Hospital Internal Medicine Providers' Perceptions of Social Isolation and Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic

HEXAGON's COVID-19 hospitalist stress survey aims to understand the perceptions of hospital internal medicine providers regarding anxiety, social isolation and emotional support during the pandemic.

Although there is anecdotal information on the emotional stress experienced by health care professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic, published literature on the extent and scope of this stress is limited. To address this knowledge gap, the study team surveyed physician assistants, nurse practitioners and physicians in the Mayo Clinic Division of Hospital Internal Medicine and Mayo Clinic Health Systems, with follow-ups as long as 12 months after the initial survey.

By gauging hospitalists' self-reported levels of anxiety and isolation, HEXAGON aims to identify stressors and guide support strategies specific to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. This approach not only addresses hospitalists' mental and emotional needs but also serves patients through the recognition that a better supported hospital staff provides better care.