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Clinical Studies


  • Phase 2 Clinical Trial of FIsetin to Treat CArpal Tunnel Syndrome (FITCATS) (FITCATS) Rochester, Minn.

    The purpose of this trial is to determine if Fisetin has any effect on CTS, powered based on the results of known effective treatments of CTS. The primary hypothesis is that the Boston CTS questionnaire score will improve by 1 point from pre-treatment to 60 days post-treatment. The secondary hypothesis is that clinical improvement will be proportional to the effect in reducing blood markers of cellular senescence

Closed for Enrollment

  • DUCATS Trial: Dynamic Ultrasound to Enhance Understanding of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (DUCATS) Rochester, Minn.

    The purpose of this study is to use ultrasound to detect variations in nerve, tendon and subsynovial connective tissue mobility in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome may be useful as functional biomarkers that serve as predictors for treatment response. To test this patients presenting for treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome will be monitored by ultrasound and by clinical assessment before and after non-surgical and surgical treatment.  The clinical outcomes will be alined with the initial ultrasound motion patterns.

  • Harvest Of Human Adipose (Fat), Bone Marrow and Tendon Cells Rochester, Minn.

    The goal of this study is to collect tissue for a research project in which tendinopathy is induced in immunocompromised rats.

  • Hydrodissection as a Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Rochester, Minn.

    This is a pilot study designed to acquire data on the added value of hydrodissection when using a corticosteroid injection as a treatment for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Hydrodissection is part of a standard clinical care injection under ultrasound guidance in which the fluid is used to separate the nerve from surrounding structures.

  • Study of Normal Subsynovial Connective Tissue and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Rochester, Minn.

    The purpose of this study is to collect normal tissue as the control for a study looking at the role of synovial fibrosis in the development of carpal tunnel syndrome.
