Mayo Research Fellows' Association

Mayo Research Fellows' Association is an interdisciplinary network of investigators who provide leadership and professional development for young and emerging research scientists at Mayo Clinic. The association's primary goal is to create an environment of collegiality, thereby providing opportunities to develop mentoring relationships among researchers and fostering an exchange of ideas concerning research, careers in science and contemporary issues in the scientific community.


Mayo Research Fellows' Association offers valuable networking, career development and social support benefits, including:

  • Access to funding opportunities from Mayo Clinic and external organizations (must be logged in to the Mayo Clinic network)
  • Free or discounted rates for career development seminars and workshops
  • Free social activities
  • Emailed updates and announcements
  • Information on employment opportunities such as adjunct or postdoc positions (must be logged in to the Mayo Clinic network)
  • Opportunities to volunteer for social and community service
  • Opportunities to serve as a Mayo Research Fellows' Association leader
  • Venue to discuss questions and concerns with Mayo Clinic Research Administration Services


Postdoctoral research training at Mayo Clinic provides outstanding opportunities to hone your scientific skills. It also allows you to develop the other skills needed to be successful in an ever-changing scientific environment. Mayo Research Fellows' Association offers regular educational and career development events to complement your scientific training, including:

  • First Thursday workshops. The goal of the First Thursday workshop series is to provide specific guidance and in-depth training on topics of interest to Mayo's research fellows. Workshops are typically held at Mayo's campus in Rochester, Minnesota, with satellite viewings on the Arizona and Florida campuses and webcasts archived online (must be logged in to the Mayo Clinic network). Fellows are encouraged to suggest workshop topics.
  • Third Thursday seminars. Every month, Mayo Research Fellows' Association brings in talented speakers from academia, industry, voluntary health organizations and funding agencies to provide unique insight and networking opportunities. Seminars are typically held at Mayo's campus in Rochester, Minnesota, with satellite viewings on the Arizona and Florida campuses and webcasts archived online (must be logged in to the Mayo Clinic network). Fellows are encouraged to suggest seminar topics.
  • Research Day. Research Day is an event that occurs every other year, promoting interdisciplinary science and encouraging multidisciplinary collaboration between scientists and physicians. Its goals are to provide a forum for career and professional development, encourage communication between researchers in related fields, and recognize outstanding achievement. The event includes presentations and poster awards for top abstracts in the categories of clinical, basic and translational research.

    For more information on Research Day, please visit the Mayo Research Fellows' Association intranet site (must be logged in to the Mayo Clinic network).


Because the primary goal of Mayo Research Fellows' Association is to promote collegiality, membership is open to everyone involved in postdoctoral research training at Mayo Clinic. To increase opportunities for mentoring interactions among researchers and to foster an exchange of ideas about research, membership is also open to visiting trainees and Research Temporary Professionals (RTP) who are conducting research at Mayo.

The leadership of Mayo Research Fellows' Association is made up of elected and appointed volunteers from the Mayo Research Fellow community.

Join Mayo Research Fellows' Association (must be logged in to the Mayo Clinic network).