancies Jacksonville, Fla.

    Here we propose an "integrative sequencing approach" utilizing a 1500 gene exome comparative analysis between multiple myeloma or related plasma cell malignancies and normal cells coupled to capture transcriptome sequencing to provide a nearly comprehensive landscape of the genetic alterations for the purpose of identifying informative and/or actionable mutations in patients with multiple myeloma and plasma cell malignancies. The approach will enable the detection of point mutations, insertions/deletions, gene fusions and rearrangements, amplifications/deletions, and outlier expressed genes among other classes of alterations.

  • MC200806: Use of Natural Signals and Ambient Dendritic Cells to Culture-expand Cancer Targeting T-cells Directly from Unfractionated Peripheral Blood: A Phase 1 T-cell Dose Escalation Trial Targeting Relapsed and Refractory MUC1-Expressing Multiple Myeloma Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz.

    Primary Goal: To determine the toxicity of in-house, manufactured MUC1-activated T cells in patients with relapsed/refractory MUC1-expressing multiple myeloma.

    The rationale for using MUC1-stimulated T-cells to treat multiple myeloma is twofold. The first is that T-cell therapies have been shown to be active in myeloma, making it an attractive disease model for the proposed study. The other is that we are expanding and using naturally occurring myeloma-fighting T-cells which may offer benefits, particularly with respect to longevity, as compared to the methods currently being employed using CAR-T and bispecific antibodies. This is highly significant as one of the main limitations of current T-cell therapies is their limited duration of action. Long range, having demonstrated the utility of MUC1-stimulated T-cells in myeloma, we will expand the use to common MUC1+ solid tumors (breast, colon, lung), as well as expand the pool of antigens that may be targeted.


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