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Clinical Studies

Closed for Enrollment

  • (cVAD Registry) The Global cVAD Registry Rochester, Minn.

    The goal of the global cVAD registry is to collect clinical, procedural and outcome data from hospital medical records for patients who received one or multiple Impella devices in routine clinical care, across all participating sites without preselection.

  • AVERT™ Clinical Trial (AVERT™) Rochester, Minn.

    The Osprey Medical AVERT System is indicated to reduce contrast media (CM) exposure to the kidneys during percutaneous coronary procedures thereby reducing the risk of contrast induced nephropathy (CIN).

  • Clinical Evaluation of the CADence Device in Detection of Coronary Artery Diseases (TURBULENCE) Rochester, Minn.

    This is a multi-center, prospective, non-randomized, double-blinded trial to evaluate the performance of the CADence device in detecting the existence of clinically significant coronary artery disease.

  • Clinical Use of the Impella RP System Rochester, Minn.

    This Is a Humanitarian Use Protocol for the Impella RP® System which is indicated for providing circulatory assistance for up to 14 days in pediatric or adult patients with a body surface area ≥ 1.5 m2 who develop acute right heart failure or decompensation following left ventricular assist device implantation, myocardial infarction, heart transplant, or open-heart surgery. 

  • SILVER-AMI: Risk Stratification in Older Persons with Acute Myocardial Infarction (SILVER-AMI) Rochester, Minn.

    The purpose of this study is to gather data to develop a risk model that can be used to help doctors predict the recovery of older persons who have been admitted to the hospital with a heart attack. Information will be collected on hospital readmissions, death, and decline in health from any cause following a heart attack. The goal is help older people in the future make well-informed decisions about their health care during a heart attack.
