Clinical Trials

The Nicotine Research Program at Mayo Clinic is enrolling participants in the following clinical trials:

Varenicline and Lorcaserin for Smoking Cessation in Overweight Smokers

This study is being conducted to see if using lorcaserin (Belviq) will reduce the amount of weight gain in individuals who stop smoking using varenicline (Chantix).

One hundred smokers who have body mass indexes between 27 and 39.9 and are weight concerned will be given a supply of varenicline and be randomized to active or placebo lorcaserin for 12 weeks. They will then receive post-medication follow-ups for an additional 12 weeks.

Status: Enrolling — Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota

  1. Ryan T. Hurt, M.D., Ph.D.
    1. Principal Investigator
  2. Allison R. Zinter
    1. Lead Coordinator

For more information please call 507-266-1944 or email