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Clinical Studies

Closed for Enrollment

  • Mayo Clinic Biobank - Return of Results of Pharmacogenomic Testing for Genes Involved in Metabolism of 5FU and Capecitibine Rochester, Minn.

    A group of Mayo Clinic Biobank participants were genotyped for genetic variants as part of a separate study and a subset were found to be carriers of one or more important variants that increased risk of severe (grade 3, 4 or 5) toxicity.   

    These variants were reviewed by experts at Mayo Clinic and judged to:  1) have important health implications (toxicity) for participants if they were ever exposed to pharmaceutical agents containing 5-fluoruracil, and 2) to be clinically actionable (change options for treatment).

    The purpose of this study is to return results to participants enrolled in the Mayo Clinic Biobank (IRB 08-007049) who are known to carry genetic variants likely to cause toxicity if exposed to 5FU or capecitibine. 

  • The Epidemiology of Estrogen Genotoxicity in Breast Cancer Rochester, Minn.

    The purpose of this study is to recruit 2000 incident cases of primary breast cancer in order to perform laboratory assays to measure frequencies of genetic polymorphisms for genes that encode enzymes involved in candidate gene pathways, including:  estrogen and catecholestrogen formation, bioactivation and inactivation, cellular proliferation and apoptosis, nuclear factor kappa-beta; to compare genotype frequencies for polymorphisms of genes in breast cancer cases and controls, and to evaluate possible interactions among common polymorphisms in candidate genes.

  • Voyage: Real-World Impact of the Multi-target Stool DNA Test on CRC Screening and Mortality (VOYAGE) Rochester, Minn.

    The purpose of this study is to develop a health services registry and repository to prospectively examine patient use of health services and related health outcomes over time among a cohort of adults who have had an order placed for Cologuard.
