Cystic Kidney and Liver Disease Biobank

The Genetics, Epigenetics and Metabolomic Core runs the Cystic Kidney and Liver Disease Biobank. This biobank collects tissue and cyst fluid samples from people who have undergone procedures such as nephrectomy, partial liver resection or cyst drainage. The biobank also provides valuable reagents for understanding the pathogenesis of polycystic kidney disease.

Tissue and cyst fluid samples for the biobank come from Mayo Clinic patients.

Typical procedure

  • Samples are collected at the time of the person's nephrectomy or partial liver resection.
  • Samples collected include frozen tissue, cells for culturing and fixed material.
  • Mutation screening is performed on the samples using a tNGS panel.


Email us for access to material from the Cystic Kidney and Liver Disease Biobank.