Core Services

Three core facilities supported by the Mayo Clinic Robert M. and Billie Kelley Pirnie Translational Polycystic Kidney Disease Center provide both Mayo Clinic and external investigators with access to state-of-the-art technical resources and services for polycystic kidney disease (PKD) research.

Genetics, Epigenetics and Metabolomics Core

The Genetics, Epigenetics and Metabolomics Core provides specialized genetics, epigenetics and metabolomics services to support research and clinical trials. Read more.

Imaging and Analysis Core

The Imaging and Analysis Core offers services to assess and catalog polycystic kidney disease (PKD) progression or regression with a focus on imaging data management and image analysis. Read more.

Model Systems Core

The Model Systems Core develops and makes available PKD technologies and model systems, including C. elegans, rodents and zebrafish, to evaluate potential therapies and determine the function of PKD proteins. Read more.